(2011/09) Sep 2011

muffin: if it's not bleeding every day, shd be fine. like one off here and there..sometimes cos due to hard stools, there may be a tear in that area, causing bleeding.

I had it last year..like every now and then.

TCM says if not bleedin everyday profusely. its ok. just take more fibre, veg and water.


hi mummies,

catching up on posts now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ellysia, ergo carrier is really good, i love mine. but the infant insert not too suitable for use in spore hot weather, bb will be very warm inside the insert. my boy absolutely refused to lie inside the insert, cry and cry. i only started using the carrier without insert for him at 4mths. i also have a bad back, always ache and pains. but using ergo carrier, i can carry him for 3-4 hrs at a go without feeling the ache. hope this helps you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

velo, aiyoh, i also find it a big waste to throw away the bottles. but can't help it, also worried if keep so long, now use whether good for #2 so decided to buy all new ones. hee hee not throwing old ones through, letting my #1 play with them. he loves play pretend to make milk while i make his actual fm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

simbaobao, yes! good idea to buy stroller only after bb is borned. my stroller is a white elephant. little one refused to sit inside at all. end up only carried or he walk himself hee hee. so if you buy too early may end up wasted. best to let bb try and c whether bb likes it.

bunnz hi-5! think a lot of our hbs are like this hor. if want to shop in peace and enjoy it, must do it by ourselves haha! :D

asura, good to hear you have a relaxing stay at sentosa with your family! must be a great birthday celebration for your gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha i laugh and love your comment that not all our breasts are standardised! :p

re. oct's thread incident

omg, that was so scary! luckily the mtb sought a 2nd opinion. the first gynae is so irresponsible and cruel! it's a life he's talking about, yet he can so casually mentioned to terminate it just coz it's weak!?!?!?

re. inlaws/parents

vickvick and simbaobao, actually, not just inlaws have old fashioned thinking. my mum caused me a lot of pain during my first preg when she happily tell me, ask my mil to boil tonics for me coz i'm her daughter in law liao and the grandson is theirs. i was like "huh?? i'm not your daughter meh? this is also your grandson what?!?!?", cried so hard over it. but then i know she still cares for me, just that her thinking is like that, no choice lor. somemore, inlaws never initiated or mentioned want to boil tonics for me what, ask me go and ask myself meh? sigh, no need lah, take care of myself can liao, got hb sayang can liao lor. guess the older folks' thinking sometime can really clash with ours and caused us pain/grief/anger sometimes. just got to give and take, no matter what, they are still our elders.

re. pimples

jen chng, dun worry k. i also pimple outbreak on my face, esp on forehead, a lot of them. guess it's our 1st trim heatiness and hormonal changes. haha and if we have craving for heaty food, guess it doesn't help too. let's wait for 2nd trim to come, then we'll all be glowing! hee hee.

#2, your boy is so cute! and so smart hee hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

changing of bb bottles

blossomsbb and bunnz, new born bottles and teats, best to change every 3 mths. else bottles every 6 mths, teats every 3 mths. but when they start teething, got to check the teats more often and change if any damage hee hee coz some bbs really love to bite hard on the teats. actually after my boy turns 1 yr old, we abit lax now. i'm only changing my boy's bottles after almost 9 mths now and teats 6 mths :p quite expensive to keep changing, a bit heartpain and bu she de :p i agree with Yuuri, if you intend to tbf, abt 6 bottles should be sufficient for putting the ebm, rest can put in bm storage bags if you have alot of ebm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re. co-sleeping or bb cot

guess each of us believe in the respective pros and cons of each. my #1 co-sleep with me since 2 mths and i love every moment of it. easier to bf at night and i love to cuddle him. he feels more secure too, sleep better and doesn't keep waking up crying like he used to when he's in the cot. i even got a playpen for him, thinking that the cot is not comfortable and that a softer playpen may do the trick. doesn't work. he prob just want a human touch and feel of human warmth to sleep well. diff bbs are diff. intending to co-sleep with my #2 too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually btw bb cot and playpen, i think playpen is better. coz it's not so hard, some bbs like my #1 loves to do 360degree turn in their sleep and as they grows, 180 degree flip and turn! bb cot, even with the bumper is pretty hard, can't imagine him knocking his head on the sides, major ouch!!! playpen is also more usable in the daytime, can put lots of toys and let him/her play inside for a while safely, hee just my opinion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dorset_baby, is it water retention? try not to drink too much water at night and see if it's better?

cord blood banking

bunnz & teardrop, i highly second going for cordblood banking! hee hee done that for my #1 and going to persuade hb to do for #2 as well. hb believes got one banked in enough already but i want to do for all my children haha!! :p coz i think as health science advances, cord blood is going to be more and more useful and valuable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chocolate, Happy Birthday to your boy!! hee hee our boys shared the same birthday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we just celebrated for my boy today! so happy he's reached another milestone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wow, club med! enjoy yourself next next week! i bet your boy's going to really have fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re. triple blood test

chine, daddysbao, i think i'm going for triple blood test. hee gynae haven't said yet but i think i did that for #1. also coz not doing oscars so the other test to chk for DS is triple blood test. if i rem correctly, it's pretty simple, just draw 3 tubes of blood then wait for results.

simbaobao, cheer up. seconds what the other mummies said. maybe a short 2D1N stay at Sentosa, can visit USS with your hb? or just relax at the beach? good job with the mrt incident! i clap for you!! brave mtb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] serves the young man right, he can jolly well give up in the first place hee hee.

FB page for Sep MTBs, ohh would love this! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyone knows how to create? hee i joined my previous thread FB page too, so nice to know more mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muffin, sounds like piles. rem to check with your gynae tom. if is piles, got either cream or med (not sure if we can take the med now) to help. dun drag it too long. mine was drag quite a while and become quite big. i used to find a bit of blood on toilet paper when wiping and usually my toilet bowl water becomes red with blood. but coz it happens during my confinement time, i tot it was coz the food is too heaty and ignore it for quite long. by the time i went to chk, piles pop out liao and quite big [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] rem to take more water!

vickvick, hope your place is safe and sound. be careful and take care!

haha my 2 tired men woke up liao. going out for 2nd round celebration. bye mummies! catch up again later. enjoy this fri evening and yippy! the weekend is finally here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Are you ladies still on folic acid? During my last appointment, I was already on my last couple days worth of FA and forgot to ask my gynae. Asked the nurse though and she said I can stop. Thing is, i read that FA is to be taken right up till birth, esp so now in the 2nd trimester when the brain is developing.

Haha, anyway, I went to Guardian to get my own supply. Not sure if anyone has weaned off FA yet.

hey mummies, just got a SMS advertisement from E2 lingerie, they're having some promotion like buy 2 get 2 free at their outlets. I might be going down to take a look at the selected items. Gonna need some bigger underwear, or maybe bra extension... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no need FA already. I stopped mine. gynea said no need already


where is their outlet? warehouse or all outlets?

daddysbao - Happy shopping! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm heading to the baby fair this evening and I hope it won't be too packed.

Thanks Janet. Then I don't have to religiously eat it anymore. I have a buffet of pills every morning. Haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am still on Folic acid coz before dat mynladt appt with gyane am still in 1st trimester.

My calf now felt so tight.. Anyone facing tis as well?

Hi all mummies and MTB, I just had my OSCAR tests results and it turns out that my blood test showed that i have borderline risks that my 2nd child in my tummy is a down syndrome child. Hence, i was asked by my gynae to decide if i should go through amniocentesis.

Any of you have done this before? Can share your experience with me? In addition, i understand that this might involve risk of miscarriage. Any idea how long will this risk be reduced or vanished after the test is taken?


my #2 also results very bad. i went for amnio.

go for anmio if the results of the anmio will decide whether you want to continue. if u feel the results will not affect your decision whether want to continue, then no need to go for amnio.

my OSCAR blood results was bad too, baby turn out fine. for amnio test, you can ask your gynea for a speedy results, but u have to pay a bit more. can be deducted from medisave too.

@Janet - Me too, thats why I try to take them all in the morning right after b/f in case I forgot. The calcium and DHA pills I have are the hugest and each pill requires lots of effort.

eh, the sms never say... if i get to shop during this weekend, will update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah, if u bite calcium pill, isn't it very bitter? eeky. hard to swallow.. :s

yes, i was worried too..therefore my hubby asked gynea whether can get results faster...that is when we knew can pay to have faster results, rather than wait for 1 month for the results.

right now, try not to worry too much because it may affect the fetus..just eat, sleep as per normal. I think should be ok lah...mine turn out ok...talking to your fetus also helps to take yoru mind off the worries


yes, they taste like chalk...that is why after swallowing, i after eat orange peel to mask the taste...yeee


thks for the feedback on ergo. Really useful!

Looks like i may have to buy a sling to use for the initial months. But i dunno how to use and can't figure it out in my 1st P. Aiyo...

For sling, which brand is good? anyone can recommend?


Oh dear! Feel for u. Please try to think positively and talk to baby more. I heard that 90% of the cases that went on to do the amnio turn out normal. I think it is impt to discuss with ur hb on ur options of whether to do or not do the amnio. At the end of the day, u must not regret the decision made at this juncture.

Selling my Medela Pump In Style Advanced Backpack

Bought a few months ago and I've only used for 3 months. It's almost like new in perfect condition. Selling it now as I've just stop breastfeeding. It's a US set and I'll throw in the voltage converter FOC.

Price: $220

It comes in the complete set in the original box which includes:

- Instruction manual

- Pump motor

- Battery Pak

- AC adapter

- Removable cooler bag with cooling element

- 4 BPA free bottles with lids

- Double pumping kits with Personal Fit breast shields

- 1 pair of valves and membranes

- 1 pair of tubings

Self collection at my place (if you wish to try the pump motor) or at Toa Payoh MRT/ Queenstown MRT.

Please PM me if interested. Thanks!

Have u mummies taken dinner? I just taken soup..

today my gf went for the glucose test.. she failed it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] am worried i will fail as well..

Just back from gynae visit. BB at 14w6d, 8.5cm. Can't see gender yet, disappointed... Gynae only pointed out bb's butt butt and legs, say will know gender when we come for next appointment on 8 April, hai...

Previously, doc used to prescribe both FA and prenavit, but clinic assistant says I can stop the FA already. She explains that the prenavit contains FA too, just that first trimester need more FA. She also introduced me to DHA today, bought a box to try.

p00h, my details as follow, appreciate your help to update

BB #1

EDD: 1 Sep 2011

Gynae: Dr Adrian Woodworth

Hospital: MAH

Occupation: FTWM

Area: Hougang

hi ladies, anyone out there has any experience w polyps? I went washroom and the pinkish discharge came bk. in fact this is after the "pile" episode this noon

it stopped after i was given the jab last sunday but came bk just earlier.. im concern. btw the jab was for an tai one..

I just need to be sure that bb is ok and the pinkish discharge is mainly due to the polyps not others..

Veron : have faith in ur bb . Most of the cases I read about turned out ok.

Sung: thanks for advice. Will buy half a dozen of bottles n teats then. Come to think of it, I myself like to chew on straws if time allows me.:/

Btw for the ergo carrier, is it easy to put bb in on ur own? Cos when the asst showed me how to use the babyjorn , seems many steps. I can be quite clumsy.

I had din at 5 pm. Now hv Mac for supper. But Sharin w sister.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks yuuri for encouragement. I heard dr woody is half Australian . Just hopin he s the open minded kind.

Hi BlossomsBB, is 4 weeks too long? Visits used to be every 2-3 weeks during first trimester. After today's scan, clinic assistant says doc wants me to come back after 4 weeks. I guessed it's because pregnancy has more or less stabilized. Unless I feel unwell, I usually stick with the dates they give me.

Hi mummies! I just left the baby fair with hb. Got ourselves the avent bottles and a baby carrier. Almost wanted to also get car seat, bassinet and sterilizer set but worried it may be too early so we held back but it's v good deals. No further less for Taka card only earn points. Also managed to get a copy of the maternity checklist from the baby section.

@simbaobao : what's the glucose test about?

blossom, gina: its to test for sugar in our body.. got a drink a SUPER sweet drink and do the blood tests after that .. if sugar level too high = having gestational diabetes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I see. Is it a compulsory test? Aiyo, why still make you drink super sweet drink before the test? Won't it skew the results? Anyway, dont worry too much since you cool most of your meals urself, shld be much healthier than like me to eat out all the time. ;)

gina: it depends... if ur family had history had dat u got to do or u know u had sweet tooth oso best to do... tat drink is to see how our body can control the sugar level in us... need to take 3hrs to do the test and a blood drawn each hr.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sigh cannot dun worry coz my previous job involved alots of sugaring stuffs...

Hi Muffin, I very ks I started on the irony tablets like super early, in fact I asked him to give me lol he also stunned hehe. Oh I also have a fibroid ... Sian

Hi Jessica, I not sure about the duration but I guessed it's ok since it's arranged by your gynae. For mine, the clinic follows a 3-2-1 model: every 3 weeks then 2 weeks then 1 week when going to deliver so I tot the rest also same. I sign prenatal package so the consultation and scan included but not including supplements so quite affordable...

Hi simbaobao, how many weeks of p then need to take this glucose test???

Blossoms , our package dun cover supplements like multi- vits yeh? just the normal scan , and the strip urine test and consulation? am i right?

did dr poon advise on anything on the fibroid?

ladies, think i go and get this

"prenatal heart listener".

the brand selling at KIDDY PALACE is called CORE. the set costs $59.

anyone got this?

hope vick is ok there.. saw the clips of the earthquake and tsunami.. HB commented its like the 2012 show.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i doesn't dare to watch further.. heart felt so sour..

Hi muffin, yes package dont include supp... Dr poon just said to monitor and let him Know immediately if i experience any ab pain..., you know him la, he's very calm and zen person, no signs of worry at all on his face, just commented it's common...

Couldnt sleep last night. The thought of a nuclear leak in Japan just makes me feel so uneasy, feel so sad at the extensive damages when i watch the local news..

Good morning! Finally it is weekend again.. shall have to rest well this week cos i probably got to work long hrs next week.

RE: Glucose Test

Usually they will ask u to do if u fail the urine strip test that they give u at every visit.


Oh.. is there a nuclear leak as well? I havent read the papers yet but thank god u are not affected.

Hi muffin, how did your visit at dr poon's go???

Have not booked detailed scan as its still early lol... Dr poon will surely remind me nearer the date. My next visit is 28 mar. Yours???

Morning mummies!!

I realised my MS will worsen when I'm hungry....

& these days, head feel so heavy....

BTW, the quail DIED last night :p I din kill it! It died cos too cold... & my poor boy cried... but 5 min later, forget liao...


Hello everyone!

Finally got a break from my hectic work life. Was "cheong-ing" my work for the past weekdays, that I ended up with a stiff shoulder. Very painful actually. Dunno can go massage or not. If not, can use tiger balm?

Just finished reading all the postings that I missed.

Taka Baby Fair

sob sob.. dunno got time to go down or not. Tomorrow still have to work. Not possible to go today as the cleaning lady is coming.


Thanks to those who mentioned this website and getting it from their warehouse. I was quite surprised to see the storage cabinets selling almost $60 at Giants. But now, I know better where to get them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

detailed scan

got my appointment date at my last visit to the gynae. Mine on 16 May @ week 22. Was told to go Camden Medical for this scan. Such a coincidence! One day before my birthday. Hope baby will give me a good surprise! Just like baby did for papa's birthday. (had the OSCAR test done one day before hubby's birthday)


decided shall not travel by plane. Cos if go Taiwan, cannot eat at their night market. No fun. Then if go Hong Kong, cannot drink their milk tea, no fun also. Somemore hubby wants to bring MIL along '_' "

So now, our plan is to go for Star Cruise. Just relax and enjoy the see breeze.

OSCAR test vs Triple Screening

From what I understand from gynae, like no difference. Only the time for performing the tests is different.


Got an account but not very active. But would be interesting to put faces to names.


I have been taking folic acid, DHA (fish oil), calcium pills and Obimin since start of preggie until now.

simbaobao - Dun feel sad that ur hubby needs to work long hours. Mine also... Of ya! Very brave of you to "tell off" the young man in the MRT train. Even if not preggie, he as a man should give up, not the lady.

muffin - how are you now? are you still having the pinkish discharge? Have you seen the gynae to confirm is from the polyp? I had a cervical polyp that was removed when I was in week 7.

iluvjp - Glad you are okay. Hope everything over at your side is slowly settling down again.

jessicatan - I have been seeing gynae every 4 weeks since the beginning. So far, I have only 2 visits throughout my 13 weeks of pregnancy. 1st visit @ 7 weeks. 2nd visit @ 11 weeks. My next appt is when I hit 15 weeks.

Okay everyone. I have to go now... hope everyone has a good weekend!

