(2011/09) Sep 2011

RE: Childbirth,

My #1 was natural with epidural. I wanted to try no epidural but because it was a sunday, the nurses keep telling me that the anesthecian is not ard. If want must give early notice. At the same time, my HB was overseas so i was all alone in the labor ward plus i din sleep the nite before. Decided to take it. Heaven man... got to nap all the way, until cloe to delivery time.. lol..

For #2, hb will be ard this time. I thinking of trying natural without epi this time. But shall see how. If cannot tahan, i will take epi.

For c-sec.. it is not always smooth going, i know of pple who get re-admited to hospital due to tears.. really depends on individuals. Gynae will normally recommend natural unless there is some medical reasons.

Bak gu teh shouldn't b a prob... But check if they got add dang GUI inside... We cannot take dat yet...

Tat day I was craving for it too n check with the vendor if they added tat.

Simbaobao she is famous in some ways ba. Her temple is hugh! yes yes its common soup for preggy but she also mentioned that my bb not strong n some negative things which made me really depressed on that day. Nv see me before can tell such things. Damm pissed.

Anyway, wah really pampered by granny leh. So envy.

Re :CHild birth

For c section, i also heard horror stories. Infection, Stabbing pain and can feel the cutting sensation etc.

How was the contraction pain like? is it like menses cramp? Is it cramp til have the sensation to "push''?

for csection, depends on gynae skills ans stitches. i dun hav any prob w my wound n my scar heal nicely n cut even tell.

anyway, which ever birth method, most important is deliver a healthy bb.

Oh wow luckily no one bother us with dat if not I will get upset too... Or should I say does they care in the 1st place... Lol beta leave me alone

Hehe Yeap but felt bad dat she always made herself so busy...

igop, I heard from one of my friend that her MIL went to a 'master' and pray for her pregnancy. Then the 'master' also said negative things about her pregnancy.

Then her MIL pay more 'prayer money' to the temple to pray and pray and pray lor.

My friend don't believe, so she couldn't be bothered. Her girl already 6yo now.

#2 i was even made to drink 'fu shui'' lor. Yes i dun wan to believe too. My dr told me he has done his best and i have done my best so theres nothing to worry abt. haha.

what a nice rainy aft to slp...

Thanks all on the bak kut teh. My colleagues were heading there for lunch and I wasn't sure but didn't want to lunch on my own, so I had fish soup at the bak kut teh place instead. My concern is the herbs in the soup since my gynae told me time and again, not even a bit of herbs.

My mum told me not to drink chinese tonic for pregnancy bec' a nurse told her tat it will cause severe jaundice in bb.


By the time u want to take epidural, ored painful so it won't matter to u.. but after epidural is heaven.. can rest and sleep

Ellysia, somewhat agree on the jaundice part. I did not take chinese tonic (don't like the taste) during my first pregnancy and my boy did not have jaundice at all.

But my cousins who took all the tonic soups religiously had a lot of problems with jaundice!

Hi all,

Just wonder if your EDD changes. Just to share mine, during my first visit, it's shown to be 16 Sept. 2nd visit, it changed to 9 Sept. My oscar test screening report last Fri showed 7 Sept. I forgot to ask my gynae yesterday coz I only noticed the difference in the date in my Oscar test report when I 'studied' the report at home.

Hi all,

I had my gynae appointment this morning, and did the sonagraphy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The results are ok, with NT 1.7 and risk ratio 1:12190

Was happy to see BB who lay still throughout the whole sona process. Bb has grown so fast within a month, now being 62.9mm already. Can't wait to see bb for the next visit in a month's time.

afternoon gals..

Bb n I had a feast at MOS burger today :p

i think the mothercare fair is worth checking out. much better than the robinsons one.

so many strollers to see

Quinny on sale at 838. i was rather impressed with it. and there are other strollers costing 4digits!! after discount somemore. omg!

#2: saw the avent breast pump u mentioned.. Can get 499 after discount (limited to 2 a day) worth getting?

Gina: what colour did you get your quinny in?

VirgoMTB: I was just wondering whether you are back at work.

Yeah i thought so..many people with pte and hdb and renting out their hdbs.

If not,u cant buy pte in the first place without giving up your HDB.

Igop : wow the master is powerful :p

one "master" apparantly told my mil last sept that I have the "bad eye" on me ..and told her it's preventing me from getting preg. unless he did some prayers which involved killing 12 goats! hb n I strongly objected!! He's in another country somemore. mil just showed him our photos only.

It's better to remain positive. One can really creat whatever they want!!! Have no fear in whatever you do!

Birth Plan : i'm determined to have a natural birth with no epidural. was thinkin abt hypnobirthing..but then think no need to be too adventurous [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] plus need more money!


I have allegy to painkillers so dr chong told me he has no painkillers for me.. Haha .. I told him I die la. So the painkiller he gave u ease the contraction pain? I muz go n ask him which he specialize in, natural b or c section n which 1 is better for me. My frens really give thumbs up to his c section. But I feel v encourage to go for natural b since u mentioned it's zero pain factor.

Mrs Wong : yeah first visit was 21/9, 2nd visit changed to 19/9. 3rd one changed back to 21/9 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i will decide on the date i want eventually.. :p

SingYEe: 1 :12190 so high! congrats on the results.

Singyee how many weeks r u in?

And for those in 12 weeks how big is Ur BB? Was telling my Gf n they said BB is small... But gyane said not too bad..

My EDD from 10 Sep change to 3 Sep change to 29 Aug. Now I'm reading both Aug and Sep threads, haha. I should be in week 14/15, next appt is next Friday, can't wait

Anyone had craving for bubble tea? My gynae says no tea, but i cannot fight the tempatation and had half a cup yesterday.

I saw posting on mothercare fair. where is the fair held ah? Please tell me, i also keen to get a stroller. My #1 stroller old liao as its a pass on.

velo : it's mothercare at harbourfront. level 3 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not the one in vivo itself.

sales people are very good there too

igop, the painkillers are given after delivery...not those to ease contraction pain. For contraction pain, only got laughing gas, epidural and not sure what else. Epidural is the best and I seriously see no point to tong and tong the pain then ask for epidural.

Yes, I delivered in gleneagles....in fact I know what u mean by preferring the other hospital where is more of a delivery babies hopsital...but be warn, the maternity and labour wards can be overcrowded and if u choose 1 bedded ward for maternity you may not get that of your choice if that ward class is full.

if you go early, u can get a maclaren ..limited to 3 a day (3 black, 3 red)

model techno XT

399 instead of 598

oh yeah who was talkingn abt maxi cosi?

tmr this have this deal...maxi cosi pebble :299 instead of 428.

limited to first 5

store opens at 1030 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessica, I had tea everyday, 1 cup only. in fact my gynae say ok to have coffee or tea, just once a day...and I also believe pregnancy should be an enjoyable one...so I also dun believe in not eating this or that.

Haha, I have a bunch of overcaring colleagues who monitor whatever I eat/drink. Now that first trimester is over, I am not as cautious about food as compared to duirng 1st tri.

Hoping to get some clue on the gender during next Friday's scan, but my gynae always chop chop chase me out. May have to wait till week 20 scan to find out.

@mrswong - My EDD changes every week. From 19th Sep to 21st Sep and latest visit was 15th Sep. I asked my gynae and he said always to follow the original EDD. The scan machine revises the EDD based on the rate of growth of baby. So if your EDD shortened, your baby could be growing faster than the general 11 or 12-weeker for example.

@Bunnz - Mine is light blue / purple and bits of baby pink. It's a safer choice for me cos I don't know the gender yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Did you get the Buzz too?

epidural takes how long to kick in? my gf wanted a natural w/o epi but later on she cldnt take it and req for epidural but by the time it was too late.

Ladies, Duphaston meant to be taken til week 12 or can go beyond?

@Jessica - I also dream of knowing the baby's gender almost every day. Haha, not that I mind either but so much planning to do. Eagerly counting down to week 20 too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@ muffin my gynae asked me to stop duphaston when week 12 hits. Can't wait.

I dreamt of Bb a few times, 1 time breastfeeding . But everytime forgot to see the gender. Haiz. I also dream of Aaron kwok n Tony Leung ! v happy wake up but forgot to kiss them .

Gina chris: not yet. Need to discuss w hb. Usually I ll go reiki myself , pick what I like then sell him e product [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muffin : like that also can!! I ll research more n get ready my own resources for birth ..

Hi mummies,

Was at the mothercare sale this morning. Bought clothes for #1 and also got hold of one of their limited daily specials 4x260ml avent bottles for $29!

People queued early b4 store opened to grab the first-come-first-serve car seats n breast pump etc. Cuz they take ur name down b4 store opens then will page for u when u r inside. Everything else is 15%. Will go back another day to get the avent double pump cuz seems quite good price at $499. Hope still have.

Re: childbirth

I opted for natural. After doc broke waterbag n put me on induction drip, found out bb pass motion inside so doc say give me another 4 hrs to dilate otherwise must c-section. So anyway all in all after 12 hrs of labour without epi, I only dilated 1.5cm!!!

End up gotta c-section and hospital bill had to pay for delivery ward AND operating theatre! Haiz.. This time round duno whether to try natural or not. Gynae nurse tell me from past experience seems like i have stubborn cervix so maybe shouldnt put myself through all that pain again for nothing haha..

Just to clarify, my contractions started on it's own. Not induced. Just that I was bleeding when I reached hospital so they put me on induction drip to quicken the labour. But oh well. To no avail!

hi pooh,

Can add me in?

EDD: 25 Sep

Birth Order: #2

Gynae: Dr Jocelyn Wong

Hospital: TMC


Area: AMK


RE: Food consumption

I also never really bother what i take. Gynae says no more than 2 cups of tea a day but i try to keep to just 1 cup. As for sashimi, she din say no too.. but advise that i only take after first trimester. For alcohol, that time near xmas, she say dont torture myself if i really want, half glass of wine or champagne is ok but i took a quarter glass. Heh..

was thinking of going for natural w/ epi.. but mum and mil say no epi.. since their time also no epi and they can make it..


my gynae recommends that we dont go in with the idea to take epidural. 1 cm dilation = estimate 1 hr so when u start to feel painful and they tell u only 3 cm.. then maybe better to take epidural cos at least 7 hrs more!! so she say, if think cannot tahan, just take but decide when u are at the delivery ward.

They offered me laughter gas at first but hor.. i only feel high but still damn pain.. lol..

In any case, taking epidural is better than risking an emergency-c sec or assisted birth. the risk is lower for epidural. I think the childbirth methodis not important. Most impt is baby's health.

Hi pooh

Me too!

Nick: vanilla

EDD: 22 Sep

BB: No. 2

Gynae: Dr Adrian Woodworth

Hospital: TMC

Occupation: FTWM

Area: Sengkang

Thank you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So far, my EDD has ranged from different dates between 30 August and 9 Sept. But at my last gynae appt,I asked gynae if I can attend Jacky Cheung's concert on 28 Aug. He told me to sell my ticket away! Said I shd be prepared to go into labour by W38 - 25 August [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Kyra, I was thinking about Jacky Cheung's concert too! It's too near to my EDD. I was asking my hubby if one happens to give birth while watching the concert, will the baby get the life-long free ticket? Kekeke.... but then I doubt if the baby is interested even if the baby gets that privilege.

