(2011/09) Sep 2011

Simbaobao, my mum's friend is super good cook. I din even know got dang gui until I saw it (when finishing the soup)! The herbal soups he make are those sweet and full of natural flavour type. Not those bitter and yucky type. & thankfully, he dote on me a lot (cos he got no daughter) and like to cook for us. I think once he know I'm preggie, he's gonna shower me with tonnes of yummy food again :D


my body cannot take alots of herbal.. i still remembered one incident tat my frd got me chicken herbal soup from a very famous turtle soup stall in geylang 10yrs ago..

the next day.. i had sauages lips :s

even the doc laffed till pengsan when i see my doc abt it.. -_-"!

sound very funny right.. who on earth will experience dat... it became a joke among our group after dat... after dat i doesn't take to take any herbal soup for years...


Is that truth? Dangui cant really reduce the milk supply.

No wonder my milk supply dropped tremendously for my first child.


Check with you all. Can we take still take pandol?

tricia: i had no idea... 1st time mum to be

according to my gyane...can take the normal one but BEST is to see a doc to ask doc for pure panadol meant for preggy woman...

simbaobao , panadol safe for preggie.

btw, anyone of u hiring a maid to look after n newborn? any gd maid agencies to recommend?

#2on the way, Dr koh only deliver at mtA and tmc, mebe it is diff gynae.

Chine, I have maid looking after my #1 and my maid will look after #2 also.

Ya, maybe diff gynae but I rmb his clinic is CH Koh (green signboard).

Hi ladies!

Just came back from brunch at Jones the Grocer @ Dempsey. Nice ambience...really felt like I was in Aussie land or sth!

Jennifer Ng: ohh gynae was worried and said have to start gaining weight already? I am also 12wks but my gynae is like always 'Don't worry!' whenever I visit her though I've lost 4kg so far due to poor appetite already...

Anyone has -ve experience taking DHA? The nurse told me it's not too pleasant coz when you burp after that, the fishy taste is quite off-putting. =|

b.isforbb: yup yup, coz he say if this continued bb will eat up my reserves. Anyway, he told mi will monitor and advise again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I taking the fish oil from kkh it does not have any fishy smell at all it call neuro gain in pink colour box, while other brand which my auntie get for me from her clinic one is very very fishy smell

Anyone has good recommendation for lor mee that is open for dinner? Craving for it but realised that usually they only open for breakfast/lunch!!

#2 - marine parade!! It's my Monday fix. I have lor mee every Monday until they recognize me. Haha. It's really good! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Combi is a gd brand! so fast look for stroller!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will wait for the fairs. I like the one with a big wheel.. Looks cute n light weight n easy to handle. Wonder is it Quincy? Looks ex.:/

HOw abt maclaren? Any comments?

Hi for mums with #1s .. How useful is a bb carrier? Tot of gettin a ergo one .. Seems sturdy enough for rough use.

#2- thanks for Ur feedback. Now i understand better abt the string controlled position.

Bunnz- have been observing ard, combi is the most popular so far we have seen. We like to check out things before fair so that we can just go straight to what we want. Also know how much discount we are getting at the fair.

Pommes : which fair are you going?

now i'm thinking mb carrier can wait till next year which bb is bigger at least 6 mths ?? more sturdy also mb can use stroller first.

I lost another kg again!just like that.even with all the food i'm eating.. can it be eating not enough still?? asked my mum..she said she didnt even monitor last time.

morning prenra : yeah read it. dare not think that far yet.hehe feeling better last few days?

Dilemma now..

I have decided with ergo bb carrier.

Gd reviews! will ask hb to lug it back from US. but shd I get it now(cos he's leaving tmr n US$ is gd) or next year (save some $$/space first)?


no need to dilemma, if u have decided on the carrier, get ur hb to buy back from US. It is much much much cheaper there. In fact, everything is cheaper in US, even milk bottles. I bought my breastpump from US as well. Medela freestyle at only S$400+ when US$ was 1.45. Make full use of his luggage space!

Good morning Prenra! This is a busy week for me at work. Have targeted to finish a big portion by this thursday. Wish me strength and energy!

hi bunnz im feelin better so how ws the Satsang on saturday ?

Asura [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]wish you strength n energy im sure ull be able to finish ur work by thursday think in your mind tat you will be able to finish the work b Thursday and u will surely be able to do it

Think Positive

Read this


Always visualize only favorable and beneficial situations. Use positive words in your inner dialogues or when talking with others. Smile a little more, as this helps to think positively. Disregard any feelings of laziness or a desire to quit. If you persevere, you will transform the way your mind thinks.

Once a negative thought enters your mind, you have to be aware of it and endeavor to replace it with a constructive one. The negative thought will try again to enter your mind, and then you have to replace it again with a positive one. It is as if there are two pictures in front of you, and you choose to look at one of them and disregard the other. Persistence will eventually teach your mind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts.

In case you feel any inner resistance when replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, do not give up, but keep looking only at the beneficial, good and happy thoughts in your mind.

It does not matter what your circumstances are at the present moment. Think positively, expect only favorable results and situations, and circumstances will change accordingly. It may take some time for the changes to take place, but eventually they do.


bunnz>> you have expensive taste.. hahaha.. that is quinny buzz! will cost abt $800 to $1k for that stroller.. very heavy but super duper sturdy..

combi is v light weight and easy to use.. but my fren who is using a combi now, her son has fallen whilst in the stroller a few times before coz the diaper bag was too heavy le.. the stroller was toppled.. and happened twice that the stroller folded in whilst her son was in it.. dunno if its coz they never open properly.. but the toppled incident happened right in front of my eyes and it was horrifying.. thank goodness everyting is fine..

im using a capella.. too heavy for my liking..

i tink McClaren is good, seen many frens with that and so far so good leh..

stroller i feel no hurry coz in the inital months, we will be carrying or slinging baby more than using stroller ba.. though i bought mine very early during my first pregnancy.. hahahahah

carseat is more impt for me compared to stroller.. now i need to get another carseat for baby#2..

morning mummies... pinkiemie, i have the same thinking too.. most likely is to get a carseat 1st.. stroller maybe after bb is born ba..

good morning..

mmm hopefully the price for P3 will be good during the sales..

time being, no worry for car seat coz we r not driving.. no license oso cannot drive :p

the korean strawberries are on good offer.. less den $3 at ntuc.. yummy...

Good morning mummies!

Can i join in the chat? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Am expecting my No. 2. EDD: 22 Sep 2011 and my gyane is Dr Adrian Woodworth (at Sengkang)

pooh: hehe i haven't tried giving fresh one.. so far we had strawberry yog, ice cream etc.. so far ok lo... i bought apples and pears as well..

i read somewhere that we should avoid soft serve(mcdonalds type), in case their machines are not cleaned properly. Otherwise other frozen ice cream sld be safe.

bunnz - there's a couple of baby fair upcoming, right? the Taka one, the expo one... see which one we are free to attend, then go.

Actually a lot of things can buy later, but then must do "homework". That's our style lah. We like to look see look see and compare... before we make our purchase. So give ourselves ample time to do our homework.

Carseat - We also need to research abit. So far, we haven't come across any retail shop that carries a good range of car seat. So maybe must travel all the way to Ubi or something for the baby hypermart.

I'm waiting to cross over to 2nd trimester, then announce. See if any kind soul would want to donate their baby clothes to me.

pooh = my hubby banned me from all cold drinks and ice cream... and my kopi and teh-si... and no coke. He's watching me like a hawk.

pooh and pommes, i also wanna eat ice cream! especially now magnum mini got discount... i bought a pack, but hb dun let me eat too...

i can't wait to eat ice cream man... even if i have to share it. :D

thanks pinkiemie for the info..

Cos i'm usually quite clumsy myself. :p

so thought the big sturdy wheel is easier to manage and will not get stuck on grills outside.

wow 800-1k!!! like mini car for bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

will go google on Quinny BUzz.

eekss..luckily nothing happened to your friend.

that's precisely the same things that may happen to me lor.

i hear light weight a bit scared.

asura79 : wow u give me motivation to buy bb carrier now.hehe i dun think hb is in the mood to go shopping for milk bottles in US!!haha Doesnt even go shopping in Spore. besides he's getting his own vits from US, those that he cant usually ship in here. i can order the carrier online n ship the bb carrier to his hotel.

Pooh : wow your bb got character.. i only know mine doesnt like coconut shredds and perhaps choco.

simbaobao: High Five . i love that korean strawberries!! i also just topped up my fruits. apples n raspberries.

Carseat : my mum said her colleague gave her one some time ago. kept it in her office! so just use that. colleague also wanted to donate cot to her last time but no space to keep.

only now then she told me all these.

my eyes opened so big!

ice-cream : i just started eating little 2 days ago, cos a mummy selling ice cream with no preservatives. simply shiokness. so itchy hand..bgt and tried . :D

i wld suggest eating better quality ice cream.

Cos poor quality ones tend to have chemicals and preservatives that we dont want.

only cold things i eat now are the fruits form the fridge /yakult n ice cream

Jennifer Ng: Yah my sister-in-laws were telling me that baby will still take all he can from u no matter what so if you don’t eat enough, basically mummy suffers! I’m sure you’ll start gaining weight soon since you’re at 12wks plus already! Appetite’s back? =)

Oh my DHA that the gynae gave is a yellow color box, Sunpab Babysmart. Hope it works as well and no fishy smell! Anyone took this brand before?

Welcome to Vanilla! =)

Simbaobao: haha I think other than the H brand, B&J also! That time I was very into ice cream so went to check out the difference in % of saturated and total fat, realized that the more expensive and atas the ice cream, the higher it is in fat! No wonder it taste so good…=p

yeap better spend on quality ice cream den quanity... hoping to make my own but lots of work..

my baby doesn't like yakult or the other vitagen.. cfm come out after dat...


I purposely schedule a trip to US in jun to buy things.. wahaha.. u should look into toys as well.. the price is less than half! All ship to his accomodation and get him to bring back. lol.


Prerna : satsang was gd. more people this session. will let you know the next session.

Simbaobao : i envy you..can make so many things.

i bgt avocadoes today. but still unripe. will try your avocado dip!

b.isforbb : yeah agree. we prefer B&J flavours. somehw H tastes funny

