(2011/09) Sep 2011

Annie: no la.. its not a silly thought cause i speak to parent before, why they don't put them near workplace like your thought.. quite a few were actually transfer over cause, they shared with me

1. if mother don't have to go to work, den will have to take extra effort to send to work or some might juz keep the kids away from sch if they r not working ( if the kid is in cc near their wrk pl)

2. the kids will have prob waking up early then get moody on the way to sch.

3. Closer to home, if near the parent/ils... if they need to work late or anything last min, cropped up.. someone can access to sch faster..


Hi mummies,

I have told my Boss that I am expecting and she congrats me... Will wait till 3 mths then announce to the rest. Have u? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SimBaoBao>> my girl is attending kindermusik and GUG on a weekly basis.. but both classes she's fully accompanied by either me or my hubby.. one thing is she is v sociable and loves to be ard frens but she cannot be separated from us! her mamometer and papometer alarm goes off when we walk away! every morning is like this, we have to sneak off when she's not looking..

jennifer: tat is good.. @ least ur boss know it now.. in case u need to go off due to not feeling well or what..

Pinkiedot: oh.. got alert one ar... how old is ur gal? got to let her get use to it lo.. if not, everyday have "drama" oso very tiring.. if urself/hubby cannot let go.. den it be hard to let her adapt as well..

jennifer>> great! your boss is happy for you! and is a lady boss ya? is she married with kids? i find that pple with family n kids are more understanding.. for me, i dunno when im gg to tell my boss leh, i dunno how to open my mouth and say! its so weird, esp when my boss is a married guy with no kids!

SimBaoBao>> she is 15+ months now.. probably separation anxiety now? i dunno.. and she doesnt welcome strangers (or rather pple who dun stay in our house) in our house now.. she will keep doing and saying 'bye bye' to the pple who dun stay in our house and ask them to go home. but when its outside, she is ok with strangers.

Jennifer! Congrats, happy for you. I'm gonna break the news today too, hope it'll be an easy one. Wish me luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkiedot: mmm yeap likely to be... esp if she know there is one more baby on the way.. got to really take note on how you/hb going to treat her, involve her in the planning so that she won't feel leftout.

SimBaoBao>> okie, will take note of that.. thanks for the pointer! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkiedot: no prob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just sharing what i learnt.. haha 1st time mama.. tok to u all experience ones.. i like just tok and no action..

hi christine, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u oso a sept mama to be?

welcome Christine....

I noticed we have a lot of 'pinky' mummies here. We have pinkypiggy, pinkpoppy and pinkiedot. SI find it confusing at times to see comments from 'pinky' mummies that I often see twice which mummy is that ;0)

hi simbaobao, Annie...

yep yep.. but i have yet to see gynae... this is my #2 thou....

i'm scare and nervous... coz totally different behaviour from #1...

christine: dun worry too much, get ur gyane to cfm and let ur worries goes.. even identical twins got differ behaviour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] :p

simbaobao: haha.. well, i tested on clearblue last friday during lunch coz keep having the urge to puke... and the vertical line was a little light.. then i happen to see gp tat night.

gp tested again, but say no preg.

sat, i was puking a little here and there... then tested on sun morning... same as friday's results..

so the symptoms, not here not there... makes mi so scare...

simbaobao: made le.. suppose to be end of this mth.. but i think i can't wait until then... so will be gg down tmr after work... i think i'm having some paranoid symptoms rather than pregnancy symptoms.. haha

pinky dot:Don't worry abt your girl transiting to childcare...just share with u..my girl oso attend GUG and kindermusik b4 she goes cc..and she is a shy shy girl...1st week in childcare she cry veri veri loudly when we leave..heard from teacher on and off whole day she cry... 2nd week she oni cry at the door.third week she stop crying

so got to hang on and heng xin ..hahai know its veri hard but kids r smart..the more u show u wanna hang on the more they wanna to hang on to u...my girl now..1 year later..luv going to school..i find that her social and articulation skills have improved a lot since she attend cc:pP

at 3, she now can go into I can Read , Berries and Ballet Dancing on her own..she shove me out of the door during 1st lesson of I can read "Go out and wait mummy i won cry" hahaha

Christine Ong - hope u fine!! i oso feel nauseas everyday ..at nite insomnia somemore...anybody got insomnia??

BJ mum: i had insommia every night.. slp like 3hrs only den i can be tossing ard till so pek chey... mentally so tired but just can't get to slp.

and ya so some of the girls here have told ur boss..for me i tink my boss is used to such news..haha do u know last year, the colli in front, behind ,give birth? now the colli on right hand side and 2 cubicles in front are also going to give birth? Everybody has been asking, when is ur turn when is ur turn?

I work in a stat board...so many ppl give birt in govt sector hehe


I'm beginning to feel bloated... need to eat chips... Any mummy has this feeling? Feel a bit funny in my tummy.... I don't like this feeling.... How can I stop this bloatedness? ;(

Yeah I feel bloated too and often hungry -- alternating feeling like a hungry cow and a beached whale. The (good) excuse if that I can eat whatever I feel like eating and not feel guilty about an expanding waistline! haha

i am eating some portion every 3hrs.. very scared of after bloating then hug the toilet bowl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

orange juice works for me but i dun dare to take too much @ a time.

Jenn and Shyan: ^5! I have the same feeling as you both! Bloated but yet eat n eat. And crave to snack snack snack... So terrible..

Re: entry into Childcare.. My #1 was in infantcare from 2.5mths cuz I had to go back to work earlier. Parents n ILs both working n we not comfy w idea of maid with no supervision during the day so decided on Childcare. He's been ok thankfully except they do have their moods. We intend to put #2 into infantcare also but guess will be even more tiring on our own in evenings!

I find Childcare has taught my son to be alot more independent and interactive. Of course the character of each kid plays a part but I find it beats staying at home n facing the TV for hours each day.

And I agree with simbaobao. Really must send n go. Let the teachers do their work. Parents hanging around will only make the teachers lives more difficult to settle the child.

One thing I learnt from reading about separation anxiety is that as parents u need to tell ur child that you will come back for him/her later after u finish work. Don't sneak off. It will make the child feel very insecure not knowing when u gonna come back cuz they didn't even know u left. Instills in them a fear of unknown and will end up making them cling to you even more.

Hee hee.. guess alot of mummies here love pink!

Same like you all, I have been feeling really hungry all the time! faintzzzz. maybe it's because I eat little per meal that's why. Can hardly finish a packet of noodles these days.

Before P, I am hardly hungry...

Now I am either hungry or feel like puking (but never puke kind). My friends say it's very normal. Tink I am gonna stock up on more healthy stuff like apples and fruits to snack on instead of having my fav tom yum cup noodles everytime.

Christine: When I tested positive for clearblue, I went to a GP, I think the kit they use is the cheaper kind and he told me that it's negative, until I highlight to him that there is a line, just that's it very faint.. then he became unsure. Best is to go gyn, cos no point go GP and waste the $.

Sorry to ask a stupid question... when you girls experience puking... does the puke comes out naturally and uncontrollable or you gotta force it out kind... I keep having this puking feel which is making me feel uncomfortable hence wondering should I leave it or "try to puke"

HI all , would like to join in as i just tested +ve @ GP , congrats to all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow wow wow, so fast now!

I just went to gyn check last week and my edd is late aug. As I opt for CSEC, delivery date will be 2 weeks earlier so should be in mid aug. Strange leh.... The aug mummies can see little hands and legs already, mine can hear heartbeat nia. I still think I belong to sept mummies.

Hi Mummies,

Firstly I like to wish you all the best while waiting for your precious parcels to arrive.

I'm a SAHM trying to earn some extras for my family.

Please feel free to visit my blog for clothes for ur precious prince/princess. I'm also selling Diaper bag organizers which are very handy and convenient for all mummies.

Visit http://theflyingmummy.blogspot.com

(Like us on Facebook too!)

I'm having a CHINESE NEW YEAR Sale now with 15% off ALL ITEMS till 20Jan2011.

Wishing everyone a Prosperous New Year!

Update: I procrastinated in telling my boss today, was afraid how she will take it. Plan failed. Will try again tomorrow.

Congrats MI and welcome!


I am super kiasu. Bought Capella, friend gave me a graco, then bought a peg per ego. Then bought the combi carrier, mums sarong carrier. Bought combi prim long car seat and many other rubbish. Guess what? my #1 refused to be in after 6 mths old. Now he prefers pushing the pram lo!

Milk pump.

I had the agent manual pump, medela electric pump coz I tot I will be like a cow after deliver. In the end my milk supply "Oos" after 2 weeks.

Pink poppy,

I force to puke so that I will be fine afterwards. If I dun puke the feeling is miserable. So yeah, I dig to puke if I got urge.


I m on the opposite of u, I sleep like log. I can sleep together with #1 while coaxing him to sleep and wake up the next morning. I dun even have the energy to bath and sleep until next day.

Chocolate 15,

My son still cry after i left him with cc. After I left, he's immediately ok. Guess he faked it. Been 3 weeks and I am getting used to it le. Hope I can switch him to full day as I dun think I can pick him to n fro when my bum gets bigger.

Hi Mummies, (sorry to interrupt)

I just gave birth in early Jan in KKH and have been seeing my gynae at KKH/The Private Suite (TPS).

I've 2 bottles BNIB Ganilia Calcium Soft Gel Multi-Vitamins for sale. These were the multi-vits she prescibed and recommended to me and her other patients.

For 10months of my pregnancy, I was taking 2 pills daily.

My baby boy was 4.08kg when he was born.

Letting go each bottle at $30.

It's a very good price, esp for those mummies who are currently buying from KKH/TPS.

Hurry. Pls PM/email me at [[email protected]] me. Self collect at AMK.

I can email the photos if you need. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tis time round i am investing on a very good pump becoz wanna rest, the first one i pratically feed on demand.. wa so siong sia.. tis time round wanna control the feeding timing becoz my #1 always drink abit abit then go back sleep n after awhile cry for milk again.. -.-"

n also i never sleep for straight 8 hrs ever since delivering my #1.. T.T


i oso diam diam bloated one and vicks to applied on tummy n ginger water r my best friend now.. it works on me.. ginger try to get those super old ginger

Now throat feel v funny... It's like lots of saliva ... Funny taste... Plus bloated tummy... Having lots of gas... Very XIN KU ar... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

How can we stop this feeling? Any one has this feeling or know how to stop?

Funny thing is I dun take much for bf, start taking more after 12pm and eat a lot for dinner... Is this normal?? Beginning to get worried.... Need help here.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi all mummies and Jennifer who are feeling bloated n having lots of gas, I experienced this in my first pregnancy and was given antacid by my gynae. maybe u can relate your bloated tummy to your gynae and see if they prescribe anything to help.

Simbaobao, heard u are taking orange juice...but just to share, dun take too much orange juice cos it can be quite acidic that's why it can help with the bloatness. ...in my first pregnancy sometime when I help my hubby to buy orange juice from fruit stalls and when the seller see me pregnant they all will comment 'pregnant lady dun take too much orange, very cooling'...so as a word of caution, maybe can avoid orange juice....or drink in moderation. sorry hor, I KPO too much

Hi all ,

am back again

P3pp3r : Ya lor , i asked the doc when i go for checkup on tues evening . He hor also like not confirm like tat . say wat if u hv medisave ok lor , but hv to pay wat again 700 - 800+ . actualli not very comfortable with this gynae , cos he talk very fast as if wan to chase u out like tat lor . Then u ask a bit more he like not happy ... think i wan to change gynae , i thin k gov hospital wan better leh , they more reassuring , make me feel more safe with them.

And hor wan to share with everyone my feelings this few days . Yesterday i sleep very long , after bringing my youngest dotter out with my hubby yesterday ( my elder dotter go camping , and my hubby off). Straight away reach home i K.O . I wake up many times , in intervals of 1-2 hrs . Dunno why leh if i sleep very long , i hv this feeling of scare , i also dunno scare of wat , but i feel like i am very along , and will start feeling depressed . but after i wake up a few hrs , i do some hsework , i will feel better .

Annie: no prob.. haha if u see my orange juice hor.. u will shake head like my Hb.. i will dulite my 1/3 glass with water... my hb said dat is orange colour not JUICE...

I finally tink i know why i kept waking up.. its the air con... i off it ytd nite.. wow shiok.. slp for 6hrs(though i woke up for toilet but i managed to slp back)... am gg to try again today..

Hi all mummies, hope everybody have been fine. Ytd was my second visit to gyna n can see baby's heartbeat, feel so excited! Anyway, past two weeks hv been a terriable week, cldnt eat or drink anything due to ms. N gyna told mi I have mild dehydration hv to monitor. So mummies who r having loss of appetite, rem to drink lotsa of fluids. As gyna advise, if this continues, might hv to be on drip.

jennifer : Tuesday also my 2nd visit to gynae , funny last time my first 2 babies , can hear heartbeat , but this time private gynae only can see , as the gynae point out to me , lols

Hi Jennifer,

yeah I am having a lot of liquids like milk, water, milo and sometimes coke. I dunno why but for both of my pregnancy, I have very strong cravings for coke. Its better than coffee which I used to down every morning I guess?

I am on opposite. I take in a lot for breakfast whereas I totally dun eat for dinner. I remember reading some report that preggie women who had no appetite for breakfast are usually having girls. Those who are very hungry during bf time are usually carrying boys. Dun chase after me if I gave wrong infor but i really remember I read it somewhere and its not grandma myths. Haha!

Hi pepper,

if you have milk supply then i think u should go for breast pump. My breast pump is totally wasted. Will try harder again for this time to see I can be like a cow! Haha!

Hi Annie,

I heard that orange juice gives a lot of phlegm, dun think its much to the 'cooling' but what u said was right la... drink in moderation. =)

Hi Siok Mei,

if u r not comfortable with current gyn then just change bah. My friend goes for govt gyn and I remember she wasnt comfortable with the gyn as well. Generally I find gyns are all the same. Those good de I will listen, not too good de I dun digest and let it affects me. Yeap. =)

SBB : yeap , think will stick to gov wan , dun realli feel comfortable with private gynae , gov is cheap & reassuring , hahahah

hi all, i also feel bloated and hungry all the time..i hope this will be over soon as it makes me feel veri tirred..and moody oso

bloatedness is something that is happening to me too.. and hor, i feel that my bladder is so full, yet go pee time, there isnt much flow out..

when i have the puke feeling, i just force out that sound, and i will feel better..

samantha>> your milk went OOS after 2 weeks? my flow wasnt really there from the moment i went home for confinement coz my mum is v against bf-ing and i was so upset i nearly had a depression, cried everyday, just cry nonstop kind. anyway im determined to make my 2nd baby is TBF baby for at least 3 months this time round!

i might be an august mummy too, coz im gg for elective csect this time, but am really keeping my fingers crossed that i can be a sept mummy again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im always hungry in the morning. let's see if im having a boy this time round. wahahaha.. when i was having my girl, i ate normally, no special cravings etc. this time round im super picky on the food i eat.

stroller>> my girl has been using capella S705, very handy i would say, though a bit on the heavy side.. anyway now she doesnt use the stroller coz she prefers to walk or baobao. the stroller is more like our shopping trolley! hahah

breast pump>> i have the avent electric single and medela swing (single). the motor of the avent electric single has been spoilt by the daddy coz he went to rinse the motor under water!!! so stupid right? so im left with a manual single pump and the medele swing. reeally hope i can maximise the usage of the pumps this time round.

this is probably gg to be my last pregnancy, sob sob.. coz hubby says to stop at 2. my goal is to have 4! but well, shall see how it goes.. he's quite determined abt it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


morning mummies...

Pink Poppy, i force out the puke on monday and after which, i feel much better.. but tuesday, the puke came so naturally after eating chicken rice.. so i guess it depends..

Annie, yes yes.. i also like orange juice now.. but coughing, so hubby forbid me to drink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh dear, today seems like i am having running nose..

