(2011/12) Dec 2011

chan pl, dun worry. u r not alone.. coz i am also gonna take care of my boy myself when he is out.. only 1st mth got my mum to help coz doing confinement at my mum's home.. i also dun expect my MIL to help coz she is working and also has her own program de.. just hope i wun develope depression when taking care of the bbay!! haha!!

urs only after breakfast? i seems to feel nausea after every meals nowadays leh.. morning sickness coming back?? maybe can lie flat but not for too long??

CA, u r power lah!!! ur chinese gd leh!! me and hubby got no idea when it comes to chinese name and we dun want anything too common. so now i rely on my dad to help coz my father-in-law pass away le.. so far he only managed to think of 1 name.. and he say can slowly think coz still got a few more mths!

ling, i think also bo bian with the name coz the 1st 2 characters already quite a number of strokes..

just a few minuts ago, was coming out of toilet walking back to ofc den suddenly feel tummy got the cramp cramp feeling leh...=S

what is vaginal thrush?


cloud, mine got discharge, no smell but it's itchy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] The last round I got it was like that too but much more itchy and with unpleasant smell. I just started on yoghurt & vitagen drink. Hope it helps, if not have to get those inserts from gynae again. Sianz..

Haha, I agree the child will have hard time writing his name. But it's a nice & unique name. Hb & I found a nice name for our gal and started calling her that, only to realise later that her name when spelt in hanyu pinyin reads like "pig dropping". ARghh!! Why must his surname sound like pig?

mine has 27 strokes in total...hahaha...i hated it! but it's nice name after i realised so i dun mind anymore...

i think will need to explain the meaning of the name to the kid so that the kid will be proud of the name...

anyway the 1st 2 characters are already fixed so i could only suggest the 3rd character anyway...

hhhmmm...maybe 赵蕃乐 (le4) which means happiness and joy...much easier to write...

or 赵蕃忠 (zhong1) which means loyalty...

please do check how the name will sound in your dialect as well...they sound OK in chinese but may sound funny in other dialects...

赵蕃毅 (毅 = perseverence) ("yi4") 4th sound

赵蕃博 (博 = knowledgable) ("bo2") 2nd sound

ha ha...thanks for the compliments...i did take higher chinese last time la...so both english and chinese are my 1st languages...

Chan PL & Jac: Me too! Only 1st month with CL help, remainder probably just rely on myself. Maybe when our babies are a bit older we can meet up for play groups or something! :D

Ling: Why your hubby don't wanna buy now? He's worried that it will take up a lot of space at home & gather dust? Coz if that's the case, you can probably arrange for delivery only towards end of year. For me, I bought a baby cot that can convert into toddler bed. I guess it's a heng suay thing? Coz I hear some say their kids simply refuse to sleep in it after a while, insist on sharing bed with mummy & daddy. So dunno will get to fully utilise it or not haha.

Jacqueline, i dun want a common name for my children as well. but i prefer to calculate a good name for them based on their birth timing so i cannot decide now. ha ha...u want i can help u think lor...but got to think 2 characters for you will be tougher...at least for CP only have to think of 1...and since 2nd character is fixed the choice is much more limited...

lucky my family dun have the tradition for continuing the names for cousins in the same generation so no problem for me now. my generation still have so all the boys in my generation have 豪 (hao) as the 3rd character and 姗 (shan) for the girls...

yallo, actually i am very scare to buy also. last yr, i start to buy things when i am in 4 mths but in the end, everything didnt get to use and all store in the storeroom. my current hs got no space and my new flat is not ready yet.

Hi ladies,

There will be a baby fair at Takashimaya Atrium Basement 2 starting from 27 July till 14 August 2011.

Can go and take a look, some deals there are pretty good. I remember buying my #2 carseat - maxi cosi for $199. And a Maclaren daytripper stroller for #1 at $99. Quite a steal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jac, I also duno why only after bkfast I feel sick. Wonder if it's due to wat I eat -> bread & horlicks. Yours every meal also feel like dat? Could it be due to indigestion? I thot of do confinement at mum's place too but dun want to disturb my dad & bro's sleep. Plus my mum's maid always frustrates her, so I scared bb will drive her nuts! haha

U can google in chinese for bb name suggestions. I found quite a few nice names through the chinese websites.

vaginal thrush is yeast infection. Symptons include discharge, itch, sometimes pain when urinating. Apparently common in pregnancy due to hormone changes.

chan pl, lolx. u make it sound so funny! dun worry, we all still have a few mths to decide on the name!

hmmz.. indigestion?? i havent really been eating a lot leh.. only eat regularly and during meal times..

oh.. viginal thrush is yeast infection.. what is the colour of your discharge? if it's whiteish, should be ok de.. and as long as there is no itch no smell should be ok too.. maybe if u r feeling "bu an", maybe can go GP/gynae take swap and see if its really infection??

yallo, not prob as long as i know how to go out with baby ard but without hubby! lolx.. bring bag, stroller, etc.. i wonder how some women can do it!

AC, for us will be deciding on the name 1st, den my dad will use baby's eight characters to bring and calculate the strokes.. thats y he will need to think of a few names and see which is the best...

ling, dun think so much.. that 1 is history le.. this preg will be better de!! and u will see ur baby soon!!!

thanks BBnGG for the update and reminder.. think i will only go after my detailed scan coz only that day hubby will be on leave...i hope still got things for me to see and buy...

Jacqueline, i am looking forward to next wed which is my detail scan. it is too worrying cos until now i cannot feel kicking. jus cant stop worrying

Jasline and Jacqueline,

You are welcome, just sharing cos I was looking out for the baby fair at Taka [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Baby cot

I brought the baby cot that can be converted to a toddler bed and my #1 has been trained to sleep in the toddler bed.

hubby's surname is 朱 (zhu 1) which sounds exactly like pig 猪. His sister has a nice chinese name 玉英 but when pronounced in cantonese, sounds like 猪肉英. Haha! My hubby had nicknames like 猪八戒,猪肠粉, all thanks to his surname lor. We wanted to call our gal 朱诗绮. Hanyu pinyin becomes Zhu Shiqi. If pronouce wrongly becomes Zhu Shi 猪屎 liao. Haiz...have to google more chinese websites for names liao.

Ya, hope to have playgroup when bb a bit older. But me duno how to drive hb's manual car, so also duno how to go out with bb & bb stuff w/o hubby.

Chan PL, i really cannot stop laughing after seeing ur post. wahahahaha. i think for chinese name, i will wait for baby to come out first then go and let professional suan(4th sound). christian name i already decided on it

Chan, haiz think i'll hv to ask gynae next wk re thrush. I gotten it after finishing antibiotics for amnio, heard easy to get if taken antibiotics cos good bacteria all gone!

For me, i wont be able to choose the chinese name at all, really hope it sounds nice lor.. gotta ask my FIL abt it.

BBnGG, i rem the maclaren stroller for $99, regreted not getting that time for my #1. And for subsequent taka fairs, they didnt hv that offer already. But then again, my gal stopped using stroller at 1yo. We always get her to walk, so wont get lazy hahaha

Hello - been long since I last posted. Been a silent reader.

Kimiko - I know it's tough not to worry. Stay positive and try to keep yourself busy so that you won't think too much

jac, regarding feeling sick after meals, sometimes it's due to wat we eat also. My sis frd feels sick each time she drinks soya milk. Or maybe you try eating more small meals?

Any idea how often do Taka have baby fair? Wonder if it's still considered early to buy now, according to chinese superstitions? I was planning to buy everything in Oct/Nov.

hi all

i'm going for my detailed scan tomorrow!! Yay so happy and looking forward to seeing bb Lucas tomorrow. Hope everything is fine. Will update you all again.

i do not know whether i should get a play pen straight away or a baby cot. Cos normally baby cot is small right, therefore not lasting. Can you give me advice?

ling, i also duno what the feel of kicking is like... so i also duno baby kicking or not.

chanpl, maybe baby dun like or gastric dun feel gd i think.. just now ate a chinese sausage (colleague from from pasa malam), and now almost immediately, i feel like vomiting.. my lunch cannot be leh.. coz i had double cheese burger and i am having it once a week and never had this prob until today.. cannot be morning sickness hor??

chan pl, actually the name is nice leh.. shi qi.. maybe its not as bad as u thought? but your sister-in-law's name in cantonese really misleading.. are they cantonese? if not den should be ok lah..

lyn, harbourfront de even bigger? okok.. den maybe i go shopping myself over the weekend bah... but if i m not wrong, their sale ends end of july right?

hello clarrisa, how have u been??

winnie, i thought cot should be more lasting coz it's more stable and can usually hold older babies?

ha ha...my surname is 蔡 which sounds exactly like 菜 (vegetable)! thus cannot have names like "lan" which becomes "vegetable basket", or "tan" which becomes "menu"...

i joked before that i want to call my son 蔡头果 which means fried carrot cake and my wife nearly killed me! hahahaha...

Hi Dec Mummies

I'm from the April 2011 Mummies Thread.

I have Brand new Pigeon Breast Pads > Bought at discount of $8.90 (36pcs + 6pcs free)

Willing to let go at $8, PM pls if interested.

Strictly by post or collect at SengKang Mrt.

As I have a 3mth old baby to take care of at home.

Thanks for understanding.


Thanks mummies for your kind words and support. I have made an appointment with Dr TC Chang to seek 2nd opinion. Despite the scary articles online, I decided to take it easy for now since worrying won't get me anywhere.

jia you Kimiko...hang in there and dun worry too much...yes worrying is not going to help your BB! be positive!!!

i downloaded quite a few classical music into my iphone to be played when wife is in car...lol...hope BB can hear it...

my friend who i got to know from sep 09 SG brides was very active in SMH and she gave birth in July 2010, she met up often with the other mummies...there's once abt 10 babies came out together and they placed the 10 babies side by side to take a photo! so cute la! they meet up often for play dates as well...guess next time this might happen for mummies here...last time in SG brides we met up a few times and now she meets the mummies of the same month...

jac, oily/spicy food will also upset gastric. U feeling better now? I took suan mei a few times during Tri 1 and felt terrible. I think bec the suan mei acid made gastric worse. After that never eat liao. Haha, whenever I feel sick after eating, I'll treat as bb dun like it. When she makes a lot of movement, to me it means she likes it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My hubby family are cantonese and they speak canto at home all the time. I wonder why they didn't realise SIL name sounds like pork seller?

蔡头果 really very funny!

AC, same lor.. my hubby also like u.. alot jokes.. my hubby's surname is ho.. so that time he joke saying daughter's name will be ho niu rou and son's name will be hor fan. so when we need to call them, just shout niu rou hor fan! =P

gambatte kimiko!!! it will all be fine! 2nd opinion will let u feel more an xin!

AC, my baby is still listening to pop music!! lolx!!

ur wifey is so active!! i only meet up with the gals form my bridal studio.. and a few of them just gave birth in june..

chan pl, i nv have prob with spicy food de leh.. in fact, i cannot live with chilli!! suan mei i was ok during 1st tri.. but its only during tri 2, i took it when mouth itchy. tested thrice and proven.. confirm toilet.. but the suan mei is nice leh.. thats what my friend also says.. maybe baby dun like thats y i will feel the "side effect", meaning baby ask me dun eat it..

well, maybe they dun call your SIL by name bah.. thats y didnt realise?

ling, i thin u can try googling online.. think should be opened bah..

Thanks lyn!

yeah! going for frog leg porridge later... baby's leg must be strong strong!! my legs has been quite weak since birth, always tripping and falling and sometimes knees will go soft den i will fall.. thats y i hope baby wun be like me...

Jacq, har? my wife active? it's my friend whom i know from the bridal forum la...not my wife...

i usually listen to 91.3...dun wan next time my BB become cheongster at 1 year old la! scally next time only want to listen to Lady Gaga and not Mozart! lol!!!!

Kimiko, yes dont worry too much k, Dr Chang's profile is v good for high risk... hope everything will turn out well for u...

AC: Thanks for your suggestions. Very difficult to read & write leh... My boy is already complaining about his En has too many strokes! My cousin's name has that Yi word so can't use it. I did think of Le but seems very popular lately. I'm also thinking of Xin as in the Chinese proverbs Xin Xin Xiang rou but my church friend commented sounds Fan Xin sounds like HDB upgrading..ha..ha...

Thanks MTB for suggesting online search for Chinese names. It'll be very time consuming but seems like no choice lor...

Chan PL: Shi Qi sounds nice. Don't worry... Don't think people can think so far as to skip the 2nd letter to link surname to 3rd letter.. My daughter's name is Fangning. My elder bro told me that it sounded like funny but no one has ever teased her yet ....

Hello kimiko. I just saw TC Chang this afternoon for my detailed scan. He is highly recommended by my gynae - chan kong Hon. You will be in good hands. He is superbly good with his scans.. 快又准. He will also provide a good detailed report coupled with a CD after the scan. He looks very pro and savvy too!

My gynae say he is soo good that he can pick 75% fetal analysis. He will really do a super detailed scan with all kinds of assessment from heart to lungs to arteries to nose to lips etc. Rest assured you are in good hands

Jac - Been silently reading the postings. You seem to be progressing well. Happy for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AC: I like your carrot cake name..sounds cute.. Don't think anyone will want to name their kids that lah... Btw, on 2nd thots.. Fan Yi sounds like translation leh.. Fan Bo sounds like debate.. Problem lies in that Fan lah...

I met a mummy at Tien Hsia jus now.. She carried her newborn in a wrap like a kangaroo pouch..only her head is pop out from the carrier..looks like she's wearing an accessory instead of carrying a baby..ha..ha.. Don't think I'm that skillful to carry my newborn like that.. I like to wrap my newborn up like what theyndo in hospital & ro k like a play doll.. But can only do it for the 1st few wks b4 the baby protest to be wrapped...

hi mummies,

how's everyone? been MIA from forum past 2 days....


yes. TC Chang is good at scans. I cant rem where i got that impression but u will be in good hands!

Dear mummies,

I went for my 4mth checkup ydt. I'm expecting a boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mamaash, kindly update for me

BB gender: Boy

Next Checkup: Detailed scan on 17Aug.


Kimiko - pls dont worry too much, not gd for bb. Go for the 2nd opinion and see how...

Clarissa - Dr Chan doesnt do detailed scan? Why you need to go to Dr TC Chang?

Mummies - tink the Isetan bb fair starts 24 Jul. Saw a Chicco playpen looks quite decent.

