(2011/09) Sep 2011

am having terrible headache since last nite.. woke up in the middle of the nite with a heavy head... hate this feeling.. had the urge to pop panadol but stopping myself to do so... wanna be "drug-free" as long as can tahan...


Went for scan today and happy to know that everything is fine. The gynae so funny, scan 1/2 way and asked us anything else we wanna scan? Then the nurse asked us whether we know the gender and in the end, the gyane says might be a boy cos seems like got something sticking up. I hope he is right, dun get me happy for nothing!

wow so fast can see something? i asked mine, gyane n the sonographer both said too small to see... -_-"

both asked is it very important? i went.. mm i dun mind boy/gal... but i wanna know coz i wanna go SHOPPING!! hehe

Hello everyone!

I was so swarmed by work that I couldn't come in and chat chat. Only read all the postings at night to wind down the day. This month is tough, project rushing for dateline. Now in office, sneaking some time off to rest.

Maternity Leave + Childcare leabe

I already told my boss how I would like to take my ML. Something like take 12 weeks of ML, then clear my last year annual leave + whatever family care/ childcare leave I have. In Jan, I will work half day for half a month. Reason given as I am sending baby to infant care, not sure how everything would turn up. But boss is kind, he would take it as I would disappear for 4 months. And upon returning to work, I would be assigned light duties, so that I can adjust and cope with my new family duties.

But whatever it is, I still need to seek HR's approval on my plan. Will probably ask them in June/ July.

2nd trimester

Simbaobao - so good! you are now in 2nd trimester. I'm still at 12wk, have to endure another 2 more weeks. I'm so eager for the start of 2nd trimester, so that I can freely announce this happy news.

Shopping for baby's stuff

Yesterday used my last ounce of energy and went to John Little. Though having sales, we still didnt buy anything. I think we were just too overwhelmed by the number of things we need for the baby, that we don't know what to get. Haha...

Wanted to buy 2 sets of baby clothes. One meant for baby to wear when we get discharged. And another set for the Full Month celebration. But the different sizes threw me off. How come the baby's clothes come in size 12, 14, 16? How do I choose what size?

*a lot of question marks*

Enjoy your weekend! I'm heading back to work... sob sob. Tomorrow going to be the same too... double sob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pommes: what to expect but 13 weeks as 1st trimester wor... hehe so i take it dat its 2nd trimester alrdy la...

anyway.. my BM ils alrdy announced to the whole world.. so what is the differ...

Simbaobao, during my first pregnancy, we could clearly see 2 balls and a stick between the legs at 12 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dont think need to have a set of clothes for bb when discharge. Usually they wear the hospital set home. U can check with the hosptial.

Also, dont buy too many Newborn papers, hospital will give u a pack (or rather, whatever's remaining from bb's use at the hospital). Some babies wear S size when they are one or two weeks old.

Dont feel so overwhelem. Should only start buying after the detailed scanning actually.


wow.. u can see at wk 12! I think for my gal, we only got the gender confirm at wk 20. Before that she always close her legs, dont want to let us see. hee. But i heard from colleagues that if boy, usually can confirm early if dont close legs.

My BB hor very shy... Den the gyane machine like very out dated eh... Not very clear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hopefully next visit BB willingly to show us

@iluvjp: wow! I think ure the first in this Sep thread to know the gender! Congrats! I will look fwd to my next visit, hopefully baby will drop some clues. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My Bb gives me a "I want to slp , do not disturb " attitude. Hopefully the next visit, Bb active a bit. But my next visit at mth end, v long leh.

Does any1 experiences pulling sensation in the abdominal ? Sometimes I get that , a weird feeling in the tummy like muscle stretching Like that.

Hi all mummy to be,

Can I find out from you gals when exactly is the start of 2nd trimester? Is it after 13 or 14th week? Or is it at the start of weeek 13th?


Wah! So exciting to know the gender at w12. Gynae and sonographer did not mention anything but during bloodtest, nurse asked if i wish for a boy/girl. I have no preference but think the confirmation will throw me into an excited shopping mood too. Went to mothercare sale yday and was overwhelmed by the crowd plus variety of stuff. And we both agreed kiddo stuff are so expensive! Anyway, we walked 2 rounds and popped next door to Howard, felt more comfy immed. Hb was saying...so many preg woman, who said rabbit year less competitive than dragon year one ah? :p

back from gynae visit.. think today my bb in a bad mood, was sleeping during the scan.. no active movement.. sad.. need to wait 4wks to see bb again.. size: 89.45mm @ wk14..

Thanks gina, I certainly hope he's right! Anyway better wait till detailed scan to confirm before we let the family know. skally sala my in laws will be very disappointed hahaha

I had zi char today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Already have meals planned for tmr.. Mee Siam for lunch n perhaps veg food at Miao Yi for dinner. Always lookin for food. Hehe

Y r u eating alOne sim bao bao?

bunnz: coz hb is working nite shift... so home alone with bb

tml he is wrk nite again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

having dinner at bro's gf pl tml n he can't join us..

I had nasi bryani for dinner at nex . Tot it's Amoy nasi bryani but it's by another com. Verdict is Amoy nasi bryani still taste better.

N I boliao go isetan Bb section to see strollers. The cheapest range of combi is v cheap , only $159. But it doesn't look comfy to me. I like the fact that it's light but only suitable up to 2 years old. Aft 2 years old , have to look for another stroller? But my cousin still using combi for her 4 yo son. I prefer quinny stroller but it's so ex...

Simbaobao I dun know leh but I have ald eaten nasi bryani a few times. But I didn't eat a-char cos I feel it's not "fresh". The only thing my mil strongly object me from having is grass jelly n the big bananas that ntuc always sell cos she said those r v liang. Basically I eat whatever I like now .

@muffin my gynae didn't say anything abt the weight or measurement. I only know the weight n measurement from the scan pic. Does your gynae say?

Hi mummies, just to rant abit. So irritated n frustrated with my hard stools n constipation. Woke up 1plus with slight stomachache n can't get it out. Sigh I hate constipation, stomachache somemore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now can't get bk to sleep n still hving stomachache after 3hrs plus [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] double sianz! Was so looking forward to sun, finally hub's off day can go out with #1. like this can't sleep, become zombie in morn, how to go out, sigh.. When will my stupid indigestion n constipation stop!!!

Sung, must try to take more fruits. I've been forcing myself to take more fruits recently too.

Korean strawberries are cheap and sweet now :D

sung: can drink more water also. basically more fibre stuff.

I slpt early ard 10 plus..woke up ard 12. then 4 plus..then cant sleep liao. just started doing my mornin activities . a bit sleepy now.but need to start teaching at 10!

muffin: dr never weigh me at all..so dun even mention abt bb ..he says for now not impt. so long can see bb growing well from scan.

simbaobao : at least you have your family ard when your hb is working. still must keep yourself happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my hb also not ard. back only on 14/3. went for biz trip.

went to library last night to borrow books. lots of baby/motherhood there to read.

i dun really like to stare at pc for too long for info.

Bunnz, Sunday is my busiest day...

I start teaching at 8am and end at 7.30pm with only 30min lunch break at 12pm.

I slept late last night cos brought my boy out for movie :D

My belly itched the whole night and I kept waking up to go the the toilet. Super disruptive night. Now on the way to church to teach. And all my clothes are getting snug and hb's comments are not helping. Quite irritated at him.

Sung - take more liquid diet like porridge.

good morning ladies(simbao, #2, Bunzz, gina, kyara, asur, daddysbao, muffin, pooh) how are you all doin on a sunday morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] im havin bad back aches since few days using heating pad to ease it also wearing thermals to keep warm

muffin gynea does nt measure weight of bb but only tk note of your weight... measurements are done on the length of bb

Bunzz how are the books in library i read this book given by my sis in law but too many pictures and the app book im almost done readin

Prenra, my gynea told me not to use heating pad (mine is the electric heating pad) but just to keep warm and rub... Cos the heating pad will increase our body temp and it's not good for baby...

good morning mummies...

having a bad nite again.. woke up 4am.. looking at the ceiling ..

bad headache, bad aches and itchy breasts... argh..

felt so bloated despite the amt of fruits n juices i been taking... couldn't even finished the mee hoon myself nowsaday.. the portion sudden look so huge when last time i need to add on stuffs to get full...

Hi mummies...good morning.

With regards to the epidural, how long does it take to jab the epi? And is it same for both natural birth and c-sec?

MZ, depends on the anaesthetist's skill. Mine was senior anaesthetist at TMC, he took less than 3 minutes to set up & insert. Relief came within 5 minutes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I read some horror stories abt the trainees at govt hospitals. Can jab dunno how many times and still not get it in the right place.... scary!!

I nearly fainted in church, but managed to sit down and regained my stability. Hope it's not serious about bb. The feeling just came suddenly, and I seemed to lose my balance and hearing and was falling. Instantly, grabbed onto my hb for support but I was so scared I'll black out completely.

hello! virgomtb,

Today is the start of celebration for my daughter's 2nd bday. Will be having bday lunch at home with family, then will pack for sentosa after lunch is over. Tomorrow will be having bday celebration for her at her playgroup and then we will be off to sentosa until Wed! Hope she will enjoy it! Probably have only until she is 6 yrs old to celebrate in this manner. When she goes primary, will have to follow the school holidays liao.


I also having very bad indigestion. Takes lots of fruits, drink lots of water and even take fibre drink daily but to no avail. Can only visit once a week. Cant imagine, i havent even start on the iron pills yet!

Gina- take care.

Just had a hair wash (head massage) & cut..my sunday is getting better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cant wait for anothet 2 mths before having prenatal massage.

gina: ... pls take care... if still not well, better go to the doc for a check up..

Asura: wow.. have a good and fun time with your family and gal + baby... leave work behind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Icic ladies, my gf gyne measure her bb in terms of weight. So I was just wondering. That's just out of curiosity. Length is fine too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I went gyne ydae at 13+1 . bb measures at abt 8th. He was moving hence can't really catch the actual length , just an estimate. All is fine except this am, I was experiencing some slight cramp n was veri tired as I can't slp at nite , work up n toss the last few nitez. Then finally feel better. Went washroom n there was some slight pinkish discahrge .. Now resting on bed. Shd be fine ya?

Am gg bk to work tomlo.. Require me to climb stairs , I take it slow I guess


Sing Yee, cos I'm preggy now, hubby allow me to go to salon to wash my hair twice a week :D last time he limit to once a fortnight. Cos I have to give up my foot reflexology, my spa package and my back physio package.... So the only enjoyment I'm left with is a good hair wash ($10) & facial...

I'm also counting down to prenatal massage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Already called my massage lady to inform her :D

