(2011/09) Sep 2011

PinkieDot , can help me update as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EDD 24sept

BB# 2

Gynae Dr Tan Hang Yang

Hospital GH

Occupation FTWM

Area CCK

thanks ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow, u guys are planning for trips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i wonder if i can tahan the plane ride, but i'd like to visit taiwan for food during 2nd trimester

MI - you are also with Dr Tan. That's make it 3 of us under him. Me, Sung and you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And you have the same EDD as sung, if I'm not wrong.

pommes / daddysbao , i think is safe to travel on 2nd tri upon your gynae approval & will give you a letter as some airline required that before you board the plane.

daddysbao - we are also thinking of Taiwan. Or Hong Kong. But we can't eat from their roadside stalls, right? Then would have missed out a lot at the Shilin Night market.

#2>> damai grove.. the first cluster opposite treelodge and just next to the Damai LRT.

daddysbao>> ive been pestering my old man to bring me to japan.. but with our house coming, and #2 coming, and an active toddler who whines non stop, he hasnt relented.. hahahaha

pommes , yes with Dr Tan also ,my # 1 was delivered by him & i feel safe under his care... just see from the list , just notice EDD is same with sung , hope we dun deliver the same day leh hehe... not sure have seen you in Dr Tan's clinic before or not hehe

Pommes - We went Korea with my immed family for a winter holiday before finding out. When we got back, we booked a 4D/3N BKK trip, intended as a short getaway with friends. Then we found out in Jan. Just asked gynae last weekend and he told me to go between 18 to 25 weeks. Trying to find a slot now. Hope I can get some cheap baby clothes in BKK.

pommes - no night mkt food!! NO!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

PinkieDot - My parents had planned to go Hokkaido end of the year as a family trip, who knew someone came along and I might have to give the trip a miss ><

Holidaying with kids is totally not easy at all...

Prena - That isnt a very nice image! Opps! :p

#2 - I used to want a girl but not anymore. I'll take any gender that comes along, haha. And I wont try for a 2nd one. I talk to my dogs all the time too but recently started telling them about our latest member at home. I have a feeling they arent too thrilled. Hb was saying our youngest will be very jealous because we call her "BABY", "DARLING", "PRINCESS" now. So I told him, nvm lah, I'll call your child "PUPPY". Among the 4 of them, I already knew the oldest hates kids. Sigh! The rest are ok.

Gynae - I was seeing a female gynae initially (Dr Theresa Cheng). Was very comfy with her. Unfortunately due to some circumstances, I had to change gynae and am now with a male one. I must admit I am not 100% comfy yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Was supposed to go Taiwan for 2 weeks for honeymoon but now cannot eat tis n tat.. Super sianz... Told hb we will postpone till baby is fit to travel den we will go together as a family.

Hoping to go for a short trip .. Hopefully by 2 nd trimester the ms is no longer ard. But had to tink where to go...

MI - So far, I only seen him once at week 7, which was 1st Feb. My next appt is 1st Mar in the morning. You? Are you doing the OSCAR test?

Pinkiedot/ daddysbao - Japan! I also want to go... actually we plan to go Japan as our long trip this year, but hubby thinks no point going, since I cannot eat sashimi. I really love Jap food, frequent the Sakuraya Fish Mart at West Coast Plaza. But now... can only drool over it.

kyra - hmm.. week 18 to 25? That will be around May/ June period? Hmm.. I think I should go travelling in May to avoid the school holidays.

Thinking long term, me and hubs agreed that we will only take big trips when the kids are older (and can remember). We for now, we only take short trips to neighbouring countries.

We are planning to go on a big Europe tour for 1 month when my boy is in P3/4 when he can understand and appreciate better. Else, we feel that it's a waste to spend that type of money and he can't remember anything when he grows up!

During my 1st pregnancy, I was very busy with work so could not travel [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But hubs knew that I craved for Penang Laksa so he took a plane there just to buy it back for me :D

Pommes, how come your appt is 1 mth apart? For my gynae, during first tri is every 2 weeks (6/8/10/12 weeks). So my next appt is 2 weeks later :D

pommes - i have been seeing him weekly due to spotting , seeing him next monday monday.... should be doing the test , you . I also plan to travel , mostly May also , need to cfm with Dr Tan when i see him next mon.

#2 - I don't know... the Dr just scheduled me on 1st Mar. Is it not very good to be so far apart, the appointments?

Me not so keen on Europe, waiting for company to send me for conference there... hee hee. But my greatest wish for travelling is to set foot on Israel and also to Japan, especially Hokkaido.

But now, everything on hold... all for the sake of my baby!

#2, your hubby is super sweet - flying all the way to Penang just to buy the Penang Laksa for u! And actually my gynae also asked me to see her one month later during my last visit last month (week 7 plus). So I don't think it's every 2 weeks.

Kyra, out of 25 nephews and nieces, only 4 are nieces. So my family is looking forward to any addition of baby girls!!

But I told hubs if really have another boy, I will pengz... cos having 2 boys with 1 already known to be a troublemaker is not going to be easy!!

MI - Hope your spotting has stopped. I experienced spotting for 2 days and I totally freaked out. Didn't dare to move. But Dr Tan did mentioned I might experience spotting because he did a minor op to remove my cervical polyp when I saw him for the 1st time.

Should be going for OSCAR test.

I think Dr Tan is very composed and very in control. Every step he takes, he explains in details. So I feel safe with him looking after me, but my hubby thinks otherwise. >_<

Travel - Actually I was also abit hesitant about BKK. Cos I just went with my JC friends in Aug. And there were alot of roadside food or small eateries we visited. And those are the fun/yummy places! But since we've booked the package, think will just have to make do. 18-25 weeks for me will be around Apr/May, looking more at May as it will be EXAMS period (low peak). We have annual year end family trips with parents, sis and BIL. This year they are looking at Japan or Melbourne. Think we'll need to give it a miss [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

#2 - Your husband is so sweet! I was craving for Penang Laksa few weeks ago (before finding out), and hb asked me LAKSA can anot? *roll eyes* Luckily I managed to find in AMK. Now that we know I'm pregnant, I also doubt he will go all the way out to get food I crave for. He's lucky that so far I havent had weird cravings. And e.g. if I crave for pizza, any pizza will do. My boss who is also pregnant told me she will specifically want only Timbre pizza.

Gynae appt - I have been seeing gynae weekly since week 6. Although I am happy to see the lil one during the scan, the bills are really piling up very high...but no choice, I'm high risk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Which part of AMK has Penang Laksa? Is it good? I tried a few in SG and I find they are not up to standard.

This time, I'm smarter. I taught my maid how to cook it! So she's cooking it for me tomorrow night. Anyone got craving for Penang Laksa and wanna come over to Punggol?

I got very specific cravings and my hubby has been all over SG the past 2 weeks :p

Yesterday was Thai mango salad, today is lasagne.

Tomorrow will get my Penang Laksa. Thinking of buying mei cai kou rou fan on Friday...

pommes - this is my 3rd week of MC le , no more spotting so if nothing goes wrong , maybe can resume work next Tue loh , how come you hubby think otherwise leh?

There's a restaurant at Jubilee Complex - Gurney Drive - selling penang food. It's so-so only. The best penang laksa I ever had was in Katong Plaza. Very authentic and I used to go there every week when I was in sec school. The stall is no longer around and I havent found anything on par.

Wanna check with you ladies, what is your confinement and childcare arrangement like?

Confinement -- CL/Mum/MIL/Relative/Maid

Childcare -- Mum/MIL/Maid/Nanny/Infantcare Centre

We still dont know what we want and how to go about planning!

Confinement -- CL

Childcare -- drawing a blank, but my mum and mil might rotate once a week each.. which will mean trouble for bb, hb and me loh. then every night we'll have to bring the kid home too. hb not comfortable leaving kid in infantcare until after 2 yrs old.

#2>> wow! your hubby is the bestest guy ard! he flew all the way to penang to get you your penang laksa!! pls give him ten pats on the back for being such a doting hubby! :D

re cravings: the ONLY time i had a craving was last thursday night at 1130pm.. i wanted to drink corn soup.. MOS burger corn soup.. it was sooooooooooooo bad that i couldnt sleep.. hahaha

where have 24hr MOS burger ah?

Confinement - DIY like for first kid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Childcare - I work from home, so maid will look after and I monitor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Older boy is in school the whole day. Once #2 turn 18mths, will also send to childcare but will definitely still have maid.

kylekyra (kyra) : i ws kiddin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun mind :p

wow this thread is like cant tk eyes of it then hv to spend time readin wats goin on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i jus went to bintan resort before CNY and ws puking on the boat it ws a horrible trip as i ws feeling sick all the time

PinkieDot, all my friend's hubs and my hub's friends say he 'spoil market'... hahah! He's very sweet, every night I will get a foot massage before I sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I don't think there's 24hr MOS burger. I usually send my maid over to Compasspoint (1 train station away) to tabao for me :p

MI - childcare is for 18months onwards... so you are looking at infant care?

Good infant care requires early early early booking. So mummies intending to take this route, start searching and putting your name on waiting list...

Prenra, for real! Last night I was joking with him about it and asking him if he'll do it for me again. And he I saw him checking his Krisflyer miles! And he proudly declared that he had enough to change for tickets to Penang (with me and my boy). -_-"

#1 - oh i tot referring to #1 hehe sorry i cos planning to send my #1 to CC when #2 is born , but also feel not comfortable sending as i think still too young , she will be 24mth then. #2 will be by maid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Confinement - Will let MIL /Mother think abt it they wud luv to decide on this

Childcare: dun noe MIL dun want me to work after havin kids but i hv nt made up my mind yet ...but the type of workaholic i am i dun think i can sit at home, quality time is more imp than quantity time

Muffin, mine is Indon. I got strict criteria for maid:

- Must be married with kid(s)

- Preferably no aged parents

- Ex-Msia (at least 3yrs in Msia)

- Mature (at least 29yo)

This criteria developed after years of experience being brought up by maid myself.

Some Filipinas are ok but they are more demanding in terms of benefits/offdays/pay.

Prena - No worries. I was visualising it too! Very unglam but very funny :p

Confinement - I was very set on getting a CL all along but heard many horrid stories along the way. Dont know how to go about engaging one. Then a close friend told me 2K can go a long way for baby, if my mum/mil can help, I should be able to manage. So I'm in a dilemma.

Childcare - I was also very set on letting my mum look after at first. But after much thoughts, I am worried that I wont be able to give her alot of allowance, she's working so if she were to quit, there will be opportunity costs involved. Thinking of getting a maid cos she can help jaga my dogs, look after kid and help with housework. But hb isnt supportive as the maid will be alone at home with 4 dogs and a young child who cant talk yet.

So I really dont know what to do now. I'm so sleepy everyday (think this is my only pregnancy symptom) that I havent had time to discuss properly with hb after work.

Kyra, I din wan CL cos.... they have their own ways in caring for the bb and I have my own way. I don't believe in those 'traditional' type of things such as giving newborns chinese herbs and stuff.

And most CL's I've heard of are not pro-breasting.

Honestly, if you can get someone to come in to bathe baby, cook and clean is good enough. You can even ask your neighbours if they are willing to help out.


Honestly, I have CCTVs at home. Before I started tutoring full time, my maid was home alone with my boy. That's why I say, don't hesitate to change the maid straightaway if the maid is not good.

Sing Yee, you need to visit the different infantcares near you which are convenient for you.

See if you like the staff, the way they handle the babies and the environment. Also, the price varies greatly so you also need to work out your budget.


No day off cos she says that she'll end up spending all her money on her day off. But we bring her out when we go out and I will also buy things for her (new clothes for CNY, hair clip/band, toiletries, etc). When we buy food from outside, we also will buy a share for her to try (if there's no pork). She sits with us when we dine at restaurants and is allowed to order anything she likes.

HP was only given to her by my hubs after 1yr of working for us. Cos she had to help fetch my boy from childcare/enrichment classes so we had to give her a phone to contact her easily. We buy prepaid card for her and my hubs will top up $15/month. She is allowed to use that phone to SMS her sis (who is looking after her son) in Indo. Cos it's cheaper than phone call [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I allowed her to write home once she arrived at my place to give her family peace of mind and also to allow her to not be so homesick. Now, the only mail she gets are photos of her family :D

I always psycho my maids into this mentality:

You are here to work and earn money.

You must save hard so that you can break free from being a maid and open a small sustainable business when you go home.

Just send enough money back every few months for them to spend. Don't send all your money. And don't tell them how much money you have (else will have all sorts of relatives calling to borrow money).

