(2011/09) Sep 2011


A few days b4 exam then set?! The HODs no need to vet? Usually, for my sch, we will get to know who to set which paper n deadline given so that the HODs will have enough time to vet n we will edit if needed... Ample time to vet, edit, vet (sometimes edit again) then book for printing n kept all papers in the lockers. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jennifer, start setting 2 weeks before exam. Pass to HOD 1 week before exam. Then if need changing, HOD will give teachers 1 day to edit. Then HOD vet again and send for printing.

Sometimes can't print in time, then HODs and teachers gotta go help the printing lady.

Very disorganised school. I was in exam committee and we ever encounter, one teacher haven't even set her paper (it was 5pm and I was checking that all the papers are ready for the next day) and her paper is the next morning 8am paper!!

Jennifer... nothing happened lor... cos her boss 'forgot' to inform her that she has to set the paper... so her boss protect her and say it's not her fault la...

End up, I had to reach school at 5am the next day to help her print the papers, sort, staple and count in time for 8am exam lor...

Anyway, she's now retired le. hahaha. Happily travelling ard the world now. The last I saw on her FB, she's in California enjoying the sun...

HAHAHA. I realise that I'm still entitled to PB for last year!!!!! ho ho ho!! Saw that email from AGD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just left the baby expo.. I agree there're more things to get at Taka, prices are cheaper there too. In any case, I managed to get my Mt A ladies card at the roadshow price. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will probably be going back to Taka for the car seat.

Goody! Then I will just head down to taka bb fair! Thanks for advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wondering if iluvjp is ok? the news reported that tokoyo is affected.. water got affected and some foods stuffs... hope she is ok there or maybe making her way back to sg?

hi mummies, good morning!

wow, talk about PB, so nice. makes me rem that the best months while working was in Dec/Jul and Mar, haha so satisfied to be finally rewarded for the work done. hope all you ladies in the Govt/Public Sector gets a good PB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

am very glad to see baby developing well during yest gynae's chkup [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hee can see bb squirming and moving all the time during the scan, so cute n heartwarming. also saw bb stretch out arm and then withdraw it, very cute! still can't tell gender yet, gynae said prob next visit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm going just for triple blood test but gynae still did a check for me and detected nasal bone and the neck skin measurement seems ok (gynae mentioned anything lower than 3mm is ok). Am just so glad and relieved to see bb healthy and growing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] is now measuring 78mm at 13wks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

simbaobao, yeah, hope vick is ok and coming back spore soon. hopefully no news is good news. n i also hope that the situation in japan will get better.

hee backtacking to the previous topics for the last few days... ;P

re. prenatal class

can start anytime from 4mths onwards. hee contrary to the other ladies, i think dun take too late in case of preg complications like early labour, then cannot finish the class, also stressed. haha i missed my last 3 lessons, and the classes were all on breathing and exercises during natural delivery, was stressed at that time on missing it but was ordered bed rest so can't go. did mine at kkh, quite good class and sharing of info from the various head/snr nurses who conducted the class. it's 12 lessons so stretches over 3 mths, i think start taking at mth 5 to mth 8 is just nice hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh yeah, best if hubs can attend together or else can go with a female companion too (allowed at kkh). esp during later part of class, when exercises are conducted as you usually need help with the exercises. just to share and for info.

re. aquafitness class

i think pp3 was talking about possibility of organising a class for this sometime back. any ladies still keen or going? hee thinking i want to attend one class now that i'm starting to have backaches again...

blossomsbb, hope your rashes and itch are better now!

kelly, so nice of your gynae to burn a cd! i only got a cd from the detailed scan for #1 but lots of ultrasound pics from each visit so i compiled them into an album. hee think it'll be fun and really nice to give it as a present to the kids when they grow up and get marrried/become parents in the future hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

simbaobao, your granny's really nice! double boiled soup takes time and is very bu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i can't take soup now, drink will puke. anyway if want to drink soup, i must make myself haha so save the effort since puke out all wasted :p

choco, me too! can't drink any stuff with milk in it. even milo will make me nauseas. and i rem starting to drink maternal powedered milk and 2 cups a day at that time for #1. now cannot, horlicks, milk, all freak my tastebud out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pommes, you take good care of your back. back pain no joke and the weight from bb will increase it later on...also rest well for your headache to recover.

bunnz and #2, wow, your gynae packaage fees are cheap and very worth it! i can't rem the delivery fees for my gynae, must go check back. and my post natal checks are not included in package, must pay separated next time. but i really like my gynae so this beats the fees hee :p

chine, leg cramps my gynae said is lack of calcium. but i read on preg website said could be lack of potassium too. check with your gynae yeah and meanwhile try increase calcium intake and keep your legs warm at night by wearing long pants and socks. it helps a bit. ps. if for potassium intake can try taking bananas but rem not the big long ones.

SJ, glad you are back safely [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] guess for 2nd time mummies, sometimes we take things abit easy. not take for granted the preg but just not as gan cheong as 1st time preg? you take care since still got spotting yeah.

muffin, actually some tcm med only need 2hrs gap from the time you took western med. this is what the eys tcm doc always said. dun feel too stressed k. i agree with the other mummies, at least your boss is supportive of npl. but do check with your boss or hr if npl is considered length of service coz in the my previous orgs, npl is not considered length of service to be eligble for benefits. still being from a SB, they would never reject giving maternity benefits/leave.

#2, you are a superwoman! seems like u r the pillar of your whole extended family, very strong lady and with a very positive mindset, really admirable! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and you have a family (parents, hubs, son) who dote on you, everything will turn out great!

jen chng, huh? water bubbles on your thumb and fingers? you mean they are visible? do they hurt? better chk with your gynae next visit. take care and dun drink too much cold drinks haha (nag! :p)

jia you everyone! being pregnant and having bb will change our life but it's all for the better coz the joy your little one will give you is def more and immeasurable! jia you!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies!

Thanks sung for the encouragement![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Decided to skip my morning classes today.

feeling kinda lazy today.

had a refreshing swim though

Went to the expo yest.

Got 2 more nursin bras.

Almost got a few stuff but hb stopped me.. hehe

exciting week ahead!!

have a gd weekend!

Hi all,

My wife is into 15 weeks of pregancy this week having gone through OSCAR early this month. No calls from gynae Dr. Lawrence Ang as his SOP is always "no news means good news". Surprise that the baby movement is already felt as I could sometimes observed barging from the tummy and some light kicking.

Back to my doubt: I know the topic on "confinement lady" already been discussed extensively but I hope to find out once more ... I presume if I engage the CL during my wife's confinement month, CL will be looking after the baby intensively even into the sleeping hours at night. Generally, most of the CL are into their 50s-60s and I wonder how are they able to cope with insufficient and disruption of sleep as they need to attend to the baby during the day time and cook as well. Can they really cope with such hectic work?

Having went through the first birth of my daughter many years back where I did not engage CL, I still find it tough to survive the kind of 2-hours interval waking up in the mid of the night and yet need to be fresh to work the next morning.

Can mothers who have engaged CL share their stories? Btw, are there companies/agencies that provide CL? Can kindly share their website or contacts?

Thank you.

@sung: good morning! Thanks for your concern; rashes are still around but getting less and not itchy anymore..., trying to pretend not to see them when I look at myself in the mirror HEHEHE...

@bunnz: how much did you pay for the nursing bra? Is there a particular brand that you can recommend?

Thanks ya and hope everyone enjoy your weekend!


I think the amt of rest the CL gets depends on the baby's nature. Most of the time, they will catch up on their sleep by napping when bb naps in the afternoon, they will also turn in pretty early at nite (normally after they wash up the dishes after dinner, they will shower and wait for bb's next feed, then turn in with bb).

So if u do get a CL, do understand if they need to bring bb away from u at about 9+ even though u have not sleep. And in the afternoon, do understand when they need naps. If ur wife is bfing, CL will bring bb to u when bb calls for milk. I find it very disruptive to my own sleep schedule so after trying for 2 nites, i told her to use my EBM at nite, while i wake up to pump at 4 hr intervals.

I hope this helps. Dont have CL's contact for you as I have already booked my CL. if u want recent good feedback on CL's. U might want to try to ask the earlier threads.

I finally got my hair cut. Feel so refreshed now but hubby thinks I look like strawberry shortcake. hur hur...

Then yesterday while at the mall, we saw this push cart selling baby's clothes. Hubby thought one of the baby romper in green froggy looked cute. Since it was at $10, we thought can buy. But the lady who manned the push cart, covered her mouth and giggled when she learnt that I am still expecting.

Very funny mah! Why cannot buy 6-9 months baby's clothes for my baby? Cannot keep until baby is ready to wear. I was quite angry and we left without buying anything.

Then on another occasion, we went to this IFC open house. We were there with another couple, whose tummy was more obvious. The IFC teacher kept referring us as "next year then give birth" . I was also so angry despite correcting her a number of times. Left the place with bad impression.

Hubby thinks i am overly sensitive to people's comments on my baby. Am I ? I just have zero tolerance for people who thinks badly or makes bad comments on my baby. Angry leh! Hmph!!

sung - we are having the same gynae. I thought the $1200 pacakge included the delivery charges, whether C-sect or natural or with assistance. I even double confirmed with the counter staff. What do you mean then the delivery charges? I understand from counter staff, if using any anaesthetics, the fees will be charged by hospital. After delivery, still in hospital, the gynae would charge separately again depending on his number of visits.

Dr Tan never mention when we can know baby's gender. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hopefully the next visit, which will see me in my 15wks, baby will open legs big big. So we know to buy Pink or buy Blue.

bunnz - the nursing bras you bought from expo, do they allow you to try on? How do you select the size? Is our boobs going to get bigger towards the delivery? I have already increased by one cup size and one chest size. Dunno if mine will still grow or stay put.

Hehe pommes: it s our hormones at work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blossomsbb: no recommendations for nursing bras.. I just try it and feels comfy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] personal choices I think .

$25 each. Lady said a cup bigger than usual is enough. Too lazyto go shopping at other places plus I dun like all the lacy stuff as they make me itch. But hv a feeli I may need new ones 3 mths later

Hello mummies! =)

Just had a yummilicious and enjoyable time with relatives last night BBQ-ing under the full moon hee...ate lots of sweet potatoes! =p Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far!

Re Leg Cramps:

Sung, yea leg cramps could be due to a lack in potassium. Bananas are the perfect food source for them and bananas also aid in the release of serotonin and other hormones that help prevent depression too! Good to lift moods during pregnancy! Hee…and also good for constipation problems. But need to ensure that we only eat the small ones coz the large ones are too liang for us.

Husband and I went to the Expo Fair yesterday afternoon; very crowded! Our first fair so far, husband really hates crowds so gave him a round of applause for keeping up with me. Even helped me to take brochures for the strollers! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]))

Saw the promo for CordLife but want to read up more about it first...Saw TMC/MAH booths as well. To be honest, I still don't know where to choose! So have not signed up for the respective privilege cards. Wanted to buy the nursing U-shaped cushion, looks reallyyyyy comfortable! But the designs that were left looked really terrible. Today's the last day, not sure if I should go back to sign up for the Mount A card..

Mummies, if you had chose/choosing Mount A, why did/are you choose/choosing Mount A?

igop: I have eczema too! And right now with pregnancy it has flare up a lot. Doesn't bother me too much but its just colleagues asking "eh why your face got rashes"..sigh.

Kelly: I'm not seeing a cardiologist. For my hypertension, I'm just following up every quarter at the polyclinic, mainly to just get medicine supply.

Mareike: I had done my Oscar's on last Thursday, and baby also waited just before the scan ended to perform 'kungfu' moves. Husband and I just laughed and said "too late baby!"

Hi koume just to share that there is also another option beside CordLife that is to donate the cord blood to the Singapore cord blood bank. Do read up before making your choice.

On the nursing cushion. I had it when I have #1. Works for me as i got no arm strength to support during Bfeeding. There is different version u may wish to look around.

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pigeon Nipple Care Cream and Breast Shields


Tommee Tippee Bottle Tongs


Pre-loved My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow


Used Medela PISA Faceplate


Pommes : yeah they allow to try on the bras at expo fair. Well cup size depends on individual i guess. chest size if expand, can get the the extra hooks to sew on to current bra.

My chest size still the same. only cup size increased [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Koume: for mount a card, u can send application by post too.

i'm just goin to dblcfrm with gynae tmr beofre we apply.

We like the feeling of Mount A when we went the last time for visiting.

Tmc : hate the car park plus not really a gd imopression.

today for some reason just suddenly felt giddy and actually a little nauseous (first time)

my meal times changed today

Woke up later than usual today and had a late breakfast and no lunch yet by 12..(i usually have 1st breakfast at 7, 2nd breakfast at 9, early lunch or snack by 12pm)

went walking and stood at the atm for a while..wow start feelin giddy liao!tabao lunch and quickly went home.

the moment i started eating, all uneasiness vanished!! i was tellign hb bb is very naughty!

hello fellow mummies!!

hope mummies and babies are doing very well!

Koume: mt A vs TMC- my fren gave birth few months back. when she told me she topped up cash 2k+ for 2X epidural natural birth 4 bedded stay at TMc, I was shocked. I stayed in 4 bedded for few hours while waiting to be sent to Delivery suite den delivery suite for the next 12 hours then 2 bedded for the next 2 nights before checking out 3 days post delivery. Assisted with forceps tho no epidural but I got $1545+ refund after i checked out. My total bill was $5k+ including baby. Deposit was $2k.balance was all from hubby's medisave.means cash i only paid $400+. I find hers a huge bill despite the initial costs highlighted to her. she got a shock too cos this amt is usually for C-sect or premies or babiesor mummies with needs for few days extended stay in hospital.Later on, we compared both bills, the sum is really quite alot of difference.So, after this, I'm even more determined to go back to Mt A cos my experience giving birth there was a good start to my motherhood[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

by the way, any mummies not going to find out the gender of their baby?One part of me hope to keep it as a surprise. Anyway, boy or girl, I'm stopping at two. And I dun wish for relatives to comment or be affected by the disappointed look that it's not a boy, if it turns out...cos i already have a girl and we have 2 girls in the family in the 4th generation so they hope for a boy, especially the grandmothers.But, I can't decide on the color of the pram and everywhere's having sale. the unisex color is not so attractive for some models and make..and everywhere is having sale now..but again, there's the itch to find out.haha:D

Actually the epi cost is quite standard. My gynae told me $600/vial & around $400 for anaesthetist's fee (mine was senior anaesthetist). So if she used 2 vials and the anaesthetist was called in to administer 2nd vial, then that explains the price. It is at same at Mt A (according to the price list my gynae gave me) if opt for epi.

For my #1, I had epi but asked for low dosage (enough to not feel so pain until I want to die). So the vial lasted me till delivery. The nurse adjusted the dosage higher when I was fully dilated and ready to deliver.

I remembered we paid total of ard $1.7k ($800 deposit, $900 balance upon discharge) in cash & that was in 2007, when the medisave claimable has not increased.

Went shopping for pumps at JP today (omg, their kiddy palace is huge!) and need advice from 2nd time mums to be. Dual pumps better? What are the preferred brands? I heard Medela and Tommee Tippee are not bad. Views?

Tried to find for belly belt too but is out of stock.

Gina, dual pump is best if within your budget.

Popular brands: Medela, Avent, Ameda.

I personally tried the above 3 brands and prefer Avent. If you can, get a manual on first. Then wait till after delivery, can try out the different brands then decide which you like.

Btw, my hubby also can't find belly belt. Seems like a lot of places OOS. End up, I use rubber band. Cos no time to go and buy new shorts & my current shorts/berms are getting tight...

Hunnymummy, my hub encourage me to take the epi... hahaha... cos he want me to hv good memories of the delivery so I'll be more willing to have more kids :p

for those mummy buying thing from drug store can go see the avent bottle got special edition one in pink or blue colour so cute

Velo, Bunnz, Hunnymummy: Thank you for the information! I really appreciate it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I guess for now I will just wait till my next follow up visit with my gynae before I decide..

And argh was just measuring my BP, it's back to 140s/80s again! Twice measured 150/90+! I really don't want to go back to KK again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Worse thing is, I just feel slight giddiness/headache but the rest is rather normal. My gosh I don't want to walk halfway around my house then suddenly faint from stroke/cardiac arrest!


hope everyone had a good weekend! i spent my sun checking out maternity stores at suntec and marina. spent about $200 getting 2 tops n 2 bottoms. so expensive!

btw, can anyone advise me if kraft cheese is safe to consume? it only indicates as processed cheese, so not sure if it is considered pasturized?

today is the start of my 13th week. both sides of my womb keep having slight cramps. hope it is nothing to worry about coz my gynae alr stopped all my utrogestan.

koume, have bed rest for an hour and if BP is still high, better go KKH just to be kiasu.

If u gal wanna buy breast pump can wait till u deliver and use ur baby CDA account and buy at kkh pharmacy, it so much worth it.

I went to the baby fair and got myself 2 nursing bras @ $25 each. Non frill, soft padding with no underwired. Is that what you bought too, bunnz?

Other than that, nothing much. Got a feel of Avent duel electronic pump. Priced $559 with a bundle of things. Think Taka BB fair is better, hope can make a trip before it ends.

Hi I have got a brand new clarins stretch mark control cream for sale. 200ml at $70. Still comes with box. I have bought too many bottles at one go and would be giving birth soon. Email me at [email protected]

Hi koume,

Do u mind me asking abt ur age?Did u do any hypertension work up test to determine and also to rule out if there's any underlying cause causing u to have high bp? Wats ur previous med before u were on methyldopa? With med before preg, how's ur bp reading like? Conitune to monitor everyday ya, one day spike may not mean anything, but do inform ur dr ok, might need to adjust dose for ue med if it doesn't go down. Try to cut down on salt ya...if u using iphone or ipad, try to download the blood pressure monitoring programme...it helpsnu to plot chart as well as averaging ur bp reading, so that you cld see better if there's a trend of ur bp going up or down.

