(2011/09) Sep 2011

Sychosis : oic.. will keep that in mind at future weddings if any haha

baby fair eye opener for me too..more of the strollers that were passing by..and the babies in arms..never see so maby bbs at one plc before! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my opinion is that antiboitics is not even good for non preg people. taken only as last resort or no time to wait for the infection to go away.

if u do take antiboitics, be sure to replenish body with good bacteria though. but best to avoid altogether.


kyra : i'm sure the doggies are your babies too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muffin: u are so funny.. i was a fartin machine yest..fartin with every step i took...went on for many steps :p

i'm keepin a manual journal.. but not recording everyday. unless something specific happens

i just cldnt keep up with the digital version..old school here

Koume : that's great..so no issues at all. i'm sure something will come up if u look for it.

gynae appt is next mon actually.

but we'll go tonight as we have several qns to ask..

sychosis - I took antibiotics last week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Was down with fever, sore throat and blocked nose on Monday evening. Went to doc and was given mild med + 2 days MC. But by Wed, I was still very sick. Went back to doc and told him my symptoms aggravated into a painful cough with blood traces in phelgm. He gave me antibiotics + extra 2 days MC. But immediately, I felt better at end of Thursday with antibiotics and was able to come back to office on Friday. Also heard that antibiotics isnt good for us, esp during pregnant state so do take care to check with your doctors. I just finished the whole course this morning.

Bunnz - what are the good bacteria? From yakult/yoghurt?

Ade, try rest as much as poss yeah. U think poss to go polyclinic again n see diff doc to ask for referral again? If not, rem to tell your gynae k n ask for his/her help. Else not safe to always feel giddy too. Must be careful yeah.

Koume, great that your hb supports you to resign coz rest is most impt now. U wun hv work stress to trigger changes to your BP too. If look for part time, must get one that's relaxed n not too stressed type. Take care!

Sychosis, I took antibiotics once in 1st trim coz bad sore throat wun go away. But I chk with my gynae before taking. Med was frm GP.

Muffin, hard to est packs of wet wipes needed. Hee if bf Bb, they poo alot n my boy's type always spill out almost everyday so need alot of wipes to cleanup. I still lived pigeon wipes the best, soft but thick. Best buy is in the promo packs in packs of 6 for $19.80. I buy lots when they hv the promo n keep in packaging without opening, can last 4mths n more. No drying up of the wipes at all. But they will dried up quickly, 2-3 days if opened n the pack is not closed well. So got uo get the box to put in, then wun dry up once closed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I tried some other types, can't rem if it was tollyjoy or our. Wipes but got a smell I dun like, think the wipes r scented. Prefer non-scented ones for bbs.

Pommes, welcome. I'm also thinking of going for single room this time so that if need be, hb n #1 can bunk in too haha ;P oh I just saw Doc Tan this past Sat, very reassuring to see Bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy your visit Tom! Hee maybe, U'll find out bb's gender Tom [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh tk note the Hosp package prices does not incl charges for vacuum or forceps which will be billed separately if used.

Thanks sung! your information on your previous mail is really helpful in my planning. just want to set aside a full amount that is needed. =)

Can i ask if you use bottles sterilizer? and if yes, which brand and how many bottles do we actually need to keep sterilised at any one time?

sung - I am going back to see my little baby next Tues actually. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] By then, I am in week 15. Hope to know gender. Have been telling baby the good of keeping legs open, so we can start buying presents for him/ her. Sometimes, I ask baby, which one you like, blue or pink?

Okay, will take note on the extra cost that may incur.

thanks all! sounds so scary.. i will take the flu and cough medicine without the antibiotics for now and monitor, hopefully i recover asap!

i hope for good health for all mummies-to-be! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

any idea what the wipes are being wetted with? like the ingredients..but nvm.. will check it out at watsons or guardian later. i always think it has some sort of alcohol in the wipes..

Kyra: yeah yogurt has good bacteria(take the plain ones)..

some health supplements do have this function.. but i'm not sure suitable for preg a not.

(also make sure source of supplements are of gd quality)

just to share : for me, i rely on pure essentials oils(then again u have to check the source) to keep me in tip top condition.. the moment i feel itchy throat/heachache coming/indigestion/fluish or anywhere uneasy, i apply my oils.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

on top of that i do breathing and meditation.

Really great tools esp when we need to keep our energy up even more now.

but most basic is still what we put into our body .

@Pommes: I have been getting that on/off pulling feeling recently too and was quite scared. I even went to the extend of asking hb to get the heartbeat monitor to hear bb to make sure if everything is ok. No prizes for guessing, he thought I was over-reacting. Glad to know I'm not along and most imptly, that it's not a bad thing.

@Pommes - I document my preg journey too but only for hb and I. Hee. It's a fun way of seeing how you and baby grow in 9 mths.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just realised I haven't heard from VirgoMTB for a long time. Hope she's doing okay. The last I recall, she was having her preg glow and an obvious bb bump. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Asura, I think can. I saw a mummy who took single room at Gleneagles Hosp during #1's time n her hb n kids were with her. N I know single toon hb can bunk in so dun see why #1 can't too. Yeah we r also worried #1 wun sleep if he dun get to see me. Right now he will only sleep with me so thought worst comes to worst, all of us sleep together in the Hosp hee hee ;P

Pommes, oh hee paiseh, I tot is Tom. Sure can see gender next week, hee as long as Bb co-operates. Yup good way to tell Bb, daddy mummy going to buy lots of things for u hee hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] update us nice u know yeah.

Shyo, actually the brand of sterilizer would also depends in part On the bottles u r planning to use. Coz not all types may fit well. I'm using avert bottles n avert sterilized (the 6 hrs one). Tks abt 20mins to sterilize n I like it so far, been using for 2 yrs. During bf time, I keep 4 avent bottles plus my 2 ameda breastpump bottles n parts in the sterilizer. Can put up to 6. I usually keep more teats n covers in the sterilizer coz sometimes take out n drop before fitting (clumsy me!) ;P

Oh yeah Asura, can I chk with u the brand of stool softener u mentioned last time n where u got it from? I took mild laxatives from my gynae coz constipation quite bad but still can't poo after 2 doses. Stomachache from constipation quite bad, keeps going toilet but not successful. Tink need some other help...


I still taking my fybogel cos still have some. I dont find it effective so will not recommend to u. Someone here mentioned a brand starting with M. I havent go search yet.. cos i still quite quite a bit of fybogel.

Asura, oic. Thanks anyway. Hmmm then I ask hb get me some papaya first. I can't stand the pain n feeling, last since last fri. Was SK happy seen gynae on sat, tot the laxative will help but I tink my stools r too stubborn, sigh...

Aiya I hate typing on iPhone, keeps changing my words. I mean "so" happy, not SK happy, watever tat means...

Bunnz, pigeon wet wipes ingredients:

Water. Propylene glycol, phenoxyethanol, sodium lactate, methyl paraben, peg-60-hydrogenated castor oil, cetylpyridinium chloride, water & glycerin & chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract, water & glycerin & rosa canina fruit extract, etidronic acid, tetra sodium etidronate, ppg-8-ceteth-20

Not sure wat they r haha! But my boy has sensitive skin n butt. Only suitable to this wet wipes n pampers diapers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dear mummies,

just a query to find out a bit more on those massages we get after we give birth. Um, where are we supposed to have the massage? cuz my house quite empty.. Am also wondering whether to get bed for CL for the 1 month, so now thinking if I'll need to buy anything to do massage on?

Daddysbao, I did the massage on a mattress in my brother's bedroom when I had my confinement at my mum's place.

For this round, intend to do the massage in my room since my bed is on the floor (no bedframe).

The massage ladies normally prefer mattress on floor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You can ask your massage lady when you book her.

i will bunnz, and im on mc today

another thing ladies, do any of you take vit c effervescent and cod liver oil pills? i know that always helps cure my flu previously before i was preggers. any idea if it's safe to take it now?

ooh, thanks #2 for the info! so i'll just need to get a mattress for massage :D

shall confirm again too with the massage lady, when i find one and book one. Btw, #2 how early did u book ur massage lady for ur 1st one?


my constipation did improve when i had congee craving. Lol.. Maybe means i need to drown myself with water but i already drink a lot of water everyday. I guess the water from congee can absorb better compared to just drinking. lol

Now need to wait until i dont need to OT, then maybe i can eat congee until i sick of it.. whahahahah

Daddysbao, if you are going to get mattress, I suggest get Seahorse foldable 3inch mattress. Is thick and firm, good for massage and in future, good to let baby use the mattress for tummy time (learn to crawl).

Cos we have been using Seahorse foldable mattress and it's very good. When my boy was 3mths old, I bought a playyard and put 2 seahorse mattress inside. He could play safely inside (no worries about head bumping the floow). And he learnt to crawl and walk very quickly cos the mattress is firm (not like those pasar malam type).

Seahorse having promo now. Think is ard $30/mattress. Good deal cos when we first bought it 5-6 years ago, was $100/mattress.

For massage lady, I've already booked her :p

I booked rather late for my #1. Booked in end 2nd tri. So left with very limited choice. Cos I wanted to try out different ladies for prenatal massage, if I like her, then I book her for postnatal...

This round, I know who I wanna get, so booked her first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adelene, I think her charges now increase to $400/7 day package include 2 baby massage. I'm not too sure cos she's still charging me the old rates ($300) cos I recommended a lot of friends to her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2: Yeah I have the Seahorse foldable mattress too, it's really very good even for adults. Bought it during promotion too.

bunnz/sung: Thank you for your kind words.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tend to be very emotional of late. :| And starting to get hungry around 4pm-ish!

wow! didn't realise we'll need to book this early for massage ladies. Was thinking to only book after giving birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mind to share her details again? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

abt the Seahouse 3-fold mattress u all r talking abt... is it the green or beige one? We saw the promo when we walked past JP store on Sat. Most of the mattreses already has the "paid" stickers.

Janice, mine's the beige one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Daddysbao, will PM you later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

On gender..

During our 14th week, hb ask gyne to try n see if bb is cooperative to let us know e gender.. After some scanning, gyne says from this position chances are princess. Hmm.. He says likely to be[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but says to confirm again later on

Actually, this round, can tell my hubby is dying for a girl... but he try to 'act cool' cos he knows I will blame his SPERM if not girl girl... hahaha...

Asura, hee prob congee helps. But I'm not a porridge/congee person. Only likes rice. N now only got cravings for western food/fast food. Guess they may hv help make my constipation worst.

#2, the massage lady is to help us flatten our tummy? Can i chk with u, is it very oily? How do u clean up esp since bf? Hee I want to try massage this time too. Can u also pm me your massage lady contact? Thanks thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sung, it's suppose to help flatten the tummy, get rid of excess wind (really helps cos I fart non-stop during the massage) and clear blood clots in the uterus to help the uterus shrink back to usual size and position. During and after the massage, can really feel the lochia all gush out. Mine cleared pretty fast considering mine is natural delivery (ard 2 weeks to totally clear). I started my massage 1 day after I was discharged from hospital. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mine includes the traditional binding with the long cloth. Very tight and good. She also helps me to massage boobies to clear milk ducts.

She uses lemongrass oil which my sensitive skin cannot tahan. So I ask her to use my organic olive oil instead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Since it's organic olive oil, no probs even if my boy drinks it :p But I wipe up before I BF him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow so early must book massage lady?

usually can start almost immed after you give birth?

#2 : do u have any alt to baby wipes with no alcohol? most of them have phenoxyethanol

Thanks sung. i went to do bb wipes inspection just now. most of them have alcohol and some even have perfume! grr.

but there's some which says no alcohol and no chemicals though. wonder how true that is. will go see agn.

i m dont like perfume and alcohol on my skin.much less bb :/ and high usage as well.

Bunnz, the Angels brand I use got no alcohol & no smell... BUT, the stock is very unstable... I still have some from the last time we stock up... so this round, once I find the supplier, I'm gonna get a lot of from to stock up!!

Another similar brand is Carlson (can get at John LIttle). Price wise is almost the same as Angels. It's thick and moist and CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP!!!

Cos no fancy chemicals in it, so very cheap :p

#2 : okok angel and carlson.. got it thanks!

btw if you do happen to get the supplier of angels, let me know if you still rem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow the thread is moving really fast since noon..., had a great time catching up on the posts...

@muffin: what are the 2 medication dr poon gave you to lessen cramps and soften uterus??? what position was bb in that suggested likely to be ger ger?

I am moving into my 17 weeks..., but the gender is still a mystery sigh....

Bunnz & #2, I din even know pigeon wipes got alcohol hymn now not so comfortable using it to wipe my boy's hands n face [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Think I'll go look for the Carlson wipes at JL.

#2, the angel wipes is from BP thread is it? Think I saw it before but can't be sure of the name.

Could u also pm me your massage lady contact? Tia!

Sung, got BP??? They normally email me and I normally direct order... so not sure about BP...

cos their direct order price very attractive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sung, thanks for your concern..., morning was terrible reached workplace and rushed to toilet to throw up..., now ok but feeling hungry all the time hehe...

How about u? How's your day???


he prescribed venderol n nifedipine.

i din ask his the position that bb was in cos i was more concerned abt bb ok and my spotting.

U know his machine can help us scan the 2o week detailed scan..hence i think might be quite zhun for him to say its a princess.

re wipes

Tollyjoy has launched a new wipes..non-Alchol.

ladies, i was told office cant forced u to take unpaid if u are not agreeable ..but having that means i return work yeh

