(2011/09) Sep 2011


my first visit cost $112. include urine test. medication cost abt 60+.


at least your hb is so supportive. my hb is agst the idea of me not working. i stopped work for 2 years when i had my second one cos no one to help with taking care of bb. but now the 2 older kids are in cc, and really quite hard to juggle the finances, bb will prob be sent to infant care.


You are welcome, Happyenough. Nope, I won't consider the clinic to be super busy. I could arrange for appointment pretty fast each time. Waiting time is acceptable and the clinic is not too crowded.

Anyone dreading the CNY reunion dinner like me? I'm eating dinner first with my family then going over to in-laws for 2nd round.

A bit scared scared... Dunno how my body will react.

Pommes, that would be me! Somemore the reunion dinner will last for hours... (plus the gathering time) Totally not in CNY mood at all!

Yes yes mrs Wong.. Plus the gathering time... Frightening!

Then cannot just go n eat.. Must help out a bit but I'm so sensitive to smell now. I dunno if I can survive.


anyone looking for a playpen, got it as a gift but i bought mine already.

Brand new, still in original wrapping, unopened.

Far east flora selling at $139, letting it go at $120

interested? please PM me


mrs wong,

i have tried to call the no for many times. no answer. maybe i will try again later.


glad to see you here!!! haha just wake up from napping after frustration find the right gynae. haha how i hope my hubby can take leave but he cant. maybe i should learn independent and go myself for first visit.


KK abit far from my area. live in AMK... now still looking at TMC and Mount A maybe.

mrs wong,

i made appt with Dr Michele on Saturday. but still looking for a male gynae as I think I prefer male better. more gentle to ladies i think... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for your recommendation.

You are welcome, Pray&Love. May everything be ok. I prefer female gynae though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrs wong,

ya will see her on 19th Feb, got surcharge $20. After that, see if she's good or not. If not, then i will find another male gynae.

normally first check up and 2nd check up, the gap how long?

mrs wong,

wah so fast. i thought one month see one time enuf. haha what she will do for 1st visit? im shy shy.. mind to share?

Hello....this is mine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EDD: 18 Sep

Nick: MZ

Bb: #1

Gynae: Dr Lawrence Ang

Hops: TMC


Area: Sembawang

Pray&Love, I think it's coz I had some spotting prob. Actually nothing much. She would ask about your family medical background, and gave some advice as to what to do, what to avoid. She would perform a v-scan too as it's still very early. That's why I find more comfortable with a female gynae.

mrs wong,

ya I have done V scan before I get pregnant with a health screening company at Glenagles. The lady gynae like very bad. She said the V scan thing of course longer than him, and also said you don need to know what im doing. I will tell you if anything goes wrong. so bad and rude!

Pray&Love, ohh, that's really rude. Don't worry, Dr Lee is not rude at all, she's very gentle. Anyway, you could always change to another gynae if you are not comfortable with her after your first visit. At least you manage to get your appointment sooner than other places now, which solved your major concern, rite? Just be relax and wait for your first appointment. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pray&love - Hee Hee ... I also just woke up from my nap. The renov work downstairs woke me up!

Dun be quick to dismiss female gynae. I was strongly recommended dr w k tan from tmc. But din want to go tmc cos too far from my place. Actually, dr Lawrence Ang has also Gd reviews. Maybe u can google on him.

just got home.. the weather is so so so cold.. i was freezing in taka... -_-" couldn't take it.. told HB i wanna go home...

ytd i had very bad nite.. not to scare u ladies but this is what happened...

I slept with socks on n woke up with missing socks... Where had my socks gone??? (2am)

I purposely worn the high ones to keep myself warm..if need to take out must roll n pull lo.. so how can it be i took off myself...

I tot is hb took it off so asked him where is my socks... HE STARE @ me...we searched the whole bed oso dun have den saw it on the floor... The socks was rolled up nicely into a ball dumped aside.... Cfm not I did it.. I din even wake up before I found my socks gone.... *speechless*

i cfm got wear the sock to bed coz before slping.. hb was laffing @ me.. ask me need winter wear anot...


normally it is once a month for visits at the initial stage. but my gynae will see me in abt 10 days time cos when i saw him on fri, can only see the sac so he just wants to confirm that can see the bb.

towards end of pregnancy, it will be more frequent like every 2 weeks then every week in the last month.


i feel like napping too!


my boss just told me he will be givign me more stuff to do. i jsut joined not long ago like 2 months back. my boss is pretty nice but i can see that he feels my work is quite good so far so he is starting to load me. i dunno how he will react to my news that i m preggy....i was thinking of telling him after my next visit to confirm bb is ok. but dunno is it too soon. hope he won't not confirm me becos of this....

mrs wong,

yeah solve the problem liao. hehe thanks alot! by then i visit her, should be 6 weeks lo. tomolo im going back to KL, by coach...5 hours. hope my urine frequency can control.


but the doc in tmc like hot cakes. I called for Dr Caroline Khi, earliest is on 26th Feb. then Dr Yvonne Chan not available for delivery, too full aredi. so fast the booking for delivery.


im going out soon, meet my hubby for dinner then get something for my 5hours coach ride to KL tmr. maybe sour plum, breads and anything that can stop my MS.

hahaha maybe you fold yourself. last few days, my hubby said that i keep on pushing him when i sleep. then punch pillow. but I really cant recall that I did that... hahaha

Pray&Love, np. I'm also going back to KL tmr nite by flight. You have a safe ride tomorrow. My hubby did go with me for the first 2 visits. Don't think he will go with me all the time.

pray&love.. no.. its not folded.. its nicely wrapped into a ball. thrown in the floor... i won't throw my clean stuffs onto the floor one.... tinking of it freaked me out... i was really very tired ytd and i felt aslp immediately when i got into bed with my sock..

mrs wong,

you from KL too? have a safe flight. Im trying to book flight but all sold out or $300++ one way per person. so damn exp! can fly to somewhere else for holiday

Pray&love- enjoy Ur CNY holiday! Everything will be fine. Btw, sour plum doesn't work for me. Eat already make me wanna puke.

Bb3- go nap.. I'm on leave today n tomo. Dun wanna care abt office work.

Simbaobao - Dun think too much bah.

Wow Simbaobao,

serious?? sounds scary...-.-"

or is it now that preggy, a bit forgetful? :p


How many mths is yr probation?

Soungs like a good plan, cos you are showing him that this has not affected your work so far...so at least can negotiate.

Pray&Love, I'm not but my hubby is. Booked it long time ago.

bb3, I don't think your boss will not confirm you because of pregnancy. Don't worry too much, ok?

Pommes, I wish I am on leave today and tomorrow too. So tired working in the office.

Simbaobao, I am also speechless...


hehe thanks. i also dunno what work well for me. i always like wanted to puke somthing out but in the end, nothing. just the tummy very bloated and feel very full all the time.

pommes... my hb can tell me, u try again tonight la.. -_-"!

Guava: cfm is not i forget or wat.. coz if i nid to removed.. i cfm nid to wake up to remove de.. cannot anyhow kick or rub it off the legs....

somemore is rolled so nicely and dumped aside on the floor.. not on the bed..

mrs wong... i am too... i dunno how to react when i saw the socks rolled up...


Can you please help update mine in the table too? Thanks

EDD:18 Sep

Gynae: Dr Lim TC

Hospital: MAH


Area: AMK /YCK

Occupation: SAHM

Hi All!!

I'm also going to be a september mum...its really interesting reading thru this forum all these while...finally decided to join u ladies in the forum!

Hmm..just curious, no one intend to deliver at mount e??

EDD:18 Sep

Gynae: Dr Selina Chua

Hospital:Mount E

bb # 1



haha Pommes...yea lor..

Simbaobao, don't think too much abt it, k

Hi Kelly, welcome! join the mama club! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Kelly, welcome to join us.

Pommes, your hubby is really cute to ask if can know the gender soon....anyway, is a good sign of him, this goes to show how anxious he is about the baby.

Today I got 2 days mc from my gynae, therefore this whole week no need to work, shiok!

I read some post that some mummies are still looking for gynae, my gynae is a male one and his clinic is at gleneagles...but has a tue evening clinic at bishan, he can deliver at any private hospital and see patients on saturday too and saturday rate is the same as weekday rate. His care management is 1st trimster, see once every 2 weeks and when u in 2nd trim, then once every mth and last 1-2mth of the pregnancy is back to once every 2 weeks. So far during visit he will update on bb growth and development and give some advice and most importantly he will ask if you have 'questions' for him. Overall, a nice gynae and most importantly he won me over with his surgical skills....when he did the stitching for me, the stitches are well and did not break and post natal care he ensure he give sufficient painkiller so that u won't feel in pain in the few 1-2days after delivery. First time consultation is more expensive but when u return to him again, subsequent consultation is $55, urine test is $7 and ultrasound is $35. So if any mummies having any difficult to look for a male gynae, you may consider him, he is Dr Christopher Chong and always on air with Violet Fenying on FM 97.2

Wow, $2k to get a CL now? gosh, if u pay so much and yet dun get a good one then really headache.

Hi Annie,

Waaa, really? $2k now?? im also considering this option instead of getting my mom or MIL...guess i hav to think twice..


I realized my underarms suddenly smell horrible!!! Already the flu n cough + vomiting ... Now this prob.... Do u know what could be the reason? I didn't have this prob during my 1st 2 P.... Now I will have to shower more often... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

annie ng,

thanks for your recommendation. I will google him too. interestingly to know he has a tue evening clinic at bishan and provide sat consultations.just afraid hard to book him..

Hi simbao bao

yeh me thinking maybe to skip it. wat is the reason why u are complating whether to go for the osar test a not?

Hi Guava, how is dr Adrian as a gyne? he was also on my list but after reveiwing the many comments onlibe, weighing the pros and cons ..i decided to choose dr poon.

As i hv yet to commit to dr poon's package which starts from week 12 ...hence im still considering .... cos dr A is near MRT (as we get heavier that is an important factor to consider)

next Dr A , u can visit him even for cold fever etc..it's all part of the 550 package.

For those gyne with packages , is cold , fever consulation part of the package?

and if i need MC ..of couse Dr A is more Fang bian.

Dr poon , it's his patience and careful personality that i like.

Hence i conclude that Dr A stands out in terms of cost and convience.while dr poon stands out in terms of caringness and patience.

Wat wld u ladies have choose ?

actually dr woo was my 1st choice but due to an unpleasant experience... i decided not to go bk to him. but so far all my friends have gd reviews on him.

My unpleasant exp was due to fertility concerns and i felt the way he dealt w it was [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hence now that im expecting i think i prob wont go bk to him but at the back of mind i was thinking handling a then infertile issue and now an expecting me..wld he be different?

Hi mommies.. Wow.. So many new mommies aboard.. Welcome!!!

I went for my gynae visit today, in week 7 and can see bb n hear heartbeat liao le..very loud le.. Maybe my gynae's machine is the latest technology?? Lolll.. Will be going for my oscar in mar.. Aiyo.. I will have to wait till mid mar for my next gynae visit to see my bb liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway becoz i did oscar for my #1 so going to do for this one...

Re: hospital

Hmmm, ya.. I heard some from others as well on their dropped in service in tmc... Anyway going for MAH this time round.. Hehehhehe....


In fact selecting gynae depends on wat quality r u finding in the gynae, i would say most of them r very skilled n experiences in delivery, i think just how u look in the character of the gynae u choose.. Most importantly u need to feel safe n comfortable with him/her.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For example some like gynae who r more peronal, some like no nonsense type n etc....


Wa lao.. Going to be cny liao le.. Not 7th month le... Dun think too much la.. Sometime becoz of pregnancy maybe u do things but forgot liao... Hehehehehe...


Huh??!!! how cme so fast will have all weird smell on body come out liao meah?? I thought only maybe in 3rd trimester then got all weird weird things happening around body..???? Maybe becoz of ms la.. Oso ur flu then ur nose smell bad la.. Not ur armpit la...lollll


Hmmm.. Thk u r not alone le, one of my friend oso encounter some fertility issue with dr woo, so she intend to change gynae if she got her #2 too..


Muffin: Mmm I seriously scared of the blood test den worry the what IF? Den my age grp doesnt fall in the grp tat nid to really die die do tis test but I will seek doc professional advise if he felt I nid to take it anot.

Jasmine: I am not too sure coz it can have many reason to y we have spotting. mine coz I been walking ard too much. My gyane said it's common to have spotting as long as not menst kind of bleeding or red spotting.

I dun feel comfortable so went to gyane since my check up is near the date so he suggested tat we need 安胎药.

