(2011/12) Dec 2011

hi mummies... really cant catch up with the post liao... so many!

mamaAsh, take good care ya...

last friday, my #1 went to botanical gardens with her school teachers and kids, was raining heavily and i think the children gena the rain. Then she was fine in the evening and suddenly at night she starting coughing and throat becomes phelgmy so we thought maybe cough is attacking her but after she slept she was ok... in the morning what surprise us that both of her eyes are swollen...puffy eyes until her face look also change to another person, we get so worried that we brought her to the doctor.. doc said might be allergy etc etc but dono whether its allergy to the flowers pollen from the Botanical gardens... doc gave her allergy medication and is better liao.. its so scary


seems like many mummies have already done or scheduled to do detailed scan... next mon im going for check up liao... which i will be in 21 weeks le... but doc have not scheduled me for detailed scan leh... so weird... during last visit nurse only told me to pay deposit for the package during next visit... $$$ hahahha...

Hi mummies,

Sorry missed out so much over the last 2 weeks. 

haiz.. First my daughter caught viral flu sick for one week... Then I kena from her, diarrhea n vomit 22x each sick 3 days !!! Was very sick and such a torture cos so weak n can't seem to keep food in. Worry BB in stomach affected, but think should be ok la, I still feel fluttering... Sigh now I down with bad cough and worried I infect back my daughter.

Been a roller coaster ride these two weeks.... But finally well enough to eat decently again. I feel hungry all the time! Dunno is it BB making up for the lost food over the last two weeks!

MamaAsh- thanks for adding me into the table. Hope your son is better now....

Have any of you booked your confinement lady yet? I didn't do my confinement well after my first child. Health is significantly weaker by at least 50% leh. Now dun believe also cannot. So hunting for a good one for my next confinement. 

Also for new mummies, remember hor... After give birth, while staying in hospital, DO NOT wash your hands under the tap after u visit toilet. Will cause your fingers to have quite bad rheumatism!!! I heard use mineral water mixed with hot water if you need to wash hands. After 2 years, my fingers still very stiff like old woman.... Sigh!

So excited to know bb gender...waiting impatiently for my appt on this sat. will be taking my blood test as well.


hope you recover fully soon. I agree with the others that perhaps some workload can keep you occupied so you won't think too much. Hubbies can be insensitive at times but sometimes they also stressed up in work so overlooked our concerns. I need to remind hubby if I need his help, can;t let him guess what we are thinking.

Went for a scan this afternoon. When I was going through the ultrasound scan, the first image was that of my baby waving to me! Like he/she knows we're looking at her. Oh my goodness!!

Then the gynae tried to focus on the pelvic area to identify the gender. The baby quickly changed position. When the gynae was shifting the position of the scanner to new position, the bb covered his/her pelvic area with his/her hands. The gynae had commented "It's as if the baby can tell that we're looking at the private part. You have a very modest baby." Haha.

Anyway, the gynae had hazarded a guess to the baby's gender, but cautioned me about buying any clothes for the child. Haha!

hi mummies,

re wanna look look see see n wont decide to buy now, now will still be the best time for us to look look see see. that's y we shld go to diff places to chk out bb stuff... bcoz ideally yes, shld get stuff closer to EDD but in reality, it is not practical at times bcoz in last tri, the tummy will be so big n heavy that it is diff to shop without getting tired n breathless easily... some mummies might exp it so badly that they might even feel pain when only walk a bit... hence best to recce now then when closer to EDD, hb can at least go n buy back the items for her n bb...

in any case, if u happen to see something that u really like, can always buy now but arrange for delivery closer to EDD. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello MamaAsh,

Do you mind to update my info if you are updating others as well? Thank u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Calleigh -

-Mt E


-Dr Kusuma Lee


Thank uuu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its good that everyone is doing well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI Ms Carpe Diem

Ur bb is so adorable =)

Hi Betsmok & MamaAsh

Hope ur kid feel better soon ..

Hi Dawn

Jiayou yo .. Everything will turn for the better soon. though u might have depression now but jus dun dwell in it. U hv a bb inside u now thus hv to keep a joyful heart ya.

Ur hubby might seem insensitive but tik he might have his own stress at work too.

Anyway u have all of us here to share the burden with u =)

Jiayou and take care .. May God be with u =)

I finally know my bb's gender on sat ... he is a BOY!!! =) so happy to know the gender cos we can start praying for his name now =)


hope ur #1 is ok by now... this kinda of incident usually will scare the wits out of us parents... sigh...

how come ur gynae din ask u to do detailed scan? u might wanna ask him on next appt... i thought usually detailed scan done around 20 week? mine is scheduled when im going to be at 19+ weeks..

Hi all i was jus saying i do not have ms but i vomitted yday afternoon. Wasnt feeling great. The funny thing is after work me & hubby went to check out strollers at hypermart i felt great! Maybe baby lucas likes to see bb stuff! Ha ha.

I woke up today not feeling good again. Stomach felt as thou its gastric. I feel like if i travel on train to work i will faint. Got ringing in my ears too. Does anyone experience anything like this b4?

winniep: my stomach feels bad every morning I wake up, suspect it's because stomach is too empty?? I also dunno why. Maybe you try eating something (or drink some hot milo) to see if it helps???

gbh: Why are you up at 4am in the morning!!! Haha

Betsmok: Take care yah! Eat more nutritious stuff. My friend kena a very bad bout of gastric flu few weeks back, and started experiencing spotting so was admitted into hospital to "an tai". Luckily everything was ok. Have you been to the gynae to check up on the baby since? I also experiencing stiff fingers now leh, dunno why, suddenly just started, especially in the morning.

ms carpe diem: Aaaahh your baby is so sweet! I wish mine would wave at me too! But mine just covered the face and turned away... boo... hopefully during the detailed scan this Sat my baby will be more cooperative [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can't wait!

Winniep: I didn't have any ms too..hopefully won't get any... No, I don't have those experiences of yours but can feel my body weight is heavier so have to put more effort to walk especially climbing up he stairs. My thigh were painful for a few days..getting better now..suspect muscle ache for carrying the heavy me now..ha..ha.... Now trying to min walking up the stairs at home..

Congrats to those who get to know their baby gender. It's nice to shop for baby stuff when you can finally tell whether to buy pink or blue...

Yallo- i drank warm soya milk n it felt worst so i lie down for a while now better so on my way to work. I hope will feel ok tofay.

Cp- ya me too i try to avoid climbing stair. Will feel breathless easily.

yallo: same here. my fingers are very stiff. painful to do full stretch and also to clutch my fist. im suspecting lack of calcium... asked gynae but he said exercise fingers more... ?!

winniep...got name for your BB already ah?

maybe soon we will all be able to call our BBs by names here!

we will decide the english name...chinese name i will get master to calculate with the birth time so will only decide after birth...

we decided to get Pru1stGift $200 policy...my agent say this month got bonus incentive for signing up...

Auto..how to avoid the stairs - inside my house leh... My room is upstairs leh... Prepared to be quarantined upstairs after caesearian..rem v painful to go up & down the stairs after ops.

My boy will be named "Nathanel" meaning gift of God. Still praying for a Chinese name which will be tough as we've to think of the last word that can rhyme with the middle name specified by the ancestors. V tough especially when both my hubby & I have limited Chinese vocabulary...

CP, when need help with that...go ask a master to calculate for you lor...just specify the middle character and he will help u with the last...

What's the surname and middle character? maybe i can offer some suggestions? LOL...

AC : is Prudential giving stroller for the Pru1stGift policy?

I checked website they say give away Omron digital thermometer n some vouchers only ley...

Hallo n bfly : ya every morning I wake up with numb hands n very stiff fingers too. ESP around the knuckles...

Betsmok & MamaAsh

Hope ur child recover soon.


Thanks for adding me on fb and updating my particulars. :)

Ms Carpe Diem,

I hope I can see bb waving to me too for my detailed scan. :)


Just like Ace have said, we are here for you. Just come in and talk about ur feelings. We will be here to listen oki. Hugs....


Congrats on knowing bb's gender. :)

I got my amnio test express results. Baby boy is fine! I was super nervous when I saw the caller ID and was holding my breath when the nurse was telling me the results. After that, super stunned for a few moments before feeling real happy that bb is ok. I think my weak heart cannot take more of these moments.

CP: Alamaks are you going to engage a confinement lady to help out then?? Else very jialat right, if you are alone at home. Oh if ours is a baby gal we will likely call her Ariel, means lion of God. A bit guyish but I like, can counteract the bashfulness / gentleness of a baby rabbit :p

Bfly: Haha your gynae really said that? No reason given for why it happens??? I also suspecting it's got something to do with calcium leh. Ok I will try to exercise my fingers more too then.

winniep: Glad to hear you're feeling better. Actually warm soya milk sometimes works for me, but sometimes makes me feel worse. It's like a luck thing. But my MIL keep asking me to drink more, say baby will have nice smooth white skin heh.

my agent just informed me Pru giving some bonus investment allocations which means u get more units of the investment at the same price... kinda like getting 12 apples for a $1 instead of the usual 10 sort of thing...he say this is available for the month of July only...

well...he never say giving me stroller la...but he say he will give me something else...he's paid according to what plan we buy and how we pay...so if we pay annually and the premium is more then he can afford to give u better present lor...end of the day is your relation with him and how you bargain...

last time i'm in property, also got clients ask to waive GST lar...charge lesser commission and so on...think i'm really spoiling market here la...but it's possible to neg de...

i told my agent i wanna buy $500 stroller and $300 car seat...no $$$ liaoz...

yallo: my gynae did not give me any calcium. I get it from GP. The contents is Calcium - 500mg and Vit D3 - 125 IU. I know our daily intake needs to be 1000+mg. So i have been drinking milk as well. mmm... don know is it still not enough.

Hi mummies, may I know what is meant by stiff fingers? I experienced fingers hold on to a position for a while and I have to use the other hand to soothe it. Is that stiff fingers?

kimiko: yes something like that.. also you can try to open wide your 5 fingers stretch it open....like what you show 5 (using your fingers but stretch it out) it feels painful... and when i clench my fist.. it is painful also...


check with your gynae on detailed scan. usually it is done within 18-22 weeks. after 23 weeks, baby will start to become less transparent for scanning.

Ms Carpe Diem,

your bb so cute!! my bb was "poked" at his nose when the sonographer place the scan on me. he rubbed his nose after he got poked.


congrats!! Can plan for name & clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


exercise fingers? better start having calcium food. If not enough calcium, bb will take from your bones!!

betsmok... seems to be quite bad ya...take good care ya... hope you and your child have speedy recovery... virus everywhere now.. clinic full of people...

mscarpediem.. your bb darling so cute... i think during my scan last visit, my bb's both leg is lifting up.. guess its so obvious that doc says its a bb gal...

gbg.. thank you.. my gal better le. I dont know why he didnt schedule the detailed scan... probably last visit i am oni in 17 weeks thus maybe its too early..

winniep.. ringing in the ears for normal ppl is heaty la but for preg mama duno whether is it heaty too... if i stand for too long in the train i willl break into cold sweat and feel like vomitting too... giddy not so much...

AC/Ling can share more info on Pru1stGift.

dacylet... ohh ok... i will check with gynae on the scan.. thanks for the info...

Krist, I bought the $100 per mth policy for my baby. I hope I dun explain wrongly, this is an investment link policy which also a life policy. $100 will insure the baby for 100K. MTB can start buying fr week 18 which cost 320 and this will cover u till u give birth.



better read from their link in case I give you wrong info.

this is the only plan to cover mum-to-be and also the BB in the womb. all other plans must wait till BB is 1 month old then can buy. this is so any health problems can be detected so that the policies can exclude such problems. if BB have any health problems upon birth, the policy still includes those issues. e.g. BB is born with hole in heart, the policy still covers BB for any heart-related problems.

it covers delivery complications and also in case BB is born pre-mature and requires NICU.

after the BB is born, the mum is covered for 2 years...and the BB is also covered under his/her own plan. as this is investment linked, most of the premium is actually invested so that it can be transferred to the BB whenhe/she is 25 years old...

i know the agent when i was doing property so we sort of help each other before also la...maybe that's y he ok to give me better deal...

AC, my baby also like that, always sleep during scanning. I had to force cough during OSCAR scan to see it moving and hip-cupping. Been talking to him/her to move about more actively for the detail scan tomorrow, see if it works.

bfly, I think my fingers arent painful when I try to stretch it but at random timings of the day, when I try to grab something or just close my fist, halfway some of my fingers will feel like its 'stuck' in one position.

congratz ace!! time to start shopping!! y start praying for name?

krist, check with ur gynae... probably they might arrange appt for u during ur next appt.. my detailed scan also going to be done on my 23rd weeks i think...

dawn, dun think so much.. i guess ur hubby is prob too stressed at work and somwhow become insensitive?? maybe find a gd day when u 2 go gai gai alone and u try talk to him?? or ask him to read up some pregnancy or come forum?? like everyone always says mothers are the most wei da coz they have to deal with mental, physical and emotional stress. gambatte!! try to go out often.. u cannot hide coz the more u hide the more depressed u will be..

winnie, r u feeling giddy or do u have gastric?? sometime hunger can also cause all those prob.. or maybe u ate something that you/baby/tummy dun like??

AC, $200 policy?? if i m not wrong, this mth got 20% off? or something like that??

congratz happygal for knowing the test results!!

krist/ling, i think the $320 also covers u for 3 years from the date u sign...

have anyone started getting the leg cramps??? i am not sure if it's because of preg or walked and stand too much on fri... that night soon after i doze off, woke up in shock and pain because of the cramp... both legs!! and hubby also got woken up and in a shock.. i was grabbing and biting the comforter.. and the worse thing is i thought it got better but 2nd round came immediately.. terrible pain and i cried.. my legs were feeling soft over the whole weekend and no energy and still feel the cramp/pain slightly.. yesterday morning happened again.. and no 1 by my side to grab! sob sob...

Jac, I almost got the cramp this morning.. Was too comfortable and almost over-stretch my legs. It was better when I exercise on regular basis last time and will not get cramps even if I over-stretch my legs while sleeping. Take care!

kimiko, i remembered last time i will get cramp same as u.. over stretch when wake up in the morning.. but last weekend cramp is diff. i was just sleeping and nv even do anything.. just woke up sudden in shock...

not 1st-time mummies, do u all get cramps often?? what is the intervals like? my friend advise that i leg raise so that will not get cramps but i did raise my legs that night when i sleep! also cramp...

hi all,

mamaash, thanks for ordering ON! yeah let us know the amt to tt when it's here. i've been wanting to get denim shorts but cant find cheaper ones, otherwise size dont seem right!

Happygal, congrats on ur results n little prince!

My detail scan is next wk, somehow still a little anxious... praying that all is good.

Ace, congrats on ur prince too! God will speak to u soon re name! Guess u r christian? I've already got a christian name for my boy but chinese name have to follow my FIL lists which we havent ask yet... err hope it sounds nice... hmm

Jac, googled n found this:

How can I prevent leg cramps?

Try these tips for keeping leg cramps at bay:

Avoid standing or sitting with your legs crossed for long periods of time.

Stretch your calf muscles regularly during the day and several times before you go to bed.

Rotate your ankles and wiggle your toes when you sit, eat dinner, or watch TV.

Take a walk every day, unless your midwife or doctor has advised you not to exercise.

Avoid getting too tired. Lie down on your left side to improve circulation to and from your legs.

Stay hydrated during the day by drinking water regularly.

Try a warm bath before bed to relax your muscles.

i remembered the last pregnancy i was taught to sleep with my feet in socks and elevated on a pillow at night to reduce leg cramps.

Also cramps are due to lack of salt in diet....

hi Krist, thanks! me n daughter finally much better today. Both our appetite is also back which is the biggest relieve! Now my only worry is the BB inside me. Only due for scan on 5 Aug which is when I turn 20 weeks... sighhhhh I miss seeing my BB tumbling inside me.

Bfly - wow that stroller is very pretty! What brand is that? How much is that stroller?

I recently bought this stroller in prep for arrival of #2 ... not bad lah. Functional and more importantly compact to bring to the malls. http://www.kinderwagon.com.sg

today it's like every time after food my stomach will hurt like gastric feeling. And my stomach will get bloated after food. I try not to eat so much each meal. Gynae says eat small meals but how to have to work not like my lunch can break into 15min each time... I find it difficult and I can't b eating biscuits everytime also. Any suggestions?

Hubby and me decided on quinny. We were so impressed by how it folds and the usage. Have to wait till wanna give birth then get. Will most likely b getting from glory spring cos it's the cheapest so far.

thanks cloud942!! actually i am doing most of the thing except avoid standing (at work sometimes need to stand especially when need to scan or photocopy large amt of documents!!), drink more water and lying on left side! haha!! i prefer right side leh.. but think i will try to stretch the muscles before sleeping.. must normal stretching will do right?

Bestmok, thats what my hubby says also.. lack of salt.. during his army days, he and his buddies always kenna cramp from all the walking and exercising so they drink a lot isotonic drink.. which, he also asked me to do so.. maybe next time when i go eat mac, i add more salt into my fries? whahahah!!

ah Jacqueline, this month got 20% discount?!?!?!?! i must go scold my agent liaoz! hahaha...or maybe he take the discount and re-invest into the policy? there's 2 ways to look at the discount...get more investment units or pay less cash lor...

haaaa... Initially I took 100Plus but later switch to H20 which taste much better.

I heard some models of Quinny does not allow the recline so when baby sleep need to tilt the stroller on the back two wheels

I think I have stroller fetish... I have a Peg Perego P3 from my 1st girl, then a Lucky stroller at my parents place so don't have to lug and share my Peg Perego.

Now got one more Kiderwagon hehhh..... think i need a bigger store room!!!!

Betsmok...that's not a fetish...fetish is usually more fun...lol...

seriously thinking of PP Si...but dunno if really so much better compared to the Capella S217...

winnie, u might have gastritis?? i am not sure though but thats what happened to me last year.. initially we thought we will get gastric if we skipped meals but ended up i am having gastric prob/pain after meal as well and it goes on for some time until i went for scope.. instead of biscuits, maybe can try munching some fruits or bread while working?? i think it should be ok to eat bah.. or go for a quick tea break??

AC, i think i have also some other investmentlink policies as well, etc?? but the 20% is not in the form of monthly discount but they will give u a cheque after duno how many mths.. u might wanna check with ur agent.. i went to read up on the link u shared just now.. got free thermometer after giving birth!! so means we can no need buy now le! hehez! save $$$...

btw, i saw Capella S217 at BHG bishan baby fair last week.. think it's about $190 after discount! gd deal coz so far i havent seen any place with this price but hubby dun like.. the wheels is pretty small and doesnt look stable.. the rear wheel cannot turn also.. he prefer those with 4 wheels can turn de... we might get the S226 or S228 instead.. wheels bigger, feels more stable and 4 wheels can turn..

betsmok, H2O taste better?? okok, i go try.. what about gatorade?

Winnie : you can buy some cereal drink and then make in the office when you are hungry. Helps with the hunger pangs plus it is nutritious.

Jac : Ya H20 is nicer, the new blackcurrant one is also nice. I don't like Gatorade. Think it takes like medicine.

When I was down with Viral Flu, doc also advised me to take H20 to replace my liquids.

winniep, sound like gastric problem. How abt u tabao something during lunch? Like pao, bread which can keep u fuller. Or bring some bread from home, or buy those raisin bread gardenia type or if prefer tastier bread, u can buy breadtalk after work then bring it to work next day?


good afternoon mummies...

re: cramps

i had been getting it on & off since my week 9-10 till now, not consistent lah, but once awhile will suddenly get it during my sleep... used to be @ the calf area, but last week i got twice near the knee area at the back! i got a shock, cos dunno how to handle! haha... i think i rem jacqualine asking me to cover my legs when i sleep, so i had been trying to do tat more often... dunno how to stop it too...

agree w betsmok, H20 blackcurrant one is nice! haha... :p

dacylet: thx! my son recovered fr fever, so now need to deal w his cough! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

krist: hope yr gal is getting better now... i guess we will always be discovering new things with our toddlers... tough being a mother...

betsmok: hope u & yr gal stay healthy!! my feel is the weather tat's making everyone sick!! argh... oh, u are still looking for CL? have u started calling? Cos i remember when i try to call some recommended CLs in my wk 4, they are oredi booked leh!! u better act fast & call now, else may have to go for agency liao... my friend recently also told me, now then she realised confinement is very impt, cos she's aching all over... for my past 2 confinements, i only wash hands with cooled boiled water, no tap water @ all... even for wash up in the mornings. i told myself, muz endure for these 30days, else the all sufferings will be on me only when i grow old... seems like not yet old can oredi kenna, so muz endure another 30days end of this year liao! hahaha...

