(2011/09) Sep 2011

Do your gynae stay with you while u are pushing?

My gynae said she will only come after pushing near to the delivery of bb.

I rem the last time, she only come after i can't push for 1 hr and she come to use forceps.


the gynae said it was not due to me pushing not hard enough. Baby's head was facing (dont know upwards or downwards). She said that 80% of cases of bb in that direction require assisted birth. If bb had turn the other way, should be only 3 push.

simbaobao: mei cai kou rou! soudns yummy. what is it btw? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now my ears and eyes open wide i hear food... :p

Gina : ermm.. i hv a personal opinion of avoiding dairy if i can help it.

But i guess i am only one of the rare ladies who has that opinion here..thought it's best not to mention too much.

well since you asked..(info may cause discomfort for some ladies as it's really via how much you know and what you believe in)

Few years ago, we have been introduced to info that milk (or rather dairy in general) in fact leeches calcium from our body instead of the so called "myth" that milk gives us extra calcium.(only the milk companies will advertise that)

Only infants are really suitable for milk as it helps in their growth till a certain age..

That's one of the reasons americans have loads of osteoporisis problems these days.

over the years, we have come across more and more people(eg fitness pros/yogis )and books givin us the same info.

Also milk comes from cows but do cows drink milk?

Soya bean milk is another one to avoid cos they increase our estogen level and affect hormones. not beneficial for both men and ladies.

Anything soya, we also avoid.

But then again depends on what you believe or want to believe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For us, we believe in what we have experienced personally in our own diets. We hear and absorb info and try out the various way of living as suggested by the pros.. and hence decide for ourselves at the end of the day what kind of food choices we make.

Eg. My hb believes in lots of protein(freshly cooked chicken/beef/tons of eggs) and minimum carbs. while i believe in the same minimum carbs but as green a diet as possible for myself..I get certain side effects if i eat too much meat. We only eat almost the same food when we eat out. otherwise at home, we have different meal plans [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

At the end of the day, you make your own decisions and choose what you want to believe in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ellysia, my gynae was with me throughout the pushing. Cos they waited till I was fully dilated then gynae came (think he was outside resting cos he checked in on me several times while I was in labour ward).

#2 : so we can bring our own food and snacks in in the midst of delivery? i was just wondering the same thing..planning to bring my energy drink to replenish energy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So good.. dunno why my gynae feel waste time if she stand there and watch me pushing.. aiyo..

but maybe bec' she stay very near too so can come fast. She says she will only come after push for some time liao.

It wasn't a good experience due to tis incident during my past delivery. But i am lazy to find another gynae plus ored all the record at her clinic liao lor. she is good throughout just this part i dun like lor.


My gynae was also with me for the whole pushing. in fact, the nurses told me not to push until gynae comes. They call her when they check dont know how many cm dilated.

#2: Oh in Pasir Ris? Where?!

Simbaobao: Haha you got everyone craving for MCKR! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Meeting my friends for tze char later..satisfy my other craving - Pai Kuat Wong!

super hungry now.. it is going to be subway for me today. Working late. Heh... but got to wait until 5:30 then i can go out to tapao..

Wow, the thread has moved so fast after i wake up from my nap.

Has been feeling sick recently.. Blocked nose at night and vomiting throughout the day. Today is the worst. Whatever goes in, water or food, sure come out.. Really tiring


I don't think MS can predict gender leh. From my friends' experiences, both boy /gal , they also had MS. But none as serious as mine.

Yes, i cant wait to pop too. But i haven even go for the blood test that most of u gals did. Mine will be done in another 3 weeks. N gynae give me an option to do the compulsory blood test or triple blood test that test for abnormalities. My hubby said to me if i go for the triple bood test, no matter how the outcome will be , we still want the bb! so touch but that puts me in a dilemma.

thanks simbaobao! i think i never tried it before . hehe

Just to share a very beautiful excerpt from a book i read yest :

Your children are not your children.

They are the sons & daughters of life's longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you ,

and though they are with you yet, they belong not to you.

Dont you think? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@bunnz - Thanks for the useful info. I thought it was also those lines but nobody really said it. I mean, we all grew up thinking milk is good. On the same argument, milk has not caused any bad effects so I think folks like us continue drinking. Perhaps moderation is fine for me at this point but I'll prolly not load up on it. I'm taking quite a bit now. Hehe

Soya - I don't touch soya too. It's an allergy since young.

@Blossomsbb: I'm wondering the same too and am waiting to see if my friends / relatives are right. According to them who have given birth before or are currently preg and have known their bb gender, having boys give easier pregnancy (i.e. no MS). Girls provide for tougher pregnancy (bad MS). Again, it could be old wives' tale.

We can only note and see if this matches the confirmation from our gynae on gender in a couple of weeks time before we confirm this 'myth'. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my gynae didnt allow me to eat in labour ward except breakfast, bec of epidural and scare i vomit all food out n choked etc. Breakfast only light porridge and 30% of bowl only. But my labour is v long 19hrs from contraction pain at home lor. so after delivery was so hungry. lucky gynae arrange for sandwich to be sent to ward so i ate the sandwich later, cos midnight no food mah.

Blossomsbb n Gina, I had ms for my #1 till abt wk13/14. But it wasn't too bad, mainly puking in the morn n bad nausea at night. Afternoons were generally ok. My #1's a boy. This time, I feel nausea n puke anytime of the day but early morn generally ok. Is whole day that is horrible. Also alot of food aversions this time round when i had none previously. Getting abit better now into my wk13, crossing my fingers! Hee gender unknown yet, will know next mth to c the accuracy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually I din link it to diff in gender. I juz tot n commented to my mum, dun know is it this Bb more fussy in tastebuds haha! ;P coz my #1 no food aversions during preg n he's very open to all types of food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Koume, inside DTE, 2nd level. The shop that sells Taiwanese food. My boy's prechool is there, so when I'm craving for it, I'll drive over to buy food and pick him up instead of letting him follow the school bus home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@sung: Thanks for sharing! Let's match this when the gynae confirms ur bb gender. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so far the ms for both p seems to be similar. Food preference is different though. 1st P is a boy and i crave mostly meat, fast food and dislike fish and veg.

This time seems to dislike too much meat and crave for other food.


actually the best part is that after giving birth, i told the nurse that i am feeling very nausea, need to eat. She keep insisting cannot eat say that it was the epidural effect. But i bug and bug, she gave me mee sua soup. and no more nausea. Lol.. she came back to ask how i am feeling, i told her that now not hungry so not nausea liao.. whahaha

By the way, if it is boy, u r likely to be able to confirm at 16 weeks scan. My 1st P, can confirm is boy at 16 weeks scan before the 20 weeks scan.


I vomitted many times during the epi, and eventually vomit brown water. Nurse try to give me milo imm after giving birth bec' my BP v low and body weak. But i have a bad gastric and vomit out. so gynae prescribe the gastric medicine and by the time i reach the ward, i can eat the sandwich ored. lucky gynae ask nurse to give sandwich or else i will have to starve until breakfst. But i got bring milo powder in my bag but my hb was v tired and slept in the ward, i dun want to disturb him so the sandwich was good.

Actually for boys, if position is good and gynae's machine is clear, 12 weeks can confirm already. I saw my boy's birdie and balls at 12 weeks. Very clearly: 1 stick and 2 round objects just beneath.

This round, I'm hoping to find nothing between the legs! hahaha!!

Ellysia n #2, agree with u! My #1, gynae told me 80% cfm is boy during wk13 chkup. Then cfm during wk16. This time, he said wait one mth later to see so dun know yet.

Actually I still dun know if prefer gal or boy. On one hand, I luv my boy n find boys so cute, robust, active, mischievous n well more hardy. Am afraid gals r too delicate n I'm quite chor lor type, play with my boy can frighten him ;P On the other hand, my mum said gal closer to the family n to mum so am unsure. Hb said no preference. Anyway, main hope is Bb is healthy n safe hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

#2, oh yeah, forgot to thank u earlier for posting the massage lady's contact. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, for mummies info. I was asking abt brownish crusts on nipples earlier. Chk with my gynae during my last appt n he mentioned as long as it can be washed off, it's likely just skin/milk particles. Was worried coz dun rem hving it so early in #1's time. But gynae reassured it's ok. Tot just to share in case any other mummy encounter the same too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sung, I mentioned it long long ago, must keep the nipples clean. The brown crust is an accumulation of dirt and dead skin cos the nipple is getting ready for breastfeeding. Must clear it so that won't get blocked ducts.

I used olive oil to gently wash away the dead skin.

#2, yeah I rem your post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I do wash everytime but somehow the crust will appear strangely overnight. Din use anything on my nipples though. What do u use the olive oil with? Just your fingers or cotton wool or bud?

Sung, olive oil with cotton wool. Sometimes cotton bud if the spot is stubborn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gina: I went to revisit my book for more details.

One main issue of dairy consumption is the formation of mucus in the system.

causes issues like headaches/allergies/colds/asthma/respiratory issues

Well.. sometimes our body has all these minor issues that we ourselves take for granted it's due to this and that..but never think of the everyday food we eat.

I read up on the calcium part..yes milk is supposed to add calcium to the system but the irony is by drinkin it, our body uses the existing calcim we have to neutralize the effects of the dairy products we are eating.

(direct from the book itself)

Many people who think they have a calcium deficiency are actually on a high acidic diet, so the calcium in their bodies are constantly being used to neutralize the acid.

Book advises if need to drink/eat dairy..best to eat/drink it on its own .dont combine with cookies/cereal/fruits/not after meals.

#2: cotton bud is gd idea...but crusts dont come everyday..like take long to appear eversince i've started to moisturise it. every now and then

Gina: i'll let you know about having boys with no MS in a while. hehe we have a strong feeling we r hving a boy.

@Bunnz - I have a slight hunch about my bb being a boy too. Hopefully I get some 'enlightenment' on April Fool's. When's ur visit?? Today?

Thanks too about all the info on dairy products! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

koume: the feeling is funny lor.. its just 2-3 sec only..

chine: my appt is on wed.. so hopefully i get to see bb gender at koh's clinic..

my parents suspect mine is boy.. hahaha

Hi mummies, anyone stopped taking duphastron or any other 'an tai' medication after first trimester? I am still taking although I was given the option to stop.... Which I suspect was causing me to still be puking even in second trimester hmmm

For those who love this dish :p


I'm in desperate need of some good foot reflexology.... but not sure can go or not... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

To all MTB using iPhone, download application named 'Baby Centre-My Prenancy'.

Found it quite useful as it's provided lots of information and daily update on d baby progress.


Just saw ur blog with the recipe there. Will try! Thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



no paiseh.. that's exactly what i am looking for

cos give me recipe, i also always tweaked it according to my taste buds.. hee hee

i used to cook a lot until my #1 come out. Then it became simple and easy all the time.. whahaha.. i think in the past 2 yrs, the most "complicated" dish i made was roast pork.. whaahah

