(2011/09) Sep 2011

Pinkiedot: she outline the baby for me, but there was no trace of heartbeat.the doc say est 4 w only...hopefully nothing serious.. my first was very obvious and when i found out already got heartbeat abd can be seen from abdominal u/s le..


hunny>> dun worry, everything will be fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mommies.. i m so depressed today coz my #1 started his TRUE terrible 2 stage tis yr..

itz horrible, as usual i brought him to his enrichment class today n when the teacher is keeping one of the material becoz going for another topic, he isnt happy becoz i insisted him to give back to teacher n he started to cry, it is so terrible tat he is affecting the class n i have to bring him out to calm him down first n he didnt stop despite the staffs down there came around him to pacify him he still carry on..

OMG!!! he did it thruout the length of the class till the end n i give him some milk which i dun think he is hungry but more of a bit tired after such a long cry then he stop but then when i went back into the class, lesson over... aiyo!! he practically waste my money sia.. n just now when he woke up from his nap, he wanted mi to carry him but i didnt coz i m doing some urgent sms n he started it again.. it drag his cry for nearly an hr n during tis time i ignore him n warned everyone in the household not to bother him n let him just cry even my bro who initiately wanna bring him downstair he still din stop but crying all the way, then i ask my mom to bring him in becoz i knew he couldnt stop wailing even bringing him down... when he is back home he cried even louded n harder till he vommited...

I m so super stress n tired, in the public i try to control n refrain myself from hitting or shouting at him becoz i noe he will just cry harder n longer n will like self pity himself even more.. I m super at loss.. dunnoe wat to do with him.. dun wanna bother him but if itz outside i really cannot tahan..

i always see other kids crying like tis with the parent scolding making the scenerio very bad n i was like if i m the mother i sure give two tight slaps... but never thought tis to happen on my own child.. haizz... i so upset n depressed n dunnoe how long he is going to behave like tis.. some told mi it can last for half yr..

and i was like.. HALF YR!!!?? half month i already cannot tahan least say half yr la... PLEASEE!!! anyone can give me advise on this? I do not wish to beat or slap him in the public like a mad woman.. i just dunnoe wat to do with him, even letting him face the wall oso no use, he will still cry pathetically towards me, n i think he dun understand y is he being treated tis way.. my mom told him he might sense rivary tatz y seeking attention.. i felt i may get depression sooner or later with him like tat n i started to wonder issit becoz of this pregnancy he behave like tis n so weird only this yr start nia, n oso started to regret of being pregnant..

no one can pacify him maybe i think only me but i just do not wish tis to become a habit whenever he cries he started to do this to get his way.. T.T

i thought of even maybe sending him to half day class but is so afraid tat even myself couldnt tahan least said to the others especially some helpers in the childcare becoz i heard too much terrible story of how they treat children who cries alot.. one even told me, someone working down there told her tat she witness one of the teacher just simply lock the crying child in a dark room becoz he is affecting the whole class badly... n i thought tat is super terrible n will sure affect the rest of his life.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh dear... he must have felt really threaten that he will lost your care, love, concern and attention. Try sharing with him, spent more bonding time with it. It happened to my nephew years ago too... my sis tried to involve him with bonding with the baby too... assuring him that he is still mummy's 1st love no matter how many sibling he will get in the future.

I remembered when my bro is borned, i had this feeling too.. esp i had traditional mum.. after 2 daughters and she finally had a son.. the kind of treatment she given me really made me lost all my love and faith on her.. task am closer to my dad now..

Yes i had to agree there are alots of blacksheeps in the presch edu now.. esp some wasn't purposely trained.. i seen a few in the nearby childcare in my area.. i really felt like screaming on them when i see the way they treated the kids...

A gf juz shared with me tis morning that the chinese teacher torned away her gal's paper for no reason which is a BIG NO! how can she without a reason go torn the gal's work rght infornt of her.. this is definately affect her in some ways..

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i puked today.. argh.. the feeling is damm er xin...

Hi Hunny.. do not worry too much as I think still too early to see i guess . i also visited gynae last week but cannot see anything also , doc did a blood test for me & was told only 4W+ so its normal that cannot see anythink via u/s . But he asked me to scan again next Mon cos by then should be able to see the sac... I shall see how it goes next week ya

this thread like going very fast .. cant seems to catch up..

Just wondering are you all mummies already break the news to your family? My hubby prefered me to break only after 3mths... hope i can hide all signs till then..

for me... we called up them after cfm with the doc.. haha i was so emo.. i cried on the phone..

called up granny as well... then sms my siblings abt it..

the rest of the family got to know during conversation during gathering

good morning all mummies and mummies-to-be

i like to seek your advice.

yesterday, i went for my 1st gynae check. the doc did an abdominal u/s scan and saw the sac. He gave us the scan picture and congratulated us. The scan pix showed that I'm 6w 2d. But doc din mention anything abt foetal or hb. When i asked him, he said can only hear the bb hb at wk 10.

asked basic qns on family history and got me do a protein and glucose urine dip stick. then that's it.

we were in and out less than 5 mins. is that how 1st visit usually is?

I'm worried becos he din seem to be concern abt finding the bb or detect the hb. once he saw the sac, it was like his job done. gave me folic acid and dha thing, asked me to return after 2 wks.

Is it i'm at early stage and it was my 1st visit with him that everything is so chop chop? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] do i need to get another gynae to check?

Pommes: u went to pte gyane or hosp ones?

For my 1st visit, the gyane checked on the whether i had any history of opt anot then did a v-scan for me and we found the sac... he said cfm is preggy and its good..

I didnt do any urine test with him coz my GP did for me when i went to cfm my preggy...

Then shared with us what is likely to happen during 1st trimester, what can be done or not to.. what can be eaten and what not to be..

i be seeing him next week for another scan...

pepper>> im so sorry to hear abt that.. i cant advice much coz my girl is slowly creaping into that stage.. probably a change of caregiver might help? our kids are very sensitive esp when they know another sibling is on the way.. cheer up, you want to have a happy baby right! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pommes>> im not sure why your gynae is giving you DHA at this stage.. coz i start DHA only at 2nd trimester. now wad we can see is only the sac, that is the baby lo.. probably your gynae feels now is a bit early to detect heartbeat coz my GP that time also told me no need to go gynae so early, wait until abt 8 weeks then go see then can hear heartbeat but i still went ahead coz i cannot wait le la.. haha

actually when my gynae chop chop finish, i tink is a good thing coz it means everything is normal! if you do have concerns, suggest that you list them down or wad, bring the questions up at your next visit la..

aiyo ,

think i hv to shift to Aug' 2011 thread. Gynae just told me my edd 25th Aug 2011. Aiyo very sensitive to this date , cos according to the lunar calendar , it's the ghost festival . Any mummies also giving birth in the ghost festival mth ? how's ur feeling? i scare leh , but my sis say i think too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].

recently i think i crave a lot for curry with plain rice , ever since i went to tampines 500+ , S11 food court eat , with my dotter.

Caught a bad flu on thursday after bringing my youngest dotter to swim ( elder dd went camping) , now still having running nose & blocked nose.

Hi Ladies..

I am here to get some encouragement and courage..

LMP: 1 Dec 2010

During BD on 29 Dec, had a little bleeding..

Normal cycle, 40-46 days..

Today, 53 days already..

No symptoms, only slight cramp for 3-4days.. a week ago..

We have tried for a baby for 1.5 years le.. so many disappointments..

I dont dare to test!!

If preggy, should be sep'11 baby right?

simbaobao - i went to a private gynae @ Gleneagles. I felt that yesterday 1st visit, doc was only concerned whether sac was at the right place. So when he found sac, he's happy. Hubby also v happy.

I dun think my gynae mentioned anything abt food, maybe he did. I only remember he said No Sex, No Swimming and No lifting of heavy things.

pinkiedot - thanks for the reassurance. maybe bb is really too tiny now... hope can see bb growing steadily and healthy after CNY.

I guess I can only wait patiently until next appt. So envy the mummies that can hear their bb hb already. Will keep my faith!

jacy - hello! I remember you from the TCC 2011 thread. Is high time you reach for the HPT. Jia You! Hope you strike a BFP!

Pommes: then maybe you an drop down what u wan to ask him.. My hb said wow gyane very good earning ar.. 5min den get tat amt... must make worth of it..

Yeap my gyane oso din give me any supplement.. he said FA is good enough for now.. dun have to rush into supplements.

Jacy: mmm maybe its time to check.. good luck to u..

Hi mummies, is high body temperature (but not running a fever) a common symptom in pregnancy? It just seems that my body feela overall warmer but I don't feel unwell or anything.

Hi Jacy,

I think you should buy home preg kit and test it.

I also have the similar details as you : LMP is 1 Dec 2010

But I have irregular periods but past 2 mths on clomid was 31 days cycle choon choon.

This is 3rd clomid intake and tested positive on 15Jan.

GP tested negative on 8 Jan when my menses was meant to due 1st Jan, however never come.

Went to u/scan but see nothing, gynae says can feel hardening of womb. is that a good sign?

He's a man with few words! If i count correctly, i should be 6 weeks + when he scanned...

a bit worried cos I only feel sleepy and slight back tail pain on and off. nothing much on symptoms.

Hi Mummy-to-be!

I have 6 packs of Similac Mum to let go at $10.

Will be giving away the below as free gift:

- 2 pc $3 voucher for purchasing similac mum

- Soothing music for baby in your stomach

- ABC learning CD for your toddler next time

- Sample size nipple cream, stretch mark cream, etc

Take away the above in a nice purple fabric bag!

Contact [email protected]


Hello mummies...

alot of interesting things to read in here, makes my mood better since i joined..

Thank you Pinkiedot and MI, this is just so diff from my #1, but well, everything is fated to be,i'll just take it as it comes.. everybody's talking about sac...i saw no sac but a tiny baby...yet Doc's est. is at 4W and no HB yet also...just weird.. I felt movement from the time I suspected I was preggy, then i tested and taadaa!too early to be true right?i thinking too much or wad??

Pommes: Doc says no sex???My doc never told me that since my 1t preg..wad's the reason did he say??Cos for both preg, we're as active as ever...sorry if tmi..but just want to make sure it's nth serious...my doc told us no good reason to stop the fun just be careful and not too tedious can liao...why no swimming??my doc din tell me that too..I actually just planned to do that with my #1 and hubby maybe next week cos I'm so lethargic and moody all the time and hopefully that'll perk me up..in fact my doc encourage..he says it's one of the most helpful exercise during preggy..

To save $$ I'm seeing SGH teamdoc til 3rd tri then my private obgyn til D day den i save alot like my first preg...

ginachristie:Yes, it's common. Body increase heat because it's working hard to built all that bb needs..body immune system also at weak mode to accommodate the foreign growth inside and not repel it so it is easy to fall sick now, please take care. I started warm but no fever too den keep increasing ..for the past few days fever til now..think need to jiak liang liao..body aching and head spinning..

Jacy: Please dun be disheartened and continue trying.Have you tried TCM?I have heard of frens who have not had luck for ten years finally got pregnant after some time...I personally believe in foot reflex. I only have Menses 4 times a year since i started having it so it's not easy to get plan for preg but it's always so coincidental that after I go for few consecutive foot reflex session, I will kena.This time din go for foot reflex cos very busy and also that I stopped since pregnant with #1, when I start, I alwasy get addicted so must go and destress my legs.I was trying to get pregy since Nov cos wanted my #2 to be leo, hopefully it's a boy and this time cos before i got preggy i was having alot of super thick powdery white discharge but it's not infection or wad so I bought indonesian jamu pills to clear it after reading about it. 2 months after I started I got pregnant. Dunno what clicked but somewhere in between must be right..but remember to research before you do anything ok?

Hi Jacy, don't give up yea? Keep trying. One day your prayers will be answered. I'm just hoping mine will be ok ...worried...

just woke up from my nap and had my lunch. now the nauseous start again...

hunnymummy - the doc din explain why no sex. but the nurse told us that sometimes the pool water is dirty and 1st trimester not v stable, if infected by dirty water, will be dangerous.

jacy - *hugs* u will get ur BFP one day!

guava - sorry.. i am abit lost. u mean ur GP tested on 8 Jan, was -ve but on the 15 Jan, u test urself, it was a +ve for HPT?

hunny: my gyane told us no sex too... similar to my gfs who visit their gyane.. reason coz its our 1st preggy and worried anything happend so beta dun take the risk... beta resume after 2 trimester too.

Hi Pommes,

yes GP tested on 8 Jan and it was -ve.

i self test at home one week later on 15Jan , it turned out +ve!

Im very confused now...could bb be hiding on the other side of the cervix wall?

oh...heng nth happened...now i noe...but i went SGH and then private also nobody say no sex..

pommes,i agree abt the pool water..better nt go den..better to be safe.the 1st one i din even thought of going swimming..

guava: I also did a test on 9 Dec and it was -ve but i found out preggy est. 4 weeks or slightly more on 12 Jan doc says could have been preg but usually takes a month to accumulate the hcg to show +ve on blood test.after the test -ve I did a chiropractic full body xray..wth...results better be ok lor..doc was so sure i was -ve when the result was back so he assured me safe to go for the xray now everyday fearing downs baby...

safer to test again in 2 weeks' time..

thanks hunnymummy, feels more comforting now. Are you abt 6-8 weeks?

Let's wish both of us having good results in coming weeks!

Hi mummies,

sorry to disturb your thread but I have a used Quinny Zapp 3 wheeler stroller(red colour) and a Maxi-cosi Cabrio Fix Infant carrier(red colour) to let go at a lower price either as a set or seperately.

Please PM me if you are interested.

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so far, usually it's harder to get a +ve on HPT kit, if +ve jiu +ve liao. if -ve still got chances of being +ve. Havent heard of people tested +ve but got nothing de...got laa..some hormonal imbalance thingy but rare ba...unless etopic dun say

Guava: maybe u can get Ur gyane to do a v scan to see if there r sac inside. It's more clear details compare then the normal scan according to my gyane. We managed to detect my sac when it's 4th week during v scan.

guava: I dunno also...I am very confused about the sac everyone is talking about.i never see sac so I cannot be at 4 W because i read that5th week already embryo leh..I found out my #1 at 6W already an embryo got HB and hands and legs liao.i still have the u/s pic.This time about the same stage but no heartbeat yet doc says est 4W i blur...

Thanks ladies for the advices.

Simbaobao, good idea, i shall ask my gynae to use v scan in my next visit after CNY. Thks! appreciate that! Do you think my stomach fats will cover the uterus during scan?? i read somewhere in US forum that if put pillow behind buttock, can spot immediately from u/sound. also scan when having full bladder, easier to see?

hunnymummy, i also read that 6-8weeks only can see embryo and detect HB...every woman is different...so i oso dono to worry or be hopeful. i guess im both...


Do u feel v thirsty? I am feeling v thirsty every now n then... Lip v dry n red.... Keep drinking water but no one.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Also, my V area tends to be v itchy... It's like having funus infection... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wow, the thread is moving fast.....just 1 whole day didn't log in and get to see so many posts!

Jennifer, yes, last time when I noticed V area is itchy, I saw a gynae and was detected with mild infection, took a course of antibotic.

not sure who mentioned about seeing gynae is about 5 minutes. In fact, in my first pregnancy, every time when I see my gynae, is also quite chop chop, say hi, ask any problem or discomfort, scan, advise our on bb development, check the heartbeat and ask questions if any. I always summarised a few questions that I have in mind and will ask during the consultation. A gynae said this to me "if your consultation is short and sweet and everything is well, all is well, this is what you love to hear, baby well, mummy well'. So I think its ok if the consultation is short but most importantly baby is growing well in the womb and mummy get to clear any doubts or questions.

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, i do feel v thirsty too. but i thk its not a pregnancy symptom. or is it?

Yea good idea, i will write down and ask him a lot of questions in my head now...Thanks for tips gals!

Guava: mmm am not sure.. haha i had lots of fats too ... so far only scan once.. so will have to cfm again if fats is an issue...

I didn't drink alots of water before scanning so no idea if tat works... maybe i will try tat next fri..

Jennifer: i drank alots of water too.. abt 3L or more per day.. actually before preggy i drank like tat alrdy but after preggy.. i felt i need water every now and then...

wow..this thread really moving fast. I was so so busy with work for the past few days and didnt have time to log in. Haven't really catch up all the threads here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I went for my first gynae appt today. My LMP is 10-Dec, doc says now should be around 6 weeks and keep our finger cross to see bb's heartbeat. Up the bed and ta-da..he can find the sac and also bb's heartbeat. :D. Difficult to describe that moment, happy and touch. Eyes a bit flood with tears..hehe. Doc says now is 90% confirm, need to wait until 12 weeks to confirm everything is stable...so don't need to tell the whole world yet wor. Hmm..i was planning to share the news during CNY...so now looks like have to keep it another 6 weeks.

BUT!...apart from seeing the sac, he also saw something else at the side ('eto....mic' - really forgot what he said). He says wont be so lucky, only one in 3000 will get...bla bla bla. Don't worry, this is not a problem, there is definitely a confirmed pregnancy here (pointing to the sac). Will see u again in another 6 weeks time.

I am actually quite concern on what is that thing. Regretted didnt ask how to spell that word..if not I can try to search about it. Anyone know of any similar condition?

Nice to see more & more sept mummies here... Happy Sun to all!

MZ: Yes, it's amazing to hear the bb hb... I am a first time mummy so pretty excited. I think you need not be too worry, however if you are really concern, perhaps you can just call up your doc or nurse to clarify what is the actual term that he meant as I am sure they will have it in your records.

Just to check ard for the mummies there any changes to your eating habit? I used to be a meat lover but now I am very turn off by meat. If I eat oily or heavy stuff, I will have the puking feeling... so now I only try to take soup stuff and vege / non meat items.

Hello mummies!!

Pink Poppy: My #1 was a girl, i love bak kut teh...meat...Then this one, totally the opposite.I see Bak kut I dun feel like eating.Ya..and too oily also cannot.And my threshold for sour like very low...everything is too sour for me when last time i can eat very sour without crinching face.But it's better for you to decide what you eat and make sure it's balanced diet.Dun like, den eat abit, some better tastier way of cooking it.wait lack nutrients more problems...

MZ... so far the closest i knoe to the word you type is a bad condition called ectopic so surely it's not that or else your doctor will not sound so relax so I think better to hear it from your doc to know exactly what is he saying...wait you get more worried only.if he says nth serious den nth serious lor.Everything will be ok[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies...

my comfort foods changes too.. i am not used to hot foods but now i had to have them, if not, the lil bunny will make many stunts inside...

used eat alots of meat too but now must veg instead... my hb was saying.. no wondered is a bunny...

I will tok to bb everytime i eat... tell him/her cannot be so picky.. everytings must try abit.. if not, we can't grow up well.. when its in good mood.. yeap i get to eat what i enjoyed.. but when bb is in bad mood... straight away go hug toilet bowl...

Hi Girls, Went to Gynae yesterday and looks like my EDD is 1st Sept..: )

Finally heard heartbeat yesterday! so happy...at 8w2d. Not too sure if this is safe enough to announce yet. my parents are ok to tell our relatives this CNY but i feel abit insecure cos i have read that still got chance of MC before 12 weeks. what do u gers think?

also at 8w2d, my baby is only 1.75cm.. is this normal? forgot to ask Gynae cos based on iphone application, at 8w should be about 2cm plus.

Hi fifteenmay,

My hubby and I has agreed to zip our mouth until 12 weeks as the 1st tri is still unstable stage. (although we are very excited cos our first bb!)

I guess the decision is up to you and yr hubby.

As for the size, maybe it depends on you and your hubby's size too? if you are considered petite size, would baby be as well? just wondering. better check with your gynae yea.


hi Guava, we are definitely not petite! haahha.. more on plus sized for me.hmm.. let me discuss with hubby and parents.

Anyone has their baby's size at 8w for comparison?

