(2011/09) Sep 2011

Pinkiedot : previously i hv my gals , i hv vagina inch , hehehe , so paiseh , this time round dun hv . And hor the old ladies in my neighbourhood & my mum all said confirm this time boy , cos my tummy so pointed when only 1 mths + , i also hopr i can hv boy this time .. good luck to u Pinkiedot

PinkieDot, I like your comment, your goal is to have 4....as for me, my dream is to have 4 but I think is really v v v tough to have 4 given the society we are staying in now. so for now, I think 2 is nice....nice to tango.

in fact hor, in my first pregnancy I bf-ing for only 6 weeks and got a cold and milk supply just stopped. I always find bf-ing the toughest job, especially if u want to maintain supply you have to establish a regular pump schedule and very stress to wake up at nite to pump. I know all the benefits about bf-ing but I also feel formula milk these days is also very nutrient, so I rather not let bf-ing tires me out but rather concentrate on raising my infant well.

Annie : Agreed , both my gals are on FM , cos i hv inverted nipples can't bf , but they grow up healthly as well , no different from normal kids

Haha.... I also hope to have a bb boi this time but chances v slim... Syptoms all the same as the previous 2... Having 4 is good... 2boi n 2gal... but I agree, esp in SG... V diff as every mother wants the best for their kids.... When $$$$ is concern... Having more need more $$$$....

No la dear, it's my 3rd P. What I meant was 4 is the best but becoz I'm having all 3 c section, gynae said it's better to stop at 3.

i still rem in my first pregnancy, every day upon return work I will go and sleep at 5pm or latest by 6pm in the evening till the next morning for the few first months and appetite wasn't great and bloated and farting...and I am having a girl.

This time round, so far every thing is like so far so good...fingers crossed...not sure symptoms differences got to do with baby gender. anyway I dun mind girl or boy rather is the general health that is more important. girl or boy still our lovely child.

Wow.. i saw the symptoms of having itchy virgina.. I had it too! I didnt experience it for my #1 - boy.. So really hope this time is a girl.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eh.. actually im hoping for another girl this time round.. coz i feel that 2 girls will grow up closer together..

then like that i can tell my hubby to have one more, and try for boy! hahahaha

but regardless la, i think the most impt is to have the baby healthy and without any abnormalities.. this is the most most most impt factor to me coz this is the best gift a mummy can give to their baby.. so now im trying v hard to start eating healthily, which is really v tough given my weird tastebuds.. and furthermore i had GD in my first pregnancy, so controlling of diet is even more impt.

jennifer>> both pregnancies you had c-sect, can i ask if the 2nd time the wound healed as nicely and quickly as the first time? this is one thing that is really making me scared.. to cut along the same line and having to let it heal all over again.. gives me the shivers everytime i think abt it..

PinkieDot, looks like we think alike again. I got a girl and also think if got another girl then both girls will grow up closer together.

Btw, what is GD?

Hi, i feel the same way too....i have a girl and i oso wanna a girl..as boy and girl wll be close during kids time, but when grow up i just feel girl and girl can bond better (talk abt rebonding, which shop sell nice dress, which actor is handsome hehehe)..just like me and my sister can yak the whole day away

I am hoping for a boy next to experience something different from my first girl! May we all get our wishes but most importantly all be healthy and happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If 2nd time same c section area, then won't be so painful. Trust me... 1st c was like hell... Going to toilet takes 5 min when it's so near... Cannot cough or sneeze coz the c section damn pain sia... 2nd time c it's like... Nothing.... Pain but not as painful as the 1st wound... Not sure for 3rd time c... Will let u know once I finished my op... ;)

For those doing c section, is it advise by gyane or u request for it??? I had appendix opt before.. So alrdy had a scar on my tummy. Dunno will the gyane allow natural birth anot... My Gf had her appendix opt 2 Yrs before her preggy n was advise to c sect.

Hi mummies, would like to join you all in this thread. I just tested positive but haven't seen gynae, used some online calendar to calculator my edd should be sept.

This is my #2 I really hope to get a gal. I am having cramps on and off, called the nurse she said it's normal. Anyone experiencing?

Hi all,

This is also my #3. #2 and #3 only different by 1 year. I hope I can cope with taking care of so many kids together. #1 is only 4 yrs old.


How long is yr op already? U need to check with yr gynae. No one will choose op unless no choice....

My case was when I had dilated 10cm n my gynae said I'm ready to give birth... When he used his hand to check, he realized my bb's head is in the wrong position... He told me he'll give bb an hr to turn... If she doesn't turn then will E c section for me as bb is too long inside....

I was so worried n when the midwife came in to check on me, I told her the situation... She said if there's a need for op... So be it... She gave me a smile n that assure me... An hr passed but bb didnt turn so my gynae op for me....

wow.. indeed many mummies here are already 2nd or 3rd time! hee.. share share experience..

Great... I feel hungry n I ate at 12 pm... It's barely 2+ n I'm so hungry now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm going to ballooned 20kg n more this time again.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Pinkiedot,

i seriously think milk supply depends heavily on mood. I was feeling horrible during my confinement because my MIL gave me a lot of stress. I dunno whether I am born with low milk supply or I am just too stressed over her presence. I remember I pumped out blood during the 3rd week hence I stop. After a while I try to bring the milk supply back by a lot of frenugreek and motilium but to no avail... so...

my goal is 2 maximum! Wahahaha, I guess I am able to give best environment for 2 kids, more than that I think I cant... so... ya la, 2 is enough. Hehe

Hi Jennifer,

think should be ok, i dun put labbie but i always put the ipad on my little bum while lying down, worse right? Hohoho!

Wah seh u sure hor, 2nd C sec wun be painful! Yes, then I am confirm going for CSEC liao! I had kiloids at my wound area. The gyn said she will shun bian cut off for me on my 2nd delivery. Hoohoo!


when did u do yur appendix opt? Actually its fine to go for natural even if a women went for CSEC before. Still, it subject to gyn's suggestiong during the 32th week like that. I always wanted natural but gyn also advised me to go for CSEC even though I had no other operation before. Still, approach your gyn for these coz it very much depends on individual condition.

Hey jennifer chng,

u ballooned 20 kg ah, me worse, 22kg and all the weight goes to my bum. Wahahaha!

Hey mummies, wanna exchange facebook links?

i had c-sect coz i din dilate to 10cm after 12 hours of labour! so it was an emergency sc-sect for me.. and this time round will be elective c-sect coz the chances of doing VBAC is v slim since the previous time i din dilate totally after 12hours..

jennifer>> after hearing your assurance, i feel quite relieved.. hehe

samantha>> im so worried to have keloids after the op leh, almost every other day i will ask my hubby to help me see if have or not.. its itchy right? pump out blood? so scary? is it coz your nipples were bleeding? i had sore nipples and it was darn painful for me when my girl latched and i winced at every suckle..

i put on about 15kg during pregnancy, and after birth i lost 10kg.. and the 5kg has been with me from then till now!!!!!!

Hi pinkiedot,

i went back to same gynae and she said mine wasnt that bad actually. But she will just cut off for me since I request la. Hehe. Its not itchy, just that sometimes i feel weird if my pantyling is along the cut and I can feel it and it will make my eyebrow twitch the whole day.

I think my nipples are bleeding. I didnt latch my boy. My wound was too painful and I just cannot find the right position to place my boy for latching and uses electrical pump instead. Probably the force is too strong thus causing it to bleed.

I also have keloids!!!! So itchy!!!! The more I scratch... The worse it becomes!!!! I've both for 2 c section... If u think u have that, u need to let yr gynae so that he/she will cut away for u n inject ur wound after stitching... For me, I've vv v bad skin... I've keloids n it will come every 6 mths n I have to inject steroids again n again on the same area.... Boo... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i had my opt 24yrs ago... haha tat is really long long ago lo.. really hope it won't become a reason tat be used as a result of c-sect.

Really peifu u mummies... can plan for so many kids... now with this one.. i tink i am feeling so pek chek @ times alrdy...

SimBaoBao>> my fren always tell me, when u have 2 kids, you can handle 3 and more kids! hahahaha

so i hope i can handle 2 kids! anyway with csect, max is 3 kids for me, i scared also..

jennifer>> actually hor, why will grow keloids ah? i v scared this time round will grow.. the steroids is for wad?

That is the regrow of fresh from the wound. Only those with bad skin will Kenna... The really bad ones r like centipede...

Wow! I jus ordered pasta mania n had spaghetti! Gosh! At this rate, i'll really become a pig manz.... Like the 1st 2 P, I love to eat spaghetti! This time also confirm gal Liao!!! Need to find gal's name for my gal...

i usually take a snack at this time de.. coz my lunch cannot last me till dinner time.. i just had a eggtart and a pack of glico pretz.. yumz.. hehe


To be honest, I also dunno if it's high tea or dinner... Haha... All I know is, I eat more than what I can eat for bf.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U bet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jus had another choz cake n cheese sticks.. Dunno why need to eat n eat n eat... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkiedot & annie

really ar??!! 4 is ur goal??!! i nv thought of even 3 lo.. i dun thk i can cope with so many.. plus maybe my first preg during D day is a horror so if this is another boy then will stop n rest for quite sometime then to try again for gal..

oya.. try to refrain from drinking too much cold drinks becoz bb's digestive system will be weak when he/she is out.. tatz wat happen on myself n my boy always got tummy wind n cannot sleep thru the night one.. T.T

itz only till recently he started to sleep thru.. n i never have a hardcore 8 hrs straight sleep ever since i delivered him.. one of the reason is becoz i m feeding on demand, so itz super siongz...

actually the best way to increase milk supply is really thru latching regularly becoz baby's suction is the best as compared to any pump.. nothing beats it especially when i ganna blocked duct.. he is my antidote...LOLL


hahaha... i always does tat when i got #1 even when i bf him... ahhahahha :p

but then i noe la.. the radiation is said to be harmful to babies n even unborn ones...

wa lao.. u so ke lian.. fully dilated n cannot go natural.. wa biangz.. if i were u i sure cry man.. a torture for so long n in the end got do e-csect...


the fact is my milk supply isnt very good oso in the beginning but just have to preserves till the end lo.. I feed on demand for my boy till 1 yr old.. the journey of breastfeeding for the first 3 mths is really hard, i wuld say even harder than giving birth... so really have to tahan.. itz my boy who wans to wean himself off my breast tatz y i stop, he kept biting my nipple.. *ouch*

i m lucky becoz my family r quite encouraging on BFings.. and oso i m sahm at tat time so can afford to do feed on demand task, if not i might not strive thru more than 6 mths too...

tatz y tis time round i invested on a better breast pump to control the feeding time.. dun wanna let him/her buffet as n when they like.. my #1 is like tat lo, he is a super fast drinker n can empty my breast within 15mins or less.. but he always dun drink it till very full then went back to sleep.. n then after an hr or half he cry for milk again.. wa biangz...

so try not to stress urself too much over BFing..if u r relax ur supply will go up faster with the help of fenugreeks too..

wa seh!! seem like alot of mommies went to the gynae liao n i m like still dilly dally waiting till next mth then go.. wahahaahaha


Ya... That time really v ke kian leh... I merlion when I got P till that day b4 I go to delivered. Even after delivered, I puke too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] 1st one really bad... Then after birth, wound so pain that I can't even walk... Some more kenna nite sweat... Sweating like hell... V smelling too..


wa baingzz... if i m in ur condition it will be a super turn off to have another one fear of going thru such thing again.. *hugs*


hiˆ5!! hehe

am slowly absorbing all the info...

from all the experience mothers... will take note on the cold drink issue.. been restricting myself too..

just had a new hair cut.. felt so good.. been years since i had shoulder lenght hair.. HB was SHOCKED to the max.. never seen me in short hair from dating till now.. haha



hahahhahaa.. actually mi too!!!!! zhi nua kwaun!! whahahahahaha


yes.. in fact for my first pregnancy i oso learn alot from those experienced mommies.. hehehe.. tis is why we r here to share problems and journeys of pregnancy n giving encouragements for each and everyone.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun u feel sweet n heartwarming tat we r holding hands together in completing this journey... n when they r out we still can continue tis bond for the sake of the little ones.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

let's embrace tis beautiful journey of LIFE together!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes.. and in the few mths down the road, he/she will start playing in ur tummy n u can interact with them by touching them too... aiyo... so sweetttttt!!!! LOLLL... i miss the feeling tat my #1 playing inside me..

