(2011/10) Oct 2011

mini ice creams r not enough for me....i nv try magnum mini.. had cornetto mini instead... but i still prefer to eat from the tub.... i love my ben & jerry ice cream... expect now hubby buy me small tub instead of the big tub.

but i told him small tub not worth the price.. big one cheaper... i love strawberry cheesecake & chocolate & cookies & cream one....

but now eat yammi yogurt more cos i'm getting fatter & fatter...



I'm still wearing normal bra with wire which i bought bigger size but nv get bigger cup so it doesnt fit well....

And i'm having a problem. my left breast grew but not my right side.... and my left side has always been a cup bigger.... now the difference is obxious. my colliek can even see the differences when i wear V-neck top..... hope my right grows too...

minidiary: me cannot throw panties into washing machine as i am currently staying with my in-laws ..

re: disposable maternity panties

i bought mine at giant .. 5 or 6 for SGD5+ .. very comfortable and is of cotton material .. can stretch up to 56 inches ..

starrymommy: ya lorz, my hubby said that of me =.= so no choice, went to buy maternity panties 2 weeks ago ..

yan2609: our hubbies from same 'planets' =p

gixmoz: me put on extensions for my bras, but going to buy new bras .. not sure whether to buy nursing bras straight away or not; worried that my boobs will grow bigger at a later date ..

re: Bras

I didnt get maternity bra. I got those bigger sized n non-wired ones.

wish my boobs can stay this size even after birth! hahaha. now i think its cup c liao.


Oh.. Luckily my in law n mummy in kl, I always throw my panties n bra into washing machine one.

Ginn cai,

I also love yami yogurt! Frozen one the best. I'm thinking to buy yogurt tub next time n put into freezer...thn scoop it out like ice cream. Dunno can eat or not... Haha


- about the disposable maternity panties, actually you can buy those normal type of disposable panties. I personally like to used it during my last confinement. You knw during our confinement period, we would got some red stain on our panty easily, so no need to so “ma fan” to wash and wash again, jus “take off and throw away” can liao…no need to wash..haa..haa..(I’m a lazy mum :p) during our post-natal massage time, I think better we wear the disposable panty too.

-for the pads, I agreed with Starry, not necessary to use maternity pads. I still prefer those normal type of pads, I’ll use those thick and overnight type

Thanks for all the info. Never know I'll need to prepare this during confinement. Haha thinking if I get disposable panties will my mum nag me or not since the baby she also don't let him use disposable diaper and use tradition cloth diaper...

I keep my yammi yogurt in freezer... usually i'll buy two tub of take home pack peach.. i've been eating yammi yogurt for years ...My hubby only eat yummi yogurt peach de...he dun touch other kind of yogurt cos he say its the best yogurt he even eat. i'll add rasin or cornflake myself at home.

Any mummies will choose to wear those “malay type of Sarong” during confinement?? I knw it will look ugly but it is comfortable and easy…..maybe this “fashion” not “popular” for S’porean but in M’sia..lol… I wear it last time for the 1st week, and will do the same for this time too…

i think i also wan buy disposable panties for confinement... easier way.... haha...

My mom mention we need to buy plastic sheet to put on the bed, in case we stain our bed... she said the first week is terrible. like tap water flooding non-stop & it'll be very painful when the hard pieces are coming out. And my poor mom will be sleeping next to me so i guess she wants me to buy the plastic sheet when she came over yesterday... to make sure the bed is clean and she can slp in comfort...


i changed once a day only since bathe only once a day. and the pad i used was very good, no leaks. buy 30 first bah. not enough can buy again since so easily available.

minidiary : U can buy those herbs and bathe.For me, i tahan all 28 days, i only bathe the lasty 2 days, i follow strict tradition for safety.

those herbs if u can buy from malaysia much cheaper.

In hospital, they use the loop 1. but at home, i use those heavy duty pads.

ya, disposable panties. some ppl feel that jus use and throw , easier than wash

To protect your bed, you can get those hospital type of bed liners. Plastic sheet with some cotton on top to absorb liquids.

I bought a carton during my first pregnancy. Buy from those medical supplies store is cheaper.

I put on my bed and in the car nearing to delivery cos scared water bag burst and dirty everything...

minidiary: is best to buy extra, in case of staining (especially the first 2 weeks) ..

princessginnginn: the plastic sheet is called 'blue sheets' or protective sheets or absorbent sheets .. can buy from pharmacy .. comes in various sizings .. you can also pack a few in your bag when you are going to deliver; they will come in handy if your water bag burst ..

Wah never know we gotta prepare the plastic sheet as well. I will get cab for delivery... Will the taxi driver picks me up? Or should I get ambulance? No car leh...

i used waterproof mattress protector.. so shouldnt be a problem for bed.. i think waterbag burst also little flow of water flowing out.. it wont be outburst de.. so if u go earlier, pad shd be able to take it.. So far, all my frens told me is like pee leaking..

Roxanne, waterbag burst is different for everyone. Mine was a small gush, then slow leaking. My colleague's one was a huge gush until got a pool of water on the office floor! I had to help her mop up while she rush to hospital...

what causes the waterbag to burst? got a weird smell for the water right? normally if bb is engaged the head will block the opening and water wont leak out... this was what happened to me in tmc, i insisted to walk from observatory ward to delivery ward cos lie on bed for too long n then the water nvr come out...

my sis is mucus plug came out then leak... my other colleagues all slowly leak.. nvr heard of big gush except my mum when she had my younger sister at 7th month... for me, sigh.. tat time 40th week also no symptoms, no dilation, nothing... wonder how this one will be and when...

minidiary, my MIL says kotex loop need string one.. kotex maternity got the adhesive one...

hey mommies~

A hot monday, hot weather and many hot threads.. :p

My frd didn't managed to help me get Medela Freestyle in US but my sis-in-law just passed me her Medela Swing (which I didn't know she has). Any mommies used Swing before? I'm wondering if i should just use this first or still get Freesyle from the spree.

Rabbitbb, wahaha, I nvr read sat till this noon's posts until I saw u put hot posts then go kpo see anything happened or not.. But dun have leh.. Lol

regarding bathing.. We shd bathe everyday for hygiene purpose.. Those myth not true one... My mil asked me go her hse confinement n I refused, prefer to do it alone cos I want to bathe! Haha

Haih I wish I can bath too... Can't imagine my look during confinement without bath n wah hair... Maybe looks like beggar...

Hi mummies,

I have been a silent reader for some time already. Decided to join the thread.

Pls help to update my particulars.

I'm expecting a boy, currently in my 20 weeks exactly. This is my 2nd pregnancy. My elder son was born in Mar 2007.

My gynae is Vincent Lee,will be delivering at Mt Alvernia.

My 1st edd given was 31 Oct and recently my edd was brought foward to 23rd Oct so i have no idea which is the accurate one.

Am working full time.

I followed all the confinement practices strictly for my 1st pregnancy. After having experienced that, i do not think i'll do the same for this time round. I'll most probably take away the no bathing theory..maybe change to have more of those usual dishes rather going for all ginger/ sesame oil dish for my every meals..

hi ladies, i am a slient reader all these while. but since i have some experience on the bathing part. i think i shd share. i think the practice of not bathing during confinement is not a myth. i am a weaker person. during my mini confinement after miscarriage last yr. my mum wanted me to bathe with herbs, i can wash my hair (alternate days), i wear plastic footwear in bathroom and i must bathe before the sky gets dark. when i go out, i need to wear long sleeve and pants. towards the end of my confinement, i try to eat snake a bit and bathed at night. then later when i sleep, i feel a chilly sharp pain in my spine which is really shocking. i wrapped myself in blanket until i sweat and i felt better. my mum says sometimes the pain doesnt come when we are young. those who didnt do their confinement properly might experience pain later in life, or during menopause.

i think it is ok to bathe, but do it with the herbs. you can get ready packets from traditional medicine hall and use it with warm water. it is better to be safe than sorry.

there is another time i wear shorts to go walk walk in shopping mall (also towards the end of confinement), then when i came home, same thing happened again. now that i am living in the states, during winter, this pain haunts me sometimes especially when it is very cold or when i bathe late at night. this kind of pain radiates from the spine to the thighs and it is quite unbearable. i try to be really careful and i wear footwear at home. many ladies are blessed with strong bodies, but i think it will be good for us to take care of ourselves now, cos we will never know abt the future.

another demo:


the 3 main points, as explained by dr karp on how this works:

1 and 2. swaddling and swinging (the baby): to stimulate the environment inside the womb

3. the shhhh noise: to "imitate" the white noise which is as loud as the vacuum cleaner in the womb

the infant acts like a fetus during its first 3 months of life. heard this doesnt work on bigger babies as they cry due to other needs.

as i didnt get the video, i didnt get the full instruction. but i suppose we can try without the video first and see how it goes. it is said that babies sleep longer using this calming method as it turns on their calming reflex.

hope this saves our sanity when junior comes!

good morning mummies! This thread is so active! Everytime I login I've to read frm the archives!

hi Hao Yi Lua, thks 4 sharing. Since u are living in the states, I think the weather should b v cold, there's no need to shower daily.

Re: showering during confinement, I washed my hair once every 2 weeks and showered once a week as there was a non-stop heatwave when I delivered in April. Highly recommend never to shower at night, much less washing hair at night unless the weather was really humid.

I obeyed all the rules for food as I never broke out pimples nor mouth ulcers even while eating very heaty foods, which is rare.

Re strollers: we got a maclaren after found out abt my preg and loved it!

Update on 6th month scan: Weight gain frm pre-preg 3.9kg. Diet ctrl has been effective. Next scan at 27 weeks volunteered sugar test for diabetes. Stringent diet started yesterday evening. Envy u ladies who can eat whatever you want :)

Hi girls! I need to close the order by today cuz Osh Kosh has additional 30% off for 2 days nia. Dunno end when so we wanna beat the deadline first lor.


Anyone has the list of what are the things to buy for new born?? Am abit lost as not sure what are the things i should get... Can send me the list?


The car seat we had in the first few months was borrowed from a friend, and it wasn't important for us that the car seat fits the stroller anyway. My girl started using the stroller after the first month and never objected to being lifted from the carseat onto the stroller, except on our very first trip outdoors to the botanic gardens. Our stroller was the Chicco Simplicity, only $200+ and can be used from newborn - 15kg. Love it cos its got a HUGE shopping basket, simple fold and free standing. Weight is about 7kg http://www.chicco.com/ProdottiChicco/SchedaProdotto/tabid/87/art/04060900290000/language/en-US/Default.aspx

Just for information, i did ask the chinese sinseh (from China) @ Ma Kuang about the showering part. She told me she dunno why Singaporean got this no shower concept. She says can shower but need to wipe dry. People have this misconcept because in China they have to walk to the well to fetch water and it might be during winter time. So might "Zhao liang".

My mum follow strict confinement for 40 days. Now only 52 and aching all over... very weak.

My MIL gave birth to 4 kids, totally no confinement, now 64 and even stronger than me!

For #1, i didnt shower hair for 14 days. Wipe for 14 days after that then i shower daily with the herbs. Wash hair only once.. Crazy when i think back.. #2, i am going back to shower normally...

tamms.. can u close and open this stroller with one hand and without bending down? i wanna get one with big basket too... hehe.. can check this out...



I’m getting the thermometer from Amazon and would like to invite you to share the shipping cost with me. 

Kindly leave your email address and I will contact you ASAP. 

Braun Thermoscan Ear Thermometer with ExacTemp Technology 

Model: IR4520 

Shipping: Direct Shipping from Amazon 

Link: http://www.amazon.com/Braun-Thermoscan-Thermometer-ExacTemp-Technology/dp/B001FWXKMM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1302227652&sr=8-1 

Waiting timing: 2-3 weeks 

Item cost calculation: USD38.54 + Shipping USD6.40 = USD44.95 @1.35 = S$60.70 

* Please note the exchange rate will be adjusted if it is higher. 


- Ang mo kio ave 10

- Register Mail (Postage TBA) 

- Normal Mail (at your own risk, I’m not responsible for lost mail) (Postage TBA) 

I hope to close by 18th June. 

Email me at [email protected] 

Thank you!


wow, thanks for sharing that! confinement rules are definitely not for everyone. some women has weaker physique, so probably advisable to stick to the rules like first few days don't shower. some are stronger, if don't shower and everything gotta be hot, hot, hot, think will also fall sick or break out in heat rash etc. i survived 5 days without bathing, but it has cost me my hair, resulting in blocked pores and super oily scalp. this time round see how's the weather. if cannot tahan, i won't sit by and wait for 5 days to be up. haha!


i copied this from a website:


5-10 rompers, depending on how often you want to do laundry

5-7 baby sleepers or nightgowns

1 cold weather sleeper if necessary

5-7 pairs of baby socks

1-2 newborn hats, depending on climate

Diapers and Bath Items

2 packs of disposable diapers or enough cloth diapers for at least two days. Newborns can soil up to 10 diapers per day.

1 pack of disposable wipes or 10 cloth wipes

Waterproof pad for diaper changes

3-5 baby washcloths

1-2 hooded towels, if desired. Adult towels will work, too.

1 bottle of gentle baby wash

Baby nail clippers

Digital thermometer

Bedding and Feeding

3-4 fitted sheets for crib, cradle, cosleeping bassinet or traditional bassinet

5-7 lightweight blankets

1-2 heavier blankets, depending on climate

10 burp cloths or hankies

5-8 bottles, if you're bottle feeding

Breastfeeding pillow, if desired

Gear and Furniture

Car seat

Crib, cradle, bassinet, or other safe sleep space for baby.

angeline, hazel,

me too having the sneezing and drippy nose. i think it is considered pregnancy rhinitis, caused by the mucous membranes expanding during pregnancy. 1st tri was very bad for me, nose blocked till can't sleep well at night plus all the sneezing. 2nd tri a bit better. hopefully won't return.


no prob! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually i see the quantities stated are a little too much. fitted sheets, blankets etc probably can cut half. and bottles, i only used 3-4 of them all the way till baby was 5 months, after that cut down to just 2 bottles for rotation.

hazel, starry,

my sneezing became worse last two days. sneeze non-stop. i can see a lot of pressure on my tummy whenever i sneeze. i was worried for my baby inside. so called the gynae just now. he told me it will not affect the baby. that make me feel better.

angeline, starry,

i was just wondering if it will affect the baby also cos sneeze quite hard sometimes. After seeing what you gals say, at least can feel better le


welcome YA (quizzer2011) & Hao Yi Lua (sumernite)!

Alot of my stuff such as stroller etc are pink pink cos #1 is a gal.. I m going to reuse it on my boy... Really cant wait for Oct to come.. so many of my frens popped or popping soon... I am still waiting for full bloom....

