(2011/09) Sep 2011

JY: Icic…thanks for the info! =) Coz all my gynae said is 1st trimester scan and that everyone should do. Hmm…so was a little confused but didn’t have time to ask coz pretty rushed that day.

Wow this thread is moving soooo fast! =) Jiayou once again all mummies! 1st trimester is gonna end in a WINK!

b.isforbb (bisforbb) :Yea this thread is amazin it goes on till midnite while im sleepin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes you are rite one more wk to go for 1st trimester to finish!!!

morning ladies!

Pommes: i'm a free lance tutor. so consider self employed.

But i read so long as you have worked min 6 mths and have loss of income due to maternity leave. Can claim 8 weeks of pay from the govt.

But still not very sure how this works out.

Need to call and enquire what documents they need.

Welcome Tricia : Congrats on your 2nd bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm enjoying every sec of the pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Iluvjp : I'm taking folic and prenatal vit since my first gynae visit

Great for you Prenra!

3 more weeks for me.

Pregnancy Apps:

I found an amazin app on apple phone and its free pregnancy handbook explains every detail of formation of the baby starting form fetus etc etc any other interesting useful apps to share

Anroid phones have a lot of apps and much more useful than apple phones though!!

Bunnz, I've not told students/parents yet. Will tell them after first tri. But some of my students are suspecting already. Cos I normally allow them to bring food in the class but recently the smell is rather unbearable. But I've already interviewed a few replacement tutors. And, I'll be preparing them for SA2/PSLE before I pop. So the replacement will be doing more revision papers with them than real teaching.

For claiming: I registered a proper company and listed myself as employee so that it's easier to claim (but can only claim 3rd & 4th month). My friend who owns a music school warned me cos she could not validate the 'loss of income' though it's her own music school. End up, they only gave her $1500 for 3rd & 4th month.

So, I determine my own pay. :p Will be increasing my 'pay' nearer to delivery so that can claim more from govt. :p

I'm not worried about the newborn actually. I'm pretty confident of handling newborns. I'm more worried about my students (such a bad mummy!).

Reason being I did my first confinement on my own with my maid's help (she did the bathing, washing & cooking). No problems at all. Plus my current maid has been with me for 3yrs already. She knows everything inside out, easier for us. And, if I stay with my mum, my sis/bro/dad/mum are all there to help out, plus my mum also has another very good maid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Then after the 2 mths break, my maid will take care of the newborn while I teach. I've allocated small break times between lessons to express/latch. And my current schedule... I only teach around 4 - 8 hours a day. :p So is very managable. My #1 will be in school, so not much issue there. & thankfully, my #1 is already 4yo - can feed himself, dress himself, help himself to toys/snacks/water. So my maid can focus on the younger one. Worst case scenario if the newborn is a high need baby: My mum will loan her maid to me until baby is older. So each maid focus on 1 kiddo.

Pommes, I know what you mean. If your direct boss is ok, usually should not be an issue with the arrangement you planned cos that's what a lot of my ex-colleagues did too!

I started off with going to student's houses. But once reputation is built, students will want to come over (cos I charge cheaper rates if they come over and partly due to the learning environment as I've made my study very conducive with projector). Plus I conduct group classes so they have to come over.

I'm actually opening a proper centre this June. So this baby can be considered unplanned cos we decided to 'give up' the idea of ttc for #2 but striked once we said we want to give up!

Bunnz, I just asked my friend again. She says that if you have been declaring your self-employed income for past 2 years, they will base on your declared income over the past 2 years (average I think).

For her it was because she just started her centre when she got preggie, so no past records for income tax.

Christine, multivits usually are non-organic but there are some that uses natural ingredients only. I'm taking this now: http://www.iherb.com/Twinlab-Dr-Greene-Prenatal-120-Capsules/11053?at=0

Recommended to other mummies in another forum and got very positive feedback from all. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I started taking this since last year :D

For DHA I'm taking this: http://www.iherb.com/New-Chapter-Wholemega-Prenatal-500-mg-90-Softgels/22651?at=0

Hihi, Juz to share with you ladies that the twinlab prenatal supplement that you all had been talking about is also available in Nature's Farm =)

Kelly, yes :D it's available at Nature's Farm, at a much higher price!

That's why I prefer to buy direct from iHerb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Plus I got a discount code for first time buyers: YAF688 ($5 off your first purchase).

Even things like my son's supplements, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc I buy online.

#2 - wow, you are so young and such an entrepreneur. And you are the 2nd person I know that has a maid that has been with you over 2 years. Looks like you have everything all planned out.

Prenra - You mean you have only 1 more week to go and then is 2nd trimester for you?! So good, just as I thought my MS is easing off, I had such a bad MS this morning. Wish I can just lie on my bed.

Bunnz/ #2 - I didn't know even self employed mother can also claim from govt. Very good!

I do agree that meds/products in US are relatively cheap my mother in law (stays in kula lumpur) tries to get her meds as much as psble from US, gets her frens visitn US to get it for her. One of my colleague gets her skin products shipped directly from US. But especially meds are definitely cheaper since they are manufactured there nt all brand but most of 'em

Pommes, I like to have plans cos it makes the future less uncertain although we know that things may not always go as planned [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Having another kid is no joke, so we discussed in detail before we start TTC last year.

RE: Maid

I changed many maids before we settled on my current maid. Don't hesitate to change the maid if you find her unsuitable or unable to work well. Change until you get one you like.

Till today, I've never scolded my current maid or been upset with her before. If she did something wrong, I just need to tell her nicely ONCE and it'll be correctly immediately.

Prenra, I get my skincare products from US too. Since I was preggie with my boy in 2006, I've been using organic brands till now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

simbaobao - Such a coincidence! I think my appt is at 930am. Must say Hi if we happen to meet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bunnz - Thanks for the welcome! Yeah, reaching 3 months soon. I wanted to ask, do you have changing EDD every visit? From the scan, my EDD changes every week but whenever my gynae spoke about delivery, he said 7 Sept, hence I'm using that as a gauge.

Also, with regards to Pru-firstgift, any of you know if it will accept mothers with pre-existing conditions? I am a prudential policies holder (prulink and prucash) but I have been rejected for top-up or new policy after my condition was diagnosed. Waiting for 18 weeks before I speak to my advisor.

I agree that it is a myth that govt sector jobs are cushy/sheltered. 2 years back, I was still in a ministry and it was the most stressful period of my life. I decided to return to a previous workplace. Though also in the public sector, the people here are more friendly and the environment is more conducive.

Kyra, I think you should speak to your Prudential agent now cos they might need some time to help you check out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Also, you need time to go through the policy details and digest it. They may offer to you based on your gynae's report cos your gynae will need to fill up a medical form for them.

#2: ok i go to jean yip for facial and use all their products for hair n skin im a sincere jean yip customer since many yrs 4-5 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually one of my colleague the one im takin abt did try to introduce me the lien of products she got from US she went all the way to tk the pain to give samples in small bottles but im so skeptical n scared i dun dare to use any other product i jus think my skin will go worse i hv oily skin problematic i really hv to tk care of it or it goes hey waya ... the samples are still wif me never tried im pretty much happy wif jean yip products especially hair is amazin i use all their products i noe its expensive but dun wana do sumthign at the cost of my face tats precious but may be in future will try out to get similar products from US

Thanks #2. Waiting for 3rd month. We decided not to tell anyone, not even my inlaws until then.

While I suffer no pregnancy symptoms, I experienced bleeding in the early weeks, sac appeared in a bad pressurised shape and bb heartbeat was weak. Even my gynae said he's always praying for me and advised us not to tell relatives so that I wouldnt get stressed during CNY. So while I feel fine, I think I am a "high-risk" case in the eyes of medical professionals :p

Kyra, I din tell the agent I was preggie. I only said I was exploring the policy cos planning for another kid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No questions asked :D

Prenra, FYI, there are a lot of ingredients in normal skincare products which are harmful and not recommended for preggies. It's best you go check if the products you are using contain them (if I recall correctly, their products contain Retinol-A which is not suitable for preggie ladies).

I'm also very resistant to changing skincare products cos we nvr know how our skin will react to the new products. But since it's all organic and made from natural ingredients, I was more willing to try out for the sake of my baby :D

iherb is really worth visiting.

I get my supplements regularly from iherb and GNC, for ourselves and my (4) beloved dogs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2 yea i am aware tat sum skin care products are harmful for preg ladies but nt Clinica products from jean yip they are all safe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kyra, I find GNC very exp. That is only reserved for 'emergency' when I forget to stock up from iHerb.

E.g. the colostrum powder my son takes is $79.90. Even with discounts, cheapest is $60+. iHerb selling the exact same product at US$17.25 = SGD$25 (include shipping). Save a lot considering he finishes ard a bottle a month! Not to mention his fish oil and multi vits...

#2, yup, I usually only buy from GNC during birthday months :p

Especially the pine tree extract at 40% off! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My aging dogs are on iherb colostrum powder too. Next time can share with kid liao.

For facial, do we need to inform beautician about things to take note? I have a package at AMK Hub for facial & massage. Going for the 1st time this weekend, after finding out about this pregnancy.

Also, do you all think it is safe to colour hair, do brazilian waxing or IPL?

Kyra, I only give my dog the joint supplement and wafers for bad breath :p

For facial, must let the beautician know. In fact, I bring my own skincare products for them to use during facial cos most facial products contain Retinol A which is not suitable for pregnancy.

Colour hair is up to you. I personally feel that the chemicals will come in contact with skin, so it's a nono for me. I totally did not do anything with my hair other than wash and cut throughout TTC, pregnancy AND breastfeeding. Once I stopped breastfeeding my boy, first thing was to go rebond and highlight my hair!

IPL definitely cannot. When I signed my package, they already said cannot do during pregnancy. My gynae also told me not to do.

Brazilian waxing is fine. I waxed in third tri, just before delivery (cos the nurse will shave you if you don't wax or shave on your own).

Gynae told me not to do in first and second tri cos the pain may induce early labour. Only third tri but my friends did throughout pregnancy cos they were used to doing it before pregnancy and don't feel any pain already.

kylekyra (kyra) : no Brazilian at least dun do

i hv postponed my brazzilian unitl few mnths gynea also said dun do, but i did get body waxin done few wks back, i hv psotponed facil as of now

btw im also 32 yrs old and edd is 6 sep coincidence yea.. i work in private sector also very stressful im in oil n gas consultancy but i guess im used to the stress after working for long infact i enjoy workin in tat environment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dear ladies

just wondering, does anyone get to see their bb move during the ultrasound scans? that day, i saw a gynae, and asked him if bbs do move, he said they do, and mine doesn't even when he tried to move my tummy to "disturb".. is that normal?

cuz last week, i did slip down a few steps while walking and fell on one side of my butt, so am still worried if sth did happen inside... some more the injured butt is now acting up and giving me pain, so can't walk very fast now...

but so far i've not experienced any bleeding or weird discharge though. should i worry myself?

Daddysbao, how many weeks are you? Best to just go for another scan for ease of mind.

Movement of baby will only be seen from after 10 weeks when their limbs are obvious. Some babies like to sleep and won't move when disturbed :p

During my first pregnancy, my boy only like to move at night, so we tried to schedule evening appts to watch him move :D

#2 - You also have a dog? Yeah! So nice to know fellow pet owners here as well. I started keeping dogs 10 years ago when I was still in Uni. Back then, I got to know alot of young couples who started keeping dogs after moving out. But along the way, many have given up their pets after babies came along [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I really need alot of support in this area when the time comes. Even my parents/inlaws/relatives/friends have told us to give them up after we got married. They think that as working adults, we'll have no time for dogs and housework. I'm already dreading the time when we were to announce this pregnancy.

Think I'll inform the beautician subtlely this weekend. My home skincare pdts is of a basic range - cleanser, toner, moisturiser, masks, eyecream, sunblock etc. Wont be enough for a proper facial.

Went for a haircut before CNY. The hairstylist was asking why not a hair colour and I started to smile sheepishly. She guessed that I am preg but I didnt admit. Went on to share that it is still safe as they wont touch my scalp. I got really tempted because my hair colour is fading...

Been thinking about brazilian waxing because I actually feel embarassed with the sight (down there) whenever I visit my gynae. By 3rd trimester it will really be m-e-s-s-y =X

Prenra - Hi 5! Is this your first baby too? My EDD changes every week. So far I've gotten dates from 30 Aug to 8 Sep! Gynae uses 7 Sep. I'm hoping for 8 Sep because it is our ROM anniversary and my mum's DOB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

daddysbao - I did! First time last Sat. To be honest, the gynae was trying to scan baby's heartbeat and for awhile, everything was silent, we saw no movement. My heart skipped. Then we saw the limbs moving [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If the baby is still growing well and there's heartbeat, think should be safe?

kyra: when i first signed up my facial package, the ladies did tell me that it's not suitable for pregnant ppl, so the moment i knew i was pregnant, i din go back for treatments anymore... have to wait till after everything's over, i guess?

kylekyra (kyra): Hi 5 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes my first one too... my MIL wants the date to fall duirng ganesha (elephant god) bday she is very religious ... she keeps pryain all the time and asks me to pray too

Kyra, my dog has been with me since my poly days!

No way I'm giving her up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyway, we adjusted and have been living the past 4 years with 1 dog and my son [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

By the time my son was born, my dog was already trained, so we had no issues. In terms of cleanliness, we simply vacuumed daily and mopped daily (with the help of the maid of cos).

The only person who asked me to give my dog up was my dad. Cos my dog is a big dog, like to play rough and he was worried the dog will injure my boy. So to let him hv peace of mind, my dog is kept in the kitchen and only allowed to roam when me/hubs are home. She gets a short walk in the mornings and long walk in the evenings.

Honestly, I think my boy benefitted from having a dog at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now we even have hamsters & fishes (as requested by my son)! And he's pestering me for a rabbit -_-"

Kyra, the worst adjustment we had to make.... was that my dog was not allowed to sleep with us anymore... She was quite upset and whined every night, pestering us to let her join us in bed...

My hubs relented and let her sleep in the room (but not on the bed) but my dad kicked up a huge fuss about the fur flying ard the room.

So end up, my dog slept in the kitchen... until my boy was old enough to sleep in his own bedroom :D

kyra: [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i be doing my scan in the late noon time. HB wanna to tagged along to see his baby and can only leave wrkpl in the noon time.

daddysbao, i saw my baby move during last checkup.. baby was like waving to me during the scan.. 2 days later, at oscar scan, baby also keep on moving.. guess as long as u can hear baby heartbeat, shld be safe

Hi ladies

I've been busy contactin confinement ladies.

decided to go with one.

have 2 choices now.

Would you choose someone who is highly recommended( in different websites as well) in the forum? but no chance to talk or speak to her for now. Her daughter manages her businesses for her as she's in malaysia now.

Or someone whom i enquire from personally(recommended by my top listed cl who is not available) who even suggests I meet her up first to decide?

Thanks #2. Impressive. You really are very organised right from planning for baby to career. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for the info. Yes i've been declaring income tax for more than 2 years.

Group tuition!! cool.

My auntie does group tuition too.

She only teaches like 2 hours everyday from mon-fri. but her pay is like wow. like 100 students altogether. somemore she was a former sch teacher with a popular pri sch.

With a maid in tow while teaching is helpful.

Currently I have one plus staying with my parents too. Just have to plan whether

Pommes : if cant claim, think my head become big. not used to having no income myself.

Skin/toiletries : i 'm slowly changing all to products with no paraben.

we also ship our vitamins from US.

much better quality than GNC.

Prenra : same age as you this year [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] plus hb also in oil & gas .

Bunnz, with 2yr income tax history will be much easier to claim. But be prepared the process is long and it takes them a while to send you the money.

I prefer to keep my group sizes small to hv more individual attention on my students. Currently have around 55 students in all. :D

#2 : ok noted. usually i go with my gut feel. hehe just feel gd talking to the lady i spoke to.

will stick with either one of these 2 ladies.

too many suggestions make me more blur.

YOu can tell you son. He 'll get his rabbit. Rabbit sibling.hahaha

I happen to have pet bunny at home too..many years. so very happy i can have a bb rabbit

I'm hesitating on the rabbit cos they need space to roam around and my son has tonnes of toys all over the house already -_-"

But he's helpful with the dog, fishes and hammies :D

#2 :expected to wait a while for the reimbursement.

Have wanted a dog since young but mom refused up till now.

Kyra : i'm waitin for my 3rd appt to see if edd will change again. it changed from 21/9 to 19/9 but usually on the u/s itself, it's stated the EDD + / - 6 days

I worked part time(3-4 mths kind) before in between my school breaks last time in govt job.

Didn't enjoy it one bit. turned me off office work totally i think.Hehe

