(2011/09) Sep 2011


actually spotting is qutie common. think as long as not like what simbaobao said the reddish kind and with cramps, it shd not be very serious. but of cos best to check with gynae.


my probation is 6 months. quite standard i think. in my last job, i also got pregnant one week into my new job! haha. i told hb no more changing job liao. new job = new kid each time i will faint.


every 2 weeks is only towards like week 35 or 36 i think. not so soon. now it's only cos he wants to confirm that can see bb then ask me to go back. hmm, for 1st pregnancy hb will usually go with me cos we go on weekends. for 2nd pregnancy, i think i can count the # of times he went with me using one hand. for this one, i think it will be even lesser!!! but ok lah. used to it liao


Morning mummies,

I have some concerns which I need some advices. Currently, I'm in my 9th week but tummy still same as before. But have been reading that some mummies in 6th week all showing. Izzit normal? Juz concern abt if bb is growing.

Jennifer: does ur clothing getting tighter? i dun tink everyone will show so fast.. some @ least 4mth... was complaining to HB why so unfair. i only 8 weeks lo.. not only show and plus my own tummy hor.. look like very preggy alrdy... cfm no way to escape being asked during cny.. i will juz told those kpo ones.. I PUT ON WEIGHT CANNOT MEH... hahaha


Jennifer Ng,

U may be having a bb boi... Usually having a boi will not show till abt 6 mths... No worries, it's normal... Now I wish I'm also like u.

Had a dream ytd... Abt bb gal... Think this time round, it's also a bb gal...

i feel vomitted las nite and went see co GP for somemedicine. tht kiasee doc, dun even dare give medicine, told me to check wit my gynae.

onli give me mc to rest...

waste $


My clothes still fit nicely as before. Coz I have been puking that 's y I m worried bb not getting enough nutrients. Yah, is so Xin ku ESP relatives cmf will keep asking but still can't tell them.

Jennifer Chng,

Really? Lol. I still keep telling my hb I got a feeling is a gal n keep thinking of girl girl 's name. N my fren who is also pregnant n hers is a boy keep insisting I'm carrying her daughter-in-law. Lol.

@J Ng - I'm the opposite. I'm only in 7th week and already starting to show. I'm relatively small size so it can get pretty obvious. My hb thinks I'm just piling up a lot of weight though, but I'm not sure cos I'm not overeating. My clothes are also getting tighter and buying new clothes feel like a waste of $ if after a while, cannot wear.

@J Chng - Really? I thought boys would be bigger so show faster. Haha, anyway, I have no pref. When would the gynae be able to see? Must be exciting to know soon.


Many of my friends who had bb boi n their tummy didn't show until much later... I had 2 bb gals b4 n my tummy is big like watermelon! ;)


I jus showered ard 10am but it's barely 2 hrs n my underarms smell again... What is wrong ar? the fact that I didn't go anywhere... Now I put deodorant .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I jus showered ard 10am but it's barely 2 hrs n my underarms smell again... What is wrong ar? the fact that I didn't go anywhere... Now I put deodorant ..

@ J Chng.. so interesting!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, how early would the gynae be able to tell the gender of bb?

The smell could be due to hormonal changes?


Usually by week 18 or during the detail scan... I knew mine during the detailed scan on week 20. ;)

I didnt have such smell during my 1st 2 P. This time v funny... Now I jus need to shower more often n put deo reg...

Thanks Jenn. Looking foward! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't worry about the smell, every p is different so I'm sure this will go away soon too.

Happy CNY in advance to all mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Gina. Happy CNY to u too....

Feeling v emo now when I dreamt of my late Gdma last nite... This is the 1st yr without her ard... Cry till my eyes red n sore... ESP now P.... v emo... :'(


Mayb can go for those babydoll dress so that you can wear through the pregnancy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jennifer Chng,

Hope u r feeling ok, hugz! She will live in ur heart [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Jenn Ng, babydoll dresses are a good option but the good news will leak out very soon, cos the design of the dress is very suggestive. Hahaha.

But good suggestion! Thanks, I am already looking around for those stretchable pants already which are normal-looking (i.e. not a giveaway on the good news too), my normal pants seem to be feeling snug. Think I saw some at Uniqlo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jennifer Ng

i think most of the time the tummy showing now is not really due to bb being bigger or anything. it's more that feel bloated. and it makes a difference whether it's first bb or not.

for my first one, my tummy wasn't really obvious till like 4 or 5 months. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun worry too much abt bb not getting enough nutrients. first 3 months is ok. my gynae did ever mention before that bb won't absorb much so he din even give me pre-natal vitamins.


there are some maternity pants which look quite normal. can get those to wear. towards the last stage quite hard to wear normal clothes....

Jennifer Chng

Maybe next time u ask doc abt this problem? prob it's hormones......

bb3,my tummy is v obvious too. coz before i get preg, i already got tummy leftover from no1. actualli, if my colleagues ask if i am preg, i shld admit rite?

but i still on probation, scare they dontconfirm me.

Hi Mummies, went for my 1st appt yest, happy to see the baby and hear hb coz I am only 5w plus haven't hit 6w. Size is normal at 1.8 but heartbeat seems slow at only 104. I rem my #1 is around 160. Any mums can share ur baby's hb rate if you know it already?

Hi Jasmine Ho:

Do try to get more rest and take care!


My EDD is 30 sept. I visit dr Ong at mt e clinic coz nearer to my place but think I will choose mt a for delivery just like you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ur gynae said no coke is it because of caffeine? Opps I am a heavy coke drinker. My gynae is quite open kind even said coffee can take 1 cup a day.


u having same problem as me. i only started my new job for 2 months...so also on probation. have u told your boss?


rest more!!!

Thanks Jenn Ng,

In fact, feeling v down... keep telling myself to be happy..else will affect bb mood too...

Mummies, if u feel like puking esp when u wake up.. I am a suggestion... Take a scoop of honey b4 u brush your teeth... I did not and the puking is not as bad as b4... U may like to try...

hi mummies,

I am a Jan 2011 mtb doing confinement now. this is my 2nd bb. my experience with my first CL was terrible but this time I got an excellent CL hence would like to recommend her in case anyone wants to reserve her early. she is booked till august so if you are due late sept or oct can call her. in fact she is still with me and going back to JB this sat. can PM me for her contact number or to ask for my testimonial of this aunty k?

Hello everyone,

I'm back from my gynae visit. Quite a lot happened to me this morning at his clinic. The happy news is that I am now 7 weeks 4 days. BB is now 11mm and can detect the heartbeat. I'm relieved [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But he checked on my vaginal discharge and discovered I had a cervical polyp. He removed it on the spot for me. Now, I'm on Duphaston for a week and 2 days MC.

Overall, the experience with him is much better than my 1st visit with another gynae. I find this Dr Tan more detailed, and he really took time to explain to us on everything he noticed. But of course, this comes with a price.

His 1st prenatal consultation is $321, included blood tests, urine test, u/s scan, prenatal Vitamins.

The unexpected surgery cost me another $490. And everything must be paid by cash. Hope I can claim this minor surgery from my insurance.

wan chuen: yeap.. he said not for 1st trimester.. but i dun really fancy coffee/coke so no issue but am dying coz no TEA as well..

i hope by 2nd trimester... can drink @ least 1/2 cup a day..

bb3, i havent tell my boss. but perhaps she already'guess', coz i tink i look preggie! i duno if i shld be truthful i tell her first.

my frend said some co can be reali birdy n refuse to confirm pregg woman, they will give some excuse that we cant perform, and let us go by our notice period.

Mi too, juz join my company for abt 3 weeks when I discovered I m pregnant. Feel so stress when I told my boss, so far she sounds ok.

Dun worry so much k. If company really want us to go, guess nothing much we can do. What I am worried most is the financial areas.

Stucked in toilet 2times within 30min

Can I check do u mummies take Milo now? I been taking it daily till my Sis told me to switch to ovaltine coz Milo had caffeine in it.

pommes/gina: yeap i didn't know abt it till was toking to my sis dat i am drinking milo and she said she oso only realised during her preggy time and switched to ovaltine..

Q: Does MILO contain caffeine? How does it compare to the amount of caffeine in NESCAFÉ Coffee?

A: MILO contains a small amount of caffeine, as caffeine is a natural component of the cocoa bean. It contains about one fifth the amount found in a cup of coffee. For further information on caffeine and the content in commonly consumed foods and drinks, please refer to our Fact Sheet on caffeine.

source: http://www.nestle.co.nz/AboutUs/FAQs/Pages/NutritionRelatedQuestions.aspx


hahaha u so funny, change 1 job get 1 baby! first time i hear!

I also heard that we cannot drink Milo, i dont think its the caffeine content...its something else, but can't recall.


i take milo everyday but only 1 cup. i think it's ok.

in fact my gynae never say cannot drink tea or coffee hee...


yeah man. it's really funny but true. so dun change job liao.....haha

jennifer ng

u told your boss already? i haven yet. waiting for next scan to confirm bb ok first before i tell..... by then shd be abt 7 weeks.


happy new year!!!

I have been taking 2 cups a day, maybe gotta reduce to one or switch to ovaltine.


Yup, told her after I went to c my gynae during my 6th week. Her only concern is whether will it affect my work. So gues she will monitor bah. Hopefully work will be ok.

morning mummies... dragged myself out of bed..

ytd nite puked till i wan to crawl alrdy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hopefully tml won't be so jia lat.. many places to go...

Milo has caffeine ah? oh dear.. i drink Milo quite regularly leh.. i still do take sips of coke every now and then.. i love coke! hehe

hi ladies,

I hv been q tired and some hv some cramps.

can i check .. is yellowish discharge mixed pinkishness normal. i had q a fair bit.

pinkie: hahaha i been taking milo almost everyday for 2mth... tink will switch to ovaltine.. nowsaday cannot take coke.. i get super bloated with even a sip... haha kind of like mug now...

Hi all, joining this thread cos I am ard 9 weeks now, expecting my second and third one. ;)

Hey muffin, don't think you need to worry too much. As long as not fresh red. If worried, go see a doc and see what they say.


maybe go see a doc and see what doc says? cos CNY coming and most clinics will be closed.


u having twins?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congrats!

guava - cervical polyp is like a small tumor found at the cervix. Usually benign. I also dunno what caused it. But I don't get any symptom from it too.

muffin - I got a lot of yellowish discharge. But there's no itchiness or foul smell. After my removal of cervical polyp, I dun get any more discharge.

nip1 - wow! having twins leh! Congrats congrats!

my gynae told me that MS would get worse during week 8 - 10. I'm bracing myself >_<

simbaobao - actually after you mention about the cocoa bean in milo, does that mean we should be careful with chocolate too? I'm alternating milo, fresh milk and my choco flavoured milk powder.

pinkiedot - do u mind adding my info to the table? Thanks a lot!

Nick : Pommes

EDD : 17 Sept

BB : #1

Gynae : Dr Tan Hang Yang

Hospital : Gleneagles

Area : Clementi

Occupation : Researcher

I'm having spotting now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dunno is it from yesterday surgery or is it this morning, I walked too much and carried too heavy things?

I'm going to have bed rest now.

Wishing everyone a Happy Bunny Year and a smooth smooth pregnancy throughout!

nip: welcome and congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pommes: go get some rest.. for me whenever i had spotting.. after resting.. i am ok... try not to carry any heavy stuffs.

abt the choco, i read up on some info.. they written it best to take moderate amount and best is dun take... i tink dat is hard.. esp chocolate cakes.. omg...

i am in week 8 now.. the ms is really TERRIBLE HORRIBLE... in week 7 was only the juice.. now basically is whatever goes in comes out.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I'm lying on bed but can't sleep. Then halfway, felt my food coming out. Went to toilet, all sound but nothing come out. Now like got something stuck.

Muffin- my spotting is brown in colour.

Simbaobao - take comfort that Ur bb is growing well , that's why ms is so bad.

