(2011/12) Dec 2011


Offhand I dun have the contacts, only rem how to go there. But u can always google for it n can easily find the contact details one. Btw bb kingdom n bb hyperstore r only abt 2 units away from each other.



Can try natal essentials. That time I only ordered for lunch. Portions big enough for 2 pax. I shared my lunch with my mother. Taste wise ok. But too much confinemt food cam be very ni. Bcoz usually lotsa Ginger n the usual confinement condiments. Eat until sian.

Gbh-yup it work for me. My 1st son born week 39+ water bag leak, he was 3.75kg , facing up shoulder got stuck while pushing but due i always squad and do pelvic floor exercise , wif all the mighty i push him out. No vacuum or forceps. My gynea judy wong was surprise and glad i manage through the labour without csection. 2nd & 3rd son 3push out All 3 sons wif epidural due to blood preasure slight high.

Wah so many posts.

Squatting mean up and down hah?

Talking abt cot, it can't fit into my new master bedroom [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then I was thinking of doing the below in the living room but my mil dun allow. What I'm pissed is why my room for the new house must give my sil then my poor baby got nowhere to slp. She wanted to convert the optional study room in the living room into my baby room [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


CT, clean toilet? Haha. I super long never do that. Frankly I get breathless very fast. The only exercise I do is do kicking in the pool

hi mummies,

Quite long nvr post, busy with work n number 1. plus I think I strained my abdominal muscle again. Super pain... Btw any mummies know which is a gd affordable brand of twin stroller, the front n back design?


I just bought a baby jogger city select from mothercare. Got 10+5 % discount for member. So far I like this the the best for it's features. Can use for many combinations n I can put newborn n toddler in. Next time change one seat n can put 2 toddlers in.

Ling-hahahaha people think i am crazy sruad clean toilet but its exercise mah rather i walk n climbstairs more tired. tumble fall more problem. ambulance ran c human barney.

Dear mummies ..

Bb is a BOY!!!!!!! Doc wrote "Boy... For sure"


Hi there mummies!

Joining here for the first time, having a dec bb too. The gender is not confirmed yet, most likely a girl! wow you gals are talking about bb purchases, I have yet to think of that! too many to buy.. =)

Ace, all ready to shop le right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CT, i cant squad too long cos i will feel faint. i only mop the toilet keke


Thanks will go check it out. I dun own a car so is it very heavy to carry in n out of a taxi boot n can it be one person operated?

Ace: that what i was thinking work in mymum hse in weekdays n my hse in weekend but its against the mom laws

But there r alot ppl doing this some give the maid extra $$ lor but if the maid go momcomplain of coz we lose out

So have to see the maid gd or not lor


I bought the twin stroller on assumption tt I can use it when hb not with me n I take cab or train. The stroller I think it's abt 10kg? Which is slightly heavier than my current single stroller so I think I can manage it. Can be open n close easily but u gotta put #1 n #2 in the cab first lah. No issue for me in this case bcoz #2 will be in car seat carrier. Just chump the whole thing in the back seat with newborn in it. Then I will let #1 sit at back seat then I keep stroller. Done!

The way the stroller closes is there is a catch somewhere in the middle part. Just pull tt up n the stroller closes up in half. Some sort like a paper fan being folded. U can google for the baby jogger city select n watch the demo video. It shows all the features of the stroller. The basket below can even be extended further for more storage.

Gbh: wow i think u very li hai, pei fu ni.... I dun dare go out without hubby #1 quite handful... N u can still b a sahm quite xie mu ni.... My hubby ask me go back work, had been on leave for around 2mths++ due to depression... Dun know i m ready or not... Feel quite stress

hi mummies,

long time nvr post le. Wow so many post.

Many mummies already know the gender liao. I had to wait till next week. Seems such a long wait.


me oso getting a maid weekday day time would be at my mum place weekend den would be at my place. No choice has to let the maid know before hand loh. Can't be the maid go my mum place to sit rite? haiz.

@gbh - how many days did u order for the confinement food? If it serves 2 persons, I can at least share with my mil. I was thinking just get 14 days since the food menus normally repeat every 2 weeks. Dunno if it is a must to have confinement food for 1 full month.

Regarding about Ginger, my gynae Peter Chew warned us not to take too much as it will dilute our blood. He encountered mom who bleed non stop after giving birth.

Hence,our diet should include Ginger but not for every meal.


Thanks for the info, wow the stroller is much heavier than my 7kg one but that's expected since it's a twin. Do u hv a car hence the car seat or is it for convenience n safety if ur travelling alone with the kids?


No lah. I'm no supermum. I have a fren who is truly a supermum. She brings her #1 n now also #2 to places. I only go out once in a while. Not a daily thing. Usually with other sahm to kids friendly places n bcoz going out with mummies, it's not so stressful bcoz they also can help out if I need help.

Being a ftwm n sahm is very different. Depends on what u prefer. Dun add stress to ur self esp now when preg we tend to get mood swings. Any particular reason y ur hb prefers u to go bk to work? For finances or other reasons?


I bought the extra car seat carrier bcoz I need a second car seat anyway n if I dun get car seat, I need to get a bassinet that can be fixed onto the twin stroller bcoz newborn can only be in either car seat carrier or bassinet, not the regular seat. Hence I think the car seat option is more suitable for me. If I get bassinet it means I gotta buy a car seat (for my car) which is very waste of money n extra too. Plus if I'm taking cab, car seat can also be easily fixed in cab. Safer. Bassinet cannot. So u can decide whether bassinet or car seat better for u. If u only intend to bring #2 out after 6mths old, u dun even need bassinet or car seat, just the regular second seat will do bcoz I rem tt one for 6 mths n older.


I cant rem how long but I think it's for 28 days of lunch. Yes, they tend to repeat menu but I thought since im only having confinement food for lunch (by right shld be every meal mah) I shld not cut it further by shortening the no of days. So ordered 28 days lor.

Ace, yr hb laffed when u shared w him abt my cheeky bb's acts I posted ....

Hee guess both of you muz be smiling happily when yr gynae said bb is a BOY ... congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gbh, I m looking for a twin stroller too!

Can share how much u pay for yr bb jogger city select ?


Verene, my gynae's clinic is at medical ctr in Mt E too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I went on a (window) shopping spree yday. Bought the cot and guess HB and I are pretty much settled on the Quinny Zapp Xtra since it's very versatile. I prefer strollers which can stand upright when folded, but this one cant. Then again HB is so thrilled with this, thought I'll let him have his way, while I decide on the cot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies interested in Quinny strollers and Maxi Cosi carseats? I found this very cheap distributor. The price quoted is their normal price (yup! cheaper than BB Hyperstore and Spring's discounted price for 2011 and 2010 models) but delivery is free till end Jul. Wondering if we can get more discounts if we go for BO.


If other mummies are keen, I can go check [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, I find Spring act has pretty gd bargains during GSS, got my cot there as well and their stroller prices are same as/ if not cheaper than BB Hyperstore and cheaper than Cheong CHoon...at least for the cots and strollers I was eyeing.

mummies, reme to apply stretchmark cream by the side of tummy too. one of my frds neglected tat part and hv stretchmarks.

For me, my tummy always itch at nite and I will scratch comfortably while I sleep. I'm so worried marks will surface soon.

gbh: Different type of car seat is required as our baby grow? How many types are there?


Thanks for the advice. Wil consider a car seat.

Mummies, anyone still looking for post natal massage lady? I can intro my massage lady who helped me for my previous pregnancy. She does antenatal massage too. Pm me if interested.

I bought 3 pajamas at Chinatown today. So stupid of me, I bought the first one at 13.90 then at another shop 2 for $19.

good morning all...

really cannot catch up with all the posts...anyway...last thurs went for check up and had a quick scan...gynae say maybe is girl but BB shy so cannot really tell...gynae say detailed scan then confirm so we still have no idea...

head cir is 11.5cm so EDD went back to 31 Dec but I guess BB is growing steady and well so the EDD is quite constant...no worries then i guess...

wife wanted to go kaki bukit to have a look but knowing her...she won't buy anything one...so i told her dun go till ready to buy stuff...since we stay quite near there can go any weekends...

Gbh: long story... I m workig for my dad n now i nv work he still give me salary as usual n most of the day i m slping at home i dun know y i m veryvery tired

N my mum nag i nv work later lazy etc etc then my hubby ask me go back work coz we need the $ n he dun wan me take thr $ if i nv work

N my hubby say that since i feel better liao i should stop the anti depressant med n dun act depression! He thinks that depression so easy to cure! Yes true i feel better after taking med n caneat more n have lots of cravings n he everytime buy give me eat..,,

N i really stop the med last week since then i tend to have more mood swings n cry more now n tend to b slightly depress.... But when i told him he doesnt seem to believe n seem to believe i m faking it... Sometimes he can even reply me: work whole day liao come home have to look after no1 n yet have to look after me! N tell me stop thinking so much n tell me better go back work

I know he is stresd too so now i dun tell him much n since he feel that i should b completely cure of depression....

I dun know if i m readyfor work, i dun know i can take the stress or not haizzzx

dawn: dun think too much lah... & dun worry too much... ya, i agree w yr hb, u try to go back to work first & see how, really dun think too much... if u can divert yr attention to something else, may be better lor... juz take a thing at a time & deal with it when it comes... else dun think too much lah... cheer up k!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AC, i also bugged hubby on Sat to bring me go Kaki Bukit have a look. He same reaction as u lor. Say too early to buy, go also no use. So I psycho him go shopping malls so that can check out dept store/shops with bb stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dawn, since u working for dad, maybe can arrange work half-day 2-3 days a week till you feel better then work full days? Guess this way can keep your mind occupied yet not tire/stress you out.

Think I should embark on some exercise soon after I check with gynae next wk. Duno why these days my legs feel weak....


Mine is diff. last week my hb suggest to buy milk bottles..etc. I told him still early, wait till sept/oct then start buying...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

even my #1, i also start buying after reach 6 mths pregnant...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How's your son now? u too must take care..

Let me know how much to transfer once u got the bill..thanks a lot for ordering...

MamaAsh, hope your son is alright now. I also have another suggestion to remove names with incomplete information. I noticed some mummies asked for their info to be put up then went MIA. I think happymok also asked to be removed a few weeks back, nobody asked why and she didn't mention why either.

YAY! Can't wait for the clothes to reach us earlier, I'm running out of clothes to wear. Thanks for the update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dawn, though its no good to keep taking medication during pregnancy but I feel that it may be better for you to keep taking the anti-depression pills till doctor ask you to stop. Sometimes we slip into depression because it caught us unaware, better not to let it happen again. I also agree with Chan PL for you to arrange to work on part-time basis for the time being before you are ready to go back again. No point forcing yourself and worsening your depression right? Men can be really insensitive at times. When I had a mild depression before, I kept everything inside and I sob every night, imagine he sleeps beside me he also had no idea. Till one day he noticed I was crying all night then he realises something was wrong. Of course, when we talked about that now he still don't seem to believe I was having depression but I guess unless they have been through that themselves, they probably won't understand. Best thing to do is know yourself and do the best for yourself, take care ya!

Oh yea, mummies, there are 2 places to check out at kaki bukit right? 1 is baby hypermart, the other is?

Hi Dec mtb!

i'm also a Dec mtb! EDD 5Dec! i'm at 20weeks now and just found out last week that i'm having a boy! This Friday going to the detailed scanning at Thomson medical.

dont feel very good lately as my tummy keeps getting bloated and recently i got heartburn.

Mamaash,chan yes he later told me to try part time first

Kimiko: same he dun believe n at night when i was sobbing he is snoring! Actually another thing that worry me is that this pregnancy different frombefore, this one once i not enough sleep it will affect my mood n i will grumpy n depress n i cant slp early at night, coz my no1 slp at 10.....

N somehow the depression i had kinda lock me into my own world, i am abit afraid of going back to office, keeep thinkinh what if i vomit, what if i feel sick, what if .... I know someday i have to go back work, need to open my xin jie first

Hi Dawn, yes you have to break away from the chains of depression yourself. But its always a good thing you realised what is holding you back so least you can find ways to conquer it. Are you still having MS now? Otherwise I think we still will vomit and feel sick sometimes so it's normal, just don't think too much about it. Take things as they come will be easier, try to relax yourself a bit more ya.

Winnie, high five! My EDD is also 5 Dec but I still don't know my baby's gender yet. Will be going for my detail scan this wed so it's near now. Heartburn will be normal at this stage, I heard avoiding spicy food may help.

Hello MamaAsh,

Do you mind to update my info if you are updating others as well? Thank u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Calleigh -

-Mt E


-Dr Kusuma Lee


Thank uuu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its good that everyone is doing well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kimiko: no ms now, except early morning brush teeth gag haha n tend to feel sick n vomit whenever i an tensr so i really have to try to relax

Baby inside pulling strings sometimes do u all have it also???

I tend to crave for spicy things these days n previously i dun even eat spicy stuff

Dawn, I sometimes do feel like vomiting when I brush my teeth in the morning as well. Recently I started having giddy spells as well and probably low blood resulting in almost fainting at NTUC last Tue/Wed. But I think as long as we take care, it should be alright. Don't worry too much.

Pulling strings? How does that feel? I feel mostly 'wiggling' and occasional thuds.


Yes. Car seats got many types. Some r combination (0-4 yrs old). Some r only from newborn to 1 yr old. Some from certain age (usually 6 mths/ 1 yr old onwards) n then there's booster seats for older children too. Among the different types, there's different brands, models n features too. So u gotta go recce it yourself n see which one suit u the best. Personally I like combination kind which can sit from newborn till 4 yr old. Better investment since last a long while mah. This kind is installed differently in the car dep on u using it for newborn or older children. So u just adjust accordingly as bb grows. For my #2 I'm getting a car seat carrier which can only sit from newborn to 1 yr old (13kg) bcoz I need this to fix onto my twin stroller. If not for this, I would be getting another combination car seat.


U probably need to get out of the hse or do something to keep urself occupied so as to get out of depression. Whatever u do, preferably something tt will have ppl around u one. Bcoz I think having company of ppl around will really help to keep depression in chk one.

Hmm since we're on the topic of car seats, does anyone know anything about Maxi Cosi Dori combination car seat? I think it's a 2008 model but can't seem to find any reviews of it online. Wondering what's the difference between this old model and the newest model Opal (which is going for $700+ faint).

orh...my SIL gave us alot of bottles and also the Pigeon sanitizer so that one dun need to buy...

many people keep saying clothes dun need to buy cos many people will give...if by nov still dun have much then will buy some lor...anyway BB will outgrow most clothes b4 having a chance to wear them...

wife's friend might give us a cot for new born for may not need to buy...

main things to buy will be stroller and car seat but that one still can wait a while else we need to leave them to collect dust...

knowing my wife...she will not buy the 1st time she goes...she will see...then think...and think...and think...before deciding to buy...so I think closer to oct or nov then go buy better...hopefully by then 2012 series are out then 2011 series will drop price also lor...

kimiko & Jass: thx, my son recover fr fever liao, so he's back to childcare, juz tat still have cough & flu lor... these normally will take some time... :p

Calleigh: updated yr info! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dawn: agree w gbh, u need to have pple around u so u won't think too much... i believe yr dad will understand too, juz go back office, dun worry abt stress or weather u can cope or not.. juz be there in the morning & go back rest when u're tired... cos i also work for me dad, he everyday ask me go back early! haha...

winphua: welcome! had juz included u in our table... hope to see u often! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kimiko: i rem my last pregnancy, can't take spicy food cos of heartburn, but realised even if dun take spicy food also heartburn! fed up!! i juz mummies can try to take small amt of food rather then 1 full meal, too full will feel very uncomfy...

hi mummies,

went for my detailed scan @ TMC last Saturday. Waited 1hr++ for my turn. Saw a little girl while waiting. Quite cute. Suddenly sit on the floor, and keep saying "I don't want book." and started to push the book away bit by bit. her daddy whisper something to her, then she immediately pick up the book and pass to her mummy. So cute.

looks like most of us know the gender already. Shopping shopping!!

now having heartburn these few days... haiz..


try to pre-occupied yourself with some stuffs. talk to ppl (we are always here for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])


you should be able to know the gender this week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i asked during the detailed scan, and the sonographer actually say, "Huh? your gynae haven't tell you meh?" haha... i already know, but just want a confirmation.


your son better now?


Dawn: no ms. ya cos last week i went for gynae visit then can see quite obviously. the previous time BB was sleeping so cant see.

Kimiko yay! i hope my bb will be out earlier cos my wedding anniversary is 29 Nov hopefully is same day then it would be the best present for me and hubby. Good lucky to your next scan!

mamaAsh - thanks for updating! btw my gynae is Dr LN Sim.

