(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi ladies, thanks for all the suggestions given above!! Just bathed n took one medicine n apply calamine lotion on the rashes.. It's damn itchy!! KKH gave mi medicine n calamine lotion leh. My rashes getting serious especially on my leg..one red big patch tiny blisters with liquid. Sound digesting right? Sigh!

I try not to take the medicine thou it need to take 3x per day.

Feel stress when I see those rashes n wear short or 3/4 look ugly lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]( very sad.


chan pl, wow!! u also got preg so fast after married!!! our wedding i wish it was budget.. haiz.. ended up 44 tables because of my MIL.. end up oversea big loss!! thats y not enough $ to go europe.. i didnt wanna settle for oether place coz europe to me is a 1 time visit in my entire life.. dun go when to go? but now? haiz...

hmmz... so far i nv received anything leh.. except some herbal for bath, chinese med to eat during confinement, etc.. coz their confinement just over and cannot finish the stuff. lolx!

cloud942, i guess really have to force bah.. but i got friend's baby 1 mth old only.. but since day 1 already cannot handle.. nap time duwan sleep on cot/playpen but wants yao lan.. force also no use.. will keep on crying..

i wish i can buy another bag occasionally.. luckily i brought 1 just before i know i am preg..

jass, my detailed scan is 11th aug... on mon wanna change date but all dates full!! and they only have detailed scans on wed and thurs!! sigh... i think my next appt with dr heng will be 31st aug if nothing wrong to my detailed scan..

haiz.. my room very hard to rearrange.. all fixed to the wall de! even our bed is build-in platform.. haha!! ya lor.. we also thinking of getting the toyo cabinets to put baby's things.. den need to organize my clothes to squeeze in baby's clothes.. the only thing i cannot compromise is use my bags area to put other things coz nowhere else to put my bags..

u know where can buy cheaper toyo cabinet?? and also does the side accumulate dust??? we still thinking wanna get aproper cabinet or not but toyo 1 more "flexible" right?

hammy, i am on leggings or pants or jeans most of the time due to my ugly legs.. alot scars because of all the scraching and natually self open wounds.. i miss my dresses.. oh ya, due to preg and hormones changes, eczema might be worse if we r already suffering from it previously... my dad and hubby already wanna kill me whenever they hear my scratching noise..

Hammy: I can so empathise with you, I suffer the same thing too!

My doctor from KKH too had prescribed some medicine for me to apply (but not to eat). I used to apply aloe vera gel on my itchy patches but it burned like fire and didn't seem to help. Now I'm using this organic moisturising lotion as well as use the same brand's bodywash when I bath both of which I had bought from KKH's pharmacy. That seemed to have helped me in terms of my itchy patches no longer being red and inflamed looking but didn't quite seem to help in eradicating totally. If you like, I can find out their brand and let you know.

Jacqueline: Haha, my hb's response is like yours when they observe me scratching too!

But it's so itchy lah...

Ms Carpe Diem, ppl who experience eczema as jialat as us will not understand de.. esp now preg, its worse!!! even in ofc at times i also end up scratching my legs!!! so auto, u just naturally go scratch when itchy!! now i am also getting the itch on body, arms and fingers.. sianz.. plus the pimples like rashes on my body makes it worse!!!

sianz.. not even 330 and i am so bored!!!!

Just went to get the body lotion and body wash. Yup, agreed with Jac that we are the victims of eczema and it's agony especially during pregnancy. Sigh!

Ms Carpe Diem, maybe you can share the brand you are using now? thanks!

Jac, yes...wear leggings but weather too hot and sometimes feel like wearing short or 3/4 leggings. Maybe you can try wear long dress which i did just now when i go out.

Hope all of us can settle down with the itchiness soon. Try not to scratch it and bear the itch thou i know it's difficult.

If the body lotion and body wash can cure the itch then i will stop the medicine. Still dun feel good taking medicine except for fish oil and multi vitamin which is good for bb.

Hi all... congrats to all mummies who know gender already. Me is expecting a boy and doc revealed during my usual check up at week 14. haven been to my detailed scan yet.. can't wait to see bb clearly!!

Mama ash can help update my info?

detailed scan 6 Aug

Next appt 8 Aug

Does anyone know why preggy cannot move house?

I was told not only u cannot be present during reno but also cannot move until u give birth... anyone has more info?


Zuw - from what I known from friends, it is the noise that might affect the Bb. Actually, I have seen pregnant woman moving house but she just rest at the side and not do anything.

For me, I have a new wardrobe to be installed on next week. During installation, I will go to coffeeshop to rest so that I will not hear the drilling noise and loud hammering noise. Bb get affected by noise and may react differently. Anyway, nobody likes noise so just escape for a while.

Hi mummies,

Sorrie, so bz at work and cannot find time to reply.

I was laughing at all the funny comments about nitemares. Kimiko, wah u have psycho chasing you? My nitemares are all abt work. Boss scold me, quarrel with colleagues. I am overworked (new Dir, new big boss) and then at nite still working in my dream! After 3 consecutive nites, I buay tahan and had a good cry (or wail)...after tat I cld sleep better for 2 nites...haha...

I also in dilemma whether to buy cot or playpen...but i just feel playpen v flimsy leh.....

As for stroller, anyone has comments on Quinny. My HB loves the Quinny Buzz but it's so complicated and expensive! Any idea if US or UK may be cheaper?

I think I am luckier cos I only have back acne and some on chest so far.....but my nose is very big now! HB said pple will know I am preggy by looking at my nose (not my bump..cos still small!) So mean!

Tmr I'm gg for checkup...so happy can see bb...and I want to confirm gender and make last ditch effort for GSS. So far, I only bought the cabinet for bb's room and HB will DIY this weekend. I tink once we do up our bb room, we should take photo and share with each other [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Hammy,

Hope it's not too late. Sorry, I've only seen your msg and I must go home to chk for the brand so I can't post earlier. I had just realised I had made a mistake in thinking that they were the same brand, as I had taken them from the same shelf.

Take note that for me, my eczema patches are not eradicated with these products, it just became less inflamed and less itchy.


Hi Ms Carpe Diem, no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have never see the above body lotion before but I have the akin body lotion which bought at KKH too. But too bad, doesn't work for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I just bought Dermaveen body wash and body lotion which contain oatmeal that help to reduce itch. I even write down all the ingrendients of both to my gynea to check if it is safe to use. According to the Pharmacist, it is safe for preggie.

So shall wait for my gynea reply.


they say if nose becomes bigger bb will be a boy... dunno how true but i have 2 frens who proved it accurate with their BBs! let me know if this myth is "zhun" bor after ur chkup tmr? hee... my gynae appt also tmr afternoon...

re cot vs playpen,

cot is more stable n better for bb's back in the long run bcoz it doesnt move abt when the bb tosses in bed (esp when they r slightly older n heavier)... playpen is versatile as they can also play in it when u need to be away for a while like go n pee.. so far i only use cot n nvr got any playpen for my #1...


i think there is no such thing as babies dun like cot; it is more how how u condition them right from the start, if u always carry BB at first cry or whim, bb will always cry for attention as BB will learn tt as long as he cries, he will be carried, same thing as intro yaolan or other things like pacifier, if right from the beginnning, u dun give, wont have problem of weaning... i regret giving my #1 pacifier under my mother's pressue that time.. now she def needs tt when slp and someimes during the day too when she is just whiny for nothing... sigh...


LOL! so it is accurate after all!!! im hoping for a boy this time bcoz #1 is a gal but i dun have bigger nose leh... but my preggie symptoms are very different from my #1 preg... still trying to be hopeful for a boy... tmr seeing gynae... hope can know gender... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re being a SAHM,

im a sahm.. quitted my job a few mths before i got preggie to rest n prepare to get preggie bcoz tried for #1 for more than a yr that time.... good thing was i got preggie 3 mths after i quitted... been a sahm since then... not easy being a sahm bcoz very boring one... n if ur bb is difficult to look after, can be a very trying period... my #1 is a very sticky n whiny one since birth... so when she was few mths old can be very very frustrating bcoz cant do much at home with her crying for attn all the time... somemore she is loud and i mean very very loud... sigh... hope my #2 is easier to look after...

gbh - my fren's nose always gets bigger and so far she had boys. I'll let u know hopefully by tmr. Gynae told me last time maybe gal cos at week 15, she still cant see that thing...but seem to see folds at bottom.....I have both gal (round tummy, flat bum, like fruits) and boy symptoms (bigger nose, look qute cui) leh...make me v kancheong haha.

I found a cot i like and its affordable then I realise it's 1cm wider than my rm door...then hv wheels also no use, cannot move ard....

gbh, i'm hving boy but my nose still abt the same i think. Aiyo hopefully dont get any bigger cos my nose is already more to bigger frame lol My preg symptons also diff from my gal...


Hmmm.. Usually the wheels r good for when u wanna vacuum floor n move around the cot, I dun move the cot out of the room either bcoz I think I need the cot to be inside the MBR so tt easy access to toilet for bathing n diaper changing.


U give me hope of having a boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope so too! Can't wait for tmr appt! But yet so scared will be disappointed if gal. But of course end of the day bb healthy is of most importance.

Jac & Chan PL: I just got married last Oct too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Also thinking of quitting after maternity leave heh although now already no mood to work, but must stay on lah else really lugi the 4mths paid ML. But my hubby isn't very supportive, coz like you all mentioned, will be tough on single income. Then he's the type to get very stressed out thinking that whole family depends on him alone sigh.

gbh: Being a SAHM is boring??? I thought will be still quite busy, doing housework cooking taking care of children... no time to be bored? Or my thinking too idealised haha. Regarding "conditioning" the baby from young, I think it's very difficult not to cave in when you see the baby crying to pitifully?? I think I won't be able to take it leh. Plus my mother always say it's not good to let the baby cry for too long.

Mummies what ideas do you all have to decorate the baby room? Actually I'm the very lazy type so I might not do anything haha, coz it's only for 1mth during confinement, after that baby will likely sleep in my room :p

hammy, i can be quite chor loh so at times dress dun suit... lolx.. jeans is the best! but too bad can only wear jeans to work on fri..

ZuW, it depends on how pantang u r lah.. but i have heard that for some ppl, preg, cannot move hse, cannot go see reno, etc.. even ur own current hse or room, no drilling or hammering and no shifting of bed... some says will cause ppl to have some birthmarks, etc on them de..

stardust, playpen confirm feels more filmsy tha cot coz cot is all wood and heavier.. but playpen easier to move ard..

nose big?? how come? dun understand..

how is ur checkup today?

i thought roomdoor width is quite standard de?? how come ppl will manufacture cots wider than door?

yallo, same!! i also no mood to work!! so boring and tiring!!! ya.. must tahan until the 4mths ML if not really bo hua... i heng my hubby is ok with me at home but not forever lah.. maybe 1-2yrs only.. he also feels that its better that 2 of us working.. at least we have more $$ to play ard with.. and also in case we wanna go holiday or etc, still got $$

ya, its not gd for baby to cry too long.. i m 1 example.. my dad told me when i was a baby, i am always crying and no 1 bothers to stop me.. (my parents having prob at that time i think).. so i was left crying and crying.. end up i develope asthma and sinus (nose prob).. coz since young al the mucus stuck inside and it gets swollen easier and very sensitive..

gbh, my nose still same size leh.. no 1 mentioned abt bigger nose yet! haha!!

dun always give pacifier?? but all my friends giving leh and it's their best friend coz baby will stop crying! no gd?

y sahm mum is boring?? coz cannot go out and face baby all the time and all the crying??

so envy... u all can start planning to decorate baby's room.. i see my friend's doing it i am also very envy... but but but... sob sob...

yeah!!! TGIF!! and tml is sat!!! heng hubby not working.. going JB tml to rebond my hair and check out baby's stuff!! =D

maybe got time and i am not tired ask hubby bring me ktv!! heehz!!

Jac- reallie must take note that some cots are wider than door esp the big and sturdy ones which can convert into toddler bed. My fren warned me about this too...cos she almost bought the wrong size.

As for bb room, yah, I am so excited by it...cos I like buying ornate furniture pieces and have been accumulating some...so bb room is in soft greyish blue, with white glass chandelier, a victorian chair and a black venetian mirror...then I'm doing up the antique looking cabinet this weekend...will look like angmo bb room...so proud cos all bargain haunts and some wrapped in plastic for 2-3 years liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And then my sylvanian family collection of toy houses will be in there too....hehehehe. My family was poor when I was growing up...all 4 siblings sleep in one room..so I want to give my bb the best if I can. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

GBH - agree maybe no need to move cot ard. Guess I am just being fickle minded. Cos I'm halfway doing up the bb room and always visualise the cot in it...and I prefer maid not to have to come into my room if I'm not at home....but you have a valid point abt acccess to toilet....didnt tink of tat as a 1st time mum

I'm still sorting my random thots out..I'm hiring a maid cos I'm likely to go bk to work (same prob as what you guys mentioned, cant afford to halve the income)..but cannot leave bb alone with maid..so means maid goes to MIL's hse with bb every morning. Then means she cant clean the hse till weekends. And I need to buy something else for bb to sleep in when he/ she is at MIL's place.....hmmm......so many things to think of....plus the need to cheong for GSS..stressed!

Allo mommies!!

yesterday i went for my gynae appt and heard my bb heartbeat! It was like horse galloping!! Cute and exciting. Apparently, gyne told me bb heartbeat will beat fast until they are 1 yr old. My next appt is 11 Aug.

Bfly: I also have a colleague here who is expecting a bb boy and her nose looks big. Initially i thought it was swollen but later she said it has grown big. Hopefully, it will go back to the normal size once she gives birth.

PS: My nose still the same size le.. Hopefully it doesnt grow!!! Cant imagine it to be big!!!!

I am planning to go JB to do my shopping for my little prince arnd Sept. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cant wait!! hehe.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

safi: hahahah yah it has grown big i didnt realised it until my friend tease me when im in my first trimester. kekeke... i went facial the girl also commented once she see my nose she roughly know im pregnant. its big, hard and red. So funny. but not everyone has it. heard it will subside once delivered. hope so!!!!!!

sometimes my husband will press my nose see if it is hard. we feel better when it is hard like baby is doing well... HAHAHAHAHHA


I have the following items:

1. Slingzbaby pouch sateen from moms r us. Colour - orange. Selling at $32. Retail price at $45.90.

2. Thermos foogo food jar 10 oz. Colour - blue

Selling at $35. Retail price at $50.

Collection at Kovan MRT. Cash upon receiving the items.

All are brand new and have not been used before. If you are interested, do pm me and I'll send you the pictures.

Jac, i can't wear my jean long time ago..and i bought demin leggings and normal leggings to wear..also quite tight.

How's ur rashes? getting better?

stardust, thanks for the pointers!! will go home tonight and start measuring the doors and walkways in my room!!

i bet ur baby's room must be very pretty and cute.. i love victoria furnitures!! i have some ideas what i want in my baby's room but no chance to implement.. i like miniatures! haha!!

i am opp.. although my family no twell to do, but since primary 1 or 2, i have been having my own room and space and i know how important it is to have own space.. i only wish 1 day soon my baby will have his own room... ='(

actually previously me and hubby also thought of getting maid or nanny.. MIL also brought it up.. but we have some considerations.. 1) they sleep where?? no other rooms le.. 2) my take home income not much, after paying maid/nany/infant care, nothing much left.. plus still need to go back do housework and look after baby very tiring.. very hard to concentrate at work also.. 3) i duwan end up baby closer to others more than me.. i will heartpain... so end up decides to let go of my income and look after myself..

safiya, congratz!! it's exciting to listent o baby's heartbeat right?? i still remembered the 1st time i heard, i still ask doc is it mine or babies??!! lolx.. so fast!!

u also going JB to shop?? which part JB u going?? where can find gd stuff??

Ling, i also dun feel my nose getting bigger or harder leh... lolx!!

hammy, i already cant wear my jeans since tri 1.. duno y before i knew i preg, my tummy already grew!! so i bought a pair of maternity jeans a month back i think.. it's very comfy actually!!! but ex lah!! although used to buying levis, but usually our jeans can last very long.. the maternity jeans i got is $60plus after discount at Spring maternity.. i also bought some maternity leggings from gmarket.. so far the ones i got, i only find 1 which is better.. and also helped my mum to buy coz my mum size is XXL de.. haha!!

my rashes?? i will still itch at times lah.. cant be bothered with it.. and at time lazy plus tired so didnt apply anything de.. haha!!

Jac, clothes selling at Spring Maternity are quite ex. Maybe you can try Perfect Mum at suntec and my friend bought a few from there and quite good. more for working style and it doesn't suit me as i'm not working. I also bought leggings from gmarket and the quality not bad.

Wow, u can tahan ur rashes huh..maybe work has distract u from it which is good. As for me, I got nothing to do at home so tend to look at it and get itch easily..sigh!

Jac: yes, it was exciting and i kept giggling when she was scanning the heartbeat! hehe.. I am planning to go Tesco Shopping Centre in JB. Not sure which part it is ( i am very bad with directions!) Heard the stuffs there for baby are cheap and they have big variety. But my hubby is also researching if other parts of JB got sell baby stuffs. Perhaps, i will keep you updated. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: boy=big nose

I am expecting a boy but no big nose leh. Or mayb not yet... hee...


I went for my amnio test. Super painful and got to poke twice. Geez... Maybe I got low pain tolerance. Hope baby is fine.... Can't wait for the results for a peace of mind.


Amazing right. The first time I heard I was shocked. Sounded like a train....

Stardust: will ur maid do hsework in mil hse too?? I also hiring a maid but agent told me cant do 2 hse work so i m thinking whether to let the maid do hse work in my mum hse or in my hse haizz

Hi dawn

Why can't? Well jus b fair to ur maid.. If she had a hard long day at ur mum hse then give her a break when u go back to ur own hse..

Ususally if ur nice to ur maid.. They won mind doin it for u.. Jus b fair n dun overwork them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jacqueline n all

I also constantly feel the itch n there was lots of like insects or mosq bites but nothing really serious .. Didn't bother to do anyti to it though

Btw doc also thot tat I might hv a boy at wk 12 n so far .. My nose seem ok ;)

Will b going for gynae check 2molo .. Really hope to knw the gender then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hammy, i hardly go town so usually will stay around heartland mall.. plus my mum's place is near nex so usually will go there...

maybe at work, i cannot really openly scatch bah.. thats y scratching is minimum at work. but once at home, thats it!! lolx!! or in ofc toilet i will also scratch..

safiya.. tesco?? heard of it but duno where!! lolx.. think we going sutera area see see coz that time we were there, saw a shop (quite big, 2 floors) seeling a lot babt stuff!! so far i dun remember taman sentosa got anything..

happygal, sayang sayang.. no pain no pain k?? dun worry, all will be fine de...

ace, i also feel itch ard tummy arera.. not sure it's because of the pants/jeans/leggings or tummy expanding.. but my cousin told me before try not to scratch tummy area coz more scratch marks..but its really difficult not to scratch tummy area.. where are ur itch usually at?

jia you!! think by tml you should roughly know the gender bah... =)

Hi Jacqueline

It is practically everywhere .. but i alway hv rather sensitive skin, so whenver i got mosq bites .. i will jus scratch it like crazy ... cant stop my hand for doing so ;)

But i noticed the recent bites mark are more or less gone .. so it is good ...

Im so sleepy today ... yawn .. jus finished my lunch .. dunno wat to eat and end up hvg BK

and yup yup Jacqueline .. goin to have a long talk with my bb tonite .. so that bb will let us see the gender 2molo =)

I seem to experience lots of kicking lately .. there is sudden little sharp pain as n when ..

ydae .. my team decided to hv crabs for lunch!!! had such a fulfilling lunch tat i kept feeling the little kicks here n there =)

dunno if it is my imagination or really bb kicking .. =)

Jac: ya, the shopping centre is called Tesco. Jus checked with my hubby on the location and its at Bukit Indah JB. And jus beside it, there is another shopping centre called Jusco. So, if you are going there you can go to these 2 shopping centres, which most prob i will be going. Sutera area, there is shopping centres and they have shop houses?

Happygal: Yes! The feeling is amazing! I wasnt shocked, more of giggling cas it jus sounded too cute! hehe.. Now, i will know how to differentiate between mine and my bb heartbeat! hehe..

My MIL got say as the stomach grows, will feel itchy. So far, i don feel it la. But she warned me not to scratch cas after giving birth, the marks will be there and it will be unsightly! So, she advised me to jus rub (don put pressure). But i am using the stretch mark cream ( have been using since 3 mths preggie and i apply every morning) and so far, i don feel anything. Mayb some ppl get the itchy feeling. But try not to scratch (though its tempting to!).

Ace: coz under mom law they can work in 1 address only, if they are looking after kids they can follow kid goanother place like mil or mum hse etc but hseworkwise they can work in 1 address only

Some maids even if u treat nice will also go mom complain etc depend get gd maid or not heng suay de ba

Ace: How nice you are feeling the kicks!!!!! I haven feel yet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I was feeling bubbles and i thought i am hungry, until gynae told me yesterday that its yr baby movement! hehe.. Hopefully, i will also feel the kicks soon!! And yap, talk to yr baby to open the legs cas i talked to mine and my little one only opened his legs for few mins and my gynae was fast enough to scan. Soon after, my baby closed his legs. hehe..

yallo, jacq,

being a sahm means that u gotta face baby 24/7. no break one... it will be esp bad if u stay alone with no other family members around to keep u company while hb is at work... plus imagine, last time u can go out with colleagues for lunch break or after work shopping, now as sahm, very difficult to even make arrangements for someone to bbsit ur bb while u go out with frens to go shopping during weekends... it is not just a physical form of tiredness but also mentally bcoz u wll feel basically like in a jail... always at home... it will be worse if ur bb is a cranky or whiny baby... worst if bb is always falling sick...

Jac - I am bad with household chores and dont think I can be a SAHM so hiring a maid and bringing the maid and bb to my MIL's hse is one of the better options I am considering. The other option is just to bring bb and MIL's maid will take care for me in the day under her supervision. My own maid will stay at home and do household chores and cook.

Dawn - dont think I will have such a problem? Cos MIL has her own maid. My MIL was a career woman. Since she became a SAHM, FIL arranged for her to 'manage' the maid so that she can have some sense of a career. Meanwhile, she will go high tea and take on official appointments on committees....I'm very envious..I'm not so ho mia...not working is not an option.

Counting down to my apptmt today at 4.30pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if the itch ard tummy area, dun scratch cos will cause more scratch marks...usually if really itcy, i just rub with my fingers lo..to prevent more scatch marks..


yup...tell bb open leg wide, so that mommy can know gender then can prepare bb item for them...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all,

Jac, i find spring maternity clothes ex, esp their bottoms, was looking for denim shorts and it costs like $50+?!!! I got one denim maternity leggings from gmarket at $20+ but havent wear it yet.

Happygal, how come poked twice? Do rest well!

gbh, haha i understand what u mean when u say bored, yes can be tough when they r cranky! but think of the little things they do that make u smile, sometimes it really makes ur day!

hello mommies. congarts to all mommies who have know the bb gender! shopping spree begins!!

at least, u can start buying some stuff before the GSS ends!

for me, my detailed scan is 19aug. so praying hard that gynae can confirm gender by my next visit which is next Thursday!

so exciting to know, thou many of my family & frenz ve guessed that it will be a BOY bcoz of my acne breakout

but of coz, a healthy baby is most impt!

i hv been reading abt SAHM... at times, i really do envy those SAHM who are able to tk care of their own bb, and witness their growth progress and lil milestone.. of coz, it is not easy taking care of bb 24/7!

for me, my hb doesnt give me a choice of being a SAHM, plus im still contributing substantially to my parents, so i guess i will still continue to slog at work even after my ML.

unfortunately, i cant get along with my MIL + my mom is unavailable, so we will have to depend on ourselves to tk care of bb..

initially we were thinking of having a maid to look after bb, but there's no 1 to supervise so we have decided to send bb to infantcare...

certainly not the best option, but i guess thats the best we can provide for bb for now..

hb n i ve been scouting and window-shopping to shortlist a few stuff... as 1st day parents, there are really quite a lot to buy and decide!

tink i will be getting a baby cot, and as for pram, i m deciding bet Capella vs Combi... dont intend to get a very ex one for a start, shall see hw bb progress 1st...

i am 16 + wks now, and i ve yet to feel the kicks too! i do sense bubbles of gas but its not very frequent too! hope to sense the kicks soon!

ve a gd wkend everyone.. & look forward to all mommies sharing the gd news of their bb gender!!

i'm also thinking how to deco bb's room. I was looking at those Ikea kids room design. All so cute, so nice! I visualise my bb room to have a cot, a chest of drawers with changing pad, an armchair, a standing lamp, a colorful playmat in a corner for her to play. Walls will have cute flower / animal decals.

The first time i heard bb heartbeat was at wk 6, which was my first visit to gynae. I still remember Dr was asking us if we knew what's that sound. I went "heartbeat??", he laughed and said "That's the mrt train outside".

I realise my bb more movements after each meal. Sometimes I feel my tummy got "thumping" movement, like got heartbeat. I guess it's prob bb hitting tummy as she's moving around?

Do you all feel hungry all the time? Duno why these days I'm always hungry at 10+ or 11 at nite. I've almost cleared all the biscuits at home at the rate I eat every nite.


can give me the gmarket website which you all bought the maternity legging/ pants?


You intend to leave maid at home w/o any supervise? why not share the maid wif ur mil?


i know that SAHM will be more busy once kids grow up with pick to/from the kids to school, enrichment class and etc...that's why i always salute to all those SAHM.

Like my firends, she have 2 kids and as a SAHM. everywhere she go, sure will bring the kids along...


Jass - cos if I ask maid to MIL's pl, she can only clean hse and cook on weekends? Anyway, I havent decide [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

