(2011/09) Sep 2011

Good morn ladies!

Woke up v early this morn to pee.... Then burp n puke... Realized can't get back to zzz coz bb hungry... Ate crackers n choz but still feel hungry... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I wanna get back to zzz

Hope everyone will have a great Monday ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Muffin, I used to use wet wipes brands like pigeon and combi for bb big and small biz.....but for now, she is already 15mths, small biz I still use the wipes to clean when I change her diaper but for big business, we bring her to toilet to wash...and she understand to wash is to keep her clean clean....

Good morn mummies! New wk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muffin, SB - statutory board

Pommes, let me try j dig up my bill later to chk. I rem Paying more than package cost but not sure. Cld be coz I had emerg csect. Hee this time round, I din bother abt package cost much coz am sure regardless what, I still want Doc Tan, I feel safe in his hands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ade, r u still on bed rest? Din c your posts for quite a while, feeling better?

Blossomsbb, great to hear! Rem dun scratch yeah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies!!

had a late night last night. went for a wedding dinner.

Had a feast although hb stole my abalone and prawn saying i cant eat :/

even scooped up all the shark's fins for him with only the gravy for me.

gave him half of my dessert too (aloe vera with jelly)

have a yoga therapy workshop later. cant wait!

Muffins: i read from an article..it's better not to use baby wipes for new borns yet..cotton with warm water first as their skin is still very delicate . so i'm goin with that first unless we are out and have no choice

Pommes: Bingo! Comfy for you?def for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the birth shop..i didnt see any other booths sellin also. they have the underwired ones.

Gina : when i read y our posts,i thought you are shopping for shoes and was still thinkin why at kiddy palace..till i read the later part.hehehe

most likely i'll get my pumps from US.

will try out the pumps in hospital first...then when gf flies to US next time, will ask her to get for me.

Asura79 : what bottles are gd to get from US? like their target shop..do they have the usual brands like avent or nuk?

was reading this book on having a calm mind and thus a calm mum yesterday..

Found it very useful

Nothing is permanent!!(this point was emphasized on many times throughout the book)

IF anything goes not accordingly to our expectations like not able to stop bb from crying/not enough milk etc/chores & errands not done/...we cant beat ourselves over it.

Give time to ourselves!a well rested/pampered mum can give even more love to bb and the people ard her..(it's common sense but sometimes we just get so carried away and forget [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] )

Oh muffin, I used wet wipes (pigeon) n tissues for changing diaper for both big n small biz until my boy's 13mths when he could stand steadily. Then similiar as Annie, usually wash after big biz n only used for rest of diaper change. Cotton balls, I only bot to use n clean my bb's face for 1st few mths with boiled water as taught in the prenatal class.


Actually quite difficult to compare hospital bill cos it depends on whether the gynae's delivery charges are part of the hospital bill. Some gynaes require that u pay them the delivery charges at the clinic so the hospital bill look smaller. Need to compare the individual breakdown to understand. As for 2 bedder or 4 bedder, some gynaes able to give free upgrade from 4 bed to 2 bed. I remember my colleague was charged for 4 bedder even though she stayed in 2 bedder. From what i know, Mt A and TMC's pricing is quite similar, except for the gynae delivery charges.


I think which bottle u want to get from US depends on which bottle u decide for bb to use later on. Most of the brands are available there, playtex, avent, nuk, dr brown, etc. So far, i only cant find tommy tippee cos that's a UK brand. All are cheaper there so i advise that u read the reviews to decide which bottle u wanna ur bb to try before buying. I am personally picking playtex this time. previously using dr brown, but the washing is a hassle.


Still on bed rest but different problem this time having unknown giddiness, gynea advise me go polyclinic see doc for referral cos it will be cheaper but the stupid polyclinic doc don wan refer me, just ask me to monitor my BP which there no problem with my BP and blood sugar at all.

Now at a loss don know wat to do, really scare I will faint one day.

morning mummies, didnt log in for past 2 days.. busy looking for contractors/ID for my new house.. how's everyone weekend??

adelene: rest well..

Good morning moummies, how is everyone doing ...

After a depressing friday, I made myself fully rest during the weekend (it helps!) and definitely feeling better. Hope you ladies had a good weekend too ... hehe, looks like a lot of shopping therapy going around.

Buunz: how come cannot eat prawn, abalone or sharksfin? I remembered having lots of that during chinese new year

Now i'm chomping on a green apple, super sour, super shiok! (wish i have some sng buay powder to go with it).

Wish everyone stay well, fit and happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am in week 12 and will be having the triple blood and OSCAR test tomorrow at TMC.

is it worthwhile to sign up for the TMC FBI card?

$148 for 2 years....

when is the latest we need book delivery ward and check with gynae if shes available on delivery date?

heard that for those who tried natural delivery first but then needed C sec, in the end have to pay for both delivery costs?

pls advise. those with BB#2 ever done natural - how bad is the pain?

gilera: i sign up for the FBI card when i was having my #1. The fees all have 10% discount.

i booked the delivery ward with my gynae i think during my week 28 or thereafter... But after our week 20 - detailed scan, we can ask our gynae on the booking le. The nurses will help us to book de.

Mareike: After bed rest, my BP was still 150s/90s. Kept waking up throughout the night through my own 'body alarm' to measure my BP. When I finally did have about 3 hours sleep from 3am to 6am, the BP fell to 130s/80s. Sigh.

Kelly: I don't mind at all, I'm 26 this year and I've been hypertensive and on medication since age 15 (yup, no typo there!) Was on amlodipine 10mg once a day and my BP was fineeeee! It was only pregnancy onwards that it started to go haywire. You know those "forget-to-take-medicine-headaches" we sometimes have (I'm assuming you forget to take your meds sometimes too Haha)? It's becoming very frequent during pregnancy and it is driving me nuts. I'm monitoring in a notebook my readings daily, even to the extend of bringing the BP machine to work to measure, just to ensure my readings are regular and documented. Already eating "not so yummy" food since pregnancy, knowing full well my condition. Will look for the app from husband's phone and record it there. He's very worried about my condition as well... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Just went to my gynae this morning as I'm still worried (and kiasu/kiasee). Given 1 week MC. I really think I'm going to lose my (new) job very soon. Not being fair to my colleagues as well I personally feel. Dr. Tan actually suggested if possible, to resign from my job and just rest as much as possible. My husband has been very supportive through this, but I'm well aware he has his own challenges at work too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Been worrying about finances, job, Dad's condition etc. My Mum is worried that I might suffer from pre-natal blues.

Looks like all of us have different worries of our own, but yet staying strong for the sake of our baby. Is this how motherhood feels like?

Hi Christine,

thanks so much. thought had to book everything this early...

are we able to claim discount from first check up if apply FBI now? was the FBI "worth" it given the upfront cost of the card itself?

is the detailed scan only done in wk 20, what does it check?

HI Koume,

Yeah, i think limiting physical activity may help to bring down your pressure. You are diagnosed at such young age so i'm sure you had done some thorough test to rule out underlying causes ya?? urs is simply hereditary? Cos i was diagnosed last year when i was 28, thus was referred to a specialist, cos its not very normal for young adults to have hypertension, and usually the speialist will advise to undergo a series of blood test and urine collection to rule out other causes. Cos sometimes when you treat the other underlying causes, your hypertension will be better controlled then just taking medication.

Perhaps you cld consider doing the detailed hypertnesion work up (not cheap...cost close to 2k when i did it at raffles, my company covered most of the cost, thats why i went ahead)? There's a book which i bot through book depository.com. Its titled Hypertension in pregnancy, very chim and indepth, a little too chim if do not have much science or medical backgroud, but i find it useful should you want to know more and what are the interventions usually taken for pregant ladies with choronic hypertension like us,...

Monday Blue for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

This morning woke up with backache, want to take leave but think of the amount of work piling up...hais. Now headache developing again. I cannot take it anymore. After week 16, I'm going back to EYS TCM to fix my headache.

sung - hope you can dig up your hospital bill. I really like to know an estimation of cash and overall bill involved.

kelly, koume - take good care of yourself.

bunnz - there's another booth selling at $19 in the middle section. But no sales hanging around so we left.

gilera: no problem. we are all here to help out de.

yep. the discount is immediate de. i only apply the FBI card on the first scan of my #1. and i can use it tat day le.

hmmm.. with the checkups and the delivery charges, i would say, yes, with the card, the cost has been covered back.

detailed scan checks the baby development.


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Muffin, I used wet wipes all the way for my boy until he was old enough to stand up, big biz will bring him to wash. Er... pros & cons... cos now, my boy refuse to poop when we are outside cos can't wash backside. He rather tahan until reach home to poop cos can wash backside -_-"

When he was newborn, we wanted to use wet cotton wool... but it's messy and troublesome... so we ended up using better wet wipes (softer & thicker ones) during first 3 months... after that we change to cheaper brands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all mummies,

Have everyone taken lunch? I am going into my 17th week... but my MS is suddenly back with a vengeance! *groan*

Feels so sick at work now..., sob..., I want to go home! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

icic ladies, hence in average how many packs of wet wipes do we need per week assuming normal usage?

@Blossomsb, maybe can take haf day?

Muffim, I don't really calculate how much wet wipes we will need per week...but for newborn, they will need more initially cos they can poo many many times in a day. Please don't buy the huggies brand..cos the wipes always tear apart when u try to pull it out. So far I only prefer combi or pigeon brands.....at the taka bb fair now the combi wipes are at 20% discount but guess u won't buy it too keep till later stage in case it gets dry up when stored at home.

On baby wipes,

I bought 2 large packets of Tolly Joy bb wipes (big ones x 3 and travel sized one x 12) from the baby fair on Sat. Was on quite a good offer. I think we can keep it for another 6 months if we do not open it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Of cos if we open and reseal, it will gradully lose the moisture.

A colleague of mine just gave birth this morning. I'm thinking of myself in 6 months. Half scared, half anticipating.

Muffin, when use tollyjoy, around 2-3 days can finish 1 large pack (cos we use A LOT).

When we changed to kodomo (cos watson got promo), 1 pack can last ard 1-2 days cos it's very thin.

I still prefer ANGELS wet wipes but the supply not stable. Cos the supplier bring in container by container. When got enough orders then he bring in.

If can't get Angels, Carlson/Tollyjoy is next brand in choice for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes, agree...when watsons got promo the wipes is $2 per pack....the reason I think muffin shouldn't buy the wipes so soon is bcos I am surprised to see there is an expiry date printed on for combi wipes....so think wipes can buy later stage.

asura79 : thanks for your advice.think will go with more common ones i've heard like avent and nuk.

pommes: we just skipped the whole middle section at expo. hehe only walk one circle .

Blossomsbb : u are 17weeks !!! can know gender soon.yeah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SJ : i faintly rem gynae sayin avoid seafood or raw seafood..cant rem exactly also

then with every seafood dish served (per portion kind somemore)..hb looked at me and asked am i sure i can eat? mum also asked me not to take lobster ..so i assume all seafoood lor.

anyway i'm not a seafood person..just at weddings i dont mind trying a piece here and there. but still feel deprived.

Pureen wet wipe also good, if buy during expo baby fair it only cost $5.80 for 2 big pack.

I buy I carton for my first baby and till now still have not finish and not dry yet.

Muffin if u intend to breast feed u have to look for softer wipe cos breast feed baby will poo more than formula baby.

Dont worry everyone! There's going to be other bb fairs in Apr, Jun and Aug, and plus the GSS will be coming and I am sure we can all get some good discounts here and there!!! For now, let's relax and rest as much as we can because when bb comes along... sleep is also non-existent! LOL

wow so many wipes to use?! :eek:

Just had a chat with my frens earlier .they were telling me their birth stories! i really cant imagine myself at that stage yet..but both said the pain is really not that unbearable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

without the epidural we can feel so much more and be able to push at the right time.

Koume : best to have a good discussion w your hb esp abt financial needs shd u need to resign as what your doc suggested. discuss on a more relaxed time..like while takin a walk after dinner or morning walk etc.

I hv realised it's excellent to do discussions while taking a leisure walk as both of us are more relaxed than normal and dont have other distractions around.

goin for lunch now! having udon soup!

cldnt resist buyin ritz biscuits just now ! my treat for the week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]agn hvnt had it in years

ok so tollyjoy/pureen/carson .angel brands for wet wipes..will make a note [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

adelene : gd idea to buy in cartons!

what about pampers?

RE: belly belt

I remember seeing a shop selling it at the S'pore Expo baby fair. Think my hb took a namecard from the shop. I go home and check tonight. Their retail store is at united square but I cannot recall the name of the shop. Update you all later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bunnz, what i heard from my gynae was no raw food. i specifically asked about seafood and he said that's totally fine if it's cooked. i've eaten tons of it since...

i went to the babyfair at expo and i thought it was quite an eye opener. is anyone signing up with one of the cordblood banking companies?

my immunity system has gone way down since i was preggers. in 3.5 months, i've fallen ill twice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] has anyone gone to the docs and taken the prescribed medicine including antibiotics? even if we tell the doc we're preggers, is that really safe for the baby?

I have been feeling a pulling pain on my left abdominal since yesterday (on/ off). Have asked gynae about this kind of pain before, he said is the uterus stretching. So can I take it as a gd sign baby is growing well, hence uterus is stretching? Or should I consult the gynae again?

RE: wipes

my hubby came up with this "brilliant idea". He said now and then buy one brand of wipe for me to try. If it is gd, then we can stock up. So he went ahead and bought johnson & johnson. Feedback is not gd. The wipes stick together instead of coming out piece by piece.

Haha... in case you all wondering, where I use the wipe on... nope nope, not on my backside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I use wipe to clean feet before the cleaning lady mops the floor.

thks ladies , i ll bear the brands of the wet wipes in mind and buy them say in june's fair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my gyne gave me 2 medications to soften the uterus and lessen the cramps (i think) . any idea why need to soften uterus ?

Hi pommes,

Just found my delivery bill in 2009, for info:

- Deposit for admission based on tital cost of Hosp package signed for $1.5k

- actual Hosp charges (4D3N incl hosp equip n supplies) $2,936

- actual Doc fees (Gynae, PD & Anaesaetist) $1,973

- Total paid $4,909 (incl deposit)

- Medisave claimable $3.2k

I dun tink we made any further payment to Doc Tan, except for this Hosp bill upon discharge as I can't find any other receipts. But can't really rem as been quite a while. Wasn't in the mood to keep track then as everything reg admission n discharge was handled by my hb. Haha I was only focused on my Bb!

Anyway, the package price for hospitalization then in 2009 n last I chk in Jan 2011 are the same:

- normal/assisted delivery (2D) $1.5k double room or $2,210 single room

- normal/assisted delivery with epidural (2D) $1,660 double room or $2,470 single room

- LCSC csect, GA or epidural (3D) $2,610 double room or $3,630 single room

Hopes this helps in your planning. If the nurses told u no more charges payable for delivery, then tat would prob be true hee coz they will def say n even write down for u in the appt card if any payment is req [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bunnz: Husband was the one that ask me to resign actually..my Mum was quick to agree. Was thinking of looking for part-time? Hmmm.

Thank you sung! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This information is very useful. definitely taking the single room. *crossing my fingers* for natural delivery with epidural at the most.

BTW, when's ur next appt? Mine is next Tues, looking so forward to it!


I'm an expert when it comes to baby wipes and kitchen towels. These 2 are the most "heavy usage" items on my grocery list.

We've been using baby wipes for past 10 years (on my puppies, no offence to anyone here, in case you think I'm comparing babies to doggies).

Personally, I prefer Tollyjoy and Pigeon brands. The wipes are thicker, better texture. Also, because I use them on doggies' paws, bums, muzzle area, I find that only these 2 wont leave weird smells. The other brands tend to be with fragrance.

