(2011/09) Sep 2011

#2 : teaching still got time to post ah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how you tahan ?

i teach 10-1230 (incl travelling time)

30 mins for lunch.

then teach again from 1-430(travelling incl)

watin for last student now. coming my plc.

i already buah tahan already.

cant wait to ask them to come from July

somemore u teach group and longer sesions.. :?

Virgo MTB: quite a few int books at the lib..dpends on your luck.

borrowed one about calm birth last week talking about meditation for birth.

borrowed one on calm mom and first years last night but have not started reading yet.

i borrowed like 13-15 items!! hehe

many magazines.

Gina_Christine: so scary! mb u stood for too long! do take care. nowadays my balancing like a bit here there.sit down / stand all done slowly.

mb all our bb getting bigger..so we feel more effects these days. kept scratching my tummy today as well.. at the sides.

sat also very packed now. 9-330. wana go mad liao. waiting for july-sep exams to finish.. then 3 will stop! yeah!

asura79 :enjoy your sentosa stay!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dont think of us :p

Bunnz, I don't sit throughout the lesson. I will go nuts. My piano teacher also can't sit still. She will always stand behind me and watch. Then suddenly will pop her head either on left or right side to tell me what is wrong -_-"

yeah sometimes i stand here and there.. but sometimes their house too small to stand. will get in the way

Gina, did you get up too sudden? This morning, i jus climbed out of bed very quickly and for a moment, i felt faint too. I think we must take things slow, cannot have too big or too sudden a movement. Take care!

Thanks girls for the concern. I figured that it was caused by 2 things - not enough sugar/food in the morning and standing too long. I taught bible classes from 10 - 11 on an empty stomah and went directly for mass when classes ended from 11 - 12. And I woke up at 7.30am. But I'm feeling much better after lots of food and a long nap. ;)

hi ladies, i was at Mount A earlier as i had fresh bleeding.. i was veri concern hence rushed dwn . Polyus was discover which is wat cause the bleeding. a jab and antibioics was adminstered. total bill 389.

Really thank God bb is fine

Thanks #2, Bunnz, Gina n Asura. I am taking alot of water but not so much fruit n veg. I guess it din help that my appetite has skewed towards fried food/fast food. One look at porridge/fishball noodles, etc, I'll hv no appettite n even puke out all after eating. But give me fish n chips or chicken cutlet anytime n I can eat it all n stay in my stomach too. Sigh...

Pommes, hope u clear your wk with this working through the weekends. Some Bb clothes specifies the mths they r meant for eg 0-3mths, 3-6mths etc. Easier to buy but can try getting at later stage coz some newborns r big n wear 3-6mths quite quickly, within their 1st mth!

Vickvick, this is your #2? your #1's a gal? Hee it must be so exciting to know the gender now. Hope it's accurate for u!

Asura, enjoy your sentosa stay n celebrations for your gal! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my gynae never gave me any iron pills for #1, hope he dun give me thus time too coz I took them before n they really do make constipation worst...

Gina, hope u feel better. Rest well n rem like #2 said, to always take something, no matter how light. Dizziness is freq a symptom in 2nd n 3rd trim.

Muffin, luckily u got it chk out. Am happy to read both u n Bb r fine. Did u remove the polyp? Do chk with your gynae next time u see him/her yeah. Rest well now n tk leave if not feeling well for work tom!

Re. Mothercare sale at Harbourfront

Long queue just yo get in n big crowd inside. Got turned off looking at queue, no energy to join in. But I saw the daily specials n they r having a huge discount for fisher price jumperoo on one of the days. It's something we were so tempted to get for my #1 then but was too exp. Now huge discount, am so tempted again to get for #2 . Haha juz thinking out loud...

Thanks Sung. I'm feeling much better. My friend told me to always put a box of raisins in my bag wherever I go to travel in case of such incidents again. I sure hope it doesnt happen again, too scary. Yikes.

I went to the MC sale at Harbourfront this afternoon too. My personal take was that apart from the daily specials, it wasn't that cheap cos the MC card already gives you 10% disc while the sale gave a storewide 15%.

Plus not knowing the gender yet makes it diff to buy baby stuff, at least for me. So didn't managed to get anything although hb was looking at the Baby Bjorn baby carrier, but we decided to KIV.

Hope everyone had a good Sunday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All,

I am new to this site, and enjoyed reading and sharing some of your sentiments.

BB # 1

EDD: 17 Sep 2011

Gynea: Dr. Seng Shay Way

Hospital of choice: Gleneagles

Area: Tampines

I've done the OSCAR screening, and the results have been nicely positive. My baby seems alot smaller than most i've read, a mere 4.91cm @ 11wks 4 days.

There seems to be a couple of upcoming baby fairs, and i believe many of you are as excited as me to shop! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have a good week ahead!

Gina Christine: Do take care! I used to have very bad dizziness too…can’t even sit on the bed to fold clothes without feeling faint! But it’s coz of the increased blood volume and some people with low blood pressure tend to get it more…but generally its okay. =)

Anyway for christian mummies, can read this book called Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize. A lot of my friends have been recommending it to me and they said it really makes you get a fresh positive perspective on being a mother!

Sing Yee & #2: U’re going for prenatal massage? I’ve always wanted to go for one! How did you find the contact? Is it safe and good? Cheap? =p

Muffin, must take care!

b.isforbb, during my first pregnancy i got the contact from other forum mummies. Wanted to try her out before we decide if we confirm her for post-natal massage.

So this round gonna ask the same lady again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I know of a few places that offer prenatal massage but not cheap. There's one at Punggol MRT called d'Light Spa. The lady doing the massage is a nice Malay auntie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good mornign ladies how are you all doin

Asura very happy for you that you managed to achieve wat you had planned for you daughter belated wishes to her

Muffin very happy bb is safe pl tk care

Gina you too tk care always keep sumthign to munch in ur purse

#2 enjoy ur prenatal massage i ws thinkin of gettin it done [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sounds tempting and hv read it give relief to back ache

Simbao hope ur morning sickness is ok and hope you are feelin well

I will visit gynea 2morrow will keep you all gurls posted of the results

hv a great wk ahead

hey ladies, good morning, how is everyone doing?

had a scare last wed evening when i started to bleed out of the blue. Was almost in tears as i thought after the first few weeks, the pregnancy would have been stabilised. Rushed to KK 24 hr woman's clinic. Thank God! Baby's heart is beating .. Phew! The Dr says that typically when a strong heartbeat can be heard like after 8 weeks, the risk of miscarriage drops to like 5%. She advised against carrying my son for a while, and bed rest. Was put on Duphaston. This pill really bothers me, cos the MS was easing out, but now, its back with a vengence. I feel giddy and nasueous all the time.

After the super long weekend, now i'm back in the office trying to cover back what i missed out the last 2 days. Makes my Monday even more blue. This Saturday, i'm flying off to Korea, so tons of prep work to do. YAWN....

Good thing from the entire episode is, i finally told my boss and colleagues about the pregnancy. Well, otherwise, he might not understand why the sudden surge in MCs and gives me a bad performance rating.

Hope everyone has a good week ahead!

For epi, i recalled for my 1st one, it was quite fast and painless. Relief came pretty fast too... They had a good system which let me administer the dosage whenever i felt like it. So times when i felt ok, i just bear with the pain for a while.

Hi SJ im also wif KK had the same prob in fact i have been sitting at home since 3 wks will join work on wednesday i ws also put on duphaston ...i also tol my bossess few wks before i went on long mc .. but tyring nt to worry too much abt performance now ... focus on bb first

Morning ladies - Brand new week again! I'm stepping into my 2nd trimester this week and will be facing my inlaws the first time today (after they heard the news). Jitters! Hope MIL wont bombard me with questions.

Pregnancy-wise, nothing much has changed. Swollen breasts, loss of appetite and nausea all gone after I stopped the hormones medication. No change in weight too. Gynae decided that I dont have to see him weekly after W12, so we didnt get to see the bb on Saturday like usual. Quite a strange feeling. Hope he/she's doing well when we see him/her this Sat.

Yesterday I was lucky to have very good energy the whole day, whereas Ive been sleeping away most weekends past weeks. We managed to finish 3 tubs of laundry - our clothes, doggie stuff, floor rags etc. Folded 2 laundry bags of clothes. Bathed and groomed all 4 dogs. Mopped the whole house. And went out for dinner with my family. But I'm still having problem with the hip pain and a big ulcer popped up in my mouth (can feel some itch in the throat too).

And on Sat evening, I received a letter from M1 that I won a 42" HD LCD TV! My first time winning such a big prize. Friends flooded my fb by saying it's bunny luck. Wahahahah!

Muffin, gina & SJ - Take care and rest well!

Good morning everyone!

Sung - This month is really a crazy month. I'm prepared to work for 14 days straight without any rest day liao. Told baby to endure with me.

Noticed some clothes are sized in numbers, while some are in months. So I thought of a way. I used the "month" size to compare to the "numbered" size. Haha... but still, I hadn't got any yet.

Elayne - Your bb is not the smallest leh... mine at 11wk 4 days was measured at 4.8cm. I don't know is it because both of us are of the small built, hence baby is small too?

Sung + Gina = I was at the MC too yesterday. There wasn't any queue when I went there around noon time, after I left office. Stayed there for quite a while. We didn't buy anything too but we got better idea about the stroller now. Realised that Combi is really too flimsy. Now we are considering the piko 3 or the pre-perago's switch.


I like to ask some opinions here.

Is it really essentially to have the baby facing you when in stroller? Piko 3 is lighter but only front facing. The other one "Switch" can change the seating position to face you (rear-facing), slightly heavier and of course, the price diff is by $300+

We intend to make our purchase by 13 Mar, to catch the MC sales. Are we rushing ourselves?

kyra - That's fanstastic! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elayne - I just realised that we have the same EDD and also choosing the same hospital too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday besides popping into MC sales, I went on a shopping mode too. Got myself a maxi dress, 2 maternity working pants. On Friday, got myself another dress and also another soft stretchy leggings. I hope these will last me throughout my whole pregnancy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

if you are looking for malay massage, I'd like to recommend Nurin, HP: 96173994, to help with post-natal massage. She's friendly and does very good relaxing massages.

b.isforbb: Hi, i haven't really search on where to go for prenatal massage mainly cos i can't do it now yet, so i dun want to keep thinking of that. However my usual TCM masseur does pre-natal massage, located at city square. So i would be visiting her.

#2 - yeah! same as you, no foot reflex, no spa massage, i felt deprived on this part. Yesterday's hair wash was shiok!!! hee hee and i figured out that i can do that every week. :p

hi ladies.

slept better last night.eyes were closin automatically by 10.

went for yoga yest mornin and got scolded by my yoga teacher..said still dangerous. :? in the end, he gave me specific stretches to do while giving the normal class. luckily never join normal class.. like warrior trainin yest!

feeling a little more giddish today.

had a "big surprise" just now!! package i ordered to deliver to US ended in spore!!

omg! fingers crossed it'll get delivered to me with all items in tact. some of items not approved by spore customs. big woo haa.

Kyra: that's great news!!!! Can enjoy w your bb next time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pommes : u are not the only one. i'm also thinking of getting the stroller during this MC. mother says i m too kanchiong. btw can the handle of your stroller(piko 3 or pre perago) be adjusted to the person's height? ( whoever is pushing)

Muffin & SJ : do take care!! glad everything is fine

At what month can we start prenatal massage? 5th month?

My tummy's just been very itchy yest!

plus saw my tummy nudge a little..so went to disturb bb..tapped on my tummy hahaha then it sort of nudged again.

Spoke to pil yest too..so sweet of them to call when hb is not ard. usually they call when hb is ard n get all updates from him.

virgoMTB: oh dear, how come you will have 3 weeks of MC? Sometimes, i wish my Dr will give me long MC, so that i can stay at home and rest. I've been so tired... But even with the recent bleeding case, she said i just needed 2 days.

Kyra: Congratlations on your win! hehe, that is so cool. No jitters on your MIL; she's probably very excited about the coming grandchild and wants to participate in the happiness too

Pommes: Regarding your qn, i think i will get a stroller with baby facing me this time round. Cos I remembered the baby fussing quite a bit when he couldn't see me. And if anything, you could tend to baby immediately, rather than run to the front.

I didn't get a stroller until full month, cos i wanted to let baby try the stroller for comfort. But so much for the trouble, he's been anti stroller all along, and now at 17 months, my Mclaren is collecting dust in the storeroom.

Ooh, look like ladies here are in the shopping mood. So far, i only bought a pair of teeny weenie booties. Was a bit down after the bleeding episide, and i saw this pair of tiniest socks in the shop. Cheered up considerably whenever i see the pair of cheery duckies booties.

girls i dont think your bb are small. mine is only 3.99cm at 10wks 5 days.

thought it is normal according to charts i have at home. like increase 1 cm per week for now.

i'm feeling so .. what;'s the word?guilty?not really also. :p

just had my helper buy black carrot cake for me for 2nd breakfast.

omg. havent had it in years .

the other day, mum bgt chay kuay teow..also demolished it. laksa/chicken rice

all within one month.

gd afternoon mummies

virgomum: argh the ms is back again today... nothing come out and it felt worst like something is stuck there.. horrible feeling.. i had this evil tot of digging it out.. HB said i am MAD!

feeling very tired today.. dunno is it coz of my cough of am gg to get another bugs coming in...

muffin: my gynae also measure the length of bb.. think when bb is bigger then we are told of the weight.. u must rest well.. dun walk too much.. glad ur bb is ok..

congrats kyra on ur winning..

bunnz, i was told bb grow 2-3mm a day..

i'm in my 2nd tri, on prenatal pills, calcium and DHA.. all mummies, pls endure.. things do get better each day..

Kyra - congrats on your win!!! your bb wants you to watch more tv.. kekekekek

Bunnz - you are not alone! i crave for dried prawn noodles, Laksa, KFC, chay kuay teow, bubbles tea most of the time. Soup, healthy food are not just not preferred at all. Yesterday i had a zinger burger and Gong Cha bubbles tea. Never felt so happy and i napped shortly after the meal (blame it on yesterdays' warm / stuffy sunday afternoon)

Do you all experience this? piles? Errr.. i dun have constipation yet, but it's getting "hot and spicy" after each toilet trip.

bunnz - the piko 3 handle can be adjusted. But I must add on to say, i couldn't fold the stroller by myself. only hubby managed to do it yesterday. The front wheels need to be aligned straight for folding so that it can stand straight. Otherwise, it will topple. Also, when folded, looked bulky to me. Yesterday the MC sales guy was kind enough to offer to bring the stroller to our car to test. But since hubby hadn't cleared his car boot and we didn't intend to buy yesterday, we only took measurements. If really buying, I would insist to test out whether can fit into the boot.

RE: carrot cake

I was told to avoid it as the carrot cake is made of white raddish, known to be cooling.

I have this long list of food I cannot eat. So sianz!

RE: purchase of stroller

SJ - thanks for the feedback.

The pre-perego "switch" U.P @ $1088, the discounted price $849. The piko 3 discounted price ... I think $549 or $599. U.P abt $749 like that.

Hmm... how how? should I go for the "switch"?

Hi Pooh,

can you help update my details?

EDD: 19 Sep

Nick: SJ (siangjiao)

BB#: 2

Gynae: Dr Goh SL

Hospital: KKH

Occupation: FTWM

Location: Dunearn

pommes, carrot cake is cooling?? oh oh.. been having it occasionally.. opps.. i think abit shld be alright..

okok pommes will not eat carrot cake liao. just ate once to satisfy my craving. if not keep thinking abt it heheh

oh.. piles.. i tink i might be suffering from it leh.. im quite constipated, and then every time i go to the washroom, its a torture.. cham liao.. must highlight to my gynae le..

Wahaha! My friends were joking that maybe bunny babies love TV. Then I started saying NO TV ALLOWED and now I'm labelled as Tiger Mother. Wahahhahaha! Hb is the one most excited. Cos he wanna play games on the big new TV. We shall move the current one (32") into the ironing room.

Pooh - Can help me update too?

My gynae is Dr Lui Pao Shun and I'll be delivering in MAH.

Radish - Heard it's too cooling too. And for those who are taking TCM, radish will somehow cancel out the TCM effects.

Haha, dont think it works this way. Was told to avoid cooling stuff 9drinks/fruits etc) esp in 1st trimester. Was advised specifically to stay away from barley until 3rd trimester. So best to take neutral food.

BUT if you should take some heaty stuff, think can quickly down the heat with cooling stuff. I ate durians on Friday, Saturday drank liang teh. But think not enough, now got ulcer and sore throat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi All MTBs,

Congrats! I am new to this forum and I really enjoyed reading about your experiences!

I would like to add on to the table, can someone help me please? My details as follows:

EDD: 1 Sep

Nick: Blossomsbb (BlossomsBB)

BB#: 1

Gynae: Dr Poon King Fu

Hospital: MAH

Occupation: FTWM

Location: Hougang

Thanks ya!

Haha, I am also guilty of consuming cooling food but I guess it's really difficult to avoid. Esp when it comes to the crunch (like really need to choose between one), I can't decide if cooling or cold stuff is worst so I take a gamble.

There's just too many food out there that's liang.

Btw, my visit to the MC sale yesterday was all that fruitless. Now I know Harbourfront has a lot of maternity wear shops. Havent gotten any yet but will def be going back. All these while only shopped and stopped at Vivo without going further.

I took alot of pineapples tarts during CNY too =X

But sinseh told me nono for barley, can take other liang teh, eg chrysanthemum. She said barley is too liang and mentioned something along the line of it lubricating the womb, thus helps in delivery. To be taken only in 3rd trimester. She said now my main priority is to stablise the pregnancy, not hasten delivery :p


Hi All,

Have anyone checked out breast pumps yet??? There seems to be quite a few bb fairs on/coming and I was wondering if its too early to start investing in one...

