(2011/11) Nov 2011


cool down babe! bb can sense ur anger one wor.

good old way? meaning to call each relative & inform? mayb he juz "pantang" & wana make sure bb super safe period den announce?


rainz - before 1st tri i understand but we are heading outta it..its like look forward for so long then now u tell me u dont want to say? i just dont want pple to keep speculating ard me n i dont want one by one to ask me...i just want to everyone noe n lets move on lor!

iemik0 - i dunno wat his good old way is..i tink he meant naturally..they see they know? im not going to call each relative lor pls!!! he is not the pantang sort but maybe he worried..i dunno..im just annoyed coz it shld be abt what im comfortable w..he is not the one going ard hiding the bump so pple wont speculate lor...annoying

Hi Leikela,

Cool down.

Maybe your hubby just like to keep low profile as FB really very open.

In my office, there are about 3 pregnant ladies before me. They also didn't announce until we ask. They only told boss.

Cool cool...


i understand how you feel.. but maybe ur hubby feel like announce in FB is a bit too much liao lor.. maybe can announce in a more indirect way lor.. like Tiny voice.. like tt ppl catch it then good la.. ppl dun get it than too bad lor.. coz after 1st tri is only like passing the 1st "checkpoint".. the 2nd checkpoint will be the 20 wks detail scan to make really sure tt bb is doing ok.. tt's y some ppl only tell close once after 1st tri then announce to the world after detail scan..

In office, once a few know, the news will spread like wild fire.

I agree with you on the "not nice" part. Like you said, else not nice if close fren or relatives find out only after they see baby.

For me, I am telling the close ones and close relatives personally. For the not-so-close ones, I will just leave it.

Cool... Just take it as there is no FB on earth...

koi & Huishan - ya he just said he wants to keep it as private as possible coz our history..but like i rather i say then later my colleagues go post something on fb..sigh..dunno also la..i just feel like he is taking my joy out of this whole experience..

then relative ..i need to tell some of these pple but i feel uncomfortable sms-ing to tell coz they are my elders n men...so easier if just they find out from fb hahah..but i dont intend to 'announce' also..i will make it like a subtle thing like tiny voice...but now it seems like subtle post also cannot coz he dont want to say anything on fb rite? so its like..wah liao my news i also cannt say now issit..im so upset...n hormones not helping lor..making me sad..


Just when I am talking about news spreading here, one of my admin suddenly came to ask me whether I am pregnant.

Ok... news will spread from today on....

Another way is wait for your tummy to be bigger than you post picture of you dining etc etc.

I have a few friends doing so, posting pics of babymoon or company function...

People will stare at your tummy when they detect sth "suspicious". This should be subtle enough I think.

I am 11th weeks.

She is 40+yo with 2 grown-up kids.

She said she can differentiate between bloated and pregnant.

LOL.. I said I have been very very bloated for the past weeks and I actually do have a small tummy as baseline. So far, those I told said not obvious at all. Don't know how she tell.

Anyway, let it spread since it is about time. Then I don't have to worry about wearing looser clothes anymore.

Hmmm.. maybe you can announce in office by wearing maternity clothes? R u showing yet?

Koi - ya actually im showing but on normal days i wear dresses then cover up with shawl..today i wear jeans n a baggy top n i wear jacket n try to pull the jacket close with my arms across my chest...if i just walk with the jacket open..its quite obvious i think..then pple will know..

i was trying to 'hide' coz i wanted to announce first on fb..but since now like cannot..maybe dont care la..just walk da da fang fang..then pple know n say online then not i say one rite! hmmmppphhh! lol

k going for mtg now..show the world :p

Tiny Voice> I took my own, also USANA de, make sure u buy Calcium that comes with Vit D. If a person has not enough Vit D, Calcium cannot be absorb.

FB> I just post it on FB without telling my hubby, I told him after I posted and his jaw was dropping. LOlx. But too late. I just write "We are PREGNANT!" and tag my hubby. I think don't have to be so direct and people can start asking and suspecting, thats fun also.

If hubby say 5months, ok lor, then 5months, u just put, don't have to ask him for the 2nd time since he said so. Keke. Maybe put something like "are you kicking inside?". Likely to feel kick by 5th Months right?

leikela, just be your natural self, if ppl ask, just acknowledged. Soon w/o your announcement, news will spread one...hee hee! 2 days ago got a colleague got to know am preggie cos' the others at the same table were talking abt preggie can afford to eat lah, then this colleague commented, 'how come i dunno eh, how come xxx didn't gossip to me eh?' cos' that xxx was told by me not to announce earlier, haahahaa. She was upset w/ xxx as how come of all ppl she didn't tell her, so hilarious!! U see, such thing will come naturally, no need to specially announce if there isn't any suitable occasion. News will spread like wild fire. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tiny - haha news will spread like wild fire in office la..but then other frens wont know..so sad..like happy news then cannot share w the world...feel abit shortchanged...

memorable - see what he say later la..he said later then talk..but i dont want to talk to him alrdy ,,,will make me angry again..dont say dont say lor...i haf a feeling his 5 mths is rubbish la..he now say want it to be private...so fickle..worse than woman!!!! lol

ok weekend!!!!!!!!

hi all,

i wasn't feeling well... v bad MS today!

vis, i've activated my PM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

leikela, dun be upset over wat ur hb said lah. if u really feel like announcing the good news jus go ahead. unless, ur hb has a valid reason not to announce it on fb. fr ur email, it looks like ur hb likes to keep it low profile.

bloated and pregnant:

how to differentiate? i got quite a big bump now. i have started putting the belly belt on my pants.

have everyone has a nice weekend!

leikela - haha,let ur news "slowly" spread.

frenlop - did u lose weight during this period of time?i lost 2 kg eversince the MS which is mainly evening to nite time.

those who got preggie b4 knows how to c btwn bloated n preggie i tink.

leikela, i thought of an idea. u asked ur siblings or close frezs to congrat u on the fb lah. so all ur fb frens will know liao..... brilliant idea! whaha!

rainzz, i did but only 0.5kg. whenever i have MS i will go find sth to eat. i just had a 'bao'. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my 1st preg wasnt this bad at all. how bad is ur MS? my MS peak is in the morning and evening. i tik lost weight in the 1st tri is ok bah.

frenlop - my double trouble very cheeky one ..they will make me MS in the evening - late nite.

But if got friends around,i wnt MS much..

but the moment my friends leave the premises/car within 5 mins,all will merlion out like mad.

i bought a roll of plastic for vege to use for the MS.

convenient n easy to bring around.haha

Hihi everyone!! MIA for a while cos son was sick and I also felt sick, no mood to do anything! But today I'm glad to announce the stupid vertigo is gone!!! Gosh after 3 weeks! Now i can shake shake shake my head also no problem haha! And my dear boy's appetite is also back, in fact he's eating like a hungry caterpillar now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah some of u have interesting ways of announcing pregnancy, like using prego sauce!! Ha good one! I've not thot about it yet, maybe just let a close friend spill the beans for me lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leikela dear, do u think your Hubby has other reasons for not wanting to tell? Coax him into saying it out ok? U may have recovered from the earlier trauma of mc, but has your Hubby? Or maybe he's worried about something else, like maybe unwelcomed advices from kaypo friends or relatives? But no use speculating or getting angry lah, it's a good chance to understand each other better, can also improve relationship! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks ladies..we never talk abt it after work instead he has managed to find another way to upset me...when we were discussing who to take care of baby after maternity...something we discussed n decided long time back. I'm pissed n upset tt I secretly went to hide n cry when I got hm...can't help the tears but cannot let him see coz he will say oh pls why r u crying! I jus really feel like shit n alone n I guess also hormonal..jus really don't feel like talking to him...now he napping before dinner...I jus wanna avoid having to talk further..but later he wake up he will surely tink everything is ok n if I still show I'm upset he will say im still sulking...sigh...heart very pain tt I can burst out in tears anytime

My Oscar blood test results is out! My gynae had called me and told me my blood test results still ok,dont need further test..Phew..I felt so relieved..Thank god [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

leikela: preggy mums tend to be more emotional so dun get so upset k? be more cheerful and happy, is good for ur baby too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for me, is not my hubby upset me, is my workplace, there is one stupid guy who irritates me..... i just bear with it for now... if cant take it, i will complain to boss one day!! worse, i bring it up to the higher management if he pushes his limit... haha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

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Hi little bb,

Congrats on Yr gd result! It must be such a relief for u! Jia you, healthy bb all the way! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all mommies, happy voting day & happy mother's day in advance!

Just to update. I went for my apptm yesterday PM and bb is doing fine. As Dr Ang drew blood for me for the blood scan, he suggested for me to go down direct to TMC for my OSCARS scan (my original scan was on 19 May)so that I wont have to draw blood twice... The ang mo dr who scanned for me was very nice and showed us the scanning she did - we saw the bb's head, hands, legs, etc ... very cute! She said that the scan results were good but will have to wait for the blood test results to ascertain if it was okay overall

My EDD is now forwarded to 20 Nov instead of 26 Nov and bb will be 12 weeks tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, some friends warned me of Dr Ang and asked me to switch to another gynae. Dr Ang failed to detect an ectopic pregnancy early for my friend and for my friend's friend, left the gauze in the tummy after stitching causing bleeding .... I am okay with Dr Ang so far and I also have a few friends delivered by Dr Ang and were okay... Now not sure if i should change [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Mommies under Dr Ang, any thoughts to share?

Happy Polling Day and Happy holiday on Monday for all the working moms! Any sahm or planning to be sahm after bb is out?

BB Announcement

Last time i only told my inlaws and parents and they will do the spreading haha. Close friends i will let them know, the rest as they ask, i will tell. Workplace i will just inform boss and closer colleagues, the rest i let them spread the news.

In any case, however you choose to announce your happy news, all is good. Leikela, many times hb does not share the same opinion of thoughts and they have their own reasons. Women and men think and act differently just like women from venus and men from mars? Dun be affected by his different ways, just work out a manner that best suits your and his needs and im sure things will go well. It is actually good that your hb share his views on announcement. Many hb including mine doesn bother how we announce it and no views.I just tell hb to announce and then he will. Sometimes his non-involvement can be very disturbing esp when bb is out and needs help. Hb says we need to tell the men in the house to do things and they will do, very few hbs will take initiative to help wives unless our face turn black or after a few rounds of training. His reasoning, the household is our territory and we are the commander in charge, unless need assistance, just announce and they will do. I think army training has brainwashed them? My hb, brother and dad all like dat so i think that's men?


Great that your gynae has solved the mystery for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You must have signed a big relief [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Great to know everything is going better now, yippey for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_smile.gif] I hope my #2 not supergrowth bb as i am and i think my #1 may be. Good to find another mom who prefer to eat at home with bb. What a sign of relief [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No worry abt losing wt in 1st trimester. Though i din lose any weight for both #1 and #2, my mum when she had my sis, 3rd one/youngest in my family, she lost weight in 1st trimester due to bad ms, she gained all back from 2nd trimester onwards.No worries abt weight loss, in any case, bb will get all the best from you body and it is actually us who lost the impt nutrients. Nature has worked in such a way that bb will get the best from the mom no matter what happen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats mrschong!

Felixp - my date was also adjusted tt day so today hit 12wks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks ladies for all ur encouragement...talk to him last night n we agreed on subtle fb msgs when I'm ready maybe after oscars nxt wk...today so tired coz eyes so tired from crying Yest...gonna haf my nap before church...

Happy mother's day to everyone in advance!!!

congrats mrs chong! =)


unless its gathering with relatives or dining out wif my parents, else sure eat at home instead. not easy to handle esp when i hav one fussy eater! hehe.

Littlefren,Simp,leikela,iemiko-Thank you..I really felt so relieved..

Need to ask from you mummies that i just bot a bottle of DHA 250 from gnc.Not very sure if preggy can take??It stated on the bottle a key omega-3 fatty acid.Necessary for optimal brain function and development.

Supplement facts-DHA 250mg & EPA 100mg

i watched till almost 1 and was chased off to slp! haha but busy looking at fb and tweets instead.

having a sore throat that changes my voice. thinking to skip the gp since i'm going gynae tmrw.

vis - can book ur pre-natal when u are ard 20 weeks. but if u want those popular ones like WBB, gotto be fast cos her classes always full.....

felixp - i had not a so good encounter with Dr Ang. PM me if u wana know details. but i have friends who are with him. no 1 or no 2 or for both pregnancies.

little bb, congrats on ur results. time to sit back, relax and enjoy the pregnancy.... =)

Happy mother's day to all mummies here!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im gg to give my mother a wonderful gift later. Im telling her, her gift is inside my tummy.. See if she is smart to realise wat is it. (hv yet to tell her my pregnancy) heez. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrschong - ya I think the gnc one is fine..mine from doc also has EPA n dha..

Stayed up to watch..slept at 2...hubby went to play golf this morning so waiting for my macs breakfast from him now...so

Hungry!!!! 2 nights ago I was puking my guts out after taking my night supplements..so skip yest..hmmm wonder if ok to do alternate days...really got phobia..I only puked once in my entire 1st tri n now hit 2nd tri alrdy I kena again...sian...

morning ladies! mi at home todae wif my #2 as he having tummy upset. cried d whole nite due to colic. poor boi. now jumping on my bed watching disney channel. hehe.

how was mother's dae celebration? we had zichar dinner at home & i got my craving satisfied! had yummy crabs & surprised that my mummy din make noise. lolx.


I had jin sha! Hehe. Cant down spicy food at d moment. My appetite is beta too but i gotta eat every 3hrs else nausea is out to play! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jin sha is salted egg? first few wks i was crazy for tt..now i dont feel like anything fried or creamy lol...so pepperish was the best..oh i noe wat u mean..i havent taken my obimin today but alrdy feeling abit like crap!!! dunno if i shld take or not...

leikela: maybe u shld tell dr tham about ur condition when taking supplements.. see what he say.. =)

update us your OSCAR result. =) are u gg back to see dr tham after OSCAR?

@ivine & leikala: if im going to TMC for OSCAR and also for delivery.. do you mean im entitled to 10% discount on OSCAR test? And what is the membership thingy? Where can i apply? Thanks!

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I am exactly 12 weeks today. How come my MS is not getting better but worse??!! I just viomitted my lunch of bah chor mee + hokkien mee... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Viomited till nuthing to viomit but gastric juice.. I tot its supposed to get better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Arrghhh!

vis - ya im going to see dr tham after that...will update..yah i got mtg in 1 hr..need to drive there..so i tink i wont take the obimin..n tell him tmr lor..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bfly - its the first born incentive membership..sign up at the counter at tmc..i tink its 140 something for 2 yr membership..not sure what all the perks are..coz they dont advertise with the whole list..but discount for oscars is 1 of the perks

Hi blfy, u can sign up FBI / SBI at TMC 1st level information counter. It cost abot $148 and there is a free goodies bag wif lotsa stuffs and samples inside. It entitles you for 10% disc for Oscars and 4th mth detail scan. If u r under Dr Tham, there is no subsidies..however when u deliver at TMC there is rebate of $80 onwards i guess..

felixp - i noe...my nausea in the day went away for a few days..but today again started n no appetite to eat anything..really sian..doc said tt it shld get better but the full effects will only set in ard 14 to 16 wks..so i guess must tahan at least 1 more mth?


leikela, u gg oscars tmr? All the best! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I juz went last Friday and it took me at least half a day waiting and seeing Dr Tham..The Oscars was done in a quick manner..nurse came inside room took mesurements and after tat ask me go take blood test. I asked her how was the test, she simply told me she cant comment!! *Angry!* Makes me even more kan cheong..she told me to go take blood test then results will tell me ok or not! Aiya..if got prob juz let me knw la y tell mi no comment! Some nurses i heard some are gd at TMC & some v rude...

