(2011/09) Sep 2011

Hi mummies, feeling a little sad today. Met up a close fren to chat n realized she's having an etopic preg n hv to terminate it. So sad. Else our bbs would be born around the same period...feel so awful for her coz she has been trying for quite some time n already had two miscarriages prior to this. She is so strong to be able to tk the pain n keep trying. Really feel very blessed with my little ones n think we must really be happy n thankful for our preg despite all the diff symptoms. She wanted so badly but keep getting bad news, so sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Sung: so sad to hear tat..

Re: fish oil

I bought from my gyane he had 2 type 1 48+ n 68+ n I was telling the nurse I had prob swallowing .. She suggested I take the 48+ ones coz it's smaller... -_-" guessed Wat I still got it Stucked at my throat when taking it.

Hope everyone have a good dinner. I did fried mee tai mak for our dinner tonite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Simbaobao, the trick is to lubricate your throat before swallowing. So I normally take 2-3 sips of water to moisten my throat before I pop pills... And I pop it with a HUGE gulp of water...

aiya..i am reaching 16w, still have the MS... anyone same like me?

so far, who already know bb gender except yurri?

#2: it doesn't work for me..since young.. i had prob with pills...even my GP know my style.. he will give me liquid medi.. ytd it was stucked so long.. hb was so kan chiong.. scared i got choked .. haha den as usual my humourous hb will tink of all the funny ting... he asked if i wanna to drink oil??? he said will go down faster..

Simbaobao.. poor thing.. my sis is like that!!

For fish oil, they do sell liquid one (flavoured)... so if you are really having a hard time, go get the liquid ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies,

Went for OSCARS test today.. sonographer never tell me anything leh.. she finish and smile and ask me to do blood test then can go liao.. test results to be sent to gynae in one or 2 days time. I guess from her reaction, should be ok based on ultrasound. heh..

Bought the SBI card @ $128 to get $40.90 disc from the OSCARS + detailed scanning package. So far quite worth it lah.. i see my previous hospital bill, the disc for the admission was a few hundred dollars. Got a free tin of similac mum.. probably wouldnt start on it yet cos on and off still feel slightly nausea.

Put on 1kg over the last month, gynae say this is good weight gain and should maintain 1kg for every month from now on. I only fear gaining more than that.. whahhahaha.. i still have like 5 kg stuck on me from my first preggie/breastfeeding.

By the way, it is not true the breastfeeding will lose weight, i actually gained weight during my 1 yr moo moo career.

RE: Hospital bill

I must say it is really confusing. But TMC gave me different bill for bb and bb tests... so there was medisave claims from there too..

#2: yeap i saw the liquid ones.. will get tat IF i really failed again to swallow..

Asura: maybe check with ur gyane? i asked my gyane for the rates...

Asura, did your gynae as to split bill? Cos I heard some gynaes will ask the hospital to help to split the bill so can claim more from Medisave.

But the hospital side say it's up to the PD to decide if admit baby as seperate person (so can claim more from medisave).

Asura79: U didnt get the FBI card for your #1. Cos i got for my #1 and it expires Nov 2011 so i still have use [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hippy But i apply late for #1 so then i didnt get to discount for his Oscar test. But still worth it as got 5% discount for PD service and $100 off room.


I din give any instructions when i admit/discharge. They give me the bill and we just give them credit card bill to settle outstanding.. lol.. so i am not sure if it is TMC's practice or request from gynae or PD.

But claim more from medisave is good lah.. else the money is frozen..

wow, so fast sign Mt A card already.. maybe i shld go sign up soon too..

no idea how much can we claim back from medisave.. but the nurse did mention to me to keep the receipt for the package, can claim upon delivery..

pommes: maybe its good to check with the clinic again..

sung: sad to hear that your frd has to go thru this.. hope she rest well and try after 3mths..

my oscar scan went well! whew! my result is 1:9934. really had a huge relief. Baby is now 67.8mm. when the sonographer was doing the scan, bb was sleeping. when almost done, bb woke up and start to play kungfu. hands were busy boxing and legs kicking and crossing. hb was so amused.

have yet to check on hospital bill but i think my gynae is considered on the high side. no choice coz feel more comfortable with him. most probably will choose Mt A as well. shall ask gynae about this next week when i see him.

@sung, sad to hear about your fren's bad news. really unfortunate. hope she will recover soon and get pregnant after 3 months.

Ausura79: Oh....hee...my boy's still valid as he 15 months now. But agree with you its a good deal to get the card.

Muffin: Its like a membership for first born baby at TMC. Similar like Mt A card. U get certain beneftis when you deliver at TMC.

Pooh: If not mistaken we can claim up to 2100 or 2500 from medisave. Yes keep the package receipt (original) as hospital will take upon admit to help claim from medisave

Mummies: medisave claim for prenatal charges is different from the claim for the hosp n delivery packages. Can't rem the cap for hosp charges but its $450 for prenatal charges. That was 2 yrs ago when I had my boy. Not sure if still same cap now. So those with packages at gynae will just have to keep the package receipt when u pay gynae then claim tog through the hosp when they process ur final bill.

hi ladies, there is a pregancy pillow we can buy to support our sleep .. is it called the pregancy pillow? any one bought and tried ?

Any idea where to buy from? Tia[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi muffin, i saw the pillow at mothercare paragon.... Think its $105.... Wanted to get the othertime when there's metro sale... But i read the box and it says for late pregnancy... So i tot i'll be so kua zhang if i get it.. Thus in the end nvr buy..hehe

Hi all mommies, i'm new to the thread! Glad to see so many active MTBs here... excited!~

(aside to p00h): good to see a familiar nick in this thread, seems like ytd only when we're thinking how to get through our ADs =)

And since I was rushing this morning I forgot to tk my vitamins and almonds [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] will go home and take… I shud keep them in my office in future

Virgo: it's Friday.. Cheer up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Having bk bf now.. Woke up tinking of it..

Tonite miting my gfs for dinner.. Been sometimes since we MIT up after Xmas dinner last yr...

Hehe, I'm also meeting my gfs for dinner tonight. Quite excited cos we are having porridge buffet, thinking of it makes me hungry. Plus we havent met since I got preggers.

Enjoy your dinner Simbaobao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have a good Friday, mummies. I'm gonna reserve my last spurt of energy for this week for today. Am absolutely tired.

Hello mummies - me long time no log in... How is everyone doing?

I'm back from Korea. Took a risk to go despite the spotting. Gynae said it was ok to go, though she pre-empt that spotting will last 2-3 weeks =_=! But its mainly old blood. Work is building up in the office, with a huge customer issue looming in the background. My parents are on holiday, but i couldn't take leave, so hubby has to take today and monday off to look after #1.

Then this morning, he just commented very seriously "you seem to be taking this pregnancy for granted". Wah, i really feel very, very, very quilty after he said that ... and now i feel even more stressed.

Sorry about my sob stories ... needed to rant it out sometimes.

But some perks for me to look fwd too, a baby's full month party this weekend, and a gf's meeting next saturday. All these talks on biffet is making me drool... i need comfort eating at this moment manz

Igop: Okay thanks! Hope it’s comfy too! =)) Will go check it out soon…I’m an OG cardmember too haha…

Daddysbao: Haha maybe that’s why we need multivits. I eat noodles for lunch everyday that my colleagues comment and dinner is no better: fish and chips daily…=|

#2 & Christine Ong: Wow your package is really v v cheap!!! Mine starts from wk 18 and its $700…=| Who is your gynae again btw?

Milk & rabbits (reminds me of the White Rabbit Sweet hee…=p):

Since 3weeks ago I’ve been craving milk products! Need my daily dose of Milo/ Macs milkshake/ Ice Kachang from Sweettalk (oops…). Was wondering is it because my body lacks Calcium so I’m craving all the calcium-rich foods…but I’ve already been taking calcium pills since the beginning of the pregnancy till now!

Wow everyone is talking about how to wind down already and feast...haha enjoy the weekend! =)

Welcome back SJ, I think your hubby is just worried and needs your reassurance. Sometimes men tend to be more needy during wife's pregnancy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] As long as you're back safe, that's prob most impt.

I'm also looking fwd to April cos that's when some of us (the early Sep ones) will get to know or have an indication of gender and it'll be fun to update the table. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I keep dreaming of baby boys for the last few nights altho I have no preference, wonder what it means.

my gyane didn asked me to take calcium yet.. am tinking should i go get it?

Yeap am waiting for my next appt to check with we can see the gender... kind of excited to know if its a galgal/boyboy so that can plan the name, what kind of clothing to buy, etc etc etc

I heard that during the oscar scan, the sonographer can make a intelligent guess. but i think most wont reveal... i'm excited to know the gender.. hopefully the next check up (next sat) i will know.

hur hur hur.... i'm thinking of drinking those mummies milk instead of taking calcium pills. anyone drinking any mummies milk yet? whats nice?

hihi so many of u applied the alvernia ladies card. i thinkc an apply online is only $68.

for those who applie, already confirm delivery at mt A?

Is mt A prenatal classes gd ? I heard TMC is the best from my sister. I am nots ure. any comments?

I am not sure if apply the card is worth it if i am only delivering there but going prenatal class at TMC.

Me and hubs decided to go back to TMC this round.

- Familiar with surroundings (won't feel lost cos the delivery is beyond our control... I don't want to end up feeling more lost and frustrated cos I'm in unfamiliar place)

- SBI discounts more attractive

- My gynae has more deliveries there, so nurses @ TMC more familiar with him

- TMC parentcraft is good: So if got any prob with BF for #2, I know they are nearby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh .. those taking the mummies milk, do take note, cos they are highly sweet and fatty (no no for those with gestational diabetes. My dietician advised that they are really advertising gimmicks, not necessary really as long as we are taking balanced meals and i think 3-4 servings of calcium. One calcium pill (forgot which dosage) is equivalent to one glass of milk. And there are other sources too, like from green leafy vegetables and cheese.

Gina: hehe, first one, i keep thinking baby is a girl ... but then after the scan shows a boy. I had all the girl's symptons: nice concealed round tummy (they said pointed for boys), best complexion i ever had (they say baby girls will give mummy better complexion cos there are xtra female hormones). My nose wasn't big or swollen. Hehe, so i was one fine example that the old wive's tale is not true.

@SJ: I see! haha, I'm also not placing too much expectations on these old wives' tales. Just waiting for gynae confirmation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi ladies, am bk from gyne and expo fair.

my 1st bb fair , basically walk ard to get a feel of things and bought some wipes and detergent wash. think will be veri packed on the weekend.


my medical leave got extended and iv exhausted my medical..he not veri willing to give hospitalization leave but would like me to rest.. then HR n boss says may need take unpaid if my situation req to rest.

my polyps will need to wait till later to remove . becos he says the bleeding/spotting amt might be from womb and polyp.

ladies... wat sld i do?

