(2011/12) Dec 2011

@CP, can you email me the names in Chinese? I cannot suggest based on Han Yu Ping Yin (HYPY) cos the names might not come out nice. There are many words with the same HYPY but very different in writing. Is it acceptable to have same sounding but different character?

i need to know what meaning you would like your child to have also...


hi mummies! how have everyone been to lately? I've been sooo busy settling down in new job (yes! how grateful i am to my current employer who hire me despite when they make the offer, i 'come clean' that i'm preg!). i've 'achieved' quite some stuff ;p - did my detailed scan and confirm is a gal! yeah! who is updating the calendar now? is it still MamaAsh? pls help me update. oh, it's gretel not gretal la ;)

i've selected my maid and will be arriving in mid sep - plan is to train for at least 2mths before bb pop in early dec - gosh i can't wait!

i haven't had that STRONG maternal instinct untill my detailed check up day n i see soooo many newborns i teared! so drama hahaha... but the feeling is really really overwhelming thinking jus a few mths i'll hv one in my arms too! n i recall my #1 when he's infant - gosh how time flies!!!

another thing to update - CL. i paid the depost $100 to my CL then she asked for my address - say wanna send me 'yao dan' (list of herbs) so when i received it, guess what?! a list of 'T&C' in the list! i was soooo pissed i called and ask. some of the 'unreasonable rules' - when bb sleep, allow the CL to sleep (in my heart i am thinking BUT newborn ALWAYS zzzz isnt it?!. 2nd 'rule' - compulsory to give ang bow on 1st and last day - this is not as discussed when i booked her. when i call and ask, she says is 'zhe ge shi LAW lai de' (tis is 'law')...wth... 3rd one - price instead of the agreed $2.2k in her Black and White she puts $2.3k??? when asked she deliberated 'oh, wo ge ni discount. but xian zai shi 2.3.....' i dun care im giving 2.2k. then last - depart '27/ 28 days'. so i asked 'dao di shi 27 hai shi 28tian?!?!?!' hearing im pissed. she says 28days... gosh in GOOD FAITH i hope when she finally come n do my confinement pls dun chu pattern....

hope everyone's well!!!

leg cramps - yes! n ENDLESs PEEEEEEE esp at nite! irritating really. wake up 3-4times to pee at nite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dark circles worst than panda now.

but the fun thing is - bb's kicks been more obvious now. CONStANTLY feeling her n i'll knw when she's zzzz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])) joy of upcoming mummyhood yeah!! 20 weeks now so half way! almost!!!!

bfly: Thanks for the lobang on the medela breast pump! Really quite cheap compared to even the expo sale prices, good deal. But I'm still torn between Advent and Medela, can't decide! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Will it matter if I use a Medela pump but when feeding baby use a Advent bottle???

TIE: Wow so the CD of images was FOC? That's really good! I'm doing my detailed scan this Sat, hopefully Mt A also has this service. Else the hardcopy images from my gynae are always very black and grainy, can't see much. Congrats on your baby gal! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bestmok: Heard that a lot of CLs belong to networks / groups, will recommend other CLs if their schedule cannot fit, so should be ok bah. But seems a bit strange that you cannot contact Yu Lan directly leh, maybe you try to ask Aunty Mary to give you her number? And yah best to meet up with Yu Lan, just like what Jasline suggested, to make the assessment before committing. I still haven't met up with mine to pay her yet though, hopefully she keeps her word and doesn't take on another job! Else will have to activate my mother as backup liao haha

Bfly & Jasline:

Re: Breastpump

You can try checking out the spree section too. I saw someone offering at a cheaper price if u getting freestyle without warranty. Tan leng leng spree is cheaper too but no open spree right now, she takes order for accessories too. She goes by current exchange rate so estimated about 30 bucks cheaper. 

Hi everyone!

I was 10min late for my detail scan and waited 20min for my turn. Because baby wasn't too cooperative, the whole scan took about an hour and 2 sonographer to scan me. The first sonographer was a bit rough and she pressed rather hard on my tummy. I got a backache after lying down for so long. Least today baby shows some movement though wrong movement at the wrong time and I thought I saw him sucking his thumb/fingers non-stop. Anyway, Im expecting a baby boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Finally can start preparing things for the correct gender.

Now waiting for my turn to see the gynae, hope everything is ok because the sonographers had a hard time scanning his tummy.

TIE, congrats! So nice of your hospital to provide CD for you, we weren't allow to record or take picture, so sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Betsmok, my confinement lady called me to tell me that she couldn't take up my case. Due to the high demand, I guess mostly I'll go through agency instead.

Any mummies with good recommendations for CL from agency, pls let me know, thanks!

On the stiff fingers issue, I think I have it too. I noticed this morning when I wake up, my fingers were stiff for about 2min.

As for the offer at BHG Tamp, like AC mentioned they only have bundle promotion for Capella S217 + matching car seat and a walker for $349. We thought the walker look bulky and not nice. S705 is priced at $329 but not sure is before or after 20% discount. My hubby didn't like Capella stroller because of it's design so we'll be getting from other brands instead.

Gretel: Be careful with th CL then..FYI, it's common practice to give angpow when CL arrives & departs. Arrival angpow can be small token as a courtesy gesture. Departure angpow will depend on how satisfied you are with her svc. If good, if more. If bad, small ang pow will do. Heard that some CLs may nap when baby naps in the afternoon but for a short time only to make up for the lost sleep doing night duty. Not sleep all the time when baby sleeps lah... If M'sian, the CLs can onlynstay max 4wks with a report to immigration to stamp passport after the 1st fortnight coz they're onlynissued 2wks visa at 1 time. My younger brother had a bad experience with his 1st CL not only she didn't do her job properly, she demanded my bro to allow her son to come stay at his place for a few days during the confinement. How can, right? Esp my bro had to travel leaving only the wife & newborn at home with the CL. Fed up so sack her lor...

My gynae does give me CDs on th baby scan in photo & movie mode after every visit. It was in video tape when I was pregnant with my girl 8 hrs ago then adv to CD 2 years later. Frankly, can't tell much with those chim photos lah...

AC: My Chinese not so good leh..how to email in Chinese? Surname is Zhao.. Zhou (walk) pan with a cross(x).. same Zhao as Vicki Zhao Wei. Middle name is Fan..sounds like fan shu (sweet potato). I'll pray harder for a name to drop from the sky for me...

Oh dear, bad news! My gynae mentioned that the umbilical cord is abnormal and they will hold a meeting to discuss if there's a need for me to do an amnio. The meeting will analyze and re-adjust my ratio for the OSCAR result. It's so upsetting to be so happy knowing baby's gender (I wanted a boy and got a boy) then now this bad news. It's like I suddenly fell from the top of the world. Cant helped but shed tears while waiting for payment.

Any mummies experienced this before? Any advice?

Ling, not yet. Was just inform by the gynae after the detail scan, now I gotta wait for a week. Really cannot understand how such thing will happen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Kimiko

Everyti will b ok .. B praying for u .. Yup dun scare urself .. Jiayou yo

Hi Cloud942

Yes we r Christian family thus still praying for the name He had intended for our little prince =)

To all

I had been so busy lately tat I dun hv time to chat at all

We will b busy with house reno soon thus dun hv time n place to do shopping for bb's stuffs yet

Im totally lost inreagrd to those pram.. Car seats etc ur talking about [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But we hv friend tat is goin to hand us his stroller and playpen so it is one load off us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw I hv smti really interesting to share.. I was listening to music today and put one ear phone on my tummy.. I can feel instantly .. Lots of tapping inside my tummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dunno if I'm imagining things but I really do feel it .. My bb boy seem to like music alot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello everyone...been MIAed for a while...bz with work and my #2 was not feeling well... this week is more eng as I am on leave!! I cant catch up with the posts!! think the fb page is easier to catch up :p

oh yah, went for detailed scan today...everything's seems well...sonographer double confirmed tha I am expecting a gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: leg cramps...

so far no issues with tha yet...my #2 also no issues, juz tha i had this prob with #1... everytime i kena last time, i juz point my toes downwards and then upwards...

congrats to those mummies who already kno their gender of the bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

winniep, what u are experiencing is like heartburn,..which i am experiencing these few days...i cut down on my food intake as i always feel very unwell after eating... drinking milk/taking yogurt helps for me...

betsmok, hope u get ur CL soon...i confirmed mine once i knew tha i was preggy as its not easy to get a good one nowadays...

jac, better get a sterliser la...i only use it for bb's first yr...the boiling method is very tedious lor...

kimiko, ur sil passing u the avent breast pump? the manual one? stay positive, hope everything's fine with ur bb... so u decided to get a CL now? i employed mine thru agency...if u are keen, lemme kno...

cp, wow good tha ur mil wanna sponsor ur cl fees...nowadays cl so ex!!

ms carpe diem, yeah can consider getting the US medela pumps...i used my freestyle for more than 1 yr and it works well...

stardust, u can consider aussino bedsheets for bb cot bedding...quality is not bad...

lilian, hope u are ok now...and congrats on the good results for down's syndrome's test

gretel, good tha ur new employer still employs you despite u being preggy! hope tha u get a good maid and CL!

yallo, it doesnt matter tha u use medela pump and feeds using avent bottle cuz i use medela pump and feeds using nuk bottles... think if u wanna pump straight into the avent bottle, u can buy a convertor or something...

Kimiko, do stay positive! Many times scan are not conclusive n can be wrong... I was reading Nov thread, a mummy was told her bb heart had problems n nearly wanted to terminate preg but after 2nd opinion n amnio test, results is normal! So happy for her when i read that... so dont worry too much k!

Ace, yes keep praying for it!

Sporty, I'm not sure about the type of pump she'll be passing me. To be frank, we hardly chat so everything is through my husband. I thought I just use first if cannot then change also ok. As for the CL, I would like recommendations pls but probably not right now becoz of the umbilical cord issue. I'll ask you again when everything is ok?

Thanks all mummies for your kind words and positive support. I research online and realised that my issue could be the single umbilical artery problem. It seems more serious than what the doc told us. We decided to seek second opinion, probably another detail scan. Any mummies with recommendations? Any hospital with really good sonographer/doctor who can give the best 2nd opinion? We hope to have that done by the following Monday.

Thank you sporty. This morning I felt great! Drank Milo last night. I have a disgusting and embarassing thing to check with u mtbs. Have u all passed gas with waste discharge? Recently I've been doing so. I don't know is it due to me taking medication for the heartburn. My gp told me have to take the medication for 2 weeks!

Kimiko, when I had my bad Oscar results I googled n chanced upon Dr Anandakumar from Camden medical center. I can't find his website now, he specialises in scanning n there r some with bad results who went to him to do very detailed scan.

There is another Dr t. C chang at tmc. He specializes in high risk pregnancy n he is v experienced in amnio. Www.doctor-Chang.net He is with WC Cheng n associate clinic.

I wld think amnio is a more accurate way since the cells n developed n tested. Scan sometimes can be wrong also.

Take care n hugs....

Kimiko: Don't worry too much..will keep you in prayer. It's good to get a 2nd opinion if you feel uneasy.

Winniep: Is it too much gas in your body? If so & it causes discomfort, you may want to consider pre-natal massage to get rid of the excess gas. Suggest you double check the medications prescribed by GP with your gynae.

AC: Surname correct but middle name is more difficult to write than that.. It starts with cao (grass) zi tou, centre is a mi (rice) with a pia on top, ending with a tian (plantation). Don't fuss too much, I'm sure a name will pop up somehow later...thanks for your help!

@Kimiko: U must stay positive okie! BB will feel ur anxious too... So stay calm and seek 2nd opinion like wat the rest said..

@Sporty: It's better but at times the cramp still comes and I will be in cold sweat... Also @ nite my legs will feel so 'suan' lo... haiz...

gretel: wow .. yr CL sound demanding. anyone use her before? whats the feedback?

happy for you that you have got a good employer.

Kimiko: baby will be well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sorry i dun hv contact for a gynae who can help in this area but support yr idea to seek for a 2nd opinion soon. *Pat Pat*

din see Wendy for quite awhile ya???

any recommendation for a good playpen or where can we find more varities?

kimiko, dun worry too much...am sure bb's fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u juz have to stay positive...

winniep, good tha u are feeling great [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] what med are u taking for heartburn? for me, i try not to start on heart burn med... think its becuz we have alot of gas inside us, thas why u always passed gas...

lilian, try to prob up ur legs in the day so at least they wun feel so "suan" at nite... hang on, few more mths to go!

@Sporty: congrats on ur bb gal!!!! I’m gg for my u/s tonight, hopefully gynae can tell me gender!! Coz it’s still close to 1 mth away frm my detailed scan!

Everyone is saying it’s a boy coz of my hormone changes + hairy tummy!

We shall see!

And I m considering to get a US medela freestyle too! Hopefully no probs!


Sorry to hear that! But pls stay positive! Yes, seek 2nd opinion and hope everything turn well for u!!

@CP: hw nice of ur MIL to sponsor ur CL fees! If my MIL knws abt hw ex the CL fee is, she will definitely ask me not to employ and offer her help!

But I have achieved a consensus with my hb to be on my own! U knw hw tough and complicated things can be esp when I dun rily see eye-to-eye with hw my MIL do things.

So no choice, rely on myself!

@gretel: hw nice of ur employer to employ u despite knwing u r pregnant! Such employers r rily hard to come-by!!

Jasmine: It's tough handling all on your own leh... My mom stayed to help me with my 1st born when we were staying on our own then. It was nightmare esp at night when my girl refused to sleep. As doctors adv, newborns tend to reverse their timing with us so sleep in the daytime but stay awake T night so we've to u wind their clock. She would smile then cry so long at night leh... So scared that we decided to hire a CL when I expected the 2nd baby & it was a breeze. All I need is to eat, sleep, watch tv, play with my kids. CL will handle the rest & help me train my baby too.. It's $ well spend on a good CL! I recovered so much faster in my 2nd caesearian than the 1st.

@CP: yes i have secured a CL, and i know the importance of having a CL!! what i was saying is that no more to sponsor the CL fees for me! we will be paying on our own! but i know that it will be $ well-spent (praying for a gd CL!)

jasline, yeah...all the best for ur checkup tonite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have fun...

cp, agreed tha a good cl is impt... for my #1, i took care of bb on my own w/o help and i was god damn tired!! #2 with cl, at least its more managable...

Hihi mummies/MTB,

Anyone need Glutinous Rice Wine for yr Confinement 糯米酒? also can use for normal cooking... Pls PM me if you interested. thank you.

I am lost!! haha!! so many posts!!

lyn, u mentioned u got the capella S705 at mothercare with discount? when was it and which outlet? because when i went last weekend @ parkway, the ppl there says strollers no discount and i dun remember seeing capella leh..

TIE, u are also at Parkway east? so the CD given is for all or need to pay extra? coz I will also be doing my detailed scan there...

kimiko!! gratz!! baby boy!!! but what theymeant by umbilical cord is abnormal? did they tell u more or say when will update u with more info? dun think so much 1st.. results not out yet.. *pray*

BTW, there is BHG sale for members tml.. think is discoutn on top on discount...

Kimiko: Jiayou wor!

CP: Thats nice of your gynae to do so! Keke. Maybe I should propose that to my gynae as value added service to his clients.

Jacqueline: No need to pay extra. After the scan, you gotta wait an hour for the report and CD.

WendY: Indeed, have not heard from you for a while. Hope all's fine. =)

Thanks TIE! i understand that we need to wait for report.. but do we need to reach early? my appt fir detailed scan is 11am. the duration of the test differs right?? some fast, some take some time? BTW, u know if they issue MC or medical chit? coz the timing not here nor there.. i duwan waste leave (timeoff given for gynae visit)

Jacqueline: So far, I have good experience at Parkway for both my gynae and hospital. Think I arrived on the dot and waited for 5 mins or so? Dr Jennifer Yap did the scan for me. I am not sure if she is good and efficient or baby is cooperative. Very fast. She comes well recommended by my gynae. As for MC, I am self employed so I did not check with them on this though. Have a great time there. At this stage, baby is bigger and the images do not look as grainy (not sure is it due to different machine).

CP & Sporty: my heartburn med is Famotidine 40. My GP says its perfectly safe for Pregnancy and have to take for two weeks even if i'm feeling better. You think i should check with Gynae? Cos so far i check with Gynae she will say since its given by GP should be ok. ya i think i a lot of gas cos everytime after food my stomach will be bloated up...

Kimiko: relax n dun stress yrself i believe results would b fine

Winniep: i am on this med too, no prob for me , i think u have excess gas ba, try chew slowly n dun drink cold water

Facebook: who can add me to the group??? [email protected]

Is it safe for pre-natal message? Anyone got recommendations then?

Dawn: Oh yay! hmm ya i think so too. hiaz.. and i realised recently my passing motion stinks! do you have the same symptons on this as me?

Jac - I just bought it last week at Harbourfront Centre outlet. 15% discount for home and travel items. Then if got membership, deduct another 5% discount after 15% discount

Most of the mummies already know Bb gender.. I still gotta wait until detailed scan.. 3 more weeks.. I only gotten big items like cot bed, mattress, s705 stroller, bed sheets and protector.. Can't really buy clothes Bb except for those unisex colour..

thanks TIE, hope my detailed scan will be as smmoth and as gd as urs!!

hmm.. lyn, maybe only harbourfront outlet has it?? zzzzz

ling, $199 for cot i think its pretty cheap leh...

i jus told my dh abt this offer. he dun wan to buy first, say wait till year end [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kimiko: I guess it's easy to say but it's really important not to think so much now. Keep yourself occupied. We'll be praying for you & BB. Be strong!

saw this on groupon today... maybe can buy if u all interested. but the down part is collection is during ofc hrs!!


lyn, harbourfront outlet bigger? i only remember marina sq de quite big.. see if got chance ask hubby acc me go see bah.. if not i go alone during weekend...

ling, maybe he wanna check out more choices 1st??

kimiko - Have u found a gynae for 2nd opinion? You may wana consider my gynae who does scanning as well at his clinic in Bishan. My sis's frd went to him for 2nd opinion after her 1st gynae told her got abnormalities. Now her bb is a healthy 2-yr old toddler. Sometimes scan results may not be 100% accurate. Hope you get good results. Stay positive!

re: CL

I discussed with hubby and we decided not to hire CL coz dun like idea of having a stranger in my house. I can't click with my MIL, so prob have to hint my mum to pop by occasionally to help out. We'll order confinement food catering instead. Kind of worried how I'm gona cope with a newborn, esp since it's my first child.

Duno why these days after breakfast I feel nausea and have to lie down for a while. After lunch/dinner I'll be burping away. And think my vaginal thrush is back after 2 mths. Sianz. Start to suffer backaches liao. Lie flat relieves the pain yet we not encouraged to sleep on our back. Like dat how? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ah CP...

here's my suggestions:

赵蕃毅 (毅 = perseverence)

赵蕃博 (博 = knowledgable)

personally i like the 1st one better...hahaha...


Chan, for vaginal thrush, is yours just discharge? i had slight discharge w unpleasant smell but no itch, wonder did i get yeast infection or something but then again not so much discharge too.

If u get it frequently, how abt taking yogurt, read it helps.

hahaha AC, ur chinese v good, i dunno how to read the first one. Agree, think the child will find it tough to learn keke

