(2011/09) Sep 2011


I haven seen my gynae yet but I may opt for c section again cos of the older kids. Easier to plan for them. I ever did hear my fren's gynae told her that if wan natural after c section cannot take epi cos scared wound burst n when u take epi u can't feel it. But not all gynae will say that. I have frens who still use epi for vbac. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi pringle,

Are you first time mama as well?

Hi Jennifer Chng,

Same here. feeling bloated just like you...

Hi Samantha,

Wow, i really don't know how it is calculated - really tough to understand how many weeks old is the baby and when is EDD...etc

So the 40 weeks is counted from last menses period's first day ? or last day?

Hi MI! Reason why I feel like exercising is coz I m constipating (embarrassing) ha

Am quite envious of u gals having gd appetite. My appetite is real bad...

Jennifer chng: I m also having flu/cough/fever ;( super strong virus going round in spore..

Take lots of care, everyone!

Hi mummies, wow this thread is moving super fast! hard to catch up unless log in all the time!

i also feel like eating but its coz only when i eat then won't feel that nausea-like feeling.. but problem is i always end up overeating coz after that i feel worse... haiz..

MI, i still carry my #1 although i ask him to walk most of the time.. trying to avoid coz had abit of discharge off and on and i'm now still on duphaston.. will check with doc if can stop taking it when i see her this sat for checkup..

chocolate15, I also munch munch like nobody's business. hahaha...^5...my appetite didnt change much before pregnant...still eat 3 meals a day but i cut down my junk food like chips and dips etc though...scared later put on weight then hard to shed them off!

From the earlier food facts i posted, my diet will stick around vegg like spinach which is high in iron...drink ABC juice (apple+beetroot+carrot) after lunch.

One of my problems is iron defiency. That's why I nearly fainted on 4th Jan morning at the MRT before I realised the pregnancy test a week later showed a positive!

Hi mummy and Janet,

Oh i thought "withdrawal" method means just before reaching orgasm, hb will pull out and "shoot" outside eg. on your stomach?

If shoot inside, not considered withdrawal, right?

Gg Lee, no I didn't change my nick...still the same. Just that I am more of a silent reader in Dec 09 forum than here. talking about craving, yes, me too...this time round....eat like nobody business...in 1st pregnancy, very kiasi, dun dare to drink tea (my fav teh si) but this time round...can't control and have teh si twice a week. In fact hor....I think just eat what u feel like eating to have a happy pregnancy. Mos burger, I was thinking of it too yesterday...but I took bak kwa instead.

Hi Hunnymummy,

u know hor, everyday i will ask her if her menses comes. Then pester her to test urine. She had 1 box of those strips test kits and exipiring next yr, so everyday i will msn her n pester her! I think my consistant chanting and pesting works!!! Wahahahaha!!!

Hi bb3,

yeap i heard of wound snaps on VBAC online... The gynae will only be able to advise me after 32th onwards to see if I am suitable for VBAC. Aiya... suan liao, I go for CSEC again la... Coz my #1 has got a big head n weighs 4kg. If I waited for natural, most likely will end up in CSEC too. The gynae had a shock when she see the 4kg bb coz she said the bb is abt 3kg when she last scan a week ago... So... ye chang meng duo, CSEC suan le.

Hi Guava,

40 weeks calculate from the day last menses starts, not end of menses. Most women's menses varies, some 3days, some 5 days, some a week etc. I got my infor mostly from wikipedia.


check out the table under phases which says ovalution is between 13th to 16th day from the day menses start. U can read on the section on fertile window which also touches on when women are most fertile. From what I understand, its between the ovalution bw 13th to 16th day. Yeap. =)

The edd I had from my gynae was derived 40 weeks based on last menses (1st day of menses). Since we can mostly be pregnant based on ovulation days, its roughly 2 weeks after last menses. So when gynae says I am for eg 7 weeks preggie, my baby is 7 minus 2 weeks = 5 weeks old. Yeap. Someone can correct me if I had gone wrong anywhere. =)


wow 4kg bb!!! must be tough on u.....

i think i will also go for Csec cos so much easier to control.


samantha is right. EDD is 40 weeks from LMP which is first day of menses. so our bb gestation period is usually 2 weeks less than our pregnancy period.


i think it's normal to have more discharge right? but if there's a smell then must be careful of infection


think hard to avoid carrying our older kids. i usually carry my gal when she wakes and when going upstairs or downstairs sometimes. then need to carry up the car and down the car. all cannot be avoided.

so we just need to listen to our bodies if we are overdoing it....


your doc din say much abt your major weight loss in 1st trimester? 2-3 kg i can understand but 12kg is a lot!!!!

Hi bb3,

ya, thinking back, quite tough. I put on 22kg and most of the weight concentrade on my bum. My tummy now has got a lot of railway tracklines.

Haha.. see below, new mummies, dun freak out!!!


Whenever I see back this pic I dunno how I managed to pull thru the last preggie journey!

Hi mummies,

my AF reported ytd nite. Hahaa.. But hor those symptoms which i mentioned i really nv experience before lei. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Weird hor.. My hormones change??? hmm anyway all the best to Sep'11 mummies. cheerssss..

sam: 4kg baby? OMG... what did u eat to have such a huge baby? must be a tough journey.. i tot my nephew 3.5 is HUGE.. urs 4... *faint*


me too! got a lot of stretch marks but my bb all very small. my boy was 2.85kg and my gal was 2.8kg. but still a lot of stretch markets!!!!


maybe u monitor one more month? i got a fren who also tot she had a menses when she was actually pregnant and she was bleeding for 2 months before she realised she was pregnant.....


3.5kg also quite big. natural birth?

bb3: my sis had 2 huge baby...( not twin) yeap 1 of them is nature but one was vacum out.. i really peifu her for her small size.. she can delivery such big baby..


do come in often to continue chatting! U r always welcomed!!


wah... erm... junk food basicially. Wahahhaah! I didnt really eat tonics like birdnest etc. 90% fastfood. U name the fastfood, I know their delivery number! Wahahaha! Everyone tot my BB is already full month in the hospital. Still look very fragile to me as I didnt really seen newborns before.

Right now I am quite afraid on my good appetite later. I need to eat 1 upsize mac meal and a kiddy's meal at least to be satisfied durin #1. Seriously the phobia is there... Trying hard to enjoy this pregnancy as well. I talk to my bb everyday, ask him to be good boy and dun let me eat too much! Wahahaha!

How small size is she? Care to share her average height and weight. I am not really big size either... I am like 158cm and 47kg before preggie.


yeah lo! refused to go off can? my tummy is worse than ah ma's skin. I spread the stretchmark cream like peanut butter but to no avail. Gynae says only a tummy tuck can solve my problem. Its a pain. My excess skin literally "overflows" from the jeans line. Its not fats, its excess skin! See liao quite gek sim. =(

oh she is abt 150 and +- 40kg during her preggy

u r small size too.. i am ard ur ht but definately a plus size.... now dun even dare to step onto the weighing machine...


nvm la... i lost weight after my #1 hits one. chase him around the house really a good work out. Basically whenever i am not working, i chase him from he woke up in the morning until his afternoon nap. rest and chase him until night before he goes to sleep. When others look after him he dun hav this problem. Only whenever my turn to look after, he will torture me in this way! Wahahahha!

Already discussed with HB and we will stop at 2. Will give the slimming package very serious consideration as I am quite look conscious. Hehehehe!


i also had a fren who even smaller size than me ( i m abt 1.54m and 40kg only) and her bb is more than 3.6kg!!! but hers is c-sec


i know what u mean1!! the excess skin....argghh can never recover one....

re weight

in fact after 2 kids, i weigh less than before!!! if wan to lose weight, breastfeeding is good. i was 38kg before i stopped breastfeeding my gal....

Lol actually I felt so pissed... Before preg I managed to lost 5 kg n tot I can work hard for more who knows tio toto la now all coming back... My hb laff said wasted the money... Tat amt can buy a KS babybag alrdy.

pinkiedot > u r cute lah..hehehe...

i like pringles but was told by my hubby to avoid eating too much junk food. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Guava > Yes, im 1st time mum. Going for 1st checkup tmr

samantha >> 4kg BB??!! wow, im impressed.


irritating to max right! I can fit in the jeans but must wear a big top before i sit down. If I am wearing a fitting top and suck in the tummy with my might, I cannot sit down. Lobang sure pi-jia! Even with the binder and the masaage, wun go off means wun go off... Hai... thats the down point being a mother. =(

U are very lucky la! I dun hav milk supply, need to sweat and work up to shed the weight. I hope I am like a cow after delivery, can read magazine, pump milk and lose weight at the same time!


wahahaha, u can save it after september! Good la! After delivery we can discuss how to lose weight!


I ve heard 4.2kg delivered by natural! the vaginal cut almost reach anus! Just listening to it enough to send me shivers down!

BB3 : If is like this, i hope im not preggie..hahaa Sounds scary if preggie stil got bleeding.. Your fren is more of spotting right? Maybe hormones change bah or due to bad weather [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wa.. now all talking abt size ah.. haiz.. before i was preggy with number 1, i was a M.. after that i became a L-XL.. damn sad lo..

i dun dare to wear jeans anymore.. think i need to dig out my maternity pants to wear soon.. i feel so fat that im quite disgusted with myself now..

and coz of the c-sec, my tummy is like an overlay to my abdomen.. dunno how to describe it, but its like a pc of meat there that hangs ard.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i also hope i can be a moomoo cow after delivery.. breastfeed like no tomorrow! i must make this work this time round!

PinkieDot, talking about breastfeeding, this task scare me the most! I am TOO lazy to wake up in the middle of nite to pump and I dislike pumping and this time round with a toddler around I wonder if she will seek my attention when I am milking....or should I say I trust formula milk very much?

Simbaobao, me will go back TMC.

bb3, ya, i try to leave the carrying to hubby and in laws also...but sometimes can't help carry a bit..got worried after I kena spotting. But even after I never carry, also still have on and off leh..

Samantha, wow your belly is big!! BB is huge too at 4kg!

My tummy for 1st one was not v big but people say 2nd one will usually be bigger..keep fingers crossed tummy won't be too big...cos I also a bit small size.

annie>> i also think bf-ing is a very tiring thing, but this is the best thing a mummy can give her baby.. i failed for my first baby, i dun wish to fail this time round.. am quite determined (now), and i hope this determination wun wear off as the pregnancy progresses.. hahahahaha


BF is all about determination. if you think you can, you defintely can...and usually the 2nd would be better, easier mah...more experience. ask teh lactation consultant to help you while you are in the hospital

annie ang,

last time, i also pumped and fed with the toddler around in the room. she is ok...unless your toddler is a boy.

GG: we are considering TMC too .. my gyane suggested there as well coz he just stay next to it... can "fly" there very fast..

Samantha, wah, you still can suck in with all your might.. haha, somehow after learning I am P, I can't seem to suck in even if I try. Stomach feels like it is hardening.

Also, they usually say how you look like after preg depends on how your mum looks like. Wonder if it holds any truth to it? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


for my first bb, i din breastfeed for that long. abt 11 months and was partial. for second one, maybe cos got more experience and partly i m staying at home it was easier. in fact i only weaned my gal off last month. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but downside is she rejects the bottle so now she's off milk totally.


i also pump even though my boy is ard. but i think it's ok. they just want your attention.


yes it is abt determination. we can all encourage each other. and really make full use of the time in hospital to ask the nurses and lactaction consultant to come and check the latch and the positioning.


my fren's case a bit different. she had very bad bleeding cos of some blood vessel thing and she was bleeding a lot. but bb is ok. just that it's very scary to keep bleeding. now she has a healthy bb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


not nec 2nd bb will be bigger. think depend on boy or gal as well. my second one is gal so she's smaller.

I'm from TMC too! Next time we can meet there n have bf (Delifance) b4 we visit our gynae. Mine I'd at level 4, Dr WH Kee... He's v fatherly... ;)

peifu all mummies who breastfeed esp those working ones... my sis breastfeed both my nephews for 2.5yrs - 3yrs... i really peifu how her motherly love shown after she had kids..

pinkiedotie, bb3

i failed miserably too. Eh... Mine was 2 weeks then my BM miracously vanished! Wahahaha! I guess I didnt try hard enough. Was in pain durin to wound and with a baby of this size, sideways, sitting position, breastfeeding pillow got no use to me. Plus my boy start teething at the age of 2months! How to stimulate me? Pain lo... So... Hope this time round I am determined enough, forget the pain and breastfeed!


that was after pregnancy leh, during pregnancy of course cant suck in the bum! =)

wow simbaobao!

really salute your sis! If i have that kind of supply, guess I will do the same since it is the best for bb and will make me lost weight at the same time!


I see! Sorry for the confusion. I was wondering to myself, that it must be my stomach that is weird since I am unable to suck it in. Hehe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

simbaobao, samantha,

must be very very determined. and not be afraid to get up a lot more at night. cos my kids need to latch to sleep esp my gal, i havent had a good night sleep for 5 years already! esp my gal. even at 2+ she still wakes up like 3 times a night. only recently when i wean her off then her sleep becomes better. i noticed that bf bb tend to wake up more at night for comfort.


i agree. smaller bb easier to feed cos easier to carry. but i find harder to latch cos their mouth smaller? so what i did was i will latch my gal on one side and pump the other side to simulate. i did that for quite a while and whatever i pump i give to my boy. cos my gal dun take bottle.

for c-sec i find the recovery experience better than natural actually. cos of the episiotomy i felt very uncomfortable and so hard to clean. but for c-sec, discharge was much lesser. so feel that the confinement month was better. but of cos it means i cannot carry my #1 for abt 2-3 months. but my recover was very fast. after 1-2 weeks, walking ard liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeap.. hopefully my determination will be strong enough...

the spotting started again... was ok ytd ...

sigh all the escalator's fault.. spoilt at the wrong time.. i had to walk further to the next available one...

HB said he is gg to tie me up in bed to start me from walking abt.. :s


wow! learn something! since u had natural and CSEC experience, i think u r in better position to compare!

Wah... u didnt sleep well for past 5 yrs wor... So breastfeeding had advantages to bb, both advantages and disadvanatages for the mum... Hmmm... As I didnt BF for too long, my boy got used to bottle very fast, hmm... abt 5 mths onwards he can hold the bottle himself w/o much help. Then 7th months onwards basically he sleep thru the whole night w/o the need to wake up for milk... Maybe do a mix? BM during the day and formula at night? Then instead of latching on, pump out and let them go by bottle? Wahahaha! Sounds great huh? Whether will it work or not not too sure. Hehe!

I can start walking around as soon as I got home. But its very painful. As people says the more we walk, the faster receovery so I just keep walking around bah...

With the binder I was always in pain as the binder is too short and due to my large bum, all the intestines kena squeeze below breast area and whenever I drink, I can see the flow moving around, its very very painful!!! So most of the time, I didnt bind too tight to prevent this problem...


did your gynae say what is the reason for spotting? if u walk less will there be less spotting?


yup so i will prob choose c-sec cos within my control when i wan to give birth....but i dunno whether it will make a difference to the character of the bb...haha.

the problem is that not all bb will take to the bottle. my gal rejected her bottle after CL left so no choice got to latch total.

hee i also din use binder much. so uncomfy....

i think i will still try to bf but sometimes thinking abt the past 2 years makes me feel a bit sian to go thru the bf process again.....but really save a lot of money!

bb3, agree, bfing will save alot of money...so u see lor...for me, I save a lot of time but spend money on milk powder....whatever it is, I think most important is to work within our limit. I think bfing will make me more stress especially for 1st time mother whereby you are already trying to adapt your new role and learn to cope with a newborn and with confinement restrictions and yet got to pump diligently. Finally, tmr is Friday.

annie ang

yeah i agree. it's quite stressful so really need a supportive hb. and must get those CL who is more pro breastfeeding too! and not to mention the grandmothers who are afraid bb will not be full when they are on BM.........


Bb3, my gyane said it's normal. Coz I didn had enuff rest plus all the walking ard... If only I can dun walk ard but I fund lying in bed such a chore.. But no choice I will really had to discipline myself tat it's for our good..

