(2011/09) Sep 2011


so glad weekend is just around the corner! knocking off in another 45mins time. yeah!

do we need to decide which hospital to deliver so fast? i have not done any research on hospitals. hmmm...

muffin, can you explore with your boss to work from home instead? is there any reason why your gynae refused to give hospitalization leave? most important for you is to an tai. if really no choice, guess just have to take unpaid leave. are you seeing any tcm to take an tai medicine? maybe can try that as well?

my gyne veri proper one,,he says HL can only give if at hospital.

Tcm and western medication req to be taken 4-6 hrs apart .. but the western an tai for me is to be taken every 6 hourly hence not advisable.

I have signed up for mount A ladies card at the expo earlier , maybe u ladies who is there can go to the booth and look see

Muffin, I know of gynaes like that too. But, they 'play around' by asking patient to admit for 6hrs (can claim insurance) then can give HL lor.

muffin, my tcm an tai medicine only need to take 1-2 hours before/ after western medicine. there were a couple of times i had cramps and western an tai medicine din ease the cramps much but the tcm an tai medicine helps.

maybe can discuss with your boss on the option of working from home. i think that may help quite a bit.

talking about gender..

we feel ours is a boy!

BOth of us have even dreamt abt him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can only cfrm in early May though.


boss says he dun mind i work intermittent from home while on mc .. if need to so call full time work from home.. he is requesting that i may need take unpaid.


sometimes i cook , sometimes i taobao from my parents plc or sometimes my friends will tabao for me .

yea , limited choices but better then none ..

the pots and pans in my sink are piling up!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I seldom go out of the house now cos very busy...

My parents will tabao food I want for me...

And my maid will go out to buy...

If not, there's really nothing much to eat...

Muffin, why stressed?

Sometimes must take a step back and be thankful.

At least your boss is open to unpaid leave. Other companies would hv found excuses to sack or force employee to leave.

Money is secondary cos can earn back later. What's impt now is you and baby are fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't think too much :D

@bunnz thanks for the link .

@muffin . Dun be stress. I m also on unpaid leave n my employer allows me to go back aft maternity leave.I was worried about finances at 1st n not used to not working. I feel like I'm taking a long break and since I spent most of the time at home , I dun spent much .

There's always solution to every problem. What matters most now is baby n your well- being. Cheer up!

Muffin, oh, your boss idea of working from home = unpaid leave, then not worth it. Then u just take unpaid leave n dun work. As long as you are employed, I think you will be entitled to maternity leave. Think try talking to your gynae again to help u take hospitalization leave. Don't worry too much! Being pregnant is god's gift to you, so ensuring bb growing well and healthy is most important.

Muffin, so far from what I heard... if it's the bosses who offer unpaid leave or unpaid leave due to medical reason, they cannot take away your maternity benefits...

Cos technically, though you are on unpaid leave, you are still considered an employee of the company and it will add up to the 6mths before birth to be eligible for maternity benefits. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't worry. I was also on unpaid leave during my first tri with my #1. I took unpaid leave to enjoy honeymoon after wedding at that time :p

They still gave me my maternity benefits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't worry... Just ask your boss properly :D

icic oki. will speak to him when i return for 2 days next week ( got urgent things no choice ..)

actually , he says if i can return to work in 1-2 weeks time he is fine. if i need longer rest then he would prefer i take unpaid.

so my thinking is is i reali need the long leave , i will ask doc to admit me and claim HL. wat do u think?

Actually hor... mummies who are feeling very tired/stressed/discouraged...

Let me share my story & you will feel that you are not in such a bad position after all...

I work from home. But life is not cushy. I have many many many lessons. Esp weekends. Choked full with lessons until I can forget to pee & eat/drink water. I have to tahan super irritating and demanding parents who SMS/call my phone non-stop until I answer/reply them though they know I'm having lessons. Some will even turn up at my house without informing me.

Then, on top of busy work, I am opening my own centre this June. Busy working on reno design, budgetting, manpower, curriculum, etc etc etc.

Everyday worried about pouring my savings into the business - dunno will earn or not.

Plus, I'm taking a 3yr PT degree program in something not relevant to what I've studied before - Business & Marketing. Mind-boggling with statistics & all the new jargon!

Though fees paid by my parents, I hv to worry about assignments, projects, exams and scoring well so I won't disappoint them (top scorer in poly & previous uni - so the expectation is there for me to continue being a straight A student).

On top of that, I have a brother & sister who relies on me for everything. My brother's job = my job. My sis' studies = my studies.

I have to entertain their phonecalls & msgs everyday. Not enough $$ to spend? Also look for me. Want to buy something? Also look for me.

Even my parents are super reliant on me. Reno house also ask me. Hire maid also ask me. Buy new TV also ask me. Even buy new flower also must call me and ask if suitable or not, good deal or not, etc etc.

And, though my hubby is very nice... he's very 'nua'. Need me to tell him to do things and push him to work (always wake up late). Worst: His boss is my mother. She will call to scold me for not waking him up on time. -_-"" Just kena it yesterday (that's why he's ultra nice today).

Now, with #2 on the way. All the puking/nausea/food cravings/insomnia isn't helping.

$ worries - I don't really care cos I did save up and set aside $$ for #2.

Another worry: My current maid (very good). Her contract ends in Feb 2012. I don't think I can handle the 'maid search'. Very headache. My maid already renewed with us before and her hubby is bent on her going home when contract ends.

Plus, I don't have "grandparents" to help. ILs stay too far and can't be bothered.

My parents still need to work cos my sis is only in poly.

IFC is out cos there's none near my place and can fit my work timing.

Almost forgetting, the little beanie inside me... we are not sure if he/she is healthy or not cos the last scan showed irregular heartbeat...

BUT, at the end of the day, I'm still very very very thankful. Thankful that I'm still alive. Thankful for all the opportunities (business & studies). Thankful that my #1 is such a good boy (& extremely good at making us laugh).

Every night, see my hubby and son playing together and calling me to play with them. All the stress will just melt away. :D

So don't think too much. Don't worry too much. Everything will iron itself out.

Just rest and enjoy the pregnancy cos at the end of it, there's gonna be a beautiful baby for you to love :D

*P/S: Emotional cos my boy go with my parents and sibling to KL for holiday... no little boy for me to hug & kiss [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@Muffin: gynae is indeed a very principled person, most of my kolics will go for gynae appt during weekdays and gynaes give mc..., for ours, he won't do that unless patients are not well...

I agree with #2 regarding the case that if employers initiate unpaid leave, your maternity benefits remain. You can always check with your boss or directly with MOM...

Don't worry about finances.., raising a kid is expensive yes, but there are ways to save money..., get hands me downs or second hand items, wear baggy clothes or surf online for cheaper maternity wear if need be..., spend only on neccessities...,

As for piling housework, can consider hiring a part time helper..., maybe you do not need to commit on a long term basis, but at least get one to tide over thus period until you are feeling better..., I know they charge like 10/hr...,

Last but not least, you have all the other mummies in this forum rooting for u!!!! We are your support group..., I live v near you so if you want some company for a tea or 2, PM me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] fighting!!!!!

Muffin : Pls dicuss with your gynae about HL. H e knows best what to do regdin your current condition whatever that is.

Enjoy the weekend!! No point worryin abt something u simply have no control of..

I have learnt through past experiences in such conditions to just surrender and accept what comes along my way shd i have no way at all to decide the result I want.

makes life simpler

Everything just becomes easier.

YOu are in better shoes than me.

fall Sick/go holidays = unpaid leave

no work benefits at all like medical/dental/bonus/ins etc

I also have to decide about long term bb care.

teach less? def i need to drop some students..

have not mentioned preg to parents yet except for 1. can we survive on just hb's income?

i'm sure we can..it's just what we are willing to forgo with my reduced income.

Bunnz, I totally understand your headache...

I've actually interviewed a few 'replacement' tutors for my confinement period...

Now, still living in my happy go lucky world. HAHAHA!

Things will iron themselves out nearer to the day...

So... er... I've decided to just leave it for now :p

BlossomBB, motherhood really makes a woman tougher.

If it was in the past (before marriage/kiddo), I would have whined everyday to my hubby already. I will also whine to my family.

Now, just suck up and move on lah. The world won't stop for me :p

At most will whine a little to hubby so he will sayang me. hahaha!

#2: before I got married, I was happily jetting off around the world for traveling and I really pamper myself...

After I became a mother, my outlook on life suddenly changed..., then I realized alot of things I used to take for granted but not anymore after I conceived..., although I am pretty much dealing all the things by myself as my hubby is based overseas for work and my parents in law live overseas too..., but pregnancy really made me into a tougher person than I ever imagined...

@2, Bunnz, Blossom

u ladies hv been great to lend a ear. reali feel better now and trying to unwind. thks !

@blossom, yea gyne veri principled and responsible ..pros and cons. some of my friends can call in their gyne in the a.m n request for MC. as for us , we need to go and see him.

think i do woori a bit too much .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but when i look at the bills and upcoming events .. i feel overwhelmed. Like wat Bunnz says dun woory abt wat i have no control over ...

still settling my heart dwn ..

Ya. Last time I will happily just book a flight and wave bye bye to my parents. I ever flew to Thailand for a month, then HK for a month. No worries, nothing to hold me back.

Now, plan trip also must think hard.

Think very hard: child friendly or not? food/transport safe or not? Worth it or not? Should save the money instead? Will my boy enjoy the experience or not?

#2: you are a superwoman!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we did an enrichment prog for children some years ago..so stressful!hehe. but i'm sure you can do it!

YOu are not alone.

U have your little beanie inside you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I understand about the eating/peeing/drinking water as i have the same issues.

esp now that i need to pee more. :/

students always last min change lesson

but parents always sms me ..thankful for their understanding.. but usually they are the ones who always change and cancel lessons

oh btw if lessons cancel esp with children's schedules these days like go holidays/CCA/Remedial/tuition/exams/fall sick : i lose pay.. as i'm very flexible with them.actually i kinda pity the children more.

Also cos of my work nature, i do put in lots effort to make sure i stay fit and healthy and improve my energy level.

my top priority!as i cant afford to fall sick and even old age!

and the irony is, in order for me to stay healthy and avoid heavy medical fees in my old age, i or rather we have invested lots of $$$ for the last few years. with inflation these days coupled with more knowledge of holistic stuff around, costs has certainly more than doubled.

actually nothing much compared to #2 and some of you.

God has certainly been very kind to me and i still count my blessings everyday.

Muffin, dun worry about bills and money. Cos, that can be settled later. at most scrimp and save here and there. Or borrow first, then slowly return.

Money can always be earned. Health very hard.

As long as hubby is still working and bringin some money home, won't be too bad one. So don't worry!

Just focus on relaxing and enjoyin the pregnancy :D

MUffin : yeah gynaes have their own ethics or rather integrity to follow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i understand of the overwhelmness.

felt the same when the feeling of preg has sunk in..i just see $$ everywhere i go lor

but like what #2 says : bo chap for now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BlossomsBB: for me the sacrifices to make is slowly sinking in more. hehe

hb was just trying to persuade me to wait another few weeks before i do yoga. ikept insisting i;m ok to do..i need the exercise blahb blah long discussion this morning

then suddenly he said what if something happens to bb and that has truly never crossed my mind

.so happen i went for swim int he evening..then out of blue felt some pulling in my lower tummy (think it's just stretching) but never felt it for so long before (must be more than a few secs) still a little alarmed esp when i'm swimming.

I still have my courses which i have to attend esp in 2012 and end of 2011. praying for divine help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow blossombbs :also another super woman

okok waitin for preg to make me evern toughter!! :D

bring it on!!

but let me enjoy first!! hehe

BTW mummies, just to share. My mum calls me a husband-slave-driver. HAHAH!

I told him: household expenses increasing. Go find extra money. By hook or by crook must bring home additional $1k/month.

And he really go and find ways to earn more $$.

My mum just posted pics on FB. My boy seems to be enjoying himself a lot! Stick to my uncle (he loves my uncle a lot) throughout the day...

But me and hubby are like walking ard the house aimlessly trying to find things to do... cos miss my boy lah!

muffin - cheer up! things will just iron out by itself.

I am suffering from headache for 2 days already. So miserable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] The head like want to explode.

@muffin: you are most welcome!

@Pommes: your blood pressure ok??? I have borderline hypertension and gynae told md to take note of symptoms like headaches, blurry vision, pain below right ribs... Take care!!!

wow ur hb is so sweet ! #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my hb used to order food without lookin at the prices. I was horrified and always dare not order.his eyes always bigger than his mouth. Faint!

These days, he can tell me what is expensive

The other day i wanted to buy a rattle toy for bb at taka..he said that can wait,buy all the essentials first!!

haha go pak tor la!! since seldom get the chance without your boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pommes: are u doing too many things? u do seem busy. hopefully you dont have to work this weekend.

take good rest.


Understand ur worry about finances. But bringing up a baby is actually not very expensive, it is us who wants the best for our children which led to us mistaking some "wants" for "needs". At this point of our pregnancy, the most impt thing is that bb is born healthy. Dont worry so much ok? Not good for baby.

agree with Asura.. sometimes we tend to indulge without realising it even coz everything so cute, so sweet, so nice!! must buy for baby.. end up spending really unnecessarily.. i'm super guilty of that!

Hi Mummies, good morning! The weekend is finally here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Very happy, going to see baby today n I turned 13weeks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope all's well with baby!

My MS is still quite bad, having nauseas usually whole day n puking once a day. Appetite does seems to improve but with the nauseas, not much urge to eat even though feel hungry more often nowadays. Constipation n ingigestion still here despite my intake of fruits n water. Good thing is insomnia is better now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies

pommes: i had super bad headache these few days since the 2 hses here doing reno.. my head oso started reno inside -_-"

Ytd had super good gathering with my kakis... but the taffic was really bad... CTE had accident.. AYE oso Jammed packed... NO cabs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Luckily gf was very sweet to offer to send us home..

Is there any really good buy @ the baby fair @ expo? really hate the trip from west till the east... wait go there come back empty handed.. my hb will -_-" me.

blossomsbb - the last check, gynae didn't say anything abt my blood pressure. So I presume it's okay.

bunnz - ya, this month is really terrible for me at work. Sometimes, so busy and rushing that I get pain from the abdominal area. I think baby is telling me to slow down.

#2/ simbaobao - I used to have migraine before preggie. Then last year, I went for TCM to seek help. She's gd. Because after one cycle of her medication, I didn't had headache anymore .. but I got preggie. So all these nasty headaches came back again.

I also realised that my hair is dropping more nowadays. Dunno stress from work or what. I'm so irritated by the amount of hair at the drainage after washing my hair. I showed it to my mum before, but she didn't think I am suffering from hair loss.

Last time, still can seek TCM's help. Now... I hope I still have hair on my head after giving birth. I think I will chop off my long hair soon.

Hubby also just came back from work. So poor thing, he worked through the whole night. I'm waiting for the washing machine to be done, then I will head back to my bed. Thank God I don't have to work this weekends. Planning to sleep my whole day away... hope my headache also don't come back to haunt me.

Pommes, hair loss is natural due to hormone change. My hair dropped a lot when preggie with #1... and even more after delivery! This round, I cut my hair SHORT so less hairfall.

Actually preggie still can see TCM for help. Just let them know you are preggie and they will asjust accordingly.

My hubby also got bad migraine. Went for all the MRI to check if something wrong cos he can have migraine until whole week in bed and vomit badly!

Now my mum always boil dunno what soup for him, then no more migraine already. Only occasional small headaches.

Good morn ladies,

Long time didn't post.. Into my 14 weeks now... Every morn when I wake up, will burp v loudly n puke after brushing my teeth... Then will have excessive saliva... Need to eat something ... After that will feel v hungry.... Esp at ard 3-5 pm... Then eat a lot... Can't eat much at 7pm.. Go hungry at ard 10 pm again....

I also realized I have lots of saliva after brushing my teeth at nite n need to spit out... Recently, I also noticed water bubbles on my thumb n fingers nowadays... Water retention??!!

Feel v 'nua' n don't feel like going out... Even hubby offered to drive me to get more clothes n pants for me.. I was like.. I wanna stay at home... Don't like to dress up n make up too...

Super love cold chill drinks now.... Bb seems to love drinking it n I'm craving for mango now....

Love everyone has a great weekend ahead ... One week holidays coming to end ... Jus finished setting SA papers... V tired...

Jennifer, so late then set SA papers?

I used to set them in Dec, before school starts. Once SOW approved, I will set the papers for the year already. Then during term time and short 1 week holidays can rest well.


Diff schs have diff systems... For our case, we set papers during our term break [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My nipples start to get itchy now... Also, my c-sect scar is growing keloid now... It's like thick red rubber band in the skin... I always have v bad skin n keloid forming... Feeling v itchy n whenever I tried to scatch, more will be formed... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Jennifer, my previous school... they set it 2 weeks before exams... hahahaaha!! Some teachers wait until few days before exam then they set the paper!!

For me, I personally finish it during Dec holidays so have easier time during the year... Sometimes need to adjust/edit a bit before final submission but it beats having to rush it out during term time (or short 1 week breaks).

I'm the type that totally disappear during holidays (unless got meeting). Else will go insane!!! No work-life balance.

Teaching really zaps my energy away...

