(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi ladies...

Sorry to tag and thick-skin join in...

By right I am suppose to join the Jan 2012 posting.. Cos my EDD is on the 4.1.12.. But don't want a january baby.. Want a december baby.. hahahaha....

Saw that you all talking about eczema.. Not sure I am having one.. But my back, shoulder and now chest all having those red tiny pimples... At times its soooo itchy I keep scratching.. At night when I sleep, skin also super itchy! So irritating...


OMG!! Please help me!!!! I created an excel with all the possible small little things we need to buy and also hoping to compare prices... just with the list, i feel like i am dying.. and i only managed to record pricing for 1 shop and my neck is falling off!!!! and seeing all the things and brands i am gonna die.. just the milk bottles and teats are making me confused!!!

ace, whahha!! i think we just enjoy scratching ourselves somehow... it does feels a little shiock when scratching right? last time with gel nails, scratching is not so bad.. wun see the hwite scratching marks and dry skins.. now with normal nails, disgusting!

so many of u feeling kicks.. how does it feels like?? i still duno.. i am feeling pains here and there ard tummy but dun think its kicks right?

Ling, u r fast!! ur doc also says u can do?? i am looking forwrad tml doing my hair.. not gonna wash hair tonight!! whahahahah!!!

safiya, i think i know where the tesco and jusco are.. but we seldom go there... yap, sutera area got malls and shophouses, etc.. i am looking at the baby shop's card.. i also duno where is the exact place.. u can go their webby see,.. they dun show alot items but got the addresses..


ghb, yes, and i am the 1 being alone coz all working.. at times when i am on mc, i also alone at home de.. i think i need to find some job that can work from hm le.. maybe can help divert atteion a little...

i think that's y got pros and cons between sahm and working mums.. and depends on how the family wanna handle bah..

stardust, i can do houseowrk lah.. just plain lazy at times.. esp got dog at home.. hate to clean the urine and poo!!! but when i am at home, see liao cannot tahan so bo bian will mop lor...

1h15mins to ur appt!!!!

jass, ok!! i will remind myself not to scratch.. but my whole bosy is filled with pimples like rashes... so very hard not to scratch wor.. my body is now worse than arms and legs!!

cloud942, ya!! their clothes is super ex!! thats y i only got 1 jeans at a discounted price!! gmarket got maternity shorts?? okok.. i go see see.. i need shorts lah!! nothing to wear now!! btw, got anything cheaper than $20? lolx!!

jasline, dun think so much for now 1st esp $$.. although $$ plays an important part, somehow can go through it de.. maybe u can tell ur parents that now with baby got more expenses so if its possible not to give them $$ for teh time being?? etc?? actually i am ok with my in-laws but i try to distance myself.. and i cannot tahan my SIL!!! but i have to endure coz i will be staying with them forever...

actually think of it, i think i have nice parents although last time my finance always screw up because of my family.. at least since wedding till now, my parents not taking $$ from me.. since wedding ping jin, nv ask alot from my hubby also.. after wedding, i wanna give them allowance, my dad says ask me keep for my current family.. and now with baby, he very scared i no $$.. since they duwan $$ from me, every week when i go back, i will buy things back to eat, etc, esp my youngest bro coz i dote on him a lot.. until a point, my dad tells my youngest bro "dun finish all ur jie jie $$, wait my grandson no milk to drink.." lolx!!

chan pl, i felt hungry at ard 10 last night.. btu i think coz i had diarrhea before that and tummy empty... but now my meal times quite standard and if i skip, i will feel the hunger very badly..

jass, this is the webby i bought the leggings... must try and error de.. so far bought a few, R115 is the best...



Coz of the position bb is in and the available space is near the placenta. So first try only manage to draw a bit. The second try somewhere nearby also draw the rest. Today then I know that since I opt for the express test, need to draw a bit more fluid than the normal one. Although whole procedure quite short, it really seemed endless. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


U sound so motherly! :)

Chan PL,

I used to feel hungry abt 9 plus at night every nite during first tri. But it came as bloatedness not hunger. Once I eat something despite the bloatedness, it will b fine. Hahaha....


Hope to noe ur bb's gender soon!

Hi Lilian,

May ur wish come true. Welcome!

Re: itch

I was warned not to scratch my tummy if it itches unless I want watermelon skin - dark lines where I scratch. I super scared so I have been obedient. I just put powder or juz sayang tt part but no scratching. I read that Increased blood will cause the skin to b more sensitive and itch. :-(

OMG!! i didnt know my reply so long.. sorry sorry.. anyway, cant remembered if i mentioned, bhg got baby fair.. think something like 20% off baby stuff bah... it's till 24th July...

lolx.. thanks happygal.. maybe coz i helped to look after and babysit my youngest bro bah.. he is 9 yrs my junior so i take care of him most of the time when he is young... but 1 thing for sure, i am definitely not a patient mum!! whahaha!!

welcome lilian... well, usually 1st child will be earlier.. thats what my friends say.. my friends also mentioned, u must talk to ur baby and tell baby when u want him to be born, usually will born ard that period.. duno real or not..

Jass, i bought from the same seller as jac...

Jac, gmarket shorts not cheap too. In the end, i placed old navy order thru mamaash which is abt $20 or so.

happygal, oh ic... ya i agree the whole procedure is like super long. Was also anxious when the needle was in, worried baby will just move nearby...

For those of u eating fish, do u know if those fish sliced soup fish is suitable to eat? Sometimes really dunno which fish is high in mercury n which is not. I eat like once every wk, maybe i shld limit further....


unfortunately, my family context is so complex..

coz my mom is critically sick, so i have to as a daughter contribute my fair share to cope with the finances...

yup, i try not to pressure myself thinking of the finances...

@Lilian T:

Welcome to the Dec2011 Mommies Forum!

my EDD was initially 24dec, but according to my previous visit, it is now 1-jan!

i oso hoping for a bunny baby coz i forsee dragon year is very competitve (it was the case for my bro previously)...

so perhaps, we can try Jacqueline's method to talk to bb to pop out earlier ;)

@ Jasline Ya lor.. That was wat i thot too.. My cuz went thru craze just to get into uni cos too many dragon babies.. so i don't want to see my kid also face the same prob... I more kaisu.. hahaha...

@Jacqueline But my colleague say 1st child usually will be on the EDD... very seldom early.. I think I shall try the method of talking to baby and tell the bb december good mth to be born! lol....

There's baby fair @ Takashimaya Square from 27 July till 14 Aug.... Then Istean Baby fair from 24 July till 14 Aug..

Hi cloud, dont have to worry unless the slice fish is from shark or salmon, otherwise those slice fish soup outside uses normal fish which is ok for consumption. Those fishes high in mercury are usually from deep sea and is large in size like shark, the red-meat tuna, salmon, etc..

Hi Jac, can share your price list and maybe we all can chip in a bit? I wish I can go out and check prices, I got this very bad giddy spells recently and I almost fainted at NTUC just a few days ago that I stop going out alone. These few days also feel heavy-headed, not sure what's wrong also.


I tink in the first place, when u eat outside at food courts not at restaurants, they normally dun give u very ex fish which means very low chance of eating fish frm deep sea I guess. So mercury level should b quite low or non-existent bah....


Dun stress too much oki... Juz buy the essentials first. I am sure things will wk out one way or the other.


My patience is low... hahaha.... aiyo dunno how to b a mother like tt....

cloud942, so ex also ar? sigh.. jialat.. need to think if wanna buy or not le.. =( but thanks anyway!

jasline & lilian, i am also trying coz now i hope baby comes out late nov! whahahah!!1 i hope it will be 28 nov.. my wedding anniversary! =D

lilian, same, i also duwan dragon baby.. parents ma fan.. kids alot competition.. lolx, is it? maybe diff ppl have diff experience. so far from what i see ard my friends usually earlier.. some 2-3 weeks earlier!

taka got baby fair ar? weird, went the webby ytd never see anything! haha!! wah! like that we can go bhg, den isetan, den taka!! but by that time, maybe bhg cheaper but fair over le? whahaha!! headache.. but i think i wanna go taka fair coz i still have abt $400plus taka vouchers.. hopefully can get strollers!! =D

jasline, hehe i quite like fish sliced soup for this preg, v light n tasty.

kimiko, happygal, ok relieved... but i just ate from one stall, think they use batang fish which i googled it's called spanish mackerel in english and it's mid level mercury, yeeks, scare me a bit, maybe i shld avoid that stall then...

kimiko, u low blood or low sugar?? at anytime, if u feel giddy, try to find a corner and relax.. or sit down and wait for someone to pick u up.. thats what i do lah, find 1 place sit and wait.. coz duwan after that got the giddy spells again..

can also.. but so far only 1 vendor lah! maybe tonight i go bhg see see le can update more..

those who wants the list can give me email bah!!

jass, den ur case, u really need to find other means to work it out but remember dun stress ourself.. if not baby comes out very stress also.. try to stay happy is possible.. i have some friends the babies are really cheerful type.. always laughing.. see liao also happy!!

happygal, same lor.. i got no patient de.. and i dun like to repeat what i say! lolx!

@Jac I saw it at Ngee Ann City Events and Promotion Site.. Cos Taka website don't have also.. lol... I also got $100+ taka vouchers.. So can offset a bit not so 'sheong'...

I only need to get the cot and stroller plus a few new clothes and the teats and those replacement stuff.. Cos the rest all hand-me-down by my cousin... So save alot...

Hi MTB, I realize a lot of u have sensitive skin and itchy tummy. I have encounter slight itchy tummy when I was wearing my usual pant. After I stop wearing it and starts wearing dresses, plus daily massage using elancyl stretch mark cream plus jergens ultra healing moisturizer since week 10, I have no problem with dry and itchy skin. To minimize the tiny pimple on my back, I started using dettol soap and it really works. Now, I dun have any tiny pimple on my bacK at all.

I am envy for all MTB who knew the gender if their Bb. I am in my wk17, almost 18 now and still dunno the gender.

Btw, anyone intend to order confinement food during confinement. My mil is helping me so I am reducing her workload by order lunch confinement food but there are really too many catering selling confinement food.

@Happygal & Jacqueline:

indeed, i was pretty upset over the last few weeks bcoz of my mom's condition.

yup, i need to stay strong and positive for a HAPPY baby!

yes Jacq! my fren's bb is smiling all the time! so adorable!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've taka vouchers too! hopefully can buy sterilizer coz most of my frenz bought frm taka bb fair!

@cloud: yup, i love sliced fish soup too! my comfort food...

@Jacq: im interested, and i can contribute some too! my email is [email protected]

many thanks!

actually i am thinking.. what capacity milk bottles we need to buy for new borns ar?? can buy bigger ones like 200ml, etc??

my colleagues told me say initial bb won't drink alot of milk de.. so just get a few small ones then the big one will do for the rest of the months to go...

Hi Jac, I'm not sure also.. Long time ago before pregnancy, I only encounter such sudden giddiness and 'black-out' rarely. I was ok till about 2 weeks ago. It will happen anytime so once I felt it I must quickly find a place to sit down and drink lots of water. I'll then pass out cold sweat and will feel better after that. If I don't squat or sit down, then it will be black out liao.. That day I was queuing to make payment at NTUC then it happened.. The auntie in front bought so many things and counter auntie was a bit slow so I squat down while waiting but still couldn't make it. Luckily they quickly attend to me and let me sit at their cashier seat otherwise I think I will really faint..

Having said so much, pls send me a list too [email protected]

I probably will not be able to contribute much now but will do so once I'm better.. Happy shopping everyone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasline, hope everything turns out better for you soon.. Please take care..

whahaha!! so many got taka vouchers!! and it's the best time to use now..

shasha, think detto is too dry for my skin le..

jasline, gambatte!! u can do it de!!!

lilian, i heard from my friend when starting 1 mth is ard 60ml.. den subsequently increase 15ml every week.. duno can or not..

kimiko, at least they realised u not well and get u a seat!!! think maybe stand or walk too long,, try wriggling your toes if u r standing or walking too long.. thats what GP taught me.. for me is terrible headache everyday and it causes nausea also.. so i will also need to sit down whenever i am having headache.. not to the extend will faint but very painful and spinning..

jac, i d/l a checklist from the cheongchoon bb pdt store then give up idea of comparing brands & prices after seeing the checklist. There're like 80+ items to buy for bb stuff alone! Will prob only compare price for the few big & ex items. The rest will just buy if price seems reasonable.

shasha, i also plan to get confinement food catering coz I dun intend to get CL & will take care of bb on my own. I think there's a thread on this too. Remember reading it but I've yet to do any further research.

just a quick one...


there are 3 choices of milk bottle & teat which my firend mommies usually buy : Avent, Pigeon & NUK, buy those BPA free one..i buy 120ml for new born then when my son 5-6mths old, i bought 220ml or 260ml for Avent..

Hi gals,

Actually i aviod eating fish soup rice outside cos most of them uses batang which is king makerel. Batang has mercury, so dun eat too often. but if u are eating fish head steamboat, you can choose the fish, so usu better fish like goby or sea bass are offered. so its pretty fine. This is what i researched on n concluded, but even batang in moderation is actually fine, just not too often.

Regarding maid working in 2 houses, my fren actually requested for a maid willing to work extra w compensation and she got a filipino who's ok w arrangement but full time in one house and once or twice a week in the other house w compensation. Maybe u can try this option too, Dawn....

Hi mamaash, pls help me update, mine is a bb girl!

Hi Jac, actually the funny part was that on 2 occasions, it happened within 20min after I had a slow lunch and I hardly walked that much within 20min.. It's rather scary so I'm quite relieved that I'm seeing my gynae soon..

thanks chan pl, i also just went to dl the list!! SCARY!! but they dun have pricing right??

jass, thanks!!! avent and pigeon are the ones i see often too!!! other than BPA, also need to see if can prevent or reduct colic wor.. so now we just buy the 100+ml 1st lah! i still think can save $$!! =P


still can save $$..cos you still can use the small milk bottle sto store breast milk...

for sterilizer, found that Pigeon & NUK are good. mine is Pigeon, can hold 6 bottles and used for 4 years still in good condition. Check out Taka bb fair, now they like to sell in buddle which included food warmer (to warm up milk), milk bottles...etc. worth it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


remember to sit down & rest if u feel giddy. i realized nowday i also cant walk much, yesterday went to buy bra & panties and shop like half an hour already tired me out...

jac, the list very scary hor! i see liao also stress. No pricing but can copy n paste to excel to create pricing or comparison table. Also help make sure won't leave out essential small items. Useful for 1st-time mummy like me who's clueless on what to get. Coz to be frank, up till now my mind only focused on baby cot & playpen. Nvr thot abt what else is needed.

littlefren, batang is king mackerel, oh no, but i googled it to be spanish mackerel. anyway think i'll avoid already. haiz. Been eating it wkly for past 3wks or so...

wah!! kimiko, 2 occasiona 20mins apart only?? think u might wanna ask gynae bah.. btw, u taken any blood test?? maybe can show ur blood level and stuff? i think my headaches and giddiness is due to low blood count/low blood pressure.. which also shows on my blood test report..

jass, lolx.. provided i still have milk? haha!! actually for sterilizer, i might skip it coz i prefer the traditional method.. washing in hot water.. lolx..

ya, i agree... my energy also level very low now, tired very easily.. no more shoppings.. haha!!

chan pl, me too.. i also focus on those 2 until today decided to start another excel.. same, i am also clueless.. i wish they have the price list lah, so we no need to visit so many places to find out the price.. another place we can get pigeon items cheap is a place call puku i think... but the webby is USELESS! cannot see a single thing..

normally we will focus on bigger items coz amt is big.. but i think most of the times, its the smaller items that kills us? lolx@@

Yes Jac! Each time I will walk a bit for about say 10min before heading to NTUC to get the grocessory I need. It's always within that time frame I start to feel unwell and had to rush home thereafter. My blood test everything ok, suspect is a recent thing thats why am a bit worried.

Kimiko, recent thing??? dun worry so much... maybe u can wait till weekend hubby is free den go ntuc with u??? at least someone ard u will feel safer?? sometimes i also prefer hubby with me.. not really scared faint plus also, i scared some ppl rushing will push and run or walk pass.. den scared bang into me, lose balance den i fall...

ok ladies, i logging off pc prepaing to go off le.. heard it's raining!!! sianz...

i am emailed to the those i have ur emails.. most prob wun be coming in over the weekend, so see u all on monday!! =)

Jac, yes this happens recently as my last 'attack' was at least a year ago? I wanted to save time by helping to get the things we need instead of waiting for him for all the things, really didn't expect that.. Now I will not go out alone unless necessary.

Kimiko, then I think it's better that u wait for ppl to acc u... No point u trying to get things done and something happened.. Choy choy!!!

Ok, quick update.. Was at bhg... From what I see, haven't got the time and place to sit down and compare cox hubby still not reached!!!! The price here before discount seems to be similar to baby kingdom... Avert stuff not on sale.. I see some Capella strollers on sale too... Will need to compare before I can comment further...

Mumies if going Jb bukit indah jasco or tesco my advice buy scarlet brand for maternity wear.. cheap and lasting... to go there go via tuas check point.. shop till drop than u all can go tanjung pelepas to eat the seafood for dinner before heading home.

Wif regards delivering earlier since this is my no 4th bb past exprience many of us will poop out around 37th weeks onwards. best week 38 if can poop out. I have history of big babies so by week 36th i start to squad scrub toilet so that bb can descent down faster... squating is better n safer than climbing stairs or walk cause we already like barney walk not stable fall down more sueh...Remember to do the pelvic floor exercise..

Thanks CT for all ur advise.. What other pelvic exercise r there? Squatting a bit hard for me coz my legs r weak de. Normal days when I squat also nO energy to stand up.:.

Ok, bought some small little things at bhg... 20% off so confirm cheaper than baby kingdom. I did some comparison, most things r the same Price with bhg before discount so no point going all the way there to buy. Until now, the only cheaper items r the avent bottles coz bhg no discount.

For strollers, they have some from Capella. Cheaper than baby kingdom after discount. S217 is less than $190 after discount. Normal selling price and baby kingdom selling at $219.

Ok, that's all my updates... Bishan bhg quite small so not much things.. Maybe u all can check out the century square outlet.

Hi mummies,

Gynae finally confirm I'm having a bb gal! Now I can start shopping! Heehe...so big nose dos not mean bb boy I guess...MamaAsh - can I trouble you to update pls? Tks.

Can I check if any mummies have the same problem. Since tri 2, my bb loves to bury her face in one corner and her body is always curled up into a C - leg almost bent and touch face. She will move ard but always end up in a curled position when she's stationery...my gynae said very seldom bb is lidat...and mine seems to be lidat all the time so my scan photos all look v abstract.....even say if detailed scan she's lidat, I need to go walk and see how...I'm abit worried...why my bb always love to curl until lidat?! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Abt fish - need to avoid king mackerel, shark and tuna I think...sharkfin also. Not sure abt salmon. I've been avoiding fish soup/ beehoon cos dont know what mackerel the hawkers use. And zi char stall sometimes use baby shark meat for their fish in hor fun etc, so I dont take those fish slices....I'll take lake fish e.g. snapper, sea bream, if I can.

I saw a cot I like. At $299, it can be adjustable to 3 heights, hv drop down panel and bottom storage. Comes with air free mattress. Is this price a good buy? SA told me this mattress is better than foam and safer when bb sleeps face down. What's the diff between foam, latex, air free, coconut fibre mattress hah? Anyone can help me?

My fren was telling me taka fair can get the cheapest bargains, is it true?

Anyone has a list of what to buy first (in order of priority) since we have so many things to buy? haha.

My appt is on 23 July and the taka fair starts on 24 Jul, need to drop by there again. My gynae clinic at mount e so thought will be good to go after appt. I am looking out to exchange my Robinson, Isetan and Metro vouchers to taka but no luck. Hope to consolidate more taka vouchers so won't need to go to so many dept stores to buy the stuff. So far, I have bought my bb cot and breast pump. But need to source out for a cot

mattress cos I feel the one at mothercare is a bit exp at 299 before discount but it is airy and not so hard and best can

wash and quick dry. So tempted to buy. After discount shld

be abt 240. Will decide to buy a stroller later next yr after

give birth if it is necessary cos my old one is still in ok condition.

I just called to check on my first skool (ntuc) infant care

locating below my block. The price is about 617 after full

subsidy for working mums but the ratio is 1:5. I was bit

surprised. Will put on waitlist and look out for potential nanny.

I am thinking of catering of confinement food, any

recommendation? I find the catering is so exp. I am just going to order for lunch and eat my mum home cooked dinner and the left over lunch. Perhaps will take the trial meal from natal essentials for $30 to try out the portion and taste first.

Also to mention I have itches all over my body also due to dry skin. Been sratching till slight abrasions. Have to keep apply lotion to curb the itch. Sometimes lazy to apply also.

Wow! So many posts today! I see till I forgot what I wanna post to who!

Ok but today's topic is checklist right n the various comparisons? My view? Dun spend too much time comparing small items costs bcoz it's not worth your effort or time. Compare only big exp items like cot, stroller car seat etc bcoz these if chosen the suitable one for your own use, can be a pretty good investment in the long run esp if u plan to have more kids after this bb. Small items like bottles brand n teats r basically priced almost the same in many places. Even if got price diff is only few ten cents. Won't be a lot unless u buying one carton of bottles at a go?!..

I have a few recomm re different items based on my shopping exp when I was preg with #1 n up till now as a shopaholic mama. Hahaha! Just my 2 cents worth, hope it helps 1st time mummies. Here goes the list:

Baby kingdom n baby hyperstore

At kaki bukit

Good spot to recce car seats n strollers. Can go n try out the strollers before deciding on a model. Personally I prefer hyperstore (the one with new showroom at level 2 n has levels 1-3) bcoz I find baby kingdom staff very hard selling. But then got mummies feedback other wise b4 too so depends on ur heng suay on who u meet that day bah.

Chinatown shop (think called cheong Choon?)

Blk 34 upper cross st level 3

Good to ask for pricing on strollers, car seats n cots after u decided on a model bcoz usually not on display there. Good place to stock up on pigeon wet wipes n bb bottle detergent too. Cheapest I found so far. Hb usually buys in bulk there when we happen to be there.


Surprisingly, strollers n car seats can be cheaper here than at bb kingdom or hyperstore if got sale. Esp if u r member. Today I just got my twin stroller n car seat there! I got (10+5)% discount n (15+5)% discount respectively. Before discount the price same as tt quoted at hyperstore.

The shop opp the Si Ma Lu temple near OG Albert park.

The shop is located behind a public toilet n on level one of a hdb.

Sells bb clothes for home wear. I got those tshirts with lotsa holes in it for my #1. I think they also sell normal plain kind. Def cheaper than buying in dep stores. Price range something like 6 pcs for $10-$12 that kind? They usually sell in half dozen or one dozen pcs, not loose 1,2 pcs for these clothings. They also sell those plain nappy cloth.

Mums n babes

Toh guan rd (same place as medala service centre)

Good to recce during sale times for breast pumps n other bb items. Can get very cheap n good buys during their warehouse sale.


Can't rem where but can google

Good to chiong toys during warehouse sale.

Oh.. I just read my own post, to clarify: those tshirts with lotsa holes tt I bought from the shop near si Ma Lu are meant to be like tt. They r not torn (bcoz my post seems to imply so!) u know those shirts we used to wear when we were kids? Good for SG hot weather. Also got normal button down no hole kinds. Shorts n pants too. I bought quite a lot tt time bcoz bb tends to have more changes due to leaky diaper or vomiting of milk. So gotta change clothes more freq.

The Chinatown shop is also good to buy those korean rubber playmats n playyards. Can always compare with BP pricing. That time after comparing the one I want, the Chinatown shop was selling it cheaper.

Oh, small items if u can find at the Chinatown shop,cam buy there bcoz tt time I brought my preggie fren there. In the end she managed to settled most of her checklist items there. Even for sterilizer n such. No harm asking. Btw I'm not in anyway affiliated with that shop. Lol! In case u all think why I keep recomm this shop. Simply bcoz I think it sells really good buys.


Does squatting really help in having bb earlier? Bcoz my edd is 29 dec n my gynae is not around then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I dun want other doc to deliver my bb. So I'm hoping I can be 2-3 weeks earlier so tt my gynae is around. My #1 was born at 37 weeks plus. Close to 38 weeks.

Re my appt today, gynae said might be boy but bcoz the umbilical cord happened to be in that position so might also be the umbilical cord. Sigh. Gotta wait till 5 aug which is my detailed scan before can confirm bb gender.


Congrats on u knowing bb gender!

Ur $299 cot sounds like a great deal! Lotsa features!

Not true tt taka fair sells the cheapest buys. It is just a coming tog of different merchants. Got sale lah but some other sales r better. I will probably only aim to do the pigeon old bottle exchange so tt I can get new pigeon bottles at 1/2 price. Dunno this yr got this promo bor.

Hi gbh and all

Can i hv the add n contact no of:

1) Baby kingdom n baby hyperstore @At kaki bukit

2) Chinatown shop (think called cheong Choon?)

Blk 34 upper cross st level 3


HI Jacqueline

Pls email to me at [email protected]

will only start buying stuffs after i settle my house sia ... hopefully still got sales by then

Btw i like fish soup leh .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so it is better for us to stay away from those fish soup from normal stall

HI Dawn

Sorry to reply late .. only can work in 1 address .. but can they do housework (mon to fri) at ur mum's house ..then wkend at ur house?

Like tat can?

Yup agree tat maid issue can be a headache if u got the wrong one ..thus really got to pray hard for a good one and diligent one

Okie dokie .. goin to sleep soon .. goin to b a long long day 2molo .. sweet dream all mummies out there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Chan - too many catering company and dun

Seem to find many good feedback.

@jac - If dettol is too dry, u can use moisturer after the pimple subside. It should take about 1 week. Really effective. :)


Re bottle size for newborn,

Around 120ml size shld be enough. Too big a bottle with very little milk in it will only have more air n higher chance of bb sucking in more air while drinking. Anyway bottles shld be changed every 3-6 mths. So r the teats.

As to what brands, personally I insist on BPA free n prefer pigeon wide neck or avent bottles bcoz they r wider n hence easier to pour bm or fm in. But I dun like the avent 2 part one with an adaptor ring bcoz tt one will always leak at the screw cap!!! Tt time I used until very fed up. Now I tried the one whole piece (no more adapter ring) it's better.

