(2011/09) Sep 2011


I could feel my #1's movement ard wk16. Only very slight and it became more prominent in wk20+. I recall bb trying to wriggle away from the heat when i was cooking my meals in wk 20+. Heh.. it was qutie a fun feeling.. do enjoyit when it comes!


Hi Velo and Asura, thanks ya for your comments..,, can't wait to feel my bb move..

Hi bunnz, I checked the bottle of fish oil I am taking as prescribed by my gynae and it has 325mg of DHA. What you have seems to be very high dosage. Gynae does not recommend buying fish oil from outside shops...

Bisforbb, u can try seamless ones. I used to wear them often during my preg. I'm currently taking prenatal vit, calcium, and dha. Doc says no need folic anymore. Am planning to drink a cup of milk(mamil gold) every morning. My baby was 6.55cm at 13 wks. :p

Morning everyone.. I'm just registered today, dunno how to start here.. :p

Currently, I'm expecting my first baby, in week 14. My EDD is on 12 Sep 2011, my gynae is Dr Wong Mun Tat, and I'm staying at amk area.

Nice to meet all mums here.. :D

Morning mummies!

I'm gg for the NT scan this friday.. Sigh.. i'm quite scare thou... sigh... pray tat everything will be fine and the lil one growing inside will clear the tests well!

stress man!

Welcome Joey! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Christine - Don't worry too much, all will be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks gals. Will take my own fish oil then. Which def has much lower dosage . The high dosage is taken by my hb .

Just finished my Oscar. Hope for the best. So far so gd. Saw nasal bone n heartbeat at 162 .tot it was my stomach at first. Quite funny. 7.54 cm at 13 wks. Bb was a little stubborn at first . Other wise ok . Towards the end, bb was just lying still . Tired out. Hehe

Will hop on to taka after lunch.

BlossomsBB, for my #1, I could feel movements at ard week 12. At first I thought was my intestines but I felt it during u/s and gynae said that was movement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This round, I'm 10+ weeks now, can feel some movement (small fluttering feeling) but not sure if it's intestines or baby. But from the location, should be baby :D

Morning all! It's Monday again, it's eat-with-inlaws-day again. Hope MIL wont ask me any funny questions again =/

I just passed W14, went to gynae on Saturday and was finally offered a package. Baby measured 93mm as at W14 D2. And from weekly to fortnight visits, gynae will only see me in 1 mths's time next.

With more of us approaching 2nd trimester, hope all uncomfy symptoms disappear soon. This morning, hb and I were just discussing in car that we ought to start spring cleaning soon to get ready the house/nursery before 3rd trime. But my energy level is still yo-yo-ing. Had 3 appts on Saturday (morning gynae, noon bday party, evening dinner) and I ended up in bed the whole of Sunday. Only woke up for brunch.

BTW, OG having private sale this Wed. 20% + 10%.

Colleagues bugging me to go with them after work. I told them I'm not starting any purchases yet. They said - YES, YOU NEED TO BUY MORE FLATS!

Wahahhaha! They have been nagging at me everyday cos I'm always in heels =X

It's such a quiet afternoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] By the way, does anyone know if it's safe to consume peanut butter? Heard peanuts by itself give bbs allergies, so I'm not sure about pb.

Am wondering now becos I am snacking on a pb & jelly sandwich. Haha

Hi Ladies updates form my end

Just started 16th wk tdy, as for supplements I am on obimin, visits are now monthly

Feel better these days no major issues

I need a cup of tea everyday cant stay w/o tat tried to skip it ystd and ended up wif a bad ahead ached later part of the day and I hate milk but will try to force myself to hv it…. As far as appetite goes im always hungry…. And I hv this strange feelin which I never had earlier is tat before I was preg wen ever I used to eat a lot I felt as if my stomach is full and felt uncomfortable but now even if I eat a lot my stomach still feels light

At work front things look good.. Colleagues say I look beautiful and im glowing

I hv nt bot anything for bb yet looking fwd for the upcoming fairs at Expo in April & June

I guess I need to get some more maternity clothes

And finally I hv decided to go for my braziilain got app nxt wk  I will feel so good after tat

Gina My MIL has strictly asked me nt to take peanuts infact i ws craving for peanut butter and bot a bottle but its jus lying in the fridge now thinkin of givin it to the maid... they say any dry fruit is heaty so shud nt take

i obly tk almonds tat too overntie soak it and tk it in morning and nt more than 4 pieces

Daddysbao : did u get bigger cup sizes? E2.. does juro point have one? or rather causeway point?

Christine: NT is it the same as oscar test? getting confused. lady mentioned nasal bone, kept measuring the thickness about fluid behind neck area/back.. saying the thinner the better.

#2: i also felt movements fr week 10 i think. but like nudges kind..

left taka bb fair empty handed..in the end hb said to buy later .said there's bound to be faris very other month. Men ah.. but we saw this baby monitor with camera..$638. not sure worth getting..from netherlands. apparantly can talk back to baby from our side shd baby cry. has night vision somemore. quite high tech.

Thanks VirgoMTB. I bought a bottle of Goober peanut butter and jelly yesterday too. Guess I'll just leave it at home. Hb hates pb too, he won't eat it so the bottle will just go to waste. Haha.

VirgoMTB, Asura, gina: Thx!!!

bunnz: so envy... u are in tri 2 le.. and i'm like not quite close to tri 2 yet... congrats! u have completed ur oscar... i'm having mine this fri... dunno why, i'm so nervous and scare... sigh.. i have been having a lotz of nightmares recently.. sigh...

mummies, can teach mi how to calm down? sigh.. i think i freaked out a lot this time..

bunnz: yep. NT is the same as oscar.. i jus forgotten the other name.. hee.. sorry for the confusion ar...

Gina: think it's rainy.. that's why quiet :p

anyway i just got up from napping. for some reason i was up since 350am this morning..

did my morning activities, then managed to pop to yoga chanting class at 6 am today.

after my oscar/lunch/bb fair...was tired out! really tired tired lor

Penaut butter : my hb also advised me agst it.

thinks peanuts not good to have

better to eat other nut butter like macadamia nut/cashew nut/almond nut etc

VirgoMTB: glad to know you are better now.ur bump must be so visible now!!! are u used to having tea daily ? that's why headache is like a withdrawal sympton [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how come limited to 4 pieces for almonds? i also heard good to soak almonds overnight. wah brazilian wax.. i never try before. was tempted last time.. is it painful??

i'm waiting to go facial. finally had my much needed haircut last thurs.

so far MIL never say anything cant eat .just menitoned smthg abt hving more iron. just always remind me to stay happy.

Bunnz, wah! So high tech (and so exp). I used a baby monitor for my boy and it was a simple one where we can hear him cry or make noise (cos we will definitely go over to check anyway).

But only used for less than a month then we give up on it already. HAHAHA!

It's good but now the houses so small (unless you stay private house), when baby cry, no need monitor also can hear :p

& we prefer baby hearing our voices when see us when young cos we dun want him to end up thinking that I'm hiding in the baby monitor (which is what my #1 initially thought when we first introduced him to TELEPHONE)...


Your baby monitor very hightech indeed! Haha...how far is the baby's room away from your room?

Like #2, I only used a simple monitor for my #1...but after awhile realised we can hear him crying very clearly since our room is just next door, so stopped using the monitor. Also, we trained him to sleep through before 2mths, so had no use for it anymore. This time, won't be getting any monitor.

There is a research tat eating peanuts during pregnancy may cause higher chance of peanut allergy in children.

So far i haven't eat calcium supplement, also didn't take DHA supplement during the last visit bec' was during the puking stage. Only start taking the multi-vit.

This is bad. I had an itchy throat right after lunch. And now it's really a sore throat flaring up. I can feel a fever/flu coming, hands turning very cold. Sucking on strepsils now. Is it safe to take panadol/flu max etc?

Yuuri, I still hv the monitor I used for my boy.... hahahahaha!!! Can use it again if need...

Mine also slept through the night after 3 weeks, the monitor was more for when he's in the room sleeping in the day and I'm in the living room watching TV/pumping milk...


FYI, a lot of places use PEANUT OIL for cooking...

Cos it's cheap & makes food rather tasty.

If you intend to avoid, then need to take note.

@Christine: You are going for both NT and Oscar?

@Bunnz: Thanks, noted on pb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Will sacrifice for the sake of bb. Although I think I already cheated on other aspects (cold drinks, ice cream, egg mayo..)

@VirgoMTB: Glad you're having the preg glow!

@#2: Cannot emphasize enough, your boy is very cute!

Gina : strawberry jam is fine..just so long it's not the sugar free type. it means it'll have aspartame which is not good for even non pregnant people.

Christine: you shd be close to trim 2.

You are nervous about the oscar results or during the test itself?

You can think about all the blessings you have had so far. By being pregnant is already a blessing in itself.

HE will not give you something you cant handle. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Think about something everyday u are grateful about, the moment you open your eyes.

One very easy method to calm down is just to breathe. Slow /gentle and deep.

Whenever you feel nervous/scared :just breathe.

as u inhale: imagine you are inhaling in all the good positive energy.

As you exhale: imgaine you are exhaling all the tension/negative energy out.

Can use even when you have backaches/tension/stress etc , it works as well.

Try it!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Everything is all created by our minds only, both good and bad. It 's very important we are mindful of our emotions and stop the negative thinking once it kicks it.

bunzz how hv u been so finally ur oscar is done tats gr8 good luck for results

#2 how's it goin wif you son

simbao did nt see ur posting on food lately .. dun stop postin they r really good

Asura hope ur work is good and ur able to strike a balance at work and home

dadysbao hows are thing wif you

Gina im surprised hwo these angmoh ladies always relish peanut butter though infact i ws givn this example to my MIL she says we dun hv to follow em and scolded me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muffin so are you goin to remove the polyp

Gina, all kids reach a certain age (esp when they start talking) will be darn cute!!! When they start expressing their thoughts and do/say funny things!!

Bunzz brazillian wax is very painful alamah i ws takin to joey tats her name who does it for me and i ws tellin her tat i ws so scared to msg u but i had to gather the guts i hv nt wxed since 4 mnths and i tell u its goin to be very painful but if i dun do it now then it will jus get worse and i hate tat hair jus dun liek it infact i hate hair anywhere on my body :p mks my mood off

VirgoMTB, now is school holidays, so he's been home the entire day!!!

Playing and digging all his toys out from his room...

Your MIL seems rather strict!

gina: NT and oscar are different de ar?

bunnz: i'm nervous abt the results itself.. althou i'm also scare of the blood test.. haha...

ok. i will try out your methods... i'm so nervous and scare until i have been having nightmares since my last checkup!... sigh...

Thanks #2. I cannot afford to fall sick and go on MC again, work is so piling up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

#2 & Yuuri : yeah so ex!! apparantly can hear 300 m away/ we just happened to pass by.

I prac laughed when the lady said can talk to bb via the monitor. like what #2 says, will confuse bb's orientation i think. i think i run over to room which is faster and better lor. bb room just beside our room only. but mb it works when u dont want to go everytime bb cries..then can monitor voa montitor. then gal suddenly added can use to monitor grandparents and maid. can do recording also!

selling tog with the joolz stroller.hb purposely went to ask about that stroller to see what's so gd abt it.

i'm just concerned next time if bb cries at night, what if i sleep thru it? :S

how do mummies here manage to get up in the night? esp if baby is not sleeping in the same room.

My jam is low in sugar but I don't think its' sugar free. I'm not sure if they use aspartarme. Either way, I'm freaking out. Nothing to eat already (no cold cut ham, no pb, no aspartame filled jam, no kaya, no butter).. haha

How do you girls deal with afternoon hunger pangs? I'm not a carrot sticks person.

I think I will just clip 2 pieces of lettuce and bread - cannot waste the whole loaf of bread. Haha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bunnz, don't worry.... it's very amazing one... sometimes we can't hear it, but I'm already up and walking over to check.... Mother's instinct!

Gina, I take loads of fruits. Those with a natural sour tang like mango, orange, kiwi helps with the MS.

Btw, I took cold cut ham cos really cant take it... but my hubby toasted the entire sandwich first...

I work at IBP and we get amazing snacks during afternoon .. i hv tat or jus hv furits.. also if you read the dialy reads on the preganancy apps they say we shud mk a chk list of wat to eat weekly and try to incoporate lot of variety and helaty foods in our diet

Christine: i'm also scared of needles n blood. i always look away the moment i sit down, plus hum a little tune. usually works .You just have to find a method which suits you. Like if you are christian, you can sing a hymn smthg like that..

Do an activity which can take your mind off the test.

also pls avoid reading thru other forums esp when you see the titles which are negative.

you have to choose the content you read selectively. We dont need the unnecessary stress.

VirgoMTB : Thanks!! Everything is all ok. Starting back on my yoga regime this week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just that it's been raining a little more than normal, makes me tired more easily.

wow takes lots of guts to try brazilian. i rem my first eye brow plucking..of cos nothing compared to yours.

even the pores squeezin during facial is tedious for me. as i have senstive nose.

#2: agreed. have you told him about your bb? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wonder what h e'll say.

I rem my 7 year old studt sayin she wants to go to heaven soon. eyes just opened big! says no need to do homework and only play all day. then another girl student talked abt wanting to be an assasin when she grows up! gosh!

my student's mum mentioned bb will have their own special way of expressing using their own special sign lang. like thank you/hungry etc

they learnt it themselves!

Somehow angmos eat everything ! even cold stuff..they are not bothered by "liang" food.

but everytime i see their shopping trolley: it's full of organic stuff like milk and eggs and tons of meat and fruits!! they really know how to enjoy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi VirgoMTB, I also wanna go Brazilian, but hubby dun let me go!! He says the pain will affect bb. Thing is, I feel v uncomfortable... down there =X


Maternal instincts. You sure wake up one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] For me, the first month especially. But when we were training #1 to sleep, I stopped waking up after a couple of days thinking he was sleep-trained already. Then hb told me he's been waking up and he thought I act blur, purposely never wake up! lol!


Yah lor..when they start talking it's really very cute.

gina: haha. yeah my hb always asks me is the forum good for me? smtimes overload of info:p

i just eat fruits in the afternoon as snacks usually. the other day i got this biscuit pack which comes with cheese. tot it was not bad.

or u can just buy fruit bread/raisin bread..no need to put anything. just toast can eat already. avoid toasting everyday as can cause sore thorat if not careful.

Bunnz, we told him but it's still abstract to him cos he dun see the tummy growing bigger yet...

& he's quite resistant to having younger kids at home so we told him he's getting a friend who will play with him everyday.... then he was very happy about it!


bunnz: i'm tried a lot of ways.. but i guess there was a period in work that i'm so stressed and tensed! then recently, one of my team members tell mi, he is planning to jump ship and is looking ard. ok la.. as a fren i'm happy to hear tat. but on the other side, the project load will kill the rest... Zzz... but dun care already coz it's the mgmt issues to look for manpower..

#2: hmmm... maybe i can also try telling my #1 tat i will be getting her a friend to play with... hmmm...

