(2011/09) Sep 2011

Hi fellow Sep MTBs

Went for gynae check yday. Managed to detect bb heartbeat at 6 weeks. Even more happy when the doc agreed readily to dispense hormone pills to stabilise the pregnancy!

Hi Mummies,

Anyone has the same problem? My boobs are probably growing too much, it's hurting.. I haven't upped the size of my bra as I thought the tenderness would be temporary but apparently, it isn't.

Anyway, gonna get some new ones later. Ties in with getting new lingerie for CNY? Haha

@mrswong - Yah, and it can be quite painful. I just hope it goes off after a while.

Do you do anything to ease the pain (bigger size bra? nursing bra?)

for the easing of the pain in my boobies.. i use the bra extension, or i'll use nursing bras or no under wire bras.. when im at home, i dun wear bra..

samantha>> the way you describe it is really hilarious leh.. so impromptu.. hahahahhaa

SimBaoBao>> so glad everything is fine.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks mrswong and pinkiedot. I shall buy new ones and see if it helps.

Simbaobao, glad to know everything is in order and that bb is doing well.

@mummy - I do feel thirsty a lot but I credit that to my salty diet. May be diff from yours.

Jennifer : haaahaa so 奇怪lor. I got so many symptoms but my test kit shows -ve.. Anyway, i went to see GP just now, i ask for gastric flu medi. He said if i still feeling unwell after eatin for 2days, ask me to retest again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He said is safe for preggie women one de.

im the opposite.. i dun like to drink water now!

and im soooooooo sleepy now i just wanna sleep and not do anything at all..

hi mummies

can i join in? i just tested positive last week. think in my 4-5 week. this is actually my 3rd bb. while i feel excited, we are actually a bit hesitant on whether to have this bb. a lot of issues...i just started new job after stopping work for more than 2 years, i don't have any external help in taking care of bb and it will really be very tough on me as hb is very busy with work. so keep thinking abt this issue.


did u do blood test? that is the most accurate. for my first bb, though i had tested positive, i had bleeding and gynae couldn't detect heartbeat so did a blood test to confirm the pregnancy. maybe if after some time still like that, u can do a blood test.

PS: fruits are my best frds now.. i ever tried taking wholemeal pasta/bread.. u know what.. my baby HATE it to the max...

Mrswong: haha yeap am resting @ home.. the gyane still told me, he is gg to give me @ least 3 days or more MC to rest.. i look @ him with a cheeky smile.. told him he can save the paper n ink coz my job now is to become mother la... he gimme a BIG bright smile.. -_-"

pinkie/gina: yeap really very glad baby is ok...

BB3 : Nope. Dont want to waste money first. I shall eat the gastric flu medi n see how. If symptoms still continues then i will retest.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If i preggie i also #3 liao le heee.

Thanks a lot, mrswong. I knew i need to be strong, but now everyday complain a lot to my hubby, he will only be back on Mar.

i just hope that my ms will not go too bad, i'm praying to my 'guan yin ma' everyday, wish me a healthy baby but less ms... haha... but i think a bit fat hope lah...

PS>> so cute leh you.. pray to your guanyin ma.. hehehe.. healthy baby ok la, but less MS.. hahahaha.. try take soda biscuits if your MS gets very bad.. soda biscuits they say helps with MS.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PS, is this your first pregnancy? Yes, I understand the feeling. Then do you stay alone or with your family? You could try talking to your family members and even 'complain' to us in the forum, like what I'm doing... hehehe

I also wish to have a healthy baby but with less MS... hahaha

Welcome new P mummies!

Seems like there r many 3rd time mummies! Me too! ;)

Having accessive saliva now... A lot of saliva in my mouth now.... V Xin Ku... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies, can try drinking Ribena or 100plus but without ice. It helps a little for the ms. Btw, hw will we know when the ms is gone? Anybody can advices?

Hello mommies! wow we have 2 Jennifers here :)

I'm feeling so thirsty past few days that i kept drinking lotsa water and keep running to toilet...worried if will get water retention? or it would be necessary for the water bag to grow, right?

Waves hi to Jennifer Ng! It's nice to have another mummy with the same name... Hope we are abt the same age too...

I drink root beer... Nice taste n no caffeine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me suddenly so bloated... Got the gastric flu kind of stomach churning and pain.. So sian can't take med so jus lie in bed hopping it goes away...

Kimchi soup is my best friend nw... At least can stomach rice w it.. Cos I can only take soupy stuff otherwise feel pukie. Kimchi soup nice and tasty cos drink normal fish soup kind is a bit bland so don't Hv the fulfill feeling of a meal.

Hi Pink Poppy,

Is kimchi your craving since pregnant?

how abt tom yam soup? :p~~

for me, i dare not take too spicy, in case later indigestion , very xin ku....cos cannot anyhow take medicine...

My food intake doesn't change much, still eat what i normally eat...

Hi mommies,

I chanced upon the following info which i think is very very useful esp for mama who has MS :

Food Facts

* The leaves of fenugreek help in blood formation.

* Lettuce contains a considerable amount of iron and the body easily absorbs the iron in it.

* Spinach is a valuable source of high-grade iron.

* Soyabean is rich in iron and also has a high protein value.

* Beetroot has a high iron content

* Almond is a good source of copper, which along with iron and vitamins, acts as a catalyst in the synthesis of aemoglobin.

* Black sesame seeds are a rich source of iron.

* Honey contains iron, copper, and manganese and therefore is good for building haemoglobin.

* Refined foods like white bread, polished rice, sugar and desserts rob the body the body of its much-needed iron.

* Sprouted seeds and beans are rich in minerals and vitamins.

* Sunlight stimulates the production of red blood cells.

* Green leafy vegetables, oranges, potatoes and lentils are rich in potassium.

* Milk and milk products, green vegetables, sesame seeds, almonds, oats and walnuts are rich sources of calcium.

Foods to avoid

* Canned food - can cause food poisoning

* Fish in general, especially fresh water fis

* Coffee and tea

* Alcohol

* Greasy or heavily spiced foods.

* Junk food with lots of calories and too few nutrients.

* Cut down on salt as this can cause water retention and high BP complications especially in the last trimester.

If you suffer from morning sickness: -

* Eat small amounts more frequently.

* Drink lots of fluids.

* Try nibbling on dry biscuits or toast early in the morning or when you feel sick.

* Find foods that suit you and a time for eating that suits you and slick to it.

* Eat light foods that are digested fast.

Exercise regularly.


ms is a good thing actually. it means that a lot of pregnancy hormones. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it shd pass by 12 weeks.

Jennifer Ng

u also having 3rd one? i really cannot decide....dunno how to cope. i dun have extended family help, my hb usually works late...i cannot imagine facing 3 kids on my own at night until 9plus 10 every day. the tot is scary. share with me how u plan to do it!


the food my gynae told me to avoid is pineapple, coconut (incl coconut milk) and anything raw. so other than that shd be ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pink poppy

your stomahc won't churn after eating so much spicy stuff?


my #1 very cute. kept saying he will take care of bb...that he will pat bb to sleep and sing to bb when bb cry. #2 hear that she also want to take care of bb. she said she will sing wheels on the bus to bb! quite funny

Wow! Thread moving really fast.

Hi Jennifer, mi 28 this yr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi bb3, nop this is my first bb. That's why everything also dun noe. Pple tell mi cannot take this, cannot take tat until I'm so confused n frustrated. Didn't know we can drink soft drinks! Nw I have one more choice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jennifer N

actually best not to be too choosy. I realised this makes our bb less fussy in their choice of food! #1 pregnancy, always very careful abt what to eat, then realise bb #1 tends to be fussier. #2 pregnancy anything also eat then realise bb#2 eats much easier! that's what i noticed from a lot of frens kids as well.

Jennifer C

u also born 79? me too.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how old are your first 2 kids...


i am like you. at first, when known, quite shocked, because we wanted to just stop at 2...3rd is an unexpected surprise. but after some thoughts, decided to keep it. after all, our own child right...yes, knowing how to cope is my biggest stress. because #2 and #3 only difference by 1 year.


Mine are born in 2007 n 2009 respectively... Yrs? ;)


It's puking time again!!! I puked last nite b4 I slept ... This morn, in order not to puke, I took a slice of bread n 1/2 cup of horlicks but still puke the yellow acid out.... Worse, it leaves a hot n strange taste in my mouth... Sianz... :/


share share what ideas u have how to cope...i really dunno how to cope. financially also very siong cos we prob will send to infantcare. then thinking of downgrading my kids's current sch but feel that not very far to the,.

when is your EDD?

Jennifer C

mine are born in 2006 and 2008. Wow yours are young.....

must comfort yourself that puking is a good sign....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maybe u can eat plain crackers instaed. supposed to help.


dont really know how to cope...my hubby always says it will turn out fine when the times come...for myself, i console myself that these stress will be for a while only because when they are older, they will not be so attention seeking...because now both #1 and #2 want my attention....is thinking that maid could help too.

dont really know my EDD, estimate to be early sep. I havent gone for my first gynae appt, and also because it was unplanned hence could remember my last mens too.

mrswong: Yes, this is my 1st pregnancy, detected positive one week after my hubby flight to overseas.

Yesterday i tried to eat mashed potato, it seems okay, i think maybe easier for digestion and it stuff my stomach. I took a bit also before i sleep. This morning was munching on some soda biscuit, bought a Nutrisoy soya milk and keep drinking bit by bit in the office, i think it helps to reduce the ms feeling. Then now i read on Guava post, it prove that it really works...

Jenet & bb3 : since both of are unplanned, so does it mean both of u are using withdrawal method during BD? Cos actually i always thought this method is quite safe haa until i do online searching. But im those who are quite hard to preggie de.

Hi everyone,

I would like to join this thread. My baby EDD is 16 Sept and my doctor is Douglas Ong. This is my 2nd baby and I am looking forward to his/her arrival.

what a morning.. am feeling so zombie but couldn't sleep anymore..

craving for green pickle chilli... bought some and preserved it.. hopefully its gg to be nice..

jennifer C

i read before that puking is due to the pregnancy hormones. so if u keep puking it means that bb is good as u have a lot of pregnancy hormones. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so everytime when MS comes, i will remind myself to be thankful for it!


last time when me and hb talked abt #3, he always joke that he won't wan #3 and will wan me to abort. but surprisingly after he prayed abt it, he was very determined to keep this bb. so i m quite touched. feel really stressed thinking abt this sometimes esp financially and physically dunno how to cope. i have a helper but i dun think i dare to leave bb with helper so will rather send to infantcare.

your hb sounds supportive too!

i think my EDD is end Sept.


actually withdrawal method is not safe. hmm, how shall i put it....we really strike TOTO lor. we only skipped using condom just once like out of 5 times.....and we strike already.


hihi, i also jsut joined yesterday! your first bb boy or gal?


yes withdrawal...always use. for my previous 2 pregnancies, need to do a lot of things then pregnant.e.g lift the legs up, lie down for a while..tried many times./..dont know why this time so lucky...didnt lift legs, didnt lie down, even went to bathe after that, but still can pregg, that is why was very surprised this happens.

dont know lah...if faithed to have, you will have, i guess

totally agreed when is fated.. no way u can escape it.. i kena it the same too.. didn't even try and strike the "zillon toto"


Janet : mi too mi too. hahaa.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so even withdrawal also quite risky. I shall check few days later then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] After having the medi, stomach still feel a bit weird, sometimes v hungry sometimes bloated. Duno to eat or what..Maybe next week then test again bah.

