(2011/12) Dec 2011

Playpen : we bought ours for $50 @ Target in AU while we were down there visiting family.Over here, if you're not fussy about design, you can easily get a reasonably priced one from Kiddy Palace or Giant.

The playpen is extremely helpful in our household.It's permanently in our living room and thankfully it's all black so. it blends well with my living room.We bought a basic mattress from Ikea to make it more comfy for the bubs.

I really dont understand why baby stuff is so overpriced here.We even got our Phil and Teds Explorer at Baby Bunting in AU for 1/2 the price Mothercare is sel


Hi Mamaash,

Not sure if I'm too late. I just sent you my orders too. I supposed ON clothes are bigger rite...

Agree with the mummies-the bottoms are reali ex in Sg. And I cant find a decent pair of jeans with broad waist band....

to all who would like to know more info about the china spree or want to get the excel order form, please send email to me instead of PM. I seem to have problem with the PM and cannot check.

i will check the orders every night at home and reply to you all.

maybe i should have the spree every month till Nov but feel free to start looking and letting me know what you would like so i can search for you. if there is a need, i'll be happy to continue doing the spree in future as well.

my email is [email protected]. it is the same email address for my FB.

busy busy but trying to squeeze time do research on strollers and playpen...

have u all started researching?? or any non-1st time mummies can advise? i am looking at combi, capella and maclaren... peg perego seems stable but heavy, bulky and expensive.. hubby wants a recaro but super ex also.. so we are thinking of maclarence. Any advises?? I realised maclaren do not have alot for those new born de.. headache.. looking at the ka-ching even more headache.. =(

we shortlisted Capella S217 and PP Si Classico... the S217 is less than $200 but cannot find much review online...PP Si is much more ex but very good review all round, esp the 2011 model as compared to 2009.

I am also pretty busy today

So envy tat some of u can start shopping for bb's stuffs.. We r getting our keys to our new house soon... Thus will hv to wait for some time b4 we r able to buy stuffs


I will drop u an email shortly but I might try to delay as long as I can till our place is ready [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks so much for co-ordinating


I have sent u a msg vua fb. Could u add me to the grp too? thanks!

Congrats to all who noe baby's gender. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've researched online for cot, playpen & chest of drawers. Haiz, all so expensive. Maybe 1-2 mths' time then go Babymart/Kingdom to check out the actual products then order from the chinatown store.

As for strollers, still on hold coz wana see the condition & pattern of 2nd-hand stroller from bro-in-law before deciding whether to buy or not.

Yet to start shopping for bb stuff since my parents advise me against it. Chinese superstitions lah. Bb girl stuff are so cute. Hard to resist buying...

Now more headache on what to wear to my bro's wedding in Sept. By then bump should be quite big liao. Any suggestion where to get nice evening dresses?

stroller: I bought Capella. the price not too ex and it's quite sturdy (wheel is bigger if compare to combi. If you can afford, maclaren & peg perego is good.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chan P L,

hmmm..that time my ILs also said don't buy bb item so early. So, i bought after pregnant 6mths lol...

I start feel bb movement since yesterday when i playback my son singing video. then bb start her movement..so touch..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Brand new baby item to let go cheaply (Shoes, Pigeon Bowl, Pigeon mag mag, skip hop plate & bowl, etc):


Brand new baby toys to let go cheaply:


Brand new baby shirt to let go S$19 for 7 pieces( less than $3 each).

Baby Boy huge helium balloon:


Pls pm me if you are keen.


AC, S217 is also one of my shortlost but i got so many! haha!!

ace, i havent started shopping yet.. just researching for the exp items so get ourselves prepared when paying for it..

Chan_PL, my cousin-in-law also having wedding but even later.. mine is oct!! i will be wearing a long tube dress, summer dress/maxi type.. dun wish to spend extra money coz this we might really wear that 1 time.. maybe u spend more time on hair and makeup and u will look better??

jass, which model u bought and is the tyre rubber type or plastic type?? maclaren have got those cheaper ones but can suitable for 3 mths and above.. hubby says we can buy those head support, stc.. does it helps?? peg perego is super ex.. dun think we wanna spend the money..

so sweet.. u can start to feel.. i dun even know whats the feel like.. i keep having pain here and there but duno if its uterus expanding or what..

ytd was surfing online and i chance upon this webby.. www.kiddysky.com

the strollers are even cheaper than baby kingdom wor...


I think i bought S217 and tyre should b rubber type. I noticed now their price increasing. last time i bought only $200++ and bought frm Cheong Choon. I only let my son in stroller when he was ard 2mths. before that we just carry cos thought like he still very fragile.

If u buy S217, they come with head support...

jass, S217 still abt $200+ leh... so meaning usually 1st 3 mths hardly put baby in stroller? well, i think anyway, also seldom will bring out right? coz that point of time, we are still in KO state also.. Baby kingdon is selling at $219..

i guess S217 is gd enough le? hoping to get 1 at less than $300... den need to find playpen... my friend says Latido is not bad leh.. now i thinking.. if i bring baby back to my mum's place,. what should i buy to put there? a yao lan?? or baby carrier??


same thinking like u, tat time i also thought that get a stroller less $300, that's my budget.

During my #1, i stay with ILs, so nothing to worry abt. but now we move out and bb will let ILs look after, me also consider whether to buy yao lan or playpen to place at ILs place..and some bb item also need to buy two set..

how abt u? who will look after ur bb?

jass, cpz a lot ppl says no point buy too ex coz sometimes baby duwan sit de.. or after some time they dun like that and might need to change..

i staying with in-laws.. but i will be taking care baby myself coz MIL is working... so confirm will need buy 1 set for home.. den every week will bring baby back my mum's place once or twice.. so will need something for baby in case wanna sleep.. plus i doing confinement at my mum's place.. so, must get something for baby!! but my old room no space for another playpen.. so need to find something smaller and more portable.. me have to be a full time SAHM.. no 1 to take care of baby.. so meaning cannot overspend coz less 1 person's income liao.. =(

ur no 1 sleep where last time?? i think u prob need 2 leh.. coz babywill be at in-laws place for almost whole day leh.. u might really need a playpen for ur in-law hse. so at least baby can stay inside playpen while ur in-laws do their things also..

Hi Jacqueline

I also need 2sets as my mum will be helping me to take care of bb after my maternity.

But thank God my friend had passed me a playpen and a stroller.. Will need to get a baby cot .. New mattress for the playpen

Chan pl,

I have a few weddings to attend to in Sept too... wondering if it looks weird to wear 1 dress for everything. Hahahaha... but i dun really wanna spend money leh. I prob buy an empire-cut dress & dress it up differently lor.


Muz b excited right. I am still waiting for bb to move.

Going for amnio tmr. A bit nervous but also want to get it over and done with. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ace, u getting a cot for ur hm?? actually in a way, cot seems to be more stable.. but so much more expensive leh.. and hard to move around..

headache.. everything x2, cost goes up very fast hor?

happygal, dun worry about the test tml.. all will be fine... =)

Hi Jacqueline

We saw one in Spring.. Can sleep till age 7.. Quite good n stable leh.. Abt $299 or $399 (can't remb) tik it is good to invest in one good one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ace, u meant the cot?? but i hear ppl always saying after the kid is 2-3 years old dun like playpen or cot le.. they usually prefer bed/mattress...

headache!! already having headache le. and now researching makes it worse.. last time wedding also i research and plan.. now baby also.. zzz...

btw, one of my fren says we can also wait till taka fair.. cheaper also.. anyone been to taka baby fair? is it cheaper?

Myno1 uses a pass me down play pen as bed but hee fuss n cry each time we put him in play pen, we even prepared the sarong but no use

So ended up we bought a toddler bed from ikea coz we realised he like big bed, he can slp well in our queen size bed. But i m afraid my hubby squash him do toddler bed bettet

For no2 i thinking of buying baby cot but hubby days what if this one samr pattern wan big bed how.... But we have no space for toddler bed haizzz now headache


oo...so u iwll b full time SAHM. sometimes i really envy those SAHM cos you all will witness all the milestones of your baby.

my #1 sleep with me and we bought a bb cot for him. but then hor this naughty boy only sleep few mths only then co-sleep with us liao. There was once after bf, he kept make nocie and i reallly tired and still need to work next day, so just transfer him frm cot to my bed, immediately he sleep and start from tat day he refuse to sleep in his cot anymore...


yes...although #2, but still excited and happy when feel bb moving.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amnio is detailed scan or NT scan? dun worry, try to tell bb to co-operate and very soon the test will b over. Mine take long time and the nurses kept ask me to move my body, cough, drink water so that bb stay in good position to let them take measurement of the neck. I have to keep telling bb to co-operate so that we can go home soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sometimes taka baby fair have good buy. so check it out..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ladies

Need help and advise...Any good body lotion to recommend for pregnancy? I have developed some rashes on leg, hand and tummy and the itchiness is making me insane. Gynae has gave me medicine to take but I'm not comfortable in taking any medicine which I worried might harm my bb thou he says it is safe.

Plus the hot weather..i feel so irritated. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dawn, i feel nowadays kids like big beds leh.. seeing my friends who's kids are above 1yr old, i think 90% or more sleeping with parents on queen size bed!! den maybe either daddy sleep another room/mattress on the floor or baby sleeps the mattress nearby.. seems like kids nowadays dun really like those le.. thats y i am still hesitating.. i duwan spend $ for something which i feel is gd for the kid but end up baby dun like..

my room also limited.. only got space for mattress or playpen.. already not much space to walk ard.. dun even have space for baby cupcoard to store all the thingsz! i duno how to rearrange my room coz all things r built-in!

jass, dun envy.. full-time SAHM also not their problem.. and mainly is $$$ issue.. hubby got friends who r SAHM and they also headache coz cannot anyhow spend. can only make use of $$ from hubby and after buying baby stuff also not much left.. this is something sahm needs to sacrifies.. which, my character, i will not be able to tahan for long.. i will come out work after 1-2yrs.. or a bit more if my 2nd comes earlier.. i cannot tahan no spending/earning power de.. although dun earn a lot but at least got additional $ to play with..

haiz. so many fairs.. all wait here and there.. den need research again.. i wish i can just buy all at 1 shot and no worry after that..

i think i will buy 1 playpen.. den when baby older, can use playpen for him to play den sleeping time maybe sleep on mattress beside our bed.. can?? den my mum's place, i will buy 1 yao lan?? or 1 swing/rocker? zzz... what should i get for my mum's place?? will be there for 1 mth and also occasional visits..

sorry, i am the type who thinks alot and very far and all these making me into a contradicting person..

hammy, i also have a lot of pimples like rashes on my body.. basically whole body.. some doc will say lotion.. maybe u can try cetapil? i am using another type which is a lot more ex but cant remember the name.. it starts with L and is in grey tube.. so far i havent really apply anything on my body.. i apply on hands and legs coz ezcema also..

my gynae says i can apply ezcema as long as there is no retin-A... maybe u can try going watson or pharmacy to check it out?

Hi Jacqueline

Thanks for the advise. Think mine also ezcema and I went to KKH for consultation and they gave me medicine to eat....sigh, still thinking want to take or not. One day 3 times and it will cause drowiness thou the doc say it is safe for pregnancy.

Apart from the medicine, I still need to get a good body lotion cos my skin is belongs to dry type and now even worse...

Been to pharmacy and watson and there are too many different brands...so don't know which one is good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yeah..i understand. that's y i cant afford to be SAHM unless i have enough $$ for me to spend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

usually my mommies friends planned for 2 years gap between #1 & #2. so that they can rest in mind..

I just realized that we r seeing same gynae, and my next appt suppose 05 august but i change to 08 aug lol..if not maybe can meet u..hehe

for ur mum place, i will suggest you can buy a mattress too cos it's convenient to swift anywhere. regarding playpen, dun hope that bb will play in the playpen hor, most of my friends said that their bb like to climb out frm playpen once they master it. os must b very careful when put bb into playpen too...previously i bought playyard and palce a single mattress to set up as play area.

My hb & me are those lazy bone, so wehn we find bb cot which meet our requirement we just buy and told them the delivery date (remember to tell them deliver near your EDD)..soetimes too much research & compare will make you more headache..

hammy, think u can try cetapil bah.. coz last time i always go skin center de.. but so far the most recommended brand will be cetapil. also, u might wanna stop using those normal shower form coz it might also makes ur skin dry.. cetapil has got those for shower form also.. something like soap free.. as for me, coz my quite serious and cetapil not much effect and i dun like, i am using eucerine shower oil..

jass, we also cant afford but bo bian, coz no 1 to help.. i am hoping no 2 comes fast den i can 1 shot take care both and come back to society earlier.. i need $$$ de.. y this time not twins??!! haha!!!

u also seeing dr heng?? at bedok clinic?? my next appt is 3rd.. usually choose noon appt coz morning can still go work and no need take leave/mc.. maybe the next slot we can see if can meet? haha!! u make appt for detailed scan le mah??

the prob is my old room still have my queen size bed... and my own room also alot things.. drawers, cupboards, dressing area.. lolx.. maybe nearer to date need my dad and bro to help me shift the things and make space.. my room got no space for mattress beside my bed le.. baby climb out of playpen??!!!! maybe that's when they are older?? like 2-3 yrs old??

well, being a soon-to-be sahm, means cannot anyhow spend.. so bo bian, need research and see where's cheapest!! maybe this weekend going jb.. going to do my hair den maybe see how much they selling those things there...

hammy, i use QV skin lotion for my dry itchy skin. Apply it straight after shower. It's moisturising yet not very oily/sticky. In the past when i had very bad outbreak of ezcema I used QV wash as well.

Jac, I also gona be SAHM coz no one to take care of bb too. In fact I stopped working after find out preggy. Very sianz lor. Surviving on savings and hubby only pay for groceries/utilities. He don't give me pocket $$ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Even gynae visits also I pay out of my savings for time being coz our joint acc is running low. Now just waiting for his bonus to pump up acc. I'm still wearing my pre-maternity clothes to save on shopping.

I'll be getting a baby cot coz dun want bb to invade my queen size bed which is currently quite cramped with my soft toys. Plus with my hubby's snoring, doubt bb can sleep in peace too. Prob won't buy playpen yet, hope will get as xmas/bb gift from family ;p

I'm getting someone to do my hair & make-up for wedding. So don't want to spend too much on the evening dress/shoes.

gbh, thanks for the suggestion. Will check out empire-cut dresses over the weekend. Too bad those I empire cut dresses I have can't fit in at the bust liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

chan pl, haha!! i almost wanted to quit too but everyone ask me dun chong dong.. coz initially i already wanna quit.. den got to know preg.. so now is wait for the time to throw! i can understand what u r going through.. right now, all medical bills also i pay myself de.. plus i was hospitalized twice.. even more $ to pay..

hubby also hard to give pocket $$ right? coz he also got to pay household stuff, car, etc.. like my hubby lor.. so i also cannot expect him to give more.. now my salary after deducting all the spendings i also try to save as much as i can into my si fan qian.. although a bit only (spent too much before knowing preg), but at least it's still money.. i also dun wish to touch our joint acc $$.. now still slowly accumulating.. dec wil need to use le.. coz delivery.. =( that was supposed to be my honeymoon fund.. sigh... u still got hubby's bonus payout.. both os us no more payout until next year thats y i very headache...

haha!!! at least u still have hope to receive those as gifts.. i totally cant see any hope!!! from wedding till now, it'a all our $$ de...

Jac, Chan PL, thanks for the recommendation. Currently, I'm using the J&J PH5.5..think I will change too. I will go and check it out.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Arrghh, the itchiness really unbearable. Sigh, still thinking wana to take the medicine or not....

jac, same here. Many pp told me dun chong dong resign. Altho my ex-colleagues also advised me against it, they actually half-supported my decision as well coz my job & office environment quite bad. Haha, so r u gona throw letter once back from maternity leave?

ya lor, i've been bugging him for monthly $200 家用 ever since stopped working but he no give coz like u say, have to pay car instalment, insurance etc etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So now I make him pay for groceries. Weekend go out eat he pay. No more fanciful restaurants. Either hawker ctr/kopitiam. Twice a week dinner go my mum's place to eat free ;p

Dec got AWS to pay delivery costs? U after wedding didn't go honeymoon immed? My hubby said for next 1-2 yrs I can only expect to go nearby countries for holiday liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Try hint hint your family or close frds or colleagues what xmas gift u want? haha

hammy, maybe u can try taking 1 to see if it helps since doc says its safe?? but dun take it too often?? just 1 and see if u get better.. also, another way, my dad always tell me apply powder.. best are those snake powder.. u can try also..

chan pl, actually hubby also asked me quit coz of my weak health and bad MS.. den i am sian of this place but bo bian.. most likely i will be throwing after ML bah.. but i also duno.. $$ is an issue lah!

haha!! its bo bian de.. with kids and car, not much extras le.. so have to make do lor.. i still thinking wanna go back my place for dinner everyday or not.. save $$.. last time before marriage, we always have dinner at my place..

i only got married end nov last year.. no chance to plan HM coz i wanna go europe.. den hubby's work schedule.. and i wanna save up more for shopping.. end up. no chance.. but we did went phuket feb this yr lah.. this was planned mid last year.. so no honeymoon.. =(

my co no AWS de... only bonus.. advance bonus in jan and remaining in march... i think my next holiday is next few years bah.. sob sob.. i will miss travelling!!!

hint family?? i duwan... anyway, my family not much $$ de.. and i duwan hint my in-laws.. friends... duwan pressure them coz alot alot of them also just give birth this yr.. and some well-to-do friends quite niao de.. as for colleagues, my company culture here is usually will broadcast.. den ppl will contribute $10 if they know they person and close to them lor.. so no need expect so much.. whahah!!

so in short, lousy life!!!! haha!!

Happygal, everything will b fine, don't worry!

Re cot, my 2.5yr gal still sleeping on cot n I dun wanna transit her to normal bed so abruptly cos of baby.. So I may need to get another prob 2nd hand cot. As long as baby is always napping n sleeping on her own cot n not on ur bed, they'll get used to it n sleep on their own cot for longer time.

As a Sahm, agree hv to use savings to buy our own things, no more luxury spending booo

Hammy, I had itchy rash patch but gynae given me cream to apply n only used twice it's not so itchy n healing. Other than this, after bath I'll just use Vaseline to apply on it too. Usually itch rash is due to dry skin so gotta moisturise skin.

hi mummies!!

so many posts until I lost track. Haha

First of all, congrats to all mummies who know the bb gender already. Time to scout around for clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if u r planning to quit after maternity leave, better check the company policy if there is any condition. There might have a policy that protect the company which does not allow mummies who return from ML to quit immediately.


not sure if stretch mark lotion will help your itchiness. i'm using palmers cocoa butter.

Jac: true these days kids like big bed haha so i am thinking buying cot that can convert to toddler bed but very exp

My room no space at all coz put 1 queen size bed n 1 toddler bed not much walking space liAo n to put baby cot now have yo scarfice my dressing table haizzz

Btw thosr buyinh playpen muz see stable or not coz they tend to climb out easier esp if its flimsy,

cloud942, but some babies really dun like cots de how??

ya.. sianz. no more shopping or luzury spendings.. no more new bags... sobz...

dacylet, i went through my company policy before leh.. but nv say anything any quitting after ML.. only got states if the 16weeks ML not fully utilized and u quit, u will not be compensated for that only..other than that, nv say abt not quitting leh.. maybe i quit 1 week after returning to work?

dawn, so far i see, those baby stuff which have more functions such as converting to other thing as usually more ex... i still hope 1 day i can buy a proper bed for my bed if got own room...

hehez! luckily i no need sacrify my dressing area coz build in de.. lolx!

actually how to see if play pen is stable or not??

i'm a lousy cook and hard to cook for 2 pax only. Go mum's place got more yummy & good food coz got more pp eat. Then her maid will wash up. Save $$ & effort for us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we also got married in Nov last yr. Very budget wedding then went Taiwan honeymoon coz Europe too expensive. Plus that time just moved into new flat. $$$ disappear faster than go into acc! We were planning to go Japan or Australia this year. Now down the drain. Supposed to go Batam boutique hotel for spa but last min cancelled when found out pregnant. I miss travelling too!

Those frds who give birth this yr might have many new bb stuff to sell/give away coz they might have received extras during bb's one month celebration etc. I'm the first in my circle of frds to get preg. So guess no such lobangs for me...

Jac, hmm from wat I think is if baby is used to cot since newborn shld b ok bah. My gal likes to lie or jump on my bed but she doesn't ask to sleep on my bed. She knows she'll hv to go her own room n cot when it's time to nap n sleep. So I'm hoping next baby is like that too.

Ya lor no more bags!! Now our most exp spending is our gal's enrichment classes.



yes..i'm seeing Dr. Heng and my next appt will b 8 Aug. already booked my detailed scan which scheduled on 17/08 afternoon. How abt u?

hmm...dun resign now, if not you cant enjoy the 4 mths benefit lel..

Dun look dow at kids nowsday, my son at 1 year old already master all the skill: walk, climb in and out..especially playpen is lower than bb cot..

hmm..maybe you just need to reaarange your room so that can fix in some bb things. last time my room also hav built in cupboard. for those bb 'kai kai' clothes, i just hang inside my cupboard, then for those home wear, i bought those toyogo 5 tier cabinet, very useful can even keep those bb wipes, diaper and etc..


dun use J&J cos their bath gel very dry. QV or cetaphil are quite good especially for dry & sensitive skin.

