(2011/11) Nov 2011

Dear Mummies,

Thank you all for your prayers n well wishes...now my gal is on medication, we need to send her to hospital every week or 2 weeks once to review her. Her operation date had not been schedule yet..Tmr will be my gal full mth, not gg to celebrate as dr informed not to go crowded place as to avoid her getting sick/ virus infection.

Simp, Congrats n glad u r doing well. Thanks for ur support..we will try to manage...hope we hv a chance to meet up for playgroup when everyone is more settle down..want to hv another child but I guess will stop at 2..


Hu13> I ask before in KKh but found that pump is easier .. So pump every 3 hrs ..

Jean> my black vinegar egg is only 15 .. I eaten 5 eggs and ask my dad to clear for me .. The rest 60 eggs cook until left abt 45 egg ..


I have no idea that after dilated 3cm still can delay for so long... I guess at this point, everything must check with your gynae.


Actually my hb also wish to skip out for friends. But also afraid my dad will be unhappy, so maybe i will just order for my relatives only. Or just switch to DIY on fun pack. Cheaper that way. Hehee.

Berry pie,

Dun worry, ur Bb will be in good hands. She will recover soon and have so many playmates here waiting for her. Jia you.


Really alot of eggs to finish. Heehee.. So ur dad also in confinement with u Loh...heehee. When u eat eggs, ur bb drink BM is ok?? No allergy?? should we avoid those high allergy food when we bm??

cyn > ya lor, i tot dilate liao v fast will pop le. really wonder how my fren did it when she gave birth en route to hosp. power sia.

i think frenz can skip ba... since u got do catering. i spent too much on my flat + reno liao, so not holdin bb shower, dats y sourcin for bb full month pkg.

kiam > icic, but i still prefer my bb latchin on. can bond ma. i heard if csect cannot eat eggs, urs is norm delivery?

cassevonrie-You dilate 3cm 3 weeks ago,didnt you feel any contractions? My gynae told me i am 0.5 dilate last week bt deoesnt mean will pop anytime may be one day or a week or two.

Baby full month

Red eggs,ang ku kueh,glutinous rice is given to family or relatives only,friends dont need.I will be booking chalet with catering for my bb full month.Sweetest moments and chozconfectionery seems popular,i am considering one of them.Will be ordering about 20boxes to give to family and relatives.I am also thinking to rent popcorn and candyfloss machine too.

Jean chua-Thanks for sharing with us the vendors.Its very useful..I am still considering among sweet moments and chozconfectionery.Wondering which one taste better.

Ya didn't .. This my

Second child ...

Only leg cramps den doc just check n dilated when I am 36weeks 3 days odd...




More days so dun think gg check


... Gg str

Admit on 11th if nth happened. Before hand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little bb

Sweet moments and chozconfectionary are both my choices initially. Try sweetest moment before. Ang KU kuek and their Swiss roll are nice. Choz never tried before, but very popular among media artists leh.

Since FBI members from tmc have 10% discount on SM, I think I will go for SM, moreover, they have smaller value pack as well.

Wow, u thinking to rent candy floss machine and popcorn machine ah....how much is the rental?? Incl the ingredient and their staff?? I think I will only do that if is her birthday ba...

What about food catering?? Where do u guys planning???

Neo garden have surcharge from 22-26 dec and certain menu is not available... Meihao99 catering, my FIL commented their dishes not nice when I pass my tingkat to him on my dad's bd. Dunno is it becos he angry we didn't bring him along..or it is really that bad?

Talk about birthdays, since our bb are all nov babies. We can organize to go club med bintan together for birthday celebration in 2-3 years time. Hahahaha... Holiday cum birthday celebration!!!

I think I will also DIY the gift pack with labelled choco bar and candy pack for the little guests.... Any shops in malls that have nice choco and candy shops to recommend??

Jean chua-Choz have promotion free 1 box with 10boxes..Rental of candyfloss and popcorn machine:

Hassle Free Package1st 2 hours $200, subsequent hour will be $70. - Include 1 x Popcorn machine & 1 x Candyfloss machine- Include 2 x Manpower to operate & clean the machine at your venue- Include 100Pax Popcorn & Candyfloss Ingredients per hour- Include Transport (To & From)

Food catering

I always order from Thomson catering.My family used this catering for many years.4th week of dec falls exactly on xmas,most catering company only cater xmas menu which i dont really like.I ordered xmas buffet for my house warming few years back,prices are exp and food not so nice.Still prefer normal menu.

Hello mummies... I very stress scare excited now ... Tml morning going to check in at KKH at 5.30am.. Dun know can slp a not ... Today bb super active mayb she know she coming out soon ... My frenz tell mi how painful to induced etc etc make mi very scared ..,how ...

Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350

- Lamaze Spin & Explore Garden Gym @ $15

- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder & Wrist Rattle Set @ $10

Kindly PM me if keen, thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Pray that your baby gal will have a speedy recovery after her operation. Take good care!

Jean/Little bb,

Baby's full month likely to fall during xmas period hor, venues and catering all might have surcharge or already booked. Headache...


I think best not to think too much about the pain k, look forward to the magic moment when you are able to hold your baby in your arms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] All the best and have a smooth delivery!

Hi Esther

Have a smooth delivery!

Baby crying

For those who have not given birth, a word of advise to you is try not to let your guest ot visitors carry your baby tok much. Over the weekends, lots of visitors came and carried my baby and now, she require much more attention than before and keep wanting ppl to carry. Making so much noise and refusing to sleep especially middle of the night.

To the mummies out there, any solution? My CL suggested Yao Lan but problem is, my hubby is now on reservist and the Yao Lan is with his friend..

I tried ignoring my baby in order not to spoil her but all the more she cry louder! Haha.. I determine, she more determine than I. Hehe


Those doing confinement, are you all using the fan? Oning the aircon is not a good solution considering the bills will go high up but it's not advisable to on the fan. So what did u all do?what I did was to on the fan but it's not facing me but my CL says not so good for the body.


Congras...You can see your buddle of joy soon.Dont think too much about the pain,if cannot take it then go for epduraL.Most importantly is bb safely out of your tummy.Most of my friends went for induced,some go for epi but some natural.Try your best! How many weeks are you,can tell me the reasons why you wanna go for induced?

Oh btw can I check, I notice my baby sweats abit when she is sleeping in the playpen. Anyway to make her cooler considering that I can't blow the fan directly at her. Or is there anything i can put at the playpen for her to sleep to feel cooler?


way to coax the crying bb

- buy a pacifier.. My gal also love to cry alot before she sleep at night every night.. But use pacifier to coax her for 30 min and some time she will sleep ..

Cool the bb

CL ask us to blow the fan at the wall near the bbcot and cool down the surrounding .. But dun direct put fan or cooler facing bb as she say will introduce wind..

Jia you Esther and congrats in advance..

No worry induced is not as long as what u imagine ..

My case my cervix opened fully in abt 8 hrs..

hi felixp>> congratulations on ur bb girl arrival!

hi evelyn>> me also gg to wk39 tis wkend. duno if my baby girl will be coming out soon or not. too comfy in my tummy liao. but i not comfy.

itchy and big heavy belly..keep askin my girl when she wanna come out see mummy and daddy.haha

my doc say will need to consider induce on my edd 19nov if still no labour after wk 39.

little_bb>> so it was a false alarm for u. ya maybe ur bb want to come out on good date! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kiamkiam>> rest well and hope u recover frm ur fever soon. must have been really tough and tiring to be sick during confinement.

Esther>> dont worry and dont stress, just think of how you will be able to see your lovely bb tomorrow and just let everything go naturally.

Wishing you all the best for a smooth delivery!

jean>> not sure abt the water retention but i tink you should cut down on salty food and drink more water.

i realise my feet gets swollen when i eat alot of junk food loaded with salt.

HK serial-have you watch 怒火街頭 ? this is very nice too! first time i find 郑嘉颖 acting skills improve alot wor..

confinement rules:

my hubby actually ask me dun need to follow all those rules so strictly. dun make myself so miserable.ask me go ahead and bath, on aircon and eat fruits etc.

I also duno whether must follow most of them cuz i am scared i might regret when i get old and start having problems with my body..hee..

full month celebration:

i still have not decided whether i want to have it or not. Find it kinda tiring to hold it at home as need to clean up and need to entertain guests also. Holding it outside home also headache cuz duno which venue to choose.

Still need to source location and get rsvp for no. of ppl attending. abit difficult esp when its nearing xmas when alot of venue may not be available or got surcharge.

may just consider buying cakes and giving to relatives.then for colleagues and friends will prob give cake vouchers.

Congrats felixp n Patricia. Wishing u both a smooth confinement ahead!

Esther- hope u sleepin soundly now to prepare for bb arrival Tmr! So exciting!

Am so tired these few days n din login.

Gynae check ytd - bb at 2.7kg which is gd. He told me Everythin ready n Juz hv to wait for d pain to come *horror* n if overdue he will gimme a couple of days more b4 inducing me... I wan bb come out earlier.. Pls be kuai n listen to me.

Twink-Last saturday my gynae checkup we told him we thinking about induced bt my gynae dont recommend lei.He shake his head & said dont need.Actually i think induced not bad at least everythings under control.Can take a super long shower,went to had our favourite food before admitting.Better than sudden burst of water bag,contractions that leave us panic.

Hey during confinment if we wash our hair,we have to dry our hair as possible before getting out of bathroom.We try not to let wind go in but If use hair dryer,will have wind mah?

Hi all mummies

I'm just came back from best friends gathering...now all we talked is about babies!!!! Hahaha

Little bb

Told hb about candy floss and popcorn machine, guess we will only order when gal gal is having her 2nd bd since then might be more little guests attending. But very surprise is not very exp for their rates.

Food catering

Ya..Xmas menu is really sucks...not nice at all. Also prefer their normal menu. Im thinking of CHU YI KITCHEN. Anyone try this catering before?? Any comment??


Jia you and hope everything is smooth smooth for you and your bb. Relax and dun think so much. Enjoy ur peaceful night tonight!!!

Full month venue

Hahaha I just received an full month invitation for this Sunday from one of my cousins. He booked the void deck of his flat from town council, cheap and no surcharge for Xmas. So I think that will solve those cleaning up hassle. This might be a good idea and is convenient for bb and mummies.


I think u can try using pacifier to coax her. They might refuse it In the future.

Blow the fan to the wall or ceiling and let it reflect the wind to bb. Or use oscillate mode to turn the fan in different angle. Some fan even have slight pause mode...


How come u so long then pop by here??? Busy watching hk serials ah?? I have watched 怒火街头 before le, not bad. Now I only watch fa zheng then wan Feng, then I nap or bed rest either with iPad or magazine...can't watch for too long.

I'm already cut off junk food and sugar stuff... Still trying very hard...just now had a small tiff with hb on my restriction of food...arrrggghhh..but end up I know he means well after all. So Im ok after my cooling shower.

Tmr I'm gg to see my gynae, hopefully everything goes well for me.

Jean chua-I tot your checkup is same as mine on d

Saturday? I also thinking candy floss & popcorn machine rental more suitable for 1year old birthday party.Glad you had fun with your best friends gathering.Yes i do agree now all my topics are also about babies,confinment..

Little bb

Due to my BP high and also my sugar level high, so doc say can't see him weekly, he suggested to see him earlier this week to monitor.

Anyway, now again unable fo sleep after toilet call. Hopefully I can sleep off a while later.

Now lying on delivery suite , jus inserted med 1/2 hr .. Have to monitor By listening to bb heartbeat .. It will Tk 2-3 hrs if no contraction den push mi to normal ward to rush den Reschedule the next 1 in .. I was advice by doc to try to induced 1st cos my gal gal too fat 3.5kg at week 38.. If I wait til my edd on 18 she will b 4 kg lol.. My cervix open 0% so Bo Bian have to insert med ... I wan try natural .. If after that still not open doc will then csec ..


Jiayou, hope u can have a smooth natural delivery.

The weather is getting hot again. Where's the rain? Having a lot of rashes on my tummy after doing the wrapping. Got to wear the wrap n binder for min 8 hr a day.. For beauty sake got to tahan.


I'm still searching n yet to cfm. Currently thinking of using meihao 99 or Elsie's kitchen. Actually all caterers got mixed reviews. No 1 caterer is particularly good. Neo garden has always been my choice previously but when I find they suddenly cut their portion n spend so much effort on advertising, I stop using them. They have become expensive n no longer have the discount for full month package.


I stop the fan n let it blow against the wall so I can have some air circulating the room. Dun dare on air con in the day cos I already on the air con every night. The bills will definitely go up much higher now that I'm using the gas, water n electricity so much. The maid is also washing n cleaning this n that so very often that I kinda scare to see the bill end of the month. Better save some money by not turning on the air con in the day.

berrypie, will pray for your bb, hope she recover soon after the operation. Should you need any help let us noe, i dun mind to contribute some..

Esther, no worry. Think a lot of mummy use induce method nowadays. 3 more days will be my due date, probably by then I need induced too, next checkup will decide as need to see whether my fluid level is alright and how big is my bb. Now can only wait since still no sign of labour..

For me, if induce cervix dilated and feel the pain, I will straight away opp for epidural to ease my tense and pain lo. Hee..Hope you have a smooth delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]~ Jia You.


Great news! Your baby very co-operative, gained 300g in a week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm going for my checkup later as well, hopefully mine oso guai guai gained more weight.

Having more pains in my pelvic area today, maybe cos I was standing up for quite awhile making breakie for hubby and me. Really getting more uncomfortable and bulky as time pass! 2 more wks, tahan tahan!

Esther-Congras...so happi for you that you can finally see your little bunny.Have a smooth confinment..

This morning about 9am while im still sleeping,i experienced some stomachache or cramps which i was quite confused.I tot maybe today is the D day.Around 9:30am i decided not to sleep anymore so wokeup to play ipad.10:30am no more pain so i went out to buy mac breakfast.Half way walking back felt cramps again spreading to my thighs & legs,last about an hour no more again.Now im very disappointed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Why always false alarm,am i thinking too much..

Those going for checkup later,good luck! Share with us the good news..Its really excited seeing mums pop one by one and the different delivery process of each individual mums.I am well prepare for bb to pop any day hope bb dont let me wait too long..I think only left afew of nov mums havent pop yet,think next mth tis thread will be discussing all about babies.


U can see Natelie later le!!! Jia you.

Little bb

Aiyo, u still have strength to walk to buy mac breakfast ah!!! Can call to order if possible. So dangerous with the cramp coming unnoticed.

I'm still at the clinic waiting for doc. He is out for lunch..suay... Lucky have iPad and hb with me to accompany me. Hopefully my gal dun gain anymore weight le...BP has dropped under medication control, but still borderline only.


Think someone asking if I pump middle of night. Now I dun pump middle of nite. That means after last night feed between 11pm n 1am, I pump out any excess each lasting 5mins per side n yield abt 50 ml after direct latch. Then I dun latch or pump for abt 5 or 6hrs before I latch between 5am n 7am. I'm thinking of either direct latch or fm after cl leaves n see if I can hv more sleep at home n giving bb fuller stomach to last e nite.

Berrypie>>> good to hear from u. Keep us posted on her condition n how we can help u later on. I also do wish for a #3 but doubt my body can take it after this #2. Maybe we wd just be contented to hv 2 kids.

Full month

I'm not doing any buffet for full mth. Just order cakes from melrose n cake voucher from bengawan solo to give to friends n relatives. I din do a full mth for my #1 so won't do for #2 as well.

Esther>>>hope everything goes well for u. U will be holding ur little one soon n glad everything is over. Life will start to begin when u hold ur bb.

Wow, getting more excited as one by one gg pop. May u all have smooth and quick delivery.

hi esther, jiayou jiayou. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi little bb, no worry, sooner or later will be your turn soon, will still be a NOv bb.

some update, my bb 3weeks+, so far so gd, lucky hv Cl to look after. after the cl left, will be challenging for me to oversee 3 kids, pray pray everything will fine and hope the new maid could cope well.

hi jean, i saw the list that u are staying in pasir ris, i also same leh. I stay @ pasir ris dr4, blk 479, are u near me? haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] perhap next time could hv meet up together @ east area for those stay @ east.

hi simp, u power leh, salut u for breast feeding. i hv giveup after a week+ as the engorement is so pain and fever keep coming. now bb is on full fm.

Hey all

Im soo grateful to my CL that I want want to recommend her to others. How can I go about doing it? Can't help in other ways other than giving her ang pow so I want to help by recommending her more businesses.. Anyway for those who have friends/relatives who are looking for CL, mine is really good..

Reason being

1. she cooks very well. Will cook separately for hubby and I (coz she tries not to let hubby take confinement food coz too heaty). If I have guest, she will also cook for my guest if they wants to eat..

2. Hand wash mine and baby's clothes

3. Washes hubby's clothes seperately

4. When my guest is here to visit me, will help me to host them by cutting fruits or pouring drinks for them.

5. Does housework for me. Even things like cleaning of toilet or cleaning my fan coz she say too dusty.

6. Takes care of baby and trains baby. Trains baby to drink at xx time interval, not to spoil baby by carrying her, talks to baby and loves baby..

7. Takes good care of me. Ensures that I eat full full.

8. Listens to "instructions". Example if you are not comfortable with her in any ways, she will change. Like coz I have this open concept kitchen and if she cooks with too big fire, my house will be really oily.. First day, thats what she did and my house is filled with smoke and oil.. But then after telling her, she lowered the fire and mop the floor(for the WHOLE HOUSE) after every cooking.. So nice right? We didnt even ask her to mop, just ask her to lower the fire..

9. The list goes on...

Before this, I always find posts that recommends their CL dubious as in why would someone post and highly recommend their CL for nothing.. Now I know..

Anyone interested can contact her at 8242 6108 / 016-746 1157.

Wow! Congrats Esther!

I gonna go for my check up later lo.. hehehe!! will update you guys...

Anyway, for those who are interested, now PayEasy website for sending to Global have free shipping when spend above a certain amount.. hahaha!! So into 女人我最大now... Watch and bought some items.. And also, did what they teach to remain pretty.. haha!! Thinking of gonna give birth soon, I also want to maintain before giving birth..

Little_bb, I also have a lot of false alarm these few days.. Pain till must lie on bed.. I must cuddle up and wait for the pain to go off..

Thank mummies .. Latest updates: after the 1st insertion of med at 7am, my cervix still not open ..waiting game .. Now confirm csec at 12 midnight.. Bb will be born on 11.11.11 ...

Hi mummies,

Back from my gynae checkup and am happy. Strep B test came back negative (phew...), baby is heavier and weighs ard 2.8kg now, and best of all I didn't even gained much weight! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rewarded myself with a nice cup of Koi bubble tea.. yummms...

The only thing is my gynae will be out of town for a few days till next thursday. Horrors! Will have to talk to my gal and tell her better dun come out before my gynae is back. Don't wan to deal with an unfamiliar face when D-day comes.

Look forward to other mummies' updates!


Good to hear from you. Baby going to be born on a very nice date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Take care and jia you!

Awwww.. Just came back from gynae's place..

Baby 3.2kg at 37 weeks.. Gynae ask me dun eat sweet things.. HAhaha!! I just took 2 durian puffs today.. He said if next week above 3.5kg, must csection liao.. =(

Esther, your baby will be born on a nice nice date..! =D And 12 midnight somemore!! Nice timing!!

Oh ya.. Cuz my baby too heavy liao.. Actually during previous check up, he said he told me that baby is heavy.. But, my hubbby and I really didn't hear him say.. -.-" So I continue to eat lor.. =P

Esther-Nice date! Take care and you will see your baby very soon..

Jeanchua-Mac not very far from my place so i walk lor even bot 2 coconuts on my way home.The crampy feeling is managable that why i dare to go out.

Rebeana-You are very lucky to have such good CL.

Fynn-Payeasy websites is in Chinese? My chinese very lousy lei.

Hi mummies, how are you ? Guess everyone is doing fine now. Sorry for missing for a while as I am busy pumping n latching on bb. A lot of things to learn ...

Hi Rebeana, wah ! Your CL sounds like a superwoman. You are so lucky. Guess she must be very fit n quite young. Where is she from? Mine is getting better n better or I should say I am slowly used to it. Trying to close one eye sometimes. My mum n my mil still come n help even got CL lady.

I keep having a crampy feeling,is this a contraction? I really dunno as when i having period,i dont really have mensturation cramp.For whole day this crampy feeling comes and goes.It makes me quite frustrated.I feel my tummy very hard and bloated today.My baby kicks non stop,super active so prehaps the cramp is from my baby movement.

Little_ bb> ur cramp is irregular contraction.. I also experience this before .. My gyn say it's will get more intense and close.. As long as ur cramp is intense and ten min apart, u must report to gyn .. No need to wait for blood show or water bag burst..

Take care rem to drink chicken Essenes before u check in ..

Cyn- happy for u too! Finally our bb gained n has gd weight. Hopefully aft they out oso v obedient haha

Little bb- seems like u hv a couple of false alarms. These 2 days I oso feel hv cramps but it's hrs apart n oso hardening more frequently. Keep wantin poo poo too. I tink we gotta take kiam advice n wait for 10min interval contractions. Thanks kiam for d info!

Jean - so how's ur checkup n wats d bb weight today?

Fynn- I agree wi u! We Shd continue to buy products to beautify ourselves haha. But how u noe which products to buy? The show usu dun show d brand n I dunno how to buy..

Esther- Jiayou! U hv 3more hrs to c Natalie!

Rebeana- hope my cl as gd as urs! My mum days if mine doesn't wash panties for me I've to wear disposables for d entire mth! Imagine so hot durin confinement still can't wear comfy cotton ones..

Hi little bb

Tnk u having false contractions again.. Should not takeb the whole day. It will be so miserable that u can't come online.. So no worries ok..

Hi is-elle

I also wear disponsible panties. However because mine is a sudden labour, there are unwashed clothes and panties when I came back from hospital. I don't expect my CL to wash for me coz like not so nice but surprisingly, she washed it up for me.


hi ester.. jiayou jiayou and wish u a smooth delivery for ur darling on 111111 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

went for my ckup @ 36wks yesterday and bb weighs 2.8kg. was happy when i drop 400g but end up need to do CTG in case of early contraction.

