(2011/10) Oct 2011

Mummies, Hihi....had quite a bad weekend.... #1 is sick on fri been vomitting n lao sai....dunno how many diapers had I change ah.... Follow by hubby who got the same thing.... N then finally me... Yesterday starting to feel nausea n gastric pain but luckily not so serious....the weekend is really stressful n tiring...tdy is on leave and have some rest... Lucky thing is my boy is better & hubby too...

Hopefully this viral thing will make the family stronger! Shoo all the virus away!



Put medical oil. Last Fri I also had bad headache and I knock off at work se 9.15pm. Gosh!!! Terrible.. rmb drink lots of water..

Starry pls rest more on bed. If possible Let others look aft ur gal. Dun make urself tired k. Resting is impt to u nw. Look at ur scan so cute.. bb is dancing.. so sweet.. wish Fri faster come I wanna c my lil beanie..

starrymommy, that is very scary! Hope ur bleeding will stop soon.. I heard that low placenta will bleed but i duno whether will bleed so early or not...

seems like many mummies are going for a holiday.. enjoy!

starry, oh dear yes it's gd to be in bedrest. spotting could occur due to your vagina clearing itself of residue tissue to prepare for current preg. your gal is 5mths old n you had a c-sec? if you are not feeling bloated now, i think you should wear your binder.

oh dear genesis28, what i do for lao sai and vomitting is to eat lots of starchy foods and drink lots of water. my hb had the stomach flu and passed on to #1, 2-3 days of rice+noodles+bread+water and it resolves on its own. now i load #1 with cod liver oil and myself with yogurt. hb is picky so he stayed away from spicy food. glad to know they are feeling better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Luv, wat brand of cod liver oil u gave your #1? I haven't started my # 1 on tat n he's been having phlegmy cough n runny nose off and on since he's going IFC any remedy to make their little body stronger?

Starry, take care. when doc advise you to bedrest, then you better have bedrest. Once you've finished sending those emails, quickly put OoO reply and close your mailbox else you'll have never ending emails to work on. That's what I did when I had 5 days mc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sometime taking care of own child just can't be handed over to someone else. All mummies face such problem. I hope your little girl will get well soon so that you can have more rest too. Hugs to you and your little ones!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

genesis28, your #1 in IFC means he's below 1 year old? Cod liver oil is for 1yo and above. i gave him scotts emulsion 1 teaspoon orange + 1 teaspoon original.

sad to say phlegm cough and runny nose is hard to cure. medicine is only used to relieve the symptoms, not to cure it. plenty of water, rest, avoid direct contact from fan, humidifiers do help. have him stay away from people who are having the cold.

when my #1 was younger i load him with probiotics. i dunno how it works against his cold but it worked very well.


I had apply yoo much medicate oil last week that my skin has torn... so when i apply medicated oil now, it hurts.... but i still apply on other unaffected area.... i juz bought a can of 100plus & drinking it. hope headache will go off... else i cant concentrate....

Lunch time is over in a blink... looking forward to 5.30....

Genesis, colostrum is good for building immune system. My boy was on colostrum 2 months before he started childcare at 18mths and he did not fall sick easily. During his 18mths at the childcare, he only feel sick twice (mild flu but we chose to keep him home so won't pass to other kids).


guess it's the irritating stomach flu making its rounds again. hope everyone recovers well! very tiring to be pregnant, sick and still take care of family.


friday will come very quickly for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] remember to post up so that we can all admire the scan pics!


thanks! hope bleeding stops too. just now i checked again. no blood. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


why need to wear binder? i thought now should not wear. i had c-sect last october. from then till now almost 6 mths. i also had a period in feb. thought should have cleared all the unwanted tissues in the womb by now.

re: cold/running nose/cough

the syrup which the doc prescribed for my girl also treats symptoms only. does 2.5ml 3x a day sound like a lot for a 5mths+ baby? wonder if i should stop it or just 2x a day enough le. 'cos it's a drowsy medication. scared too strong for her.

ginn cai,

another common remedy for headaches is young coconut juice as it has a lot of electrolytes and better than 100plus. but now pregnant, don't take cold ones. see if you can find any at NTUC and buy some home? not difficult to open. do get those young coconuts though. hope this helps.

Luv, my boy Nw 16mths he's been in IFC since 5 mths... going to CC. So give 2 type of cod liver oil? Give together?

1d1r, which brand of colostrum? U mix with food?

How u ladies cheer urself up when u feeling angry/upset?

At work got ppl make me angry, at hm either my gal or hubby makes me angry. Everyday w/o fail sure scold my gal. Anyone nv scold their #1? So scared #2 will b a fierce bb.

Thks 1d1r.

Same same jas, almost everyday will scold my boy n shout at him... He becoming naughtier nowadays.... Haizzzzzz... Think last time when Preggy with him didn't even raise my voice much....Haizzzzzz....

Jasmine, I was very fierce to my boy during his 'terrible twos' stage. Always send him to naughty corner and use cane on him. He was very naughty then, always trying his luck and pushing limits (that's why I didn't want #2 at that time)...

Now he's 4yo, I just have to tell him nicely that it's not nice or it's going to make me angry and he will stop. We've not taken the cane out for a year already. And I can't rmb the last time we sent him to naughty corner...

But this pregnancy, I have been scolding a lot of students :p Cos they are very lazy, refuse to do their work properly.


My gal only 31mths still using cane. ONly c cane she will stop her nonsense.. trying to make myself smile everyday but nth to smile lehz.. Haiz..

Hello mummies,

Had my Oscar scan today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] saw the baby tiny arms n limbs. Baby was so active kept swaying n waving his/her arms n limbs. And I think I saw my baby turn towards me n smile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so cute n sweet :D

Anyway I got my iron, calcium n fish oil today. Have to start taking from now on but but but, I got a problem. All along I can't swallow any tablets, so usually I will bite before swallowing. In tat case for iron n calcium I have no problem. But what about fish oil?? I can't possibly bite so I tried swallowing just now and after awhile, the fish oil burst in my mouth. The smell was so bad tat I merlion twice straight at one go. Now I have phobia taking it again. Any mummies met with this problem?? What should I do?? I'm so worried my baby will be unhealthy cos of me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jasmine, can try naughty corner. When I first intro naughty corner, I will hold the cane & cane him if he don't follow the rules.

At naughty corner:

- No moving/fidgeting

- Stand STILL (when younger was sit still)

- Cannot cry

He will stay at naughty corner until he learns his lesson. Sometimes it's a few minutes, sometimes it's longer. There was once I totally forgot that he was at the naughty corner (cos I was busy with my work) and end up, he stood there for 1++ hour. He was so tired after that he ate a lot and sat on the sofa to read and watch TV the whole day. No energy left to be monkey :p

Now I just ask him if he wants to go to naughty corner, he will stop his nonsense. Most of the time, just need to tell him nicely that it's not nice or I don't like it and he will stop.

& I realised that he stopped being naughty after I occupied his time with more meaningful activities (school & enrichment/sports classes). Could be his energy is used up already, no energy left to be naughty :p

1d1r, there are chewable fish oil? I am also v afraid of fish oil taste coz i have heard horrible feedback, esp the burp taste. if chewables is workable, that will be great! haha

Jas, my boy now 16mths... Same same sometimes want to smile also no smile come out....

1d1r, when u start intro naughty corner? I'm thinking of introducing naughty corner to my boy but dunno Nw he understand anot...

Genesis, I started naughty corner once he learnt to listen to instructions... ard 15-16mths I think...

From the time he was born, we have a habit of explaining everything to him, so his comprehension skills were more developed than peers his age even till now...


I had my fish oil for a week... n the burp effect stink esp nowadays we r so sensitive to smell.... i'll take lots of "Wu hua guo" after i had my medinice... for my multi-vitamin & calcium pill, my sister bought me pill cutter to cut my pill into two before i swallow... I dun like the pill smell, I dun tink i'll chew as it'll leave a smell in my mouth.

for the fish oil, luckily it's soft gel so it's quite easy to swallow. i'll drink a mouthful of water & face up & pop the pill right into the back of my throat & swallow....

I'm feeling tired most of the time.. That doesn't mean my life is like a bed of roses. At work, there are things that make me angry/upset. Over the years I learnt to manage my anger. Maybe I old liao a lot of things has become numb to me. woahahah...

My girl is 2 and like many children, she's also in her terrible 2 now. I apply the Thinking Corner method. I prefer to call it "Thinking Corner" as it sounds more positive. haha.. I realise that the time when she's misbehaving is when I don't give her enough attention. I learn that when I do things together with her, she's easier to handle. But I do have one problem with her now. It's very difficult for us to put her to bed now. Well, the main reason was that we took away her pacifier. We feel that it's time that she should stop using pacifier. Hubby and I are still finding ways to make her sleep earlier. This explains why I'm always tired too coz if she doesn't sleep, I can't sleep too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lizy, how did you stop the pacifier? For my nephews, I make them stop using it when they stayed over at my place.

What I did was 'brainwash' them for a week. Tell them that they are big boys already, pacifiers are for babies and they don't need pacifiers anymore.

Then keep counting down and telling them that they'll have to give away the pacifier to a baby on Saturday night.

On Sat night, they actually 'gave' the pacifer to my other nephew who was an infant then.

And they never asked for pacifier ever again. And when they went to bed, I will sing to them and sometimes they are not asleep yet, I will just tell them to lie down and don't move. After ten minutes, they will drift off cos nothing to do :p

My friend stopped her girl's pacifier rather abruptly and her girl could not sleep well for almost a month!

PS: The tried and tested method to make them sleep early is to tire them out. Before I sent my boy for classes, we will bring him to the playground and let him play for 45 min to an hour a day. We go just before dinner (when there are many other children at the playground to play with him - I can just sit at the sit to monitor), so he comes back to shower then eat. Then we'll do reading and he'll fall asleep very quickly after that.


Yes.. a week of big big pills... from the small folic acid to so many pills & I had to take 2 more round pills before sleep at night.... n long pill is easier to swallow than big round pill...

n i only start swallowing pills when i'm 16 when the doc say there is no more medicine syrup suitable for a teenage.

Hey ladies..

Busy busy day for me..

Went for OSCAR on Saturday and nurse just called to inform that results are good. Risk is 1 in 16,000 which is very low. But they found abnormalities in HB's blood and sent it for further testing.. Hope everything is alright.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Qiu Ling, high-five.. I was also prescribed with multivits and calcium pills. I absolutely hate taking pills.. Everytime I pop one into my mouth, I will feel like regurgitating it out.. Boohoo.. Now I have to take three big pills everyday. I feel like a very sick person now..

Thanks, 1d1r. We also started off with telling her that she's a big girl now and should not use "dudu" already. In fact we've been telling her months before we really took her pacifier away. For the first few days, she was ok. Then abt 2 weeks back, she had a flu and had nose block. We spent hours just to put her to bed but now that she had recovered already, she still complains about having nose block and want me to help her drip sodium chloride into her nose. This is not just one thing she complains. She also complains having hair in her mouth and want me to remove for her. Every now and then she'll ask for "dudu" even though she knows my answer for her. Sometimes she can even answer her own question. Then she'll ask about her gugu, her cousin and everyone in the family. She'll walk around the room. Sometime she want me to go to the living room with her.

We're looking into introducing outdoor activities to tire her out before she sleep but during weekday, it's quite challenging for us as it'll be quite late by the time we get home. We're still trying.. let's see.


Yup she got a naughty corner. Dat corner I give her when she is v Notti.

I stop my gal pacifier when she is 1yrs old. Let her cry.. day by day the time will get shorter n shorter den soon she sleep on her own. Her bad habit is her beansprout pillow she muz have it when she drinks milk n sleep. She love touching the corners and soon fall asleep.

Lizy and Jas, actually after seeing how attached my nephews were to their pacifiers, I was rather determined not to intro it to my boy at all. And we did not have to use it (thankfully). Hoping that we don't have to use it with #2 als0!

1d1r, we didn't want to give her pacifier initially. But we noticed that if we were not giving her something to suck, she was sucking her fingers. She basically just wanted to suck something to seek comfort. Between pacifier and fingers, we of course choose the pacifier.. Pacifier can throw, but fingers how to throw? Maybe we didn't endure long enough... But for #2, if we had a choice, we definitely will not introduce pacifier to him/her. We'll see....

Lizy, my boy liked to suck at one point too!! We gave him a teething doll to suck. It's made from organic terry cloth and it's just a pc of cloth, sewn into a shape of a doll, so he'll suck on the corners. He gave it up very easily after he started solids though. I think it's called Karmy doll or something like that.

I actually bought pacifiers 'in case' but I locked it up :p Cos my mum almost wanted to give already. My hubby was very insistent that cannot give (he's the type that can't stand seeing kids with pacifiers in the mouth).

Oh ya, one of my friend (mother of three already) was telling me that with #1, you'll be very insistent on no pacifier. And you'll be super hygienic about everything (must sterilise, etc etc).

When it's #2, you close 1 eye on the pacifier and hygiene is secondary. As long as got sterilise once a day, ok lah.

When it comes to #3, you totally close eye for everything. Pacifier? Give lor. Sterlise? Huh? What's that?

HAHAH!!! I was very amused when she told me that... Hopefully that won't happen with my #2!!!

Hi Minidiary

Can you also add me to the list?

Nick: mummyfaith


Gynae: Dr LN Sim @ TMC

EDD: 26 Oct


Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Realised there are many second time mummies in Oct! Looks like the birth rate this year has improve hor?

I am also guilty of shouting at my #1 these days. Seems that the pregnancy has made me less patient and also #1 is more attention seeking now. Hubby just told me off recently that I should watch how I talk to my #1. We don't want her to feel that she is being neglected because of new baby.

oh dear starry.. luckily bleeding has stopped.. bedrest as much if u can..

jasmine, same here lor.. me aso everyday scold my gal.. very easily anger by her.. always do things to make me angry.. whenever i took out the magic cane.. she will scream NO... or cry when u haven even touch her skin or becum very sweet & say mummy dont angry ok.. very tired..

recently i told hubby dat i dont wan no.2 like her too..so whenever i wana feel angry, i take a deep deep breathe & jz look @her eyes..trying my very hard to control anger.. deep breathing... else walk away..

lizy..same prob wif u too..my gal zz very late..very hard to get her zz early.. her engery level nvr seems to tire her out easily..

had my checkup tis morn... tik can see ball like thing.. but gynae said she will oni cfm during my nxt visit.. aso had my oscars test done @very last minute decision.. so far frm the NT scan, everything seems to look fine..neck measurement ratio wifin low risk range.. my bb waving hands too! waiting for blood test result a week later..

Hi Minidiary,

May you add me on the list

Expecting bb #2

Gyne Dr Adelina Wong

EDD on 4 Oct


Looks like a lot of mummies expecting #2 in this thread.

Had a long tiring wkend. My boy is sick with flu, cough, vomit.

We did not give him pacifier and he developed the habit to suck thumb. When we try to give him pacifier to stop him from sucking thumb, it was too late. Now he is 20 mths old and whenever he sleeps, he will suck his thumb. Anyone has solution how to wean off?

1d1r, where to get those chewable one?? The liquid one u mentioned is those off the shelf at supermarket?? I asked my gynae today, he said those are diff type. The liquid one from the supermarket are fish liver whereas the one prescribe tome was fishmeat. How true is that?? I'm a little doubting him. Haha.

Princessginnginn, good for u at least you cam swallow the fish oil. I can't swallow anything that is bigger than folic acid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tabbyz, ya I hate taking medicine too. Now I have swallow so many big pills which I can't even swallow. It's so torturing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

If my baby is not healthy, i will be the one to blame. Haiz.

Private Group InspireMum Pre-Natal Yoga 1 hour

10 sessions at $300

anyone keen to join? Location at Tanjong Pagar. At least 4 ppl then we can start the class...

The studio: Inspire Mum & Baby @ Tanjong Pagar UP Studio (CENTRAL)

79b Tanjong Pagar Rd (5 mins walk from Tanjong Pagar MRT)

So far,

1) Ginn Cai

2) RabbitBB

3) Pray&Love


hello mummies! bz start to the week due to start of interim audit.

starry, i suggested the binder cos i'd a friend who got preg again after her 7mo daughter was delivered via emer c-sec. she'd an elective c-sec for her son and ended up she'd a hard time recovering and had to take painful injections for 2mo. i hope you dun have to resort to this.

genesis28, i started off with 2 teaspoons orange but my #1 got bad phlegm out of it. so i give him 1 teaspoon orange, then 1 teaspoon original to prevent phlegm. thank goodness he took the original well.

hi Candy Floss, flu medicine can help relieve the symptoms. IMO the flu vaccine is the best cure against flu. if cough is dry, plenty of water will solve the irritation. phlegm cough is harder to resolve.

have him stay away from people having the phlegm. i think he can take pi pa gao cos i drank 1 tablespoon daily last week and didn't affect my unborn bb. for abit vomitting, ruyi oil helps. severe vomitting straightaway go PD.

for thumb sucking, suggest to try keep his hands occupied with his favourite bedtime toy. more likely he's sucking his thumb out of boredom or to pacify himself to sleep.

i'm getting tired. goodnight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi! Genesis, are you going to order the Childlife Colostrum that recommended by 1dog1rabbit? If so,can i "tumbang"? :) i thinking to buy it for my girl to try also cos i'll let her go children in Jun.


Morning mummies =D Have been a silent reader of this forum thread for almost 2 months .. Can add me to the listing?

Bb#: 1

EDD: 17 Oct '11

Gynae: Dr. Irene Chua

Hosp: KKH


Have been TTC for 2 years but to no avail .. Hubby and me even went through all the tests and were normal; gynae attributes it to the stress we are facing at work .. Just when I was giving up and moving on, I realized I was pregnant (a beautiful surprise that made me re-test & re-test as I was not convinced) .. And so here I am - 12 weeks and 1 day today =D


Good morning mommies!

candyfloss, we have the same gynae!!!

creamdonut, yup they took my HB's blood to do some testing. Not sure what kind of testing but it's separate from the OSCAR test, though done on the same day. I think they're checking if there are any abnormalities in his blood that could be passed on to the baby..

fantastar, congrats! welcome to the big family! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

