(2011/09) Sep 2011


we cant go massage yet. Got to wait until wk 20 then can go for prenatal massage. Not sure abt tiger balm, i feel like i need it on my neck and shoulders too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yuuri, my hubby went to dispose it. I also dunno what he did with it.

Asura, yes! No more chirping!! And they really forget fast. My students asked him where's the quail and he just said very matter-of-factly,"It died."

Spring Maternity having their March Sales valid till 31 March. Said to have up to 50% off for selected maternity & nursing wear. For those who are interested.

BTW, did anyone see at the Taka fair whether Pigeon bottles having sales? Tot to buy and keep for #2 if have sales. I no time go taka mayb go during a lunch time during work days.

@velo - yes, pigeon bottles are on sale at Taka baby fair. I was contemplating between that and avent. Bought avent in the end.

@pommes - the facebook account, you meant yours or the Sep MTB? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@#2 - your disclaimer on not being responsible for the quail is funny.. Haha. It's good that kids have selective memory in that sense. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gina, yes!! Thankful for his selective memory. Else we'll be in trouble!

But then again, he can remember certain things very well. Like today, he requested to go to Tumble Tots (we've stopped for almost a year already cos they shifted further from us).

Muffin, did your gynae mention about whether it's affecting baby? I feel that if not affecting baby, don't remove now cos removal might have risk of miscarriage? Think you need to discuss with your gynae in detail on the risks/pros&cons. Then think about it and discuss with your hubby.

bb is doing well. He hv me monitor becos right now the bleeding cannot be ascertain if it's due to the polypsncos the amt of bleeding may or may not be due to polyps. Was so on the spotting and bleeding that we forget to as how big is bb now.

Muffin, is the bleeding very bad? I think good to monitor first cos there's always a risk in going for op during pregnancy. If there's no immediate cause of concern, then can wait it out. But if it's affecting baby, then must act fast.

Since gynae say can monitor first, then rest well and monitor :D

i am back.. HB bought me to IT fair to kpo kpo.. went very early... leave when the crowds are in..

Felt so bad towards baby today.. i kept having ICE cold drink coz its so WARM out there...:S

must really discipline myself from tml

Had some herbal soup made specially by granny ... when having dinner @ her pl... yummy


humm.. actually if u attend wong boi boi's prenatal classes later on. She will tell u that cold water reach the mouth will become body temperature, how will it affect baby?

Think the cold/warm stuff some part due to myth, not sure how much to believe. But i think maybe as long as not too much liang stuff should be ok. Probably the liang stuff that affects baby.

@asura: reallly?? I'm also guilty of cold drinks and if the coldness from cold drinks can be neutralized by our mouth, that wld be great!!!! Haha. Anyway, having bad flu now. Hope all mummies have a long restful night! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning all!

I'm getting ready to go work

Gina- that's my own Facebook account. Anyone starting one for sept 11 mum?

Pooh/ asura- thanks for the advice. Got hubby to rub tiger balm on my neck n shoulder. But can still feel the strain.

Muffin - did Ur gynae mention where is Ur polyp located?

Hope everyone has a good Sunday. Hope I can still make it for Church service later on.

Good morning all mummies!!! I had a good night's sleep finally without having to wake up to answer nature's call!!! Wheeee...

What plans do the rest of you have today??? Although Pommes need to work today but I am sure you will have a great day with your bb! Have a good day everyone!!!

Morning ladies

Nice weather to sleep in.

Pommes : you do work quite a bit on weekends?

Asura: sounds interestin abt the cold water.

is it because our body temp will increase temp of cold water automatically?? hehe

mb sipping is fine..but if drink by big gulps still can feel the coldness in the lungs :p

time for me to start work as well.

feelng lazy today..

finished groceries!

Bgt nasi lemak to pamper myself.but ate half packet only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] still hungry!!

Blossoms : i also had gd slp . slpt ard 130 am yest...till 7ish. my latest ever for 2011.

Have work today..may go yoga in the late afternoon just to relax more.

waiting for tmr excitedly! HB coming back and seeing bb also.

bunnz, gina christine,

According to mrs wong, by the time the water reaches our blood stream, it is body temperature. but i guess her can drink advise applies only to iced water and juices. lol.. cos u know gassy drinks and stuff... probably not too good to drink too much cos wonder what rubbish goes into our blood stream to baby.

Gilera, if the bird nest if from reliable source (no bleaching), it's ok. I've been taking ever since I tested positive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My mum has been loading me with bird's nest.

Asura, agree that cold drinks are ok. But I try to take lesser ice or leave them out so they won't be too cold. I can't life without cold drinks!!!!

But my cold drinks are mostly ice water and fruit juices :D

Hello everyone!

I am logging in from office. Just finished my work but not in time for church service. Hais... missed 2 sundays' service in a row.

bunnz - i hope this is my last weekend i need to come back to work. Now age is catching up plus preggie, not like young people can "cheong" all the way.

#2 - what do you mean by bleaching of the bird nests? No one makes any for me, so I buy those ready made in bottles. Are those safe? I have been drinking before preggie and even after preggie.

blossombb - no major plan today. dun think will go taka baby fair too. will probably rest at home. my mum said she is coming to visit me later.

Okay, leaving office now. Nice weather to sleep in! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pommes, those dried bird nest from medical hall, some are bleached to make them look clean and nice.

For bottled ones, I think if you buy the big brands, should be safe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] La Hong Kah is very popular with preggies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cos it's concentrate, just buy 1 bottle, take 1-2 tbsp a day can already.

Hi bunnz, good that you rested well!!! you are not missing out anything Great by giving the taka fair a miss..., I went on fri and other than the medela breast pumps and milk bottles, I find the deals so so... Some of the things are cheaper like bath mats, wash cloths, toddler toys but if you have kiddy palace card with the discount def can match those so called special prices at the taka fair... Unless you are keen on stocking up but I think gss might have better deals too...

Hi #2, heard that birds nest is really good for baby complexion but not sure if the saying that bb will have slot of mucus and phlegm is true though... But I guessed since your mum is giving it to u the myth should be false!

Asura: oh really? mmm hehe but must still keep myself discipline.. i kicked the habit to drink ICY cold drink for months but came back when i realised is preggy...

Regarding bird nest.. i drink from bottle ones too.. but i heat it up before drinking.. find it nicer... doesn't want to bother my mum to make it.. esp her eye sight.. wait cannot see the feathers in it...

YEAP gg back home later.. no nid to go mil hse..

3 cheers for HB.. he know i wanna go home rather den to go his mum pl... hehe

Hi Mummies, thanks. I had decided to go for the amniotic test. My initial worry was the risk of miscarriage, that's why I had hesitated in the first place.

Thanks for all the encouragements. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BlossomsBB, the myth about asthma and phlegm is only if the bird nest is not cleaned properly (a lot of feathers). My mum's maid picks out the feathers very carefully, plus my sis & mum will QC.

Simbaobao, I <3 cold bird's nest :p

p00h: I'm still drinking cold beverages rather frequently..I used to dislike cold beverages! Quite strange.

Seems like a few of you actually went to purchase stuff at the Taka/MC fair! MIL/Mum says it better not to buy now..SIGH. Will be checking out the Babyfair at Expo the coming week though, heard from my colleague there will be a lot of good offers? Hmmm.

Is anyone suffering from bad memory lately? Or maybe it's just me...

Has anyone delivered at Mt. A/TMC before? I don't think there is too much of a difference in terms of pricing is there?

I'm still on Prenavit and FA. During my latest visit on 10 March, I wasn't prescribed any DHA/Calcium pills. My next visit is on 9 April, should I call the clinic to check? Hmm..

Koume, bad memory during pregnancy is a well-known fact! hahaha!! I become very absent minded & forgetful.

TMC 4 bedder is slightly more exp than Mt A 4 bedder (Around 200 - 400 diff).

Hi #2 thanks for the info. Anyway, I did some research on bird's nest and it's high in proteins and antigens . It will not cause asthma and phlegm in bbs but complexion effects are not medically proven. Likely if a mother consumes lots of birds nest, her complexion will improve but that of her bb is determined mainly by genes nor birds nest.

Just had lunch with my folks and my mum told me bottled bird nest is considered cooling. Not sure, if she meant the cooling as in chilled or the normal cooling nature.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hehe but I've been drinking since gynae gave the green light on first visit. I think it's safe but he did advised that too much may indeed cause phelgm and babies cannot handle that.

Hi mummies especially those who are currently expecting second or third child, how and when did you feel bb movement??? Can share your experience???

Hi I've a set of brand new Philips Avent Digital Sterilizer (keeps contents sterile for 24hrs) going at $150 (UP $199). Bought wrongly cannot fit the bottles that I have. Interested please PM me.

Was reading the April thread and saw the MTBs preparing for confinement..and woah was the list of herbs extensive or what!

Mum doesn't know how to do confinement, don't think MIL knows either. Was thinking of just ordering confinement food delivery! Gosh..

Cheapest Maternity wears preorder !! Ready stocks for some Taiwan kids wear selling at rock bottom price!! NA LV coin pouches at $12.90 each !!( 5 pcs available )




More info ,pls visit http://closetlovez.blogspot.com

To place order , pls add me at [email protected] in fb , and pm me ur orders. Preorders will reach u appz in 2 weeks time .

Oh gosh, have been so busy till I finally managed to log in after 4-5days! Spent quite a while going through all the entries I’ve missed…

#2: $50 for massage sounds very good! Does she charge the same rate for post-natal massage too? My cousin had hers at $900 for 10 sessions of an hour each which I thought was ex in SG! Oh yes, I finally ordered my lemon-flavored DHA and Erbaorganics stretch mark oil from iherb! =)


My gynae is super kiasu to the max. I am still taking:

1) Prenatal vitamins (Obimin)

2) Folic Acid

3) Calcium

4) Iron

5) Vitamin C

And to add to the list next, need to also take DHA. My feel is also that folic can be stopped after 1st trimester, and because I take a lot of milk and milo I don’t need the calcium. But my gynae could only say the classic ‘we only want the best for your baby so you decide how lah…’ Argh! What an answer…so of course hubby insist that I still continue taking everything for baby’s sake…

I read an article that says that if iron is taken in the 1st trimester, research has shown that babies tend to be bigger and of a healthier weight too! Hmm…

Btw can I ask if any mummies have comfy strapless bras to recommend? Coz now that underwire ones are painful and silicon ones (that I used to wear a lot) irritate the nipples a lot, it seems like only bras with straps work! Wanna wear my babydoll dresses that are strapless…

Koume: my short-term memory is getting really bad too! Read somewhere that it is really scientifically-proven, so I guess there is so much we can do. =|

Those mummies that have been to scans, how long was your baby at 14wks? I read in a book that baby at 14wks is 13cm and that sounds huge to me! Tmr I’ll be 14wks exactly and going to see baby again…hopefully growth is good and all’s fine! =)

hi gals

just finished my yoga. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so happy!!

feel better than ever.

felt so deprived.

birds ' nest: never take any . not too familar with it, so not intending to start. like what #2 : just check quality is gd, otherwise dont take

Cold drinks: only take my yakult cold(some how must take at least 1 bottle a day) plus ice cream if any. (limited)starting fr today for some reason, i take my fruits out from fridge and wait for 20 mins then cut. i usually dont like cold drinks pre preg as well.

bras: yeah i need new bras as well!! only can wear those with bigger cup cutting. the rest all cant make it.

@BlossomsBb: Someone can feel it at 5-6 months some much later. Cos per doctor it also depend on the thickness of each tummy wall. I can feel my #1 around 6 months if i not mistake.

Now with #2, feels weird not to be able to feel it yet. I looking forward to later 2nd trim. But when I had #1 in my 2nd Trim i was full of energy, going for every sales in sight. Now I am so exhausted event in 2nd Trim, all i want do is just rest yet cant sleep well. THink my body getting old. :p

oh btw did anyway of you recall reading about preggy cant eat fish oil capsules having too much


is EPA 860mg and DHA 580mg (per serving) too much?

My mum just told me bird nests best to be taken right after u brush teeth in morning. She said this is best absorption way.

Bunnz - Ur dha contents very high. But not sure if there is any side effect.

Hi gals,

I'm still on folic acid. Gynae just replenished my FA for another 2 mths and asked me to take milk for calcium. I told her i'm lactose-intolerant and she said try to drink some. If not, she will give me calcium supplements.

Went to taka baby fair yest. Resisted the temptation to buy stuff. Will there be another Taka baby fair before Sep? I wonder....

Woo.. I jus came bk from juction 8 n am fancisated at wat I saw at the kiddy p there.. Imagine if i went taka.. Everything is so nice to me.

Someone ask where is my polyp located? Near the entrance of my v.

Talking abt memory.. YES... It's affecting me . Things will improve after childbirth?

Am now eating yumi yogurt ... So nice.. Need control on take liao.

hi hi!

went down to E2 yesterday to buy lingerie. currently it's the E2 brand of bras in their store that's buy 2 get 2 free, and if you can catch hold of the shop ladies, u can let them noe of our situation, and ask them wat would be suitable for u.

That's wat i did, n the lady told me probably i'll need 4 pieces and should be able to last throughout the entire period. if the chest gets larger, can just buy bra extension subsequently. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No point buying too many pieces when we might not need them after the 9 mths.

Some of their underwear is selling 3 for $10 or e for $15.

Hope this news helps. I forgot to ask when the sale will end, but I doubt it's gonna be that soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Can anyone advice me when to start on fish oil? I had stopped taking FA, currently only on Prenatal supplement. I'm in 12 weeks now, EDD : 19 Sep , gyna Dr Lim TC. Going for Amino test on 7th.

Dislike drinking plain water, feel like punking after taking. Love soft drink or juices, started drinking red dates water to today to replace water.

