(2011/10) Oct 2011

Winny, ya maybe you try feeding her water or some milk from the spoon first. Before I started feeding my boy from the spoon, I did some test to see if he's ready for it. I tried giving him drips of probiotic onto the spoon and feed him, say maybe once a week. Then I see that his tongue thrush reflex is not so strong, so I think he should be ready for spoon feeding.

But if you try some water or milk on the spoon and she still spit out then she's not ready maybe you try again in another week.

I think as long as your baby can sit with support she can start on solids but provided she don't keep spitting out the food.

Try to read up on the website below, it'll tell you more on how to feed your baby.



Mommies, today I fed my boy mash and spinach for dinner. He was eating ok and finished it but don't know why a few hours after that feed he started fussing and crying. Cries for a while then stop for a while then start this cycle all over again, while he was crying he passes quite a lot of gas. I put him down to bed and after only half an hour he suddenly wakes up and cry again. I wonder if it's the spinach that makes him tummy uncomfortable.

Any of you experience this when feeding solids?

hi telez,

i used to feed him from water using spoon when she's like 3mths but very slow so i use bottle instead. hahaha!!

Today i tried thicker tecture of rice cereal and she spit it out too..

Hi olicesyoghurt, i have read so many articles already and I just bought a top tips for weaning by Gina Ford.

I kind of worried coz PD asked me to spped it up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies!

I'm also an Oct 2012 mum. Reading your discussion thread here is very informative. Love it!

Would like to add my 2 cents worth.

Hair -- I'm dropping a lot of hair too. Thinking of apply Martell onto my scalp to stimulate hair grown. I did that for my son after we shaved his hair and now, there is a lot growing.

Weaning -- Haven't start yet coz he is on partial EBM. Pd said to start from 6 months.

Weight -- Need to lose about 5-8kg. Sobz! Signed up for aqua aerobics class, hope will help. Also bought Zenoctil from 1 mummy doing spree, will start after I end BF.

Any mummies staying after Clementi area here?

Hi hi! I don't stay clementi but boon lay.

Telez and olivesyoghurt, I finally managed to feed my bb 1.5 teaspoon of rice cereal mix with 30ml of milk!! Woohoo!!

On top of that, I gave her 120ml of pure milk!

it's a mess lah but so cute!

So, will you spoonfeed your babies for the morn, noon, evening feed only? What abt night/ midnight feed? Pure milk?

Also, when do I start other food? After the 3rd day?

So sorry that I asked so much.

Winny, congrats! That's a good start. I only spoon feed him for lunch and dinner. His first meal and last meal I only give milk in the bottle. My boy sleeps through the night so I don't have any midnight feed, his last meal will be between 7ish to 9ish. As for when to introduce new food, according to some sources they'd advice the 3rd day but for me I really don't care hehehe so I just give whichever food I think I'd like him to try. But of course those highly allergy food I don't give yet. I'm also not sterilizing his bottles since he reached 5.5mth. I think there's no right or wrong when it comes to rising your own kid ;) whichever makes you and baby happy is the most important thing.

I am a jan 2012 mummy n got a dragon baby hamper from Thomson worth $399 from dumex. Comprises 7 tins of 900g stage 2 mamil gold milk powder (follow on formula) and 1 tin of mamil mama 900g, a feeding set and some toys, amongst other things. 

Willing to let go at half price ($200) 

Interested pls SMS me 93679627 (preferred) or pm. Self collect from Pasir Ris .

Hi olivesyoghurt,

I gave bb morn and evening feed then starting today I don't add cereal to her milk in her bottle. I used to do that as pd advises but I'm thinking if I increase the amt of cereal gradually, how would bb suck from bottle? Unless I cut the hole of the teat.

Like you say no right or wrong but I'm very worried I do the wrong thing that lead to malnutrition.

Btw mommies, are your bb getting cranky? Mine has been cranky for the last 4 days especially night time. She cried as if someone bashed her up and wouldn't sleep without pacifier.

Hi Cazzie, I'm not staying at clementi but my boy's PD is at sunset way ;)

Winny, as long as she is constantly putting on weight and is active and happy on a daily basis, I think she's going to be fine. I used to be paranoid over every single thing when my boy was born but my PD always tell me there're more things to worry about then stuff like this. Babies some times will tell you (signs or their behavior that show) and find their way out. Do you mean you wanna give her cereal on every meal starting now? I presume she's over 5mths now?


Jus bot healthy times oatmeal cereal cos MIL say brown rice v heaty.. initially ask me to get white rice but ntuc only has frisco n nestle.. saw healthy times organic decide to get oatmeal since no white rice..

My BB's coughing n running nose recently so super cranky esp at nite.. aft he recover then will feed him wif e oatmeal cereal.. think by then he almost 6 mths ha!

Bubblygeekypig, sorry, may I ask how did your boy get the cough and runny nose? My boy has quite a few episodes of blocked nose that makes him cough whenever the mucus flows back down into his throat, when he was between 2 to 4 months and my PD said it might be because I'm an asthmatic which likely that I develop sinus often, so to speak genetically my boy also has that.

Winny, is okay to be messy at feeding. I feed for 3 days then add in the apple puree as snack with the rice cereal as the main food. Won't lead to malnutrition.I think our baby will let us know if they are not having food. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my boy will cry for more if is not enough, eyes will light up if I show him his milk bottle and this the signal I get that he wants more.

He gets fidgety when it gets hot at night. And he has stuffy nose these few days. I think I passed the flu to him. That's why I started him on apple puree...hoping this extra dose of vitamin can help


And I totally agreed with you. I was paranoid for the first 2 months...but now, if I see my boy is smiling and growing juicier each day, he should be fine and we are on the right track.

Winny, my friend has advised me on the following which I think is quite helpful to me as a working mum. She's the take it easy type since she's staying overseas now with her hubby and baby with no other helpers.

buy fruits/ veg, cook it, mash/ blend it and freeze it in ice-cube trays. e.g steam sweet potatoes (do not add anything), then mash/ blend it and freeze it in ice-cube tray. Once frozen, pop them into a zip lock bag and left it in freezer, and you can continue with another fruit/ veg. Only need 1 ice-cube at first and you can gradually increase the number when he finishes one. You can heat up the ice-cube using microwave or heat over the pot, always making sure you heat it up till boiling hot, then let it cool down to serve. This is to ensure all bacteria are killed.

Some recipe online for reference


mummies, need ur suggestions on this...my boy is taken care of by my mil and mum. He now naps on their beds but they are concern that he will soon learn to crawl around and will need somewhere safer to nap. Any suggestions on what should I do/buy?

I'm thinking get a playpen but a friend advised that playpens will only last until baby is 10months or thereabouts.


My BB get his cough n running nose from my hb nephew cos ny MIL takin care of e nephew n he's virus spread to my BB.. a wk alr still haven't recover!

Love Everyday, get a mattress, this way even if they roll out of the mattress they won't hurt themselves. My sister use to put two of my nieces to sleep on mattress until they're about 5yr old then my sis bought them bed.

Hi love everyday,

I letting my baby lay on the LG Playmat which u can find selling on this forum.

He love turning around and is easy to clean

Thanks Kat84ng and Olivesyougurt for the suggestions! Should I invest in a play yard (or something similar) to surround the mattress/playmat in case baby wakes up and crawl to somewhere dangerous? Olivesyougurt, did ur sister surround the mattress with anything?

Love Everyday

What my cousin did is to put her baby in the playpen when he naps. When awake, put him in his playcorner, enclosed within Harnim panels so that she can keep an eye on him while she's doing housework etc. The playpen can last his boy when he's 18 months. When baby learns to crawl or more mobile, is best to constraint them to an enclosed area where u know they will be safe. I also intend to get the LG playmat which kat84ng has suggested. Is useful when baby is learning to crawl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi olivesyoghurt,

yeah..she's 5th 1wk+ now.

I'm giving her Morning and Evening feed only but i heard from my mil that she keep pushing her tongue out and do not want to eat from spoon. She will cry too. Is this how your babies are in the initial stage?

Hi telez!

thanks so much for the link. It's useful but it says 6mths abv i wonder if i can use the receipe for 5mths+.

I'm also worried when my bb lis crawling, there's no room for her to crawl. So restricted. I'm staying with my in laws and they have a dog. I cannot place the playmat in the living room as there's this dog and the room is not spacious enough. Xianz...

Hello mummies, was supposed to be a nov 11 mummie but became a oct 11 mummie cuz ds decided to come out 3 weeks earlier than edd.! Had a one hour labour pain before e was out.!


Been dropping madly since bb was 3rd mth.!


Bb's on full bf and is still bottle fighting while im at work. Taken care by my mum and she's thus v tired out by him. :/ any suggestion? Going to start him on when he's 6mth old.


Lost all the first week after i had him. I gained only 8kilos thru out. But gained 3kilos back during CNY. Lols.


Is 5mth 1 week old today and is standin at 70cm/8.5kilos. Still cannot flip without my help.

Btw im staying at dover.!


hi pauline,

my bb's progress same as urs. haha! every bb is unique!

i'm very anxious for her new milestone.


gosh! my bb start to whine and keep her mouth shut whenever i spoon feed. she'll be very unhappy whenever my spoon is placed near her! arrrghh!! dont know what went wrong. and she start to play with her lips and saliva.

waste the cereal... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi pauline, on the topic of mum being tired out by baby....hahaha mine too but I'm luckier to have my in-laws share half the week. I don't know if u will want to hire part-time cleaner so at least can help ur mum handle housework. It depends on whether ur mum will like the idea. (my both mums didn't want a part time helper).

Love Everyday, my sister placed the mattress right at a corner or against a wall then she'll use pillows to surround her daughter when she's sleeping, this way when she gets up and starts to flip she'll be somewhat be protected by the pillows. Another alternative is to get a playpen, personally I think that's the safest and whoever is taking care of her can do their daily chores at ease.

Winny, my boy did, for the start pushes the spoon out when I try to feed him, but after another week when I try again he didn't push out much, so I think that's when I know he's telling me that he's ready to try some new food. I think if she keeps pushes it out then maybe she's trying to tell you that she still needs some time before she wanna try something new?


After looking at the suggestions here, I think I will...

1. buy playmats (not the LG one coz I have 1 at home and I no more money to buy 2 more for my mum and mil...haha)

2. put mattress on top of playmat

3. buy play yard (not the haenim one coz...same reason as no. 1)

then baby can nap on the mattress in the play yard and mattress can be removed if needed. Hope this will work for me!

Me too, I now have to start thinking what I should do when he starts to be more active. I'm a stay-home mum, but I still need to do daily chores, cooking, doing laundry, cleaning, bathe him, feed him. I don't have a helper so I'm doing everything on my own. My boy can be very impatient when it comes to feeding time. If he wants his food means he wants his food, no waiting. Sometimes he just stresses me out hahaha.

Mum doesnt like e idea of havin someone new in e house. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Only during weekend i take over fully. Doing the daily housechores. Like mopping and washing bb clothes(byhand).

The rest she still do herself.

She say my son is a v good boy to take care. He hardly cry. Only when come to feeding. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] its making her v tired.

I don think my boy on weaning is going to be a joyous occasion. So afraid leh.! :/

Hello mummies,

Thursday already. One more day to go before i can have my weekend with baby.


I tried and failed. Same as Winny, my baby refuse to open mouth. even when he does, his tongue push out all the cereal, drip all over and wasted. worse of all i am a sotong. i followed the box and prepared one table spoon, he tried a few small helpings which all landed on bib. the rest went into my tummy hahaha cos i didn't want to waste. organic and so expensive. haiz....

i will continue to try but i doubt my is ready yet. his development very slow, like snail. hahaha.


teacher in ifc feedback baby cry when poo. but poo came out smooth, not hard so we all puzzled. she told me monitor a few more days if still like that they will insist i bring to pd. worried.

hair loss

loads of it. still dropping. very worried on this too. sigh

weight and big tummy

no change in status. still look super pregnant. and weight no change. really at loss at times.

Love everyday.

i bought blue playmats from kiddypalace. quite affordable so u can check it out. the LG ones just beyond my budget too. if only i strike toto. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


when can we stop? cos the second hand one i bought broke down. tried to get another 2nd hand one but the deal fail. i thought if no need to use anymore, i won;t buy, can use hot water to boil?

Glad the link is helpful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gotta share good stuffs with mummies. Seemed liked all baby boys are impatient when they are hungry. Mine is liked that as well...cry (without tears) when I'm slow in feeding him.


Don't worry if baby is not ready. I feed half an hour earlier and if he doesn't want, I won't carry on. Sometimes, I would put the spoon near my mouth, and act the part of opening my mouth and chew slowly, hoping my boy will get the idea of eating. ;P can slowly try out the recipe, stick to the safer options liked pumpkin, apple, banana?


Your plan sounds feasible. Might do the same coz I'm at 2 places as well...can't afford to buy double of everything.


Hi! Mine same as you, supposedly a Nov, early Nov baby but chose to pop out end Oct. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So far I only feed my boy on weekends when i'm not working. Just informed ifc to start giving him cereal this week...so far, he has been taking to it.


My boy can flip here and there and looked around when he's on his tummy. The ifc has an area for babies around his age, to just let them play, flip and look at themselves in the mirror. So he loves doing all these.When we propped him up in his stroller, he would hold on to the bar and looked around. Quite cute to see him doing all these. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think if we just let them explore on their own, they will come out with progress/new patterns?


Still dropping alot. Yesterday used Ba Wang shampoo (my mum's) and seemed liked it didn't drop as much. Gotta monitor and let mummies know if it helps.


When I stay over at my mum's place, I washed the bottles with Pigeon liquid cleanser. Then soaked in hot water (boiling) for 5 minutes. So far so good.

Pofy, I stopped sterilizing his bottles when he passed 5mths old. The water in SG is really clean. I use pigeon liquid cleanser to wash the bottles. I was very afraid when I'm deciding if I shd stop since his coming to 6mth. Haha maybe I'm really tired of washing bottles. But it's up to you and you hv to decide on a few factors before you make a decision

Hi pofy,

The general recommendation is to stop sterilizing after 1 year old. But if you don't want to buy another sterilizer maybe try the hot water boiling method. But it can be time consuming...

I can't wait for him to turn one so that I can stop sterilsation ..now so troublesome to go travelling with it..

My bb is on cereal twice a day, will take fruit purée to the cereal when he is six month old. Then start porridge around 6,5 month.

Hair dropping

I drop lots of hair compare to last delivery. But I have rather lot of hair so I don't worry much. Last delivery, I did use the essence from keratse that was recommended by my hair stylist to prevn t major hair lost.


I think it really depends on individual. I have frens just pour hot water, some boil for few minutes and most like us the convenient way by using sterilizers.

Pofy, I think boiling is fine. And I think if it's PP material better don't boil for too long. I boil bb's bowl for like 3 minutes only.


pofy, u using 1 tablespoon. That's fast. I started 1 teaspoon and increase gradually. Now at 2 teaspoon mix with 35ml of milk.


I will try apple this weekend. I wanted to buy organic pear but so exp. 2 for $6.


can I know if anyone freeze their food? Where do u get the ice freezer tray with lid?


same here. Keep dropping hair and easily but don't bother la. Hair looks flat but I don't know what to do.

Winny, for storage of freeze food that you make in the ice cube tray. After they've freeze up, you can put them in a ziplock bag, easier for the next use.


Personally, I agree with Winny, it's really individual. I travel quite a bit from places to places. So cannot afford to buy everything double or be able to bring stuff along. So, when I'm at places where I cannot boil/steam the bottles, I'll just use boiling water to pour it over the bottles. Other times (places where water is clean) I just use the pigeon liquid cleanser to wash and rinse.

Hi mummies, I created a oct 2011 group in FB so that it's easier and safer for us to chat about our babies. Easier to add pictures, videos, and chat using our mobiles too! Safer coz nowadays alot of bad ppl around, trying to kidnap children. Better to chat in a secret fb group.

If you wanna be added to the group, pm me your fb email address ok?

To make it easier, you can search for the FB group now, just type in 'Oct 2011 Babies'. There's a 'ask to join group' button. Just click on that if you wanna join!

I set the settings to closed group so nobody can see the posts. To see any posts, must join the group. Once most of the oct mummies here are in, I'll set the settings to be a secret group for more privacy. heehee! hope this makes it easier for us to share stuff!


the 1 tablespoon cereal i think 99% went into my tummy. hahah. the rest drip out of his mouth. my first time. i followed the box, it says cook 1 tablespoon so i just followed. but bb reject, keep pushing push out so in the end i ate the balance cos i didn't want to waste. sigh.


thanks. my current one still can use, just that it has cracked at the bottom. i worry when the water drip into the centre it will spoil so i wait. hopefully it can last a few more months then i will just boil in hot water.

all mummies,

have a good weekend.

love everyday,

i can't access fb from work so i guess i will see u all here from time to time.

Mommies, I'm thinking of giving my boy (turns 6mths next week) tofu. What do you guys think? I don't think tofu is categorize as a highly allergen food right?

Anyone need Mamil Gold Stage 2?

I am a jan 2012 mummy n got a dragon baby hamper from Thomson worth $399 from dumex. Comprises 7 tins of 900g stage 2 mamil gold milk powder (follow on formula, expiry June 2013) and 1 tin of mamil mama 900g, a feeding set and some toys, amongst other things. 

Willing to let go at more than half price ($190) 

Interested pls SMS me 93679627 (preferred) or pm. Self collect from Pasir Ris .


Morning everyone!

So long didn't come in cos was very busy at work. tImes really flies, I have already gone back to work for 1mth.My boy just turn 5mths.

Saw alot of mummies started on semi solid food, I have yet to try cos on full BM. Think will wait till my next pd visit in 2weeks time to ask if can start already.meanwhile it's interesting to learn from what others are experiencing.

Any mummies still pumping?Recently notice my boy start to drink not so frequent, ard 4 to 5 times a day.think it's normal?

Hi Cassie, I don't stay at clement but at west coast,nearby though.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

