(2011/10) Oct 2011


Oh no. After I see your post, the more I dunno what condition my bb is having. Her scalp n eyebrow got a bit of dry skIn but now much better.

Her cheeks is my concern now coz its 2big patches of red. It looks dry and flaky. Sharks... My hubby is so busy, shld I bring bb to doc or try self medicate? Can eczema appear only on the face?


HI mummies,

My edd was in oct but my baby decides to come out earlier. He is now 10 weeks old.

He has not been pooing and his last poo was last thurs. Means 5 days nvr poo already. Any mummies experiencing this? Am worried and his intake in milk is very little as well. Initially was 100ml..but now, he cant finish his 80ml.

Any advice?


Yes. My bb also have the cradle cap in his eyebrow!


Yes. My mil is very difficult to handle. I also say I shd hve the final say but her nasty remarks in public infront of other relatives put me on a spot as I don't want answer her back. Perhaps she does it intentionally knowing tat I won't answer her back as it will be a show of disrespect.


This was my first trip out wif bb. Actually very troublesome co's we take public transport n I used a pram. Our bus not pram friendly. If not for such gatherings I won't bring bb out. Another month plus I will b going back to work. Will miss staying at HME wif bb eventho he cries alot n I get very upset at times not knowing why. Aigh

Cord blood

I got a letter. Blood was contaminated. Cannot bank. Very sad. I cried. I dun know why so emotional. Sigh. Is it ok not to hve cord blood banked? I initially banked becos both of us r almost 40. I worry if anything happen to us at least if he is sick he can use his cord blood banked if we r no longer around. But now cannot banked I feel like I let him down. I realise when I reach 60 my son will still be studying. Worry


Sorry to hear the news. I hv frens who dun bank the cord blood too coz currently there is limitations on what the cord blood can cure. Plus, the cord blood can only be used once, thus my frens feel that it's not worth it.

I will however strongly encourage you buy insurance for your baby. My Gf, only 24years old recently suddenly got migraine and was warded. She was diagnosed with a benign tumor in her brain. She was operated many times due to complications n warded for 2mths. Can u imagine the bills?! Lucky for her that all cost is paid by insurance co.


Thanks. I receive letter fr govt on the medishield so coverage already started once he hits 2 mth old. Sorry to hear abt ur gal fren. I hope she gets well soon.

Cradle cap

It is like an extra layer of scabby skin. If u apply oil it will soften And should be able to remove carefully. If it's bb acne it'd tiny red bumps or dots on cheeks n neck. Need to see doc to get med to relieve.


It's ok. Dun worri. My bb record was 6 days. Even till today he usually only poop every 5-7 days. As long as it's mushy n soft not hard pellets my pd says it's ok.

Cradle cap

My mom says has to softly scrap it leh also apply little olive oil. My bb don't have so can't adv much.

Pofy, actually not everyone takes up cordblood thing as I heard that if something really happens that little blood can't help much. Of course as parent we want to just play safe however if tthe blood is contaminated its no fault of yours leh. So don't feel guilty.

I'm thinking of getting Accident/Hospitality/saving insurance for my bb. Has anyone of u insured? Any recommendations?

Dear mummies, i need your advice. I gave birth on 25th nov and am a ftm.

1) I had prob bfing my baby girl while latching on resulting in sore and bloody nipples. Hence, no choice muct express milk for her. She is currently on tbm but it's talking a toll on me as i need to express very 2.5 hours in order to provide enuff for her.

2) Engorgement. It's so painful and i really feel like stopping bfing and give formula as i will be away from my baby soon and i need advice on how to stop production of milk nearer to date and how long does the process take for milk to stop producing.

3) Baby is 13 days old and can drink 80-110ml per feed every 2.5 hours is that too much?

It's really not easy being a mummy.

Hi kaelynn, ive been through and yes it's not easy. For myself I do not have enough Bm so I top up with fm. When I had engorgement I let my bb latch on. I'll massage my breast with hot water to promote circulation and also apPly nipple cream before I let bb suckle.

When the nipple really bad I massage my breast with hot water then pump with the most minimum pressure.

You have to stay strong and remember to confide with anyone or cry it out if u r too pressurized. I think it helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mummies, me super long time no come here.. caught a nasty cold bug from elder boy n had high fever for 2-3 days.. poor bb got it frm me but he's not severe s i still bf him.. me not out of the woods yet. thk goodness for my parents who r my lifeline.. w/o them i sure crumble.. now crossing fingers bb wont get fever otherwise it'll b a hosp stay..

pofy, your mil is simply too insensitive with her words.. try not take to heart. as long as she treats your bb well is gd enough already.. unlike mine, torture my elder boy until now still got faint scars on body i've sort of renounce the woman already..

pls dont despair over cord blood banking. i didnt bank mine either for my 2 boys cos i don't see any real benefit. there are many other things you can do to ensure a healthy bb ie bf, biogaia probiotics, introduce healthy food choices, have him grow up in a happy family environment, must buy medical/hosp insurance etc.. the list is endless..

re cradle cap: i plan to treat it by shaving off his head when he turns 4mo and apply bb oil.. now treat with oil when there are still hair will be kind of messy..

re bb skin: pd said he got eczema cos it's all over his cheeks, chest, arms and legs. gave me bath lotion for sensitive skin, moisturiser, chg milk to mamex ha. but he hates it so we give him similac ha.. now he looks much better tho skin is still rough..

1) kaelynn, sad to know of your bf woes. would suggest you to go visit your LC for advice to make your bf experience a gd one. maybe your nipples are sore due to wrong position? can you get help in feeding the bottle to your gal so you can rest? some mummies here use medela freestyle. dual electric pump with handsfree option and they love it.

2) to stop bf would take months for the milk to dry up. i know a mummy who's stopped bf by taking medication but she's still exp painful boobs. you can take medication to stop but risk will be saggy boobs. try wean slowly by pumping out less each time. you can get massage lady to help you relieve the engorgement.

3) every bb intake is different. as long as she's gaining weight and showing 5-8 wet diapers a day means she's getting enough.

yeah, it's never easy being a mummy.. whether sahm, ftwm or wahm.. we constantly worry abt our bbs.. sigh..

Kaelynn, when did ur bb drinking start 80-110ml? frm the start? anyway, think every bb is different, as long as the bb does not start to vomit out milk, think it is fine.

my bb is 5 weeks + old now and drinking 80-90ml every 3 hrs.

my nipples were sore n bloody also for the first few days due to wrong latching, i ve to stop latching her and express it out every 2hrs.. after resting for a few days and wait for it to recover, then start to latch the bb again, sld be fine, dun worry.. :0

Is anyone letting ur bb sleep on chest? My bb loves to sleep on chest. More secure and can fall asleep very fast and sleeps longer. But I got to keep an eye on him in case he turns his head halfway and block his breathing.

My FIL is against letting bb sleep on chest. He says head will be flat and if bb too heavy will be bad for his heart. Is it true? When should I stop letting bb sleep on chest?

Hey kaelynn

Totally can understand how you feel. I applied lots of nipple cream. Even now I still apply.

Once u establish your milk supply, is not so painful.

Blocked milk ducts also something painful I experienced .

In order not to have, I also take lecithin supplements.

I was also exclusively pumping from birth for 7 weeks. Only Recently I can afford to have 6-8 hr interval pump. But must be careful cos if got blocked, can lead to fever, infections.

MnM: it is better for BB to zzz on chest.. i let my bb zzz on the chest as well, it make them feel more secure and wun get scared so easily... bt i only let her zzz on her chest during the day cause at night cause really keep looking at her...

you can look at the undernoted link, it provides alot of useful information on the bb sleep, colic, etc


Is it better to use standard neck or wide neck for bottle feeding? What is the difference?

Also, what are the pros and cons of using glass or plastic bottles?

Rejoy28, I also let bb sleep on chest during the day only. Have to constantly keep at an eye on him. These few days I try to let him sleep on his back but very difficult. The moment I put him down he will wake up.


I has slight fever for the past 2 days. Whole body aching n boobs hurt a lot! Feels like the engorgement I experienced in the 1st 2weeks after giving birth.

Question: my boobs feels hot and has 1 or 2 lumps. Do u think engorgement caused the fever?

Insurance - u need to compare a few insurance companies. Personally, my that Gf n I r with prudential

Glass bottles is better becos it can better prevent the loss of the nutrients of breast milk. Of cos must handle with care when washing.

Sweetsnow, you may wan to apple hot towel on the lump before bf & massage it. Do u feel feverish?

Hmmm when I having my #1, I experienced too. Becos I dunno the seriousness, end up I have to eat antibiotics ( have to pump & throw the milk) & my bb mouth got white spots & super painful.

I stop breast feeding as I very high fever.

Thanks huishan. Mastitis feels like plugged duct but more painful n higher fever? Or whole breast will harden/pain?

I also dunno the fever the past 2days is caused by this or too heaty


The symptoms you described seem like breast infection. I had it the last time i bf my 1st and was admitted to A&E in the middle of the night cos of the high fever caused by the blocked ducts and severe engorgement.

Huishan (jasonhuishan): thanks for the reply. i tried using glass bottle today and find that the bottle feels very hot after removing from warmer.

Cream donut: I pump into the plastic holder to see how much I ve pump n tsf to the glass bottle. When almost time for feeding, tsf back to plastic again as I find glass bottle too hot like wat u say. Nt sure of the nutrient lost though.


Hope u get well soon.

As for mil, I m like u. If I can I will renounce tat woman. I try to ignore her n concentrate on bb. These days she calls up n comes to my hse unexpectedly much lesser. Sorry to hear abt ur elder bb nasty encounter wif ur mil. It's jus senseless why they will treat a child tis way. So sad to think abt it. But he is fortunate to hve u shower ur love on him so yeah ignore the mil.

For my case wif cordblood would be better. He has ore existing conditions so insurance can't buy. They slap many exclusions clauses. Was told to wait 6 mths later then see how. In any case I got no choice. Contaminated so can't bank. Can't turn back time so jus hve to move forward. H&s coverage I got medishield. I think tats all for now. Insurance very expensive. Always in thousands.

Good to know ezema solved. Mine also had it still apply cream as it's still on together wif the cradle cap. Yes, oil on hair very messy. My pd intro nan ha so at tat time we jus take since when he was hospitalised he was also fed tat. Expensive.

pofy,winny, for insurance for baby, u may want consider medishield plus (can take up with your insurance agent), can cover hospital bill fully, can use partly medisave and partly cash.

for cradle cap, my baby had it on her eyebrows, so i need to apply olive oil and rub off? the same olive oil as that for applying our hair?

after delivery, i had lochia for 4 weeks, then stopped for two days, suddenly came back again for two days. anyone had the same experience?

Hi mummies,

I am here to assist those who is not aware of anything on ugrading you and your child medishield plan..

Basically you can upgrade just by deducting the medisave account.

As long as you are working , you will have sufficient amount in your medisave to deduct .

This is to get a comprehensive hospitalisation coverage in the case of emergency.

Anyone had not done so or do not have a existing consultant to assist ?

Please contact me at 82225541 Brenda to find out more. No obligation , no worries.

Oh ya, I am a mummy of 2 hence in a way I think if we can get to claim more in that event (Most common : Dengue ?) .. why not?


I had lochia for 6 wk then my flow became lesser n few days later it start to get heavier agn b4 it finally stop. Sometimes i'll have spotting too.. went for pap smear ytd ask my gynae abt spotting she say it's norm for breastfeeding mums..


Yes I will continue. Trying to see if there r good deals but none to date. He is drinking nan ha n poop r ok so I dun want to change in case I get more issues.

My baby has a lump at the lower half of her body... Dunno how to describe which part, it's the joint between her thigh and the hip bone... Groin? I thought maybe it's the injection lump that has shifted spot and will go away, but it's been almost a month I think and it's still there. Could it be hernia?

My bb dun feel anything even when I press the lump. Anyone had similar issue?

winnie: i register later than you, i already got the letter and has opened the account as well....i opened with OCBC...

did you open with OCBC? maybe SC take longer?

But think u better give them a call.

rejoy28 (rejoy28) : I also transfer my milk a lot of times. pump into plastic bottle, then straight away chill in fridge. after chilled, i transfer into milk bag to freeze. when needed, i defrost milk bag and transfer to milk bottle. does transferring milk lead to loss of nutrients?


Hi Enivi,

Yes , medishield plan is deducted through either parent's medisave account which our compulsory contribution is approximately 7% of our salary confirm more than enough.

Even if you temporary never work but have intention to, also can use the current amount medisave to deduct.

The premium is like less than $150 for child YEARLY.

Sounds good right ?

Anyway medisave cannot be withdrew de..

You can Pmed me or call me. My honour to share more with mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

