(2011/09) Sep 2011

xinyue: oh i searched on him and see tat he is in the political line?

sound ok... i will check with HB if he wan to change gyane so tat we can save the leaves for confinment.. hehe

15th may..... mmm yeap.. can see it clearly..

did ur doc scan ur through tummy or u did V-scan?

Wow, 5 weeks can already see? I suppose the jelly bean is the sac?

Btw, how do we count the length of the pregnancy? Is it dated back to the first day of your last period cycle? Cos that would mean that by the time I see my gynae is 5 weeks too.

Yea, I suppose the virginal method is gonna take getting used to. Hee. And there's an article on today's Mind Your Body about Ectopic Pregnancy, which is the condition where the embryo attaches itself outside the uterus - such as the fallopian tube. Very dangerous to mum.

yeap i tink tat is..

mmm i am not sure how to count coz by counting 1st day of menst.. i should be in 6th week but ytd we scan.. doc said only 5th week.. and i am one with irregular menst..

15th may: does 2 tiny white dots??? means u having twin??? hehe

am kind of curious how do they know its twin? from 1st scan will know or later stage den know it...

Icic. Thanks anyway for sharing! Shall hear from more after your visit. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone experience lower back pain . like very " suan" . then hv something like diarrea , but not more than 2 times la , sometime got , sometime dun hv , i read from internet is very normal for pregnant mummies to hv this . i myself is having this , i feel tired , and weak , cos keep on hv the " lao sai " feeling , hahahaha

siok mei, i had this suan suan feeling on and off esp after standing for too long... i got very bad cramps too and i checked with the gyane.. he said its normal.

huh , like tat ah , but i sometime will " lao sai " leh , like today i lao sai 2 times , dunno isit becos i drink coffee milk , doc say dairy products will cause watery stools. anyway thanks , simbaobao

At 4 weeks, I've experienced the suan-ness at the lower back, slight queasiness (though never vomit) and bloat (altho can't decide if it's bloat or overeat).

What are the symptoms you girls are facing? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my baby doesn't like heavy cooking smell..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

then if eat the foods baby dun like... i will have dat wan to puke feeling

more visit to the toilet

mood swing very fast

I hope morning sickness won't be bad.. ytd the doc asked me HAVE u start to puke... i juz smile.. he said .. oh in 2 weeks time u will.. i hope won't be so bad.. my gf seeing him was told the same thing is having a bad time now..

I heard the more you puke, the healthier is the pregnancy. Many people attested to this. So cheer up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh dear, I had coffee everyday b4 I realized I was expecting. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jen, no worries.. my sis need to have coffee everyday kind.. den when she got preg.. she hate the sight/smell of it...

Just try not to drink it now..

Have any one of you shared the good news to your family yet? I'm going to see the gynae tomorrow. Praying hard that everything is fine.

Should be 6 wks by counting based on the last period. I feel uncomfortable at the stomache area sometimes (sometimes even pain)... very worried.


> this gynae is recommended by my fren, later at 630 will b my first visit with him.

I m not comfy with previous gynae so I die die also want to switch lor.

HI all,

Just know that i am preg, currently 7 weeks. EDD is 02/09/2011.

> Cindy, please share your experience. I'm going for mine next week and hope to have a sense of what to expect. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks and congrats again~

Hello... I have made an appt with Dr Gordon Tan from Gleaneagles. My appt is next fri. I hope it will be a pleasant visit. Anyone has any experience with him before?

I did the clearblue digital test. It showed I'm 2-3 weeks, which means the doc would translate as 4-5 weeks. I have been feeling very tired and nausea, especially after a meal. Feel quite moody in fact.

@Valen - Wow so qiao.. we have the same EDD, but based on my friends exp, usually will be slightly eariler one

@Pooh - Yup yup, I had a few business trip in the pipeline, which doc discourage me from gg so I gotto speak to my boss.. fingers cross

Other then bloatness, I am feeling pretty normal so far, I feel very tender up there I think could be due to the An Tai Yao that the Doc prescribe me....

For those that have the "faint" line... it should be pretty positive. I was tested with a very very faint line, try to get clear blue, the indicator is much obvious

feb 7.. so far away.. hoping to get an earlier date with Dr Wong.. will try to call tml.. uf not i will be in my 9/10wks on feb 7..

cindywang and gina christine, i will be delivering at Mount A too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mummies.. i am thinking to deliver at Mt A too.. hee hee..

Pink Poppy, think its good to talk to ur boss.. what 'An Tai Yao' are you taking?? i'm on utrogestan for 2wks

Any experience mama wan to share your experience @ either hospital.

mmm is Mt A beta den TMC? 1st baby so still tinking.. we are tinking to sign up with hospital tour to take a look den decide.

Hi Pooh, I am on Duphtson (think it's spell like that).. doc gave this to me to take for 2 weeks as I am travelling.

My gyn Dr Heng delievers at Parkway East (formally East Shore) so I will be at that hospital. Hee hee, I was actually born there ages ago, when it was still known as St Michaels back then, so I think it's really good =)

Gina: I'm 4-5weeks but doc say can't confirm till next checkup on 29th Jan then can tell more cuz super early stage now.

p3pp3r: great to see u here hehe.. Journey again!

Pink poppy: I'm also on duphaston cuz got abit of discharge so doc say better take. I didn't take for 1st preg.

Hi chocolate... I think this pill make my breast very tender... I experience more discharge when I am preggy forget to ask doc if normal a not.,.

chocholate, I am around the same as you.

By the way, when is a good time to give your boss a heads-up on the impending bump? I am thinking to tell them after my first gynae appt next week in case my MS start and it's difficult to hide. Is it too early? Waiting till end of 1st trimester does sound too late.

Any views?

Oh no! I think I caught a cold. Have been sneezing this morning with a bit of runy nose and sore throat. Worry that it might affect pregnancy. Should I bring forward my appt?

simbaobao > didnt know DR John Yam Pei Yuan is in politics. Did a search on him and nothing about that came up..

JUst my opinion la. so far, read mixed reviews on both Mount A and TMC. Go for hospital tours before deciding. SOme gynaes have special prices on the hospitals they are working in. You need to check with your gynae.

Cindy > Ok, how do you find Dr John Yam? Ur first visit, right? I also not comfy with my first gynae.. Happen to know of this gynae at Acufen by chance.. So stick with him lor..

xinyue: hahaha i just realised the name is wrong.. when i searched for Dr John Yam.. it brin me to the Dr John Yam who is in the worker party... paiseh

TGIF Mommies!

We remains open till 9pm today and mommies who have yet to collect their free bibs may take this opportunity to pick them up, as the redemption expires tomorrow.

Daddies accompanying mommies, fret not, we have interesting neighbors dealing with sports car, car detailing and even indoor golf just one level below us. So daddies can take this opportunity to look at 'men's stuff' while the mommies spending a cozy moment at JLC : )


