(2011/09) Sep 2011

Hi Pray&Love,

Congrats! yea suggest 5-6 weeks go see gynae. Mine cannot be detected earlier cos too early...


hi mummies!!


wah so many stories abt KK. i must be one of the lucky ones with good experience. my fren also gave birth there and also very good experience. in fact we hear not so good stories abt others...so weird right. maybe it's cos we went for The Private Suite so better service. and hb always feel that if got any emergency or touch wood anything bad happen, they will still send u to kk esp for the kids so better to go there where all the facilities are.

went for my scan last fri but too early to see bb. can only see the sac. so will go back in 2 weeks time to scan for bb.

my boy very cute. cos my gynae said must try not to carry my gal, he kept reminding me not to carry my gal. very gan chiong!

pray & love

if u go too early, u won't be able to see much. after 6 week is better. meanwhile u can get folic acid from pharmacy and take regulary.


hee u sure or not? look like 5 months preggy?

i find that gals can be harder to manage cos more tempremental. my gal really PMS one leh sometimes. these few days have been throwing a lot of tantrums. maybe she knows that i have bb now so very difficult. will throw huge tantrums for no reason. and gals like to complain more!!! haha


which part do u stay? i stay at toh tuck. quite near u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


shall we see whether our sixth sense correct or not? like whether u feel boy or gal then after a few months later we update and see how many are correct...

i ahve a feeling mine is boy but i want gal....


I stay in AMK, your gynae at north east which part? can recommend?


how wonderful I can see you here again. How's everything going? Ya, my bb I think is either sept/oct. okay will try book 6weeks.


ya that's what im afraid too. if kenot detect then make me more worry.


ya im taking folic acid but it's from GNC. high dosage 800mg. good? I read some like take 5mg is enough aredi. besides continue folic acid, anything to eat or do during this period?

one more thing to ask.

i booked flight to HK from 10-16th feb, should I cancel it? safe to travel?

anyone travel during 4-5weeks before?

pray & love

5mg is good enough. i think 800mg sounds very high. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my gynae usually gives me the hormone pills and vitamin b (to help with the nasuea). that's abt it. just avoid eating pineapple and coconut. the rest i eat as normal. 1st 3 months, the bb dun absorb much also. so usually after 1st tri then he will start me on the prenatal vitamins. and i will take a bit of tonic once in a while. but not much...

for your travelling, best to get gynae to check and confirm whether ok or not. most of the time shd be ok. as logn as u dun have cramps or spotting.

hee think abt it, some pple dun even realise they are pregnant until 2-3 months later...they wd have gone abt the normal activites like normal right... so unless u have symptoms like cramps or spotting, it shd be ok.

Pray&love: everytings is well beside the spotting I had last week. Was given medi.

Am not too sure abt travelling but my gyane advised me not to IF possible when I check with him on my 1st visit. Mainly cause BB nt very stable yet n we nid as much rest as possible.

If u have alrdy had a gyane in mind, maybe y can drop by for a consultation n ask if Ur health allow?

hello mummies.. its a nice cool weather to be snuggling in bed.. but too bad for me, am stuck in office, working my ass off!

went to see my gynae on sat.. baby is 1.71cm long, right on track.. the limbs are forming, heartbeat can be seen flickering really fast. i requested to listen to heartbeat, but my gynae says next appt then she will switch on coz now its too soft to be heard, even if she amplifies it to the max.. am on tummy scan instead of v-scan already!

this pregnancy i feel that time passes by very fast. am gg to see her in 4 weeks time, by then will be 12 weeks pregnant, and will be the time to do the neck skin measurement and blood test. and she started me on DHA, once a day. dun rmb starting my DHA so early the previous pregnancy.. but oh well, just take lo..

but a word of caution for those who opt for TMC.. coz my little sister just delivered at TMC (early Jan 2011). the service and attitude of TMC is getting v bad now.. the nurses are not attentive and caring as well. they dun bother if baby is latching well, they just dump the baby into her arms and they leave the ward! she is a first time mummy and these nurses just dump the baby and leave?!

and also lately coz there are too many patients at TMC, the delivery wards are usually full, end up many mummies had to be put at the waiting area (with 2 or 3 other mummies in labour), only when you are in active labour, then they will start to find a room for you to give birth.. i find that a bit erm.. not acceptable.. coz wad if they cannot find a room in time? so scary..

Hi Pray&Love,

Dr poon king fu is located at lorong ah soo.

Blk 108 Hougang Ave 1 Tel: 68581233 #01-1259

you may google on some of the feedbacks abt him on yahoo or u ,ay visit and see if u are comfortable w him. Most important is u must be comfortable.


i also dunno that folic acid 5mg is sufficient. but i still have 4 bottles GNC 800mg. each contained 100tablets. bought it at US GNC online... haha what tonic are you taking? I dunno what tonic should I take also because kenot inform parents, so no advice from them.


spotting alot? i dunno how spotting like. can describe abit? so roughly i know. hehe

I do not have gynae in mind. thought wanna TMC, then still thinking female or male gynae better. First preggie, abit shy shy... but my fren told my male is better, because they are more gentle... is that true?


thanks. thanks. i will google him. ya comfortable is a must, if not everytime visit gynae, also dislike feelings.

Hi Pray&Love,

Yea, as this is my first bb, i also felt very worried why doc cannot find anything thru u/s..apparently i have irregular menses and i suspect bb is conceived later than expected.. cos i traced back to the days we had intercouses :p

Luckily able to see water sac last Saturday. phew!

i'm also travelling in 3 days time to Msia...am 4-5 weeks...prebooked and din expect preggy...so, doc gave me duphaston as "an tai" medicine ask me to take care and rest a lot.

Pinkiedot: Argh tat is really terrible. Sigh shall c how ting goes my gyane strongly recommend tmc coz he is nearby... I dun wan wait he can't rush over n hand us to another gyane last min.

Pray&love: it's like brown patch but not menst like. If experience menst kind of bleeding must go to a&e or gyane le.

I prefer a male gyane. Maybe I find they dun go thru pms mthly n wait we kena if we suay suay see her when she in bad mood... Hehe

Oso male gyane had more strenght ba Juz in case of emergency when nid him to pull baby out?

Guess it's all individual preference n how comfortable u r with the gyane.

Muffin: I haven decided if I am gg to the Oscar test anot... R u gg? Or u decided to skip it?

My Frd is gg on the 3rd day of cny lo.

pinkie dot

i usually start on DHA after 1st trimester.

think heartbeat can't hear so soon. i remember everytime i only hear heartbeat abt 10 weeks or so?


i usually go for the oscar test. it's just blood test and scan. i have a fren who din do for 2 of her kids but did for her 3rd one.


i took some cordyceps usually abt 4-5 months onwards. but i dun take much. just abt 2-3 times only. i dun take bird nest also. heard not much effect. my kids all very fair and nice skin still. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think most impt is eat balanced meal.

re hospital

i think it's a bit of heng suay one. if u happen to deliver at a time when a lot of ppl are delivering, they tend to be quite shorthanded. when i had my gal, there were a lot of other c-sec cases also. the nurses response will be a bit slower but they did explain to me why. so i guess its' a lot of factors. most impt is u must be comfortable with your gynae

Hi Jennifer C,

goood morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe you can ask if you need to take those pills or not. Dono leh. Even though i told him everything was fine over past few weeks, and informed him im travelling for cny , he just gave me those pills.

Maybe becos of my age bah...over 30+. first bb somemore.


i travel back tomolo to KL, my hometown by coach. 5 hours. hopefully everything is under control. now in 4 weeks. i think back from kl only book gynae. so i don have any "AN TAI" pills.. how? im still looking for which gynae...confused confused


ohhh...okay noted! hopefully it doesnt happened, 4 weeks now. need to wait 2-3 weeks only my first visit. okay then i will decide male gynae! narrow down my scope. still searching from net, which gynae good lehh... dilemma ler.'


oh ya i heard about cordyceps... but i think i gotta wait. long way to go. now only 4 weeks... 4-5months, then i ask you for the recipe to boil it

Hi Pray&Love,

Coach bus...would the journey be bumpy?

Hmm...im taking flight, just worried abt the landing part...hopefully slow and steady..

4 weeks should be able to see water sac. unless u want to quickly drop by gynae and check?

My gynae is Dr.Adrian Woodworth, heard he has CCK clinic and Sengkang clinic if this helps. not sure if it's near your place?

Pray&love: u might wan to see a few den decide which u r comfortable with. Afterall u nid to be comfort with who will b taking care of u n BB for the next 9 mths..

I am rather comfort with my 1st visit from the gyane my Gf recommended so I might Juz stick to him.

Juz b extra careful. My gyane told me nothing raw no liquor no coffee/ tea/ coke no sex for 1st trimester. If salad it's best to b self prepared.

For those FTWM,

Have you ever wonder how to handle work and kids balancing next time?

I'm comtemplating whether i should go part-time or be a full time SAHM. cos my work currently involves high level stress. unless i kena assigned diffrent tasks.


We have the same EDD! Can you please help me put mine in the table too?

EDD: 9 sept

Gynae: Dr Michelle Lee

Hospital: TMC


Area: AMK

Occupation: FTWM

Simbaobao, I have decided to go for OSCAR test for my ease of mind. Have made the appointment.


so u have went for 1st appt with gynae? in what week are you in now? when's your next appt? i live in amk, cck and sengkang quite far for me because no car [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya ya. but my hubby kenot accomodate, only free on saturday. haih but most gynae not free on sat..

Mrswong: I see... I will tok to hb abt it. Though it can't b 100% accurate but can b as a reference but Wat if the result isn't ideal? My Gf was very upset with the result she gotten when she did hers but really luckily BB is ok n she didn't decided to take it away.

Pray&love: den u got to ask Ur hb to take leave or look for those who open on sat.

If not drop by Ur gp n tell him/her u b traveling but haven see gyane yet. C wT they can do

pray & love

hee me and hb called up hotline and asked for a senior consultant. we just hamtam and lucky the gynae we got is a nice guy. for my first bb, he sprained his leg and came back in the middle of the night to deliver my bb and cos i had no technique of pushing, he had to stand for more than an hour to help me. quite funny cos the nurses told me he came in a wheelchair and his wife drove him to hospital.

my tonic very simple one. put those pork meat and just slowcook or double poil. soup will be clear and sweet. soem pple say grind the cordyceps and eat the powder better.

maybe u go for those with evening clinics? usually my hb only go for first appt with me then the rest i go by myself as i wd go on weekday.


the tot of coping with a kid and work sounds scary right..but u will manage one. mummies are the best. will be able to sacrifice your sleep etc...


my fren's result for oscar came back not good so she went for further test. i think bottom line is, if bb turns out to have problems will u choose to abort? if no matter what u won't choose to abort, then the test won't be so significant already. my hb is a practical person. if bb have any problems he will choose not to keep. he feels must be fair to bb and our older kids.

hi all mummies, I just came back from my 2nd appointment and glad bb is growing well and can hear heartbeat well. EDD is 12 Sept, anyone same date as me? Now am in my 7 weeks and soon 1st trimster will be over and excited to know the gender of the bb....but scare kenna leg cramp too. The leg cramp feeling is horrible...

Earlier post, read a comment posted by one of the mummies that we should avoid eating pineapple and me, giving alot of pineapple tarts a miss this cny and pineapple tarts are my fav...but nvr mind lah....anytime can eat after delivery.

OSCAR test, I think I will prefer to do it...and as what the mummy said, use it a reference and maybe will feel more at ease if do the test...

For those mummies traveling, remember to bring sour plum along may help and also dun use too much medicated oil...if need use, vicks vapour rub better....

Any idea how to calculate deliver date? is it from the last day of ur last period? Or the first day of ur last period? Or the day u had sex??

If its from last day of period(15dec) mine should be ard end of september??

so hard to make first appt. some fully booked during my delivery month. some the earliest is 26th feb. then my hubby is only free on sat... and sat is all fully booked. disappointed because whole morning till now, been searching for gynae thru forum...

what should i do?

annie>> i still eat pineapple tarts coz the pineapple are cooked.. i take those from pizzas too.. avoid the fresh pineapples, coconuts and starfruits.. these are very 'liang' fruits..

weather is v bad lately, mummies pls take care and wear warm clothings! rmb to keep your chests and knees covered if possible! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry, it's Dr Michele Lee. So far I have seen her twice and I feel quite comfortable with her. It's open on Sat but I think you need to pay S$20 or S$30 extra for Sat. The contact no. is 67528500.


my gynae says dun eat. i did ask pineapple tarts he said try not to eat too much. i m not a big fan so it's ok with me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun be too upset. u wan to try KKH TPS? shd be able to get appt faster. i got mine with my gynae very fast. i even did a change in timing and manage to get one on the next day.


any one book CL already?

Hi can I join I am 2nd time mummy edd is 15 sept.

Pray&love do u wanna try Kk? My gynea is wee horng yen he is very gentle and patient. For my first bb at birth was 3.7kg natural delievery, from wat I know is alot of gynea once bb above 3.3kg will ask u csect, he encourage natural delivery

hi everybody!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm new here... now in my 5th week

any good gynaes to recommend in the private sector?

hi mummies to be, congrats with ur coming new bundle of joy! I'm from dec'10 mtb thread.

I've the following to sell:




PM me if u r interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Happy CNY!

If anyone wants to sign with stemcord, we can both get discount for the annual fee too. PM for exchange of details ya. Cheers!

Hello everyone!

So many posts this morning..

Pray&Love - Hello Hello! When I tested with Clearblue digital, it also stated 2-3 weeks. I waited for 2 weeks later to see gynae. Don't worry about gynae issue. I am also "shopping" for one now. Didn't really feel comfy with the 1st gynae, so tomo I'm going to see another gynae.

My colleague recommended Dr Woo Bit Hwa of Thomson Women's Clinic. 6276 1525. Heard that he does evening clinic session and sat session. His clinic is at Tiong Bahru Plaza.

He will be my next option.

Happyenough - so far, my bill for the 1st visit came up to $230. Included scan, urine test and folic acid, DHA and anti-nausea medication.


Will only start asking after the 1st trimester. But I heard the rate is about $2K now.

RE: Balance BB n work

Will send BB to infant care after my maternity leave. Hubby already said, quite hard to maintain current lifestyle if I quit. So no choice lor... work stressful, also must work.

RE: OSCAR test

Will go for it. Wanna make an informed decision *touch wood* if anything is not good.

Annie - my hubby is very eager to know BB's gender. He even asked tomorrow, can know the BB's gender already?! I laughed at him, haven't even heard BB's heartbeat yet...

*cross my fingers* tomorrow can hear BB's heartbeat.

Hi Pray&Love

SAHM is stay at home mum.

FTWM is full time working mum. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yea lor, i worry leh, cos work so stressful, i might consider resign if really cannot cope and hubby is supportive that one breadwinner can handle. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

