(2011/11) Nov 2011

Felixp: There is a clinic next to my block which i think is much convenience for me rather then bring my bb to PD.. Because the PD nv tell us to go for checkup so i was wondering to bring my bb to GP or PG.. plus my bb metabolic screening shows abnormal.. even worst.. sigh..

iselle- thanks!

meplaa: my bb was induced too! overdue for 2days...


After trying the sacred tea, u will be like me. I am able to pump 120-150ml per session and today is only my 8 days of confinement.


Thank you for adding me in FB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My #1 also jealous whenever he see me carry mei mei, so try to let CL attend to bb & pay more attention to him during confinement. Me too also bought a toy for him & say its a gift from meimei. Its helps abit. hee.


I Pmed u.


Do rest well. maybe there's miracle. Just like me, I suppose to c-sect on 11/11 but my gal decide to pop out via natural on 10/11. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My 3 yr old girl also show some jealousy over the new bb. It was very bad during my confinement. If I carry mei mei she will want me to carry her n will whine over very little things. She behaves like a baby too, making bb noises n won't talk to us. Now she's better but if we caught her being rough w bb n correct her, she will all the more want to hurt the bb. So got to use reverse psychology n praise her for being so sensible n gentle on mei mei then only she will behave.


Dun be too upset over delaying your pumping timing. I sometimes also pump 7hr from last pump cos I simply couldn't wake up. Just make sure when you are awake stick to the 3-4 hourly schedule.


I used to have the fullness feeling 2-3 hrs after pumping during the first few weeks. I pump 4-5 times daily. Now the fullness feeling has disappear but I can still manage to pump like 240ml-300ml per session. Think gradually our body are use to the feeling n not feeling engorge as easily. I can stretch 7 hrs without pumping sometimes.


Congrats! Your bb has big eyes wor. Gonna be a little beauty.

My gynae estimated my bb weight to be around 2.6-2.7 kg but told me minimum will be at least 2.4kg. Then when I saw how small my bb was at birth 2.4kg I was a little upset. But nevermind cos we can fatten bb very fast thru our powerful BM. At 1 month, my bb weighs 3.8kg Liao. Jiayou n hope you have abundance in your BM supply. Happy mooing.. Rest plenty if you can.


Ur supply is alot. When can I hit 100ml per pump...I think when I hit that, I will be very happy le. But thanks for ur encouragement.


The FB group is SMH nov 2011 mummies.


Your supply is not bad now. I got more milk after the post natal massage. Cos she helped me cleared my ducts n taught me how to massage to have better flow. My supply came in more on my 2nd week. On top of that I ate a lot of fish n drank a lot of fluids. And I get lots of rest during confinement.


You will surely hit 100ml soon, ur supply will build up over time. Don't give up! N rem not to give yourself too much stress too.

zel - wow u hv v good supply! the highest i've heard. if i've such good supply i can store in freezer n retire early...

jean - i've googled a few website. u take a look below:



2.Increase the frequency of pumping times by shortening the interval between pumping times instead of increasing the duration of pumping (e.g., pump three times for 15-20 minutes versus two times for 30 minutes if you're away 8-10 hours). This way you're pumping about the same number of total minutes, but you're stimulating your breasts more frequently, which triggers milk production.

3.Incorporate the "Massage-Stroke-Shake" (M-S-S) technique as taught by Chele Marmet, an LLL Leader and co-Director of the Lactation Institute in Encino, California, USA: Double-pump for 5 to 7 minutes. Stop. Massage both breasts simultaneously in a circular motion similar to a breast self-exam. Stroke both breasts all the way around from the chest wall to the tip of the nipple in a straight line using only your fingertips. Then cup each breast with your hand, lean forward, and gently shake your breasts. Repeat by pumping another 5-7 minutes and M-S-S. Finish by pumping 5-7 minutes.

If your pump parts include a flange insert for a smaller areola, use the inserts for the middle pumping to stimulate the areola and the milk sinuses located behind the nipple. The hands-on, M-S-S technique stimulates an increase in prolactin levels, which in turn increases milk production.

Mothers whom I've helped to use this technique report an increase in milk pumped in a short amount of time.



BB still having jaundice level of 122 even when he is reaching 1 month old. Sigh!!! Need to go to polyclinic frequently because of this. But one thing to be happy about is that my confinement is almost over!!!

Btw, anyone knows of a place tat sells plain white T-shirts (cheap) for toddlers? I've been looking around for my 2yr-old son, but can't find.


Hehe u so cute. Even so I won't retire early cos I BF my elder gal for 2.5yrs but it's partial bf. this time round not really sure if I can tahan that long but I'm looking at least a year. The elder one held me hostage n I couldn't stop cos she latches to sleep every night otherwise I can't make her sleep. I only forced her to stop when I found out I am pregnant.

Babyzel - i clear the ducts on my own. I did not engage any massage lady for all my pregnancies. Hope to achieve more milk.

Grace Seow,

Gynae estimated at 3.2kg at wk 38, then 3kg (??) at wk 39, but real birth weight was 2.6kg.

Avent electric pump

Anyone using this pump? Was pumping it in hospital and yesterday, had abit of colostrum but it all ended up stuck behind the massage petal cushion instead of flowing down leh. Couldn't use it at all for baby. Why huh? Something wrong with the pump or my position? Tiring to hold the pump after awhile....

Massage Lady

Mine officially MIA liao. Called and msg her never reply haiyo. Anyone else have good recommendations at such short notice?

Confinement Lady

Finding it hard to say no to her ways of taking care of baby leh. Cos my baby became very red after coming home. She says baby body heaty and will feed abit of water, insists we get pearl powder to dap her mouth etc etc. Issit necessary? Will my baby kena poisoned or not huh?? Faintz, so blur about everything.

Waiting for a home visit with a lactation consultant later, hopefully she will be able to help with my bf. If not very stress everytime my CL asks me got milk or not =P And my nipples already feel sore from incorrect latching and pumping!

Okok just needed to rant abit... jia you!

I just gave birth 12days ago.. I pump every 2hr -3hr i could only get 60ml.. and i cant totally get rid of the blocked milk duct.. when i pump it will become smaller but later on it become lump again..

Babyzel I thot it would be easier when #1 is a girl. Always though boys tend to be more jealous and possessive. Yes, my boy also something like your girl now. Whines easily an always want to be carried. It's quite overwhelming esp is mei mei is crying and he starts crying and asking to be carried.

How long did your girl take to start to accept #2? For my sanity, he's staying with my mom past few days. I feel bad sending him away but I really need the break plus I didn't get a CL. Now I really regret nit hiring one!

Sleepy, lucky you got a CL! I tried buying him toys too... Think he's one grateful for it for that moment n after a while forget Liao.

Evelyn, I'm quite near Amk mrt[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shirley, can try song & song. I got my boy cheap tees there... Abt $5-6 each. Sometimes I see plain ones there.

Cyn, my massage lady not bad... She's from origins jamu massage. If u interested, I can ask her tomorrow when she comes.


Hmm... which branch did u go? I remember going to the Jurong East one..... not many boys but only managed to buy 1 plain one. Thinking of doing some iron-on or design plain T-shirts for my boy. Sigh!!! Boys clothes r very limited!


My no 1 is dec09. Perhaps we can org playdates soon.

My no 1 also show sign of jealousy n doesnt seem to be interested in toking to me anymore... But i try to mk a point to put him to bed every night and spend sme x w him every mrng b4 he goes to my mil plc...

So happy to c more amk mummies... Next x we can mt up at amk hub haha...

Juz came bk frm tmc. Bb gt to b admitted for phototheraphy... Hopefully he can b dischrg tmr... Tonight will try pumpg freq to incr supply..

Hi mummies! Long time no write/read! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Some of u may have saw my fb pics that I have popped on 16nov11. I was sooooooo tired all the way frm then til these 2 days. Maybe Cuz i manage to get at least 4-5 hrs of deep sleep recently after started drinking Dom n home-made herbal rice wine.

How is everyone doing?


It is normal that the colostrum stuck in ur pump. Try to latch her on if possible. Cos when the level is low, the pump will tend to dry up the colostrum very fast. Hope the LC can help u. How much do u have to pay for home visit?

I did dab pearl powder on her lips after shower, but must make sure she drinks milk...cos if fully latch on, she might not have enuff fluid to pass out the shit (as the pearl powder helps pass out the dirt faster).

Redness on bb body, my CL asked me to buy Shen nong fen 神农粉 (milderma) light brown container. I use cotton pad to apply my gal after bath, the redness get better, even her butt slight nappy rash also get better. U can try.


Dun be too stress. I can imagine help without CL. And unable to have enuff rest. Pls get as much as rest as possible cos ur health is more impt. Then u can take care of the little ones.


My case is similar As urs. Can't seems to clear the ducts. I asked LC if can massage hard to clear the lumps, she dun reccommend. But all the mummies have alot of milk, seems increase after they massage hard to get rid of the lumps.

Sarong yao lan

My girl can't sleep for long lately maybe due to stress frm being hospitalized recently for jaundice. Cl n mum advise me to use yaolan so she can sleep longer else she won't grow up. Howwwwww? I dun feel like giving in cuz alot of ppl advise if can dun give yaolan.even mrs wong also advise against it.next time gonna have a hard time gettin her to slp w/o yaolan. But now she only can sleep little bit then wake up crying. Always wanna be carried. Very insecure.. Sighz. Is there any other alternative to yaolan?

Shirley: marine parade central branch has quite a good collection of tees.

Snowpear: playdate? idea! Heheh... is yr #1 in cc or playgrp? My boy is at the one over at Jubilee.

Jean: I have a week and a half to go. Hanging in there. Tired but got to manage still. My mom is busy w my #1 so I dun' hv an extra pair of hands.

Re: block ducts... I clear my own too... Massage and push towards nipple. Pain but once u cleared it, its vy shiok to see the milk dripping out. Oh but rememebr Got to use some oil or lotion when u massage so that yr fingers glide over yr skin easily. Clear Liao supply normally will up![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Twink - did u try to wrap the bb? My bb is wrapped tightly with the napkin by my cl. This is to make them secure. My bb's hands can't even come out. She can sleep soundly despite there is renovation going on mext door.

Re yao lan - i think it depends on the bb. Both my kids could differentiate tat day was yao lan n night was bb cot. My boy refused to sleep in yao lan when he was around 6 mths.

I will definitely let my gal sleeps in yao lan after she turns a mth coz head will be rounder and she can sleeps better.

Hi serene,

My girl refused to be wrapped. She wasn't like tis at all When I discharge frm my delivery. She cld slp soundly n like being swaddled.now sHe will cry n cry n try very hard to kick n pull her hands out of the napkin until her face damn red. Mb sHe has been sleeping wide open for many days under light photo therapy in kkh w/o being swaddled.


Still struggling to use or not.cuz every time sleep in arms then put her down to cot she will wake up n cry immediately.

Twink - did u try to put beanspout pillow at her chest?

Rather than u carry her to sleep which will become habit next time, i will use yaolan if i m u. There is a saying that bb shd not carry all the time if not they will not grow.

Serene, yes me also put bean sprout pillow on her chest too. Thats why we trying to ignore her cry see if she wil get tired n fall asleep herself but she cry harder n harder. Wonder if need to do the hard way let her cry all she can until stop. But i scare her vocal cord will spoil frm the screaming.

Twink - seems like there is nothing u can do but just carry her to sleep or put her in yaolan rather than to see her cries.

Did u try giving her pacifier?

Also did. Hee.. Tried everything Liao. She like dun like to lie flat. When lift her up time quiet down. She can sleep well on her tummy though. Oh gosh...I see how.. If really goes on too long not healthy cuz bb no sleep much wait got orh bak kak how?.may try yaolan. After full nth then decide.


our bb pop on e same day.


seems most mummies are very hardworking mummies. csection mks me very tire and me n hb been taing care bb my ourseleves. think like my #1 , e milk ss wld go off by itself soon.

bb habits

just some gd habits to share. if u are feeding milk do feed @ a quiet spot to train bb. in future also eat at dining table. this wld enocourgae bb to fin milk/food asap and dun drag for hrs to fin 1 feed.

I think she feels more secure facing down to sleep but dangerous as she still doesn't know how to turn her head.

Mummies - does your cl put the ruyi oil on bb belly

button before or after shower. Mine put before shower coz she said wind will not go in. First time heard of.

Ruyi oil

My CL put after shower. If before shower, won't it sting or cooling for bb???


I know it really hard when we listen our bb's cry, end up have to intro things that is not advisable. My CL keep asking me to give bb pacificer which I dun agreed. End up I will comfort latch on every night before she sleep. Haiz...I also headache...


Dun u feel pain when u clear the duct??? I see the milk dripping off the breast when I massage them, feel so wasteful...scared after massage, no milk come in...


my no 1 is taken care by my mil. He is gg appletree nxt yr..

Duno if he can adapt or nt..

So happi milk supply has incr frm 20 to 60ml...

Try d massage technique abv n its works! Thks!

Jean - that is what i feel too. I will ask my cl to put the oil after shower

Why don't u pump and massage at the same time then u will not waste the milk. Once u break the ducts more milk will come.

Fion, yeah same bday as my gal : ) my babe is a night bb came out at 10 plus.

Serene, yah I noe abit dangerous but dats the only way to let her sleep longer. My cl chk on her ever now n then cuz she sleep with bb.

Jean, I gave pacifier Liao. No choice cuz she very fussy. I heard its easier to wean pacifier than fingers so anyway just give n try to wean later bah.

Ruyi oil,

I heard got ppl put sesame oil before bath n after bath but nt ruyi oil before bath. Won't that be too cooling for bb tummies when touch water?

Twink - yes pacifier easier to wean off. My gal stopped taking when she was 28 mths n my boy stopped when he was less than 12 mths. My nephew sucked his finger until there was bruise. Yes i believe it will have a cooling feeling if the oil is applied on them before shower. What is the purpose of putting sesame oil?

Haiz breast full when it is less than 3 hrs from last pump so no choice have to wake up n pump now

Snowpear - yes me too will pump later at 5 am. Yes it will increase just like me from 30 ml to 150 ml now within a week

Who is fiona low and Wina lee??? Pls identify yourself before we add you in.

Silent reader, we have decided to keep our nov FB group a manageable size. Sorry, we won't be accepting new members unless they are friends or roomie of the existing nov mummies in FB.


U mean one hand hold the pump, one hand massage? The moment I press on my breast, it lost the suction of the pump. And I have to catch the pump in quick action...

Jean - i have not sent in my fb request yet as i still can't find smh nov 2011 mummies under everyone tab.

Yes the one hand has to hold the pump tight and the other hand massage the breast.

Jean, Yea vy pain when massage the blocked duct but at least clear Liao can avoid engorgement which is a greater pain. I use a glass bottle to 'catch' the milk while I massage.

Bottlefeed: my bb can take an hr to finish a bottle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](

Makes night feeds dreadful. Hb n me both battery wana flat Liao!! Anyway to make them drink a bit faster?? Imagine after the long feed still gotta burp! By then put her down to zzz n an hr later it's feeding time again! OMG! >.<



Why take so long to finish a bottle? Is it ur bb fell asleep while feeding? If yes, then can wake him up by burping or tickle near ears & chin. Baby too lazy to suckle is it? Or try other milk bottle teat?

