(2011/12) Dec 2011

CP: Nathanel is a lovely name. Your bb is a boy?

Happygal: Your bb will charm you with his/her unique gestures too I'm sure at your next ultrasound.

AC, happygal and Kimiko: Try to wake the child up an hour or so before the gynae visit? (if it's within your influence lah...) Lightly tap your tummy and talk to your bb. But not within our full control so just try to encourage if you can. I did do that but not sure if there's some relationship between this. No harm trying?

AC: I've read the Pru-first insurance you've mentioned but may not have complete understanding so just to be in dialogue with you to know more. If I'm not wrong, the maximum coverage is only $5000 right? Which means if the bb really goes to NICU, this payout doesn't really make a significant dent to the expenses?

dacylet: Haha, your bb is responding to his/her environment. So alert!

Jacqueline: Oh dear, the leg cramps must be a shock. Would drinking more water help?


@Jacqueline, i saw the S217 at Tampines Mall Toys' R Us for $179. Seems to be the offer price there cos they put there usual price $219.

Haven't seen the other models you mentioned so not to sure.

Ok I will check with the agent.

@Ms Carpe Diem, the gynae said the same thing also...next time really must try le...

I'm not exactly sure about the payout also, but at least this is the ONLY insurance that will pay out in case of the need for NICU...considering the premium paid for this coverage, i think still worth it lar...

if you want to know more can email to me. i'll try to ans what i can...if not can refer you to the agent. Some mummy's husband is a Pru agent. If you see this maybe can refer Ms Carpe Diem also?

Wow, S217 at $179 sounds really attractive. But is 2009 or 2010 model?

Talking about stroller and car seat, there's something I'm not really sure about. What does it meant by car seat compatible with stroller? There's a capella car seat S1100 that is compatible with S217.

i think it means the car seat can be taken out and fixed onto the stroller...so if the BB is sleeping...just detach the seat then fix onto the stroller so that don't need to carry BB and thus wake BB up lor...

AC, I don't think there's a children section at BHG Tamp, I was there just the other day. Maybe I missed it, let me know if you find it..

I see.. Looks like its better to get a car seat thats compatible then..

ya...i think it's called a travel system...a car seat plus a stroller...

later my wife will be late...i guess i can explore BHG tamp to find out...too long never go there already...

i'll check if the offer price for S217 at Toys' R Us still valid or not...

AC, ya, S217 retail proce even for baby kingdom is $219.. $179 is a very gd deal le!! u nv buy??

i hope taka baby fair will have strollers on sale...

i wish i can go see but hubby getting busy with work le.. will be husbandless for 3 weeks.. sigh.. den sept to oct husbandless for 3 weeks again coz of ICT.. =(

kimiko, there should be a baby section in all BHG bah... i just checked the webby, half of level 3 are baby stuff!! so i believe there will be more things!!!

some ppl prefer the car seat that are compactible with stroller.. there also also some other "sets" from capella with have the carrier and stoller.

oh ya, i remembered a promo at bhg bishan.. also capella brand but forgot which model.. should be the more ex 1.. stroller + carrier + walker... less than $400...

great...i'll go BHG in 30 minutes then update you all tonight! if Toys' R Us still selling at $179 see my wife want to get it or not lor...

AC, Jacqueline and Kimiko: If you are checking out the BHG sale, check out their Pigeon Multi-Steriliser. I think it is on good discount? $128 currently and they throw in 2 PP (non-BHA) standard bottles, a 700 ml liquid cleanser (for bb stuff and vegetables/fruits) and a cleaning brush.

The capella stroller is at $389 for S705 with capella, compatible car seat + walker I think. At least the BHG Bishan one seems to feature S705. Is that a good deal?

Kimiko: Is there a difference in the 2009 and 2010 model for capella s217?

Ms Carpe Diem, i think the capella 7++ series not bad leh.. but i hoping to find something less than $300 so i think i will stick with S226/S228 unless baby wanna spend more..

actually some webbies i see got 2008, 2009, 2010 models.. i think should be more or less the same bah.. but the older version cheaper lah!

bfly, u can email them to ask abt shipping??

actually is it a need to buy steriliser?? i am confused by this thing coz last time when i was looking after my youngest bro, no such thing de leh.. most of my friends (even well-to-do ones) also say no need buy.. they prefer the traditional method.. using hot water...

i am more headache at the breast pump.. medela auto de $700+++...

AC/ling.. thanks for the info on Pru1st gift... seems to be a good insurance coverage for mum and baby.

leg cramp... maybe once a week will have cramp during sleep too... maybe sometimes drink cold water..too cooling liao..

stroller... for #1 we didnt bring stroller out.. even shopping we also didnt bring as hubby and i find it troublesome to get on the mrt and bus thus we always carry our baby hahahah take turn to carry... although abit inconvenient but use to it le....

betsmok.. glad to know that both of u are ok now... eat more to replenish the loss ya.. lolx...dont worry baby will be alright... me too miss baby inside tummy... nxt mon gonna go check up sooo looking forward to it..

mamaAsh... yes.. very tough to be a mother!!

Haha.. Silly me, I thought BHG at Tamp only have 2 levels.. AC, if possible can check if the model S17 is the 2009 or 2010 model at Toys' R Us?

Ms Carpe Diem, I'm not too sure about the difference but its the same price for 2009 and 2010 model online, I rather get the latest model for the same price. S705 is already about $329 online, with the car seat and walker, seems like a good deal.. But what is a walker? S705 is 8.3kg, it looks good but will it be very heavy? Because I don't have much strength though I'm not small size, worried next time I can't bring baby out alone..

Jac, yea actually my mum also ask me to just use hot water to sterilise the milk bottles but lucky me I got Avent steriliser from my SIL so no need to buy.. Hee I might be getting the breast pump from her too just that she have not pass it to me yet.

i go scout 1st...when wife reach then i ask her to take a look too...

i got the steriliser from SIL so at least i saved that...not sure if wife want pump though...let her decide on that ba...

Krist, the thing i like abt Pru1stGift is that it protects the moment you bought it...so *touch wood* if the delivery is complicated or something happen at least it's covered. most policies will not cover delivery complications...

hopefully tamp BHG will have the 700 series so I can compare...haven't see those...

alright...time to go! update you all later!

Ms Carpe Diem: Yes, I'm expecting a boy. I love this name but family members complain it's too long & hard to pronounce & spell. Told them can call him Nat for short.

AC: We're Christian family so don't believe in those experts naming our kids with the birthdate & time. Surname is Chao, middle name is Fan so tough to rhyme with the 3rd word. My elder kids have Ning & En, immediate nephews & nieces used Hao, Ting & Wei. Golden rule is cannot repeat those used in the family line. Unfortunately, our family line is the youngest in the whole clan so further limit our choices..sigh!

Yellow: Yes, hoping my confinement aunty can come on time. She has another job due in mid Nov & I'm due in mid Dec so v tight schedule. I'm going for caesearian so likely 1-2wks earlier. May have to survive 1-2wks without her. Now praying that the other mommy can give birth 2wks earlier..then timing will be juz nice! She suggested getting her elder sis to help me for 2wks if she can't make it but we're not sure if we like that idea of changing CL midway..further she's not young Liao so her elder sis should be much older..wonder can cope or not... Btw, I don't stay alone at home..both my father & mother in laws stay with me, their eldest unmarried daughter also stay with me, I've 2 kids + maid..lots of people in the household yet still have to hire CL..sad, right? Anyway, my MIL feels bad about not able to help much so she offers to sponsor CL fees..hurray!

Bfly: I like that polka dot stroller.! How much & where to buy? Good to use of not? Is it too girlish to use for boy?

Jaq: Try rubbing leg cramp cream..it helped in my previous pregnancy.

Thank you all for your concern! I will go stock up food tonight!

CP: nat sounds nice too! I'm contemplating between Lucas or Aidan.

For leg cramps so far I only kana twice. Now I sleep with my kegs raised on a folded blanket.

E quinny strolker we've checked. The quinny Zappa extra can recline all e way. But for newborns we will fix the maxi cosi car seat on it first. It's really impressive and compact. If you can go hyper mart take a look.

CP: this is aprica stroller. it costs $679. you can view it at kiddysky.com

hahaha mine also boy but I'm a fan of polka dots. Hahahaha

My husband does not like it


U can try massaging legs before u sleep. I think it helps!

Ms Carpe Diem,

I will try next time to wake my baby before visiting the gynae. Mayb will b more active. Hahaha...


Thanks! Your detailed scan will be fine and interesting!

Jacq: Sorry, I haven't done much research on strollers so do help me clarify any misunderstandings I may have. Is there a difference between the s200+ series and s700+ series of strollers. Because right now I seem to have a better impression of s217 capella as compared to s705 capella. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that s217's handle is reversible but s705 cannot. Is that true? Or are there some features of the s705 that I'm not aware of.

Frankly this whole array of strollers is really giving my headache. I really wish someone would just give me a stroller (even 2nd hand one would be gd!) suitable for newborn then can liaoz, heh. :p. At least after trying it, I will know what I want in a stroller [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kimiko: A walker is something for infants who can't quite walk yet to be mobile. It has wheels and a seat in the middle on which you can place the child so he/she can move ard.

On sterilisers: I got it because it can also be a bottle warmer and a food warmer. Plus it can sterilise up to 5 bottles and their accessories at one go. I thought that may come in useful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. But yah, I had also received feedback from my friends they would rather use hot water.

On breast pumps: Chk out the bulk purchase section. There are people there who can parallel import similar BN breastpumps from the USA (although some adaptations may be required in terms of electricity requirements) for significantly lower prices. Only thing is their warranty is in the USA (not Singapore). I think my friend had gotten a set from such means and her set is still working fine. She had breastfed her son for 1 year.

Winniep - I'm also eyeing the quinny and maxi cosi stuff from glory spring bur hubby say buy after 7th mth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. The seller offered me discount if I buy stroller and carseat together. When are u buying? Maybe we should combine and bargain down somemore...haha

On breastpump - I think the BP at SMH allows us to get Medela pumps at almost 50% of retail price but no warranty. I may just go for tat.

On steriliser - same leh, my frens told me just put inside big pot can liao...dont buy steriliser

On cot bedding - anyone know where to buy nice, comfy and affordable ones?

Im putting together a list of to-buys too but after checking prices at various places, I don't find significant differences (Cheong Choon and the Kaki Bukit places like not tat cheap either) so guess I will just buy abit as and when there's sale.

On bb name - hubby and I cannot agree on our gal's name but it's pretty fun talking abt it...gets us excited. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

On detailed scan - really ah, after week 22 harder to scan? Mine is on my week 22 leh and my gal is always so not co-operative...head always tucked and covered....

MamaAsh- maybe we can update bb's name against gender haha.

Hi stardust we have confirmed with glory spring already. He said to contact him 1 mth b4 due date. My hubby called him and asked him about the warranty he said that actually we can get it from him first and he will start the warranty on 1st dec. Cos we told him we need ut ard end of nov. Come to think of it we only need it after confinement. I didn't ask about discount thou. Ok will ask him about it! Thanks!

morning all!!!

ok...think i remember the wrong Toys' R Us. The S217 is not available at Tamp when I went last night. Think I might have seen the offer at Vivo's Toys' R Us instead. I did see Capella Cony Premium. Display set selling for $399.

I went BHG...saw the set that's $349 with S217, car seat and a walker. Walker is those round thing that a BB can sit in to practice walking around that we seen since young... seems like a good deal but as usual my wife dun wan to buy...

they do have 3 other models that's going for $329, $399 and another without price. All without the model and no one to ask so no idea what models those are. The $329 and $399 once looks similar and all 4 wheels can rotate. The most exp looking one got very big rear wheels and looks very bulky...maybe is the 700 series...

Really hard to catch up all the postings...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

On steriliser - Jacqueline,stardust, I still prefer steriliser because after washing milk bottles, you just place all the milk bottles into steriliser and do not need to bother how long it's take to be done. If you choose to use old method, must be very careful cos my friend did burnt her milk bottle due to overheat...

On cot bedding - check out Assino cos their cot bedding quite nice & the pictures are nice...

Sterilizer - It's a good investment for hygiene sake. I bough the Pigeon big sterilizer 7.5yrs ago & stillnusing it leh...piah say..my 7.5 & 5.5 hrs old kids still using milk bottles so th sterilizer still handy..hee..hee..

Cot bedding - Agreed with Jass that Aussino sells nice bedding for kids. Can get them when there's sales.

Walker - I saw a real charming Ferrari walker for F1 fans in Robinsons. It has a F1 car with sterling wheel for the baby to sit in..looks lie th baby is driving the F1 car in the walker..cool! Told hubby that I want that walker when my boy is old enough to sit in it tho he complained that it cost more than other walkers..ha..ha..


yeah..totally agree with you. I also bought Pigeon sterilizer 5 years ago, and only stop using this year. but check out the condition, hopefully still good in use.

I bought 'The Little Prince' cot bedding from Aussino for #1, quite like it..

Walker- but my boy only use walker abt 2mths then he tend to climb out frm walker and we stop using it. and i still prefer let him cruise ard the hse...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, I bought s705 from mothercare, after 15% discount plus 5% member discount only 280.30 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I m interested in the Capella S705 too!

May i know where's the website where u share S705 is about $329 online, with the car seat and walker? indeed it seems like a good deal!!


Wah! that's a gd deal! too bad, i dont have the mothercare VIP card...


my detailed scan is also on the 21+ week!!

no idea why my gynae schedule so late... hopefully, bb will cooperate and everything will be ok!!

finally, i m gg for my appt tmr evening, and i m really looking forward to see bb again!

& hopefully, i can knw the gender too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasline, sorry if I posted inaccurately, was saying that the S705 online alone is $329, hence what Ms Carpe Diem saw at BHG Bishan for stroller + walker + car seat at $389 seems like a good deal. It does look good but I'm worried about the weight, shall check that out at the mall later.

And I'm finally going for my detail scan later today, so excited and nervous at the same time! Kept rubbing my tum and telling baby to cooperate, later to show everyone he/she is not always sleeping. Haha.. Typing halfway I can feel he/she 'wiggling' inside, let's hope he/she keeps it this way till the scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AC, I'll go check out BHG Tamp later and hopefully I can confirm your findings for everyone later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok, thanks thanks - mayb bcoz i didnt read thru the thread...

mayb i shall popby BHG Lot 1 tonight, but its a small outlet with only 2 levels, so mayb dont sell bb stuff...

thanks, will check out the other outlets this weekend too..

in fact, i like S803 too but its 10kg!

& all the best for ur detailed scan later..

will b awaiting for ur gd news!

Winniep - yah, u mention to him that we are both buying lah. My email nick is the same as my SMH nick i.e. stardust25 See what he says. So you pay first and he deliver nearer to due date? Or he "chop" for you and no need to pay yet? I cant decide on the colour. My hubby likes black for both but I tot the red carseat looks gd for a bb gal and his car, haha.

Steriliser - so pigeon is gd isit? But must use with pigeon bottles lah?

Cot bedding - thanks for the advice. Shall go check up Aussino [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear all, today i dun feel tummy ache. Yay! maybe cos i drank Milo before i slept last night. and yes i stocked up on food so muching now and then. haha

Stardust- er i told my hubby that we should just inform him we are interested then when one mth b4 due call him see he got stock a not. Cos he said if no stock it will take about 2-3 weeks to arrive so ok still got time. We getting the black stroller n red car seat. no point getting both black i feel.cos you take out the Zapp seat its left with the metal colour so at least you got two colours le! You should get the red car seat! Boy also can use. i initially wanted the red stroller BUT the red not nice le...

Stardust: The good thing about Pigeon sterilizer is that it's big & can fit any size item for sterlising. I also use it for Advent bottles which I find better than the other brands.

Winniep: My gynae recommends that I drink a cup of hot Milo before bedtime. It helps me to sleep better & will not leave my tummy feeling empty in sleep. Maybe that's why hospitals always serve Milo before bedtime.

Hi mommies...

Walk-in into O&G Clinic on monday cos having very bad cramps and was having cold sweat... In the end doc say it's ligament strain and as tummy gets bigger it will be worst! Not liking that at all... Doc say if I cannot bear with the pain then no choice I have to take paracetamol. But alot of people and even pharmacist told me to avoid all sort of medication if possible.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But good thing is the screening test result for Down's syndrome is LOW RISK! So happy... Hub and I decided not to go for the diagnostic test as it carries a slight risk of miscarriage. Now gotta wait till end Aug to go for the detailed scan where we can know the gender of the baby!!! *excited*

Kimiko: So exciting! All the best! Hope your bb will interract with you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi,I'm a 2010 May mummy.

I've an excellent conditioned babyplus to let go at $100. Bought at $288 in Dec 2009.

PM me if you are interested

I just went for the detailed scan this morning. The doctor was too efficient. She is done in less than 10 mins i think. Keke. I can't make out much of the images that she captured though. Baby is very active and has grown much bigger in the past 3 weeks. In fact, I can feel her moving a lot while waiting for the doctor. Double confirm its a gal! The hospital is quite sweet to burn all the images into a CD together with the report for us. According to original EDD by gynae, baby should be 20 weeks but according to the growth in all areas, it should be 21 weeks.

Guess I will hold off shopping for a while. After I purchased a baby cot during the baby fair, a friend just offered her baby cot. Offers of car seat and clothes are also coming in. Hmm.

I have also been getting cramps on my calves when I straighten my legs after I wake up. Its quite painful. Hence, I will try to remember not to do so...

Kimiko, enjoy your detailed scan!

Lilian, thats great news on both!

I was busy calling p to check for confinement nannies the whole afternoon. The highly recommended ones from SMH are all fully booked till Jan 2012!

One of the nanny Aunt Mary recommended her Jie Mei YU LAN to me. 5 YRS experience n she only 47 years old.

Want me to give $400 deposit leh... Ad contact via Aunty Mary herself. You think it is reliable?


thanks for sharing the link on Breast Pump Bulk Purchase! think i m more or less set on buying from them! :D


glad that everything is ok! tk care ya!

@ TIE:

Congrats on ur bb gal!! ur shopping spree begins! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah! which hospital is that? It's indeed a very nice gesture of them to burn all the images in a CD for u!


yes, most of them fully booked le! so u 've to act fast!

erm, perhaps u can arrange a meet-up with Yu Lan, and ve a face-to-face 'interview' with her, asking her to share her experience, and explain her confinement duties...etc.

That's what i did when i got the CL contact frm the forum... And yes, i met up with her last mth and paid a $300 deposit.

Gd luck!!

jasline: i think i will purchase form them too. I dont think we need warranty as it is not valid in SG. Got to check with them before purchase.


Jasline: Thanks! I'm with Parkway East aka Eastshore. Haha. If doctor takes longer, then I can see my little gal longer though.

Bestmok: Actually, same case for me as in I am taking a confinement lady recommended by another CL. Hoping for the best... While most ask for deposit, mine didnt. Probably coz she was not in singapore when I contacted her then.

