(2011/09) Sep 2011

Spead some bb dusts to Missy!

Hi mummies,

I had my 1st puke ytd morn when I was so hungry... Opened the fridge n saw a bottle of vit! Drank it n immediately puke out... Felt a lot better after puking... Seriously, I hate the feeling esp abt to puke.. 1st P, I puke all the way for 9mths n even after giving birth, I puke too... Damn bad... Hope this time, I don't puke too much...

Caught the flu virus n lost my voice completely... Didn't go for work for many days already... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


SimBaoBao>> it could be implantation spotting.. your gynae never ask u to bring forward the appt with him? but to be safe than sorry, minimise your movements and go see your gynae today if possible..

Oh yes, my family n I plan to go overseas during CNY period and this I'd planned b4 I know I'm expecting. My Q is, can we take plane since we r only few weeks old? Some said there's radiation. Is it true?

hunny>> wa my tears cannot stop flowing after i read the blog.. its such a tragic that the parents lost not one but 3 babies.. how can life be so cruel to them.. omg, im really v v v upset and cannot imagine any parent having to go through this.

warning!! for v emo mummies like me, pls do not go n read, your tears wun be able to stop..

Hey Hunny,

I think its more brave to go for natural. The pain factor is like a gamble, some's pain labour is like 3 hrs? Some can last for 24hrs and went immediate CSEC! Mine was like... Aiya! Dun gamble, straight away deliver 1st and think about the pain later. Wahahaha!

Well, to look on a better side, I guess everything is predestined before birth. Like we are born in rich or poor family etc. I briefly read a blog before and I think its http://ashleyisourangel.blogspot.com/ quite some time back but didnt go on further. Well... I do admired her courage to try for #2 and #3 despite the bad truma on #1. Its like they want to change destiny yet lost miserably at the end of the day. I wont have this kind of courage for sure if it happens on me, will straight away go for adoption after #1's lost. Dunno leh... I find that certain thing which doesnt belongs to her will be taken away eventually...

Haiya! Enough of all these, we should keep ourselves happy at this point! Hehe!

Hey Guava,

actually I do feel the same, in fact for my previous pregnancy, I can sleep under the blanket naked with full blast air con. Now I have to sleep with sweats. =( My mum feel the same when shes pregnant with me so i guess its ok bah. =)

Hey 2princessesmum,

so both test kits shows negative... Happy or disappointed for you? Your period coming soon? If not pregnant the symtoms do sounds like period coming issnt it? I do encounter the same symtoms whenever my period is coming, eg. hungry often, heavier discharge and some pain at lower adomen. Do u feel the same when u are preggie with 1st 2 princess? Hmm... if period still dun comes then test again after CNY? Hehe. No illness la!

Hi Simbaobao,

current pregnancy nope. I encounter once during my 1st pregnancy, it comes with a little discharge so its pinkish in colour. Only once so I didnt bother it too much. Since your doc already said OK then no need to worry too much bah.

Hi Jennifer,

have u seen a doctor already? I am having bad sore throat and flu right now. Will call the gynae later if I can just consult a GP or I need to go to her. Haiya.... CNY coming and if my throat gone case I will miss all the CNY goodies! sob sob!

good morning mummies!

woke up my maid saying left 2 feeds for baby den no more milk powdewr le....I want to sleep laa... every morning nonsense from her wan leh..den keep bugging me i say csan last til 2pm!So i just need to go out before 4pm to be in time to serve the next feed laa!!now cannot sleep liao..-.-||

sorry about the blog thingy, just some sad things i came across...so all mummies remember later in your pregnancy must be conscious of baby movements ok, shud be able to feel it once daily at least, you will knoe when it most habitually will move de.so dun worry too much for now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkiedot:me too..from I saw the blog until i finished reading it..just cannot stop the stream.You are right, emo mums please dun watch, but if you have alot of moodiness you can probably have a look and then be thankful that we are abot to be healthy and give birth to healthy babies.

Samantha: nat or c-sec is a personal decision laa, if i am not afraid of knives, i think i also want to watch tv and push...sounds so cool lor. After reading the blog i think i started becoming less moody cos I am thankful to God for this baby on the way and determine to stay happy for a happy baby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jennifer: can go ba, but if you are scared den go in your 2nd trim. anyway you tire out easily now so not much fun going hols now also...

Samantha : I read this blog before. Is indeed very sad especially when u see those photos.. kaozz tears will auto flow out one.. Haaa mi ah, should be neutral lah. heehee.. If have then is a blessing bah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ya if is not preggie most probably is period coming. But i dont have food aversion when my menses coming de, and also no pain de. I know wil be super hungry lah.. Cos of ytd whenever i smell something i will feel like vomitting. (puking feeling). Thinking maybe is gastric flu.

mummy: if you want a bbay then just keep trying, soon you will join one of these threads![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]You can always come back here!:D *sprinkles baby dusts!*

Hi Jennifer: I was traveling in the early 4-5 wk for business. I was per normal all was good. I hv decided to cancel my subsequent traveling as doc say that long flights ain't gd due to radiation.. Ie a flight to London equals to taking one x-ray. So generally short flights should be ok.

Hi Simbaobao: dont worry too much.. I had some brown discharge last wk, but clear after 1day. Went to see doc but all was fine. Doc say no need to panic as long as not red red kind. Think is ok to wait till Friday unless u don't feel well or prob persist

Hunnymummy : thanks thanks but i dont want so fast cos my #2 only 1yo plus nia.. Sorry for interupting tis thread hahaaa. hee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe i will come here soon lei?? Hee..

Cos i keep having this puking feeling.. I very scared lei.. is bb dont let me see lor lol..

Or my HCG not high enough???

haha...den keep the babydust for when you want to use it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]planning is very impt. I agree.

@Jennifer, my gynae told me it's not the radiation that is bad when travelling during 1st trimester but the pressure in mid-air. So he advised against travelling.

I think in the first trimester, the baby may not be able to stand the pressure. I suppose similar theory as when our ears pop at high altitude.

In any case, do take safety precautions if you do intend to proceed with the holiday.

Yo Jennifer,

thanks! I will go see a GP after work! Hoho!! I just puked this morning with empty stomach. So its all acids la, quite horrible. Nowadays I standby a plastic bag in the car. Dunno which day I will puke on the highway!


yeah lo... I am also afraid of knife! If not I will choose epidural and witness my son's arrival lo! Wahahaha!

Ya 2princessmum,

who knows maybe u in this thread leh? Wahahaha! U had the same feeling before? Hmmm... or u r too excited over coming CNY? Maybe just test again after CNY if it continues. Hope to hear good news in whichever way u desires!

Hey pink poppy,

serious ah? so long journeys are not advisable... Ok noted. Hehe, if not sure spoild my mood for upcoming holiday!

Hunnymummy : thanks ah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congrats to all the mummies.. enjoy the 9mths journey!! U know what i missed most during the whole journey?? BB kicking!!! That is a great feeling man.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Samantha : Ya when i preggie lor.. That why i suspect.. a bit heartpain maybe i shouldnt test too early. But i tend to have very early symptoms. Cos when i preggie with no2, i show symptoms at 3 or 4weeks plus lei. Even the GP said my case very seldom seen.

samantha: yaloh,.. who dun wan to witness right?that's why i choose nat instead of GA Csec.

mummy:all the best![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hunnymummy : I feel like doing blood test, i do online searching seems that blood test can measure the HCG better than the normal urine test. i really dont want to risk, as i will carry my children, sometimes they will step on my tummy.. Kaoz what if im really pregnant?? Im confused hahaa.

Or mummies mind telling me what brand of test kit u all use?? And most of you only test after u missed your menses?? For my no2, i use watson brand those showing plus n minus sign de (heard ppl said those v sensitive de)

mummy: I also use the watson one. they also got one kind show how many weeks preg wan. blood test is supposed to be the most accurate de but i did blood test, results shows -ve. 1 month later i tested with the stick shows +ve. doc say est.4-6 weeks means when I did blood test already preggy.but becos no HB yet so she conservatively put at 4W but cannot be cos hands and feet formed liao.LMP not known so canot confirm edd yet. because of the results i did xray and drink like a fish on xmas leh...so cannot trust the lab and medical things now lor..

Hunnymummy : Which means when u tested +ve on test kit, u already more than 6weeks preggie?? To be safe i bought folic acid to eat wahaahaa.

okok maybe i will buy the watson brand also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think i still got one expired clearblue at home, i will test again tml morning. heee..Cos the HCG doubles every 2 days . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have yet to puke but realised my bb doesnt like dried food except fast food.. fried rice/fried beehoon, bread, chicken rice.. i will feel very uncomfortable after these food.. sigh.. i have to eat something with soup.. I still feeling tired after 3wks.. just dont feel like doing anything.. totally no CNY mood!

babycupid: totally can feel you.Me too~!mine prefer soupy foods too.But dun like fast food too.

mummy: cannot confirm how many weeks. but #1 i found out that time also got hands and legs le but got HB then this one not yet, so shudn be too far from 5-6W ba, now shud be 7-8W le.. yay!!one more day to see my mini love!!

hi mommies!!

ya i think my boy felt the threat, tatz y behaving like tis n somemore he is entering his terrible 2, as for cc, will see how ba coz my mom super against it.. will have to discuss with my hubby about it

aiyo.. toking about ms, i m blessed for my first preg n not so lucky on this one.. kept puking, bloated n dizzy.. no matter how i slept or puke oso no use... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i oso no cny mood.. so sianzzzz!!!

yes.. the only thing i m looking forward to is baby's kicks.. wahahahahahha...

my birth for my #1 is a horror n becoz of tat i dread of delivery by natural.. i suffer for 26 hrs before birth.. so all those while i have been hearing other babies'cry n mommies screamings... but luckily, my boy still not ion stress if not i may have to go for emerg csect liao.. T.T

i am back from the gyane... doesn't felt very good after seeing the spotting so called up clinic and enquired.. the nurse asked me to go down immediately, she will try to slot me in within 30min.. faster change and took a cab down.. msg HB i am gg down to clinic.. he oso kan chiong.. just stepped into office for meeting then took urgent leave to rush down to clinic..

Thank god bb is still inside and ok.. scanned and saw the heartbeat... its beating so fast.. the gyane kept assuring me baby is very good, very healthy growing up.. he will see me in 2 weeks time.. by the time hb reached... he missed the scanning session.. am alrdy out of the consulation room.

Gave me some an tai medi... this time consulation plus the medi cost 230+ *faint* but its all worth it as long as baby is ok..

Hey 2princessmum,

for me i enjoy the license to eat anything and everything i want w/o the need of watching my weight!!! Wahahaha!!! But i get depressed right after delivery because the weight dun go off lo!!! =(

How i know my current pregnancy? I think ah everyone will laugh at me. I wasnt feeling anything unusual. Then I bumped into my gynae 3 times in a row on a sunday. Walked past watsons and saw clearblue is having sale. I nv used clearblue before so i bought 1 to standby in future. Later one night, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling the urge to pee, so i randomly took the kit and test in toilet as I scared the kit will expire. So just test la. Who knows the test kit show +ve after i test! I still tot the the kit malfunctioned as I really nv expect it! After that day, I start to puke liao. ZZZZ If I am not gay ki-ang maybe i can avoid MS as long as before the symotoms kicks in itself. :S

Hi hunnymummy,

actually ah, I nv really have much friends who are already a mum so I am consider the pioneer one who gave birth. After birth I made many mummy friends online and visited their FB and blogs for their birth story. Wah! The moment I saw the baby which is fresh out of womb, I almost died! Maybe I first seen my boy was in cleaned condition so I thought it was supposed to be clean or maybe some redness due to blood? Never did I expect its covered with white like fluids. Oh mine! I sounds like a new mum! Wahahaha! Well, think i will still go for GA CSEC bah... I had a weak heart towards these (I noe i am a lousy mum) so I scared I might faint. Tangz!

Hey baby cupid,

for both pregnacies same for me, like fast food like macdonalds, pizza, KFC, mos burger, subway, long john, as long as fastfood, no rejection. Eat until I am having sore throat and need to see GP later! Hoho!!!

Hi Pepper,

yeah la... its just so amazing! The young kids like able to feel the threat even they dun have similar experience before! Probably the bb spirit is more than a myth... if not why there are myths like better not use scissors, knock the whole etc.

My boy still cry whenever he go CC but ultimately I guess its the best way for everyone once he get used to it. My mom also super against CC, say I am very cruel to send him to cry and fall sick... Oh well... if shes willing to look after him 24/7 i can dun send to CC, so she go mute after that la...

Yeap, all children belongs to parents and its the parents who made the final call. Discuss with your HB about it, if hes against the idea, do make sure he will help u more with #1 as your bum gets bigger if not bound to have arguements later and its not going to be healthy for everyone. Ya... my personal views towards this. =)

I think my ms is started, but this should be my 6th week only, start to feel nausea and hungry whole day, something like gastric type of feeling, it makes me difficult to work but also paise to take leave or mc... Very low appetite but i keep remind myself got to eat bit by bit... btw, any recommended snacks that can last longer in stomach? I read from website, must always have thing in your stomach to minimise the nausea feeling..

oh ya.. my edd is 10 sept.. today bb is its 7th week 3 days...

PS: my baby only accept fruits in the stomach tat won't reject out for ms lo.. other stuffs hor.. cfm will come out de...

Jennifer, I guess will be to inform your gynae before travelling and get his clearance for the trips, although he may ask you to postpone.

They may also give you some supplements to take in case the pressure gets unbearable. Best to check with your gynae. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Simbaobao: all types of fruit also can eat? but cannot like whole day only eat fruit... i tried apple before, it makes me feel better, at least i can burp out some gas so stomach not so bloated. But it cant stop the hungry feeling, only like 15mins after an apple, i feel hungry again, and i know if i dont eat something, i will feel nausea soon....

PS: what about oat/muesli bars which are nutritious? Though I find that they don't last very long when I ate them in the past when I was OTing.

PS: mmm i only eating rock melon, strawberries, blueberries, apple, pears

ya lo eat fruits very fast get hungry but hor.. no choice la.. its the only ting tat won't made me cheong to hug toilet bowl...

mrswong: if suay.. yes.. if not.. every 2 days.. my gyane waslaffing when i told him dat.. he told me.. be prepared for the next week to be daily.. i kind of freaked off.. and told him... argh tat be disappointing.. coz its cny..

we both laffing

dunno how true but his prediction came true for this week ms which he said will come along..

Samantha : That is an interesting way of knowing the good news!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Haa u know im so tired now all bcos i was so kan qiong to wake up n test. i "ren" my urine lor, cos morning urine most concentrated mah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Actually when beginning of last week, i begin to feel hungry first i nv suspect anything as this is one of my PMS. Until later the week, i got backache, good aversion, puking feeling. Then my lower adomen got weird feeling also. Somemore my breasts start to get a bit pain on n off. How not to think this is not pregnant symptoms? haaaa.

So im thinking having all these sypmtoms my HCG shld be high mah, so tested ytd n today lor lol.

wasted the test kit. Maybe i will test tml also.

Now my prob is even i go see doc, doc will sure ask me for LMP which i cant remember at all. hahaa.

Shyan: Yea, i heard ppl said multi grains food is good, but it was a bit too dried to swallow. This morning i tried the Quaker oatmeal cookie, it took me the entire morning to swallow one pack with 3 pieces inside.

Simbaobao: i think i can try it out tmr, maybe can prepare some of them to eat in office. Ur ms sounds really bad, so now u resting at home?

Simbaobao: OMG, that sounds scary but the best consolation for you is that your baby is doing great... I also started in my 6th week. My gynae also said it will only get worse. I really wish to take leave everyday now. Can't focus to work. Feels so tired and the MS makes me feel so weak! Have to struggle hard everyday now......

