(2011/09) Sep 2011

Muffin, due to your polyops, I would suggest getting a 2nd opinion. Maybe find a gynae with better scanning machine? Cos different gynaes use different machines and the quality of the images can vary greatly.


hi kelly , its not indicated .. cos he only gave me 3 days dosage . he just mentioned lowest dosage available. Venderol also has palpitations effect.

#2, the 2 medications he gave dun seems to be related to polyps. how do i know if the gyne has gd scanning machine?

U know i wanted to go dr woo but i has unpleasant experience w him at his TB clinic hence i drop the idea.. otherwise he will be the one i visit anyway dr poon is gd too . they both have their pros and cons.

I'll finish up this dosage and review from here.

Hmm, his scan machine is quite advanced, given that we can do the detailed scan at his clinic itself...

Muffin, most important is to develop a trusting relationship with the gynae..., So far I am very comfortable with him as he assured me when I had a growing cyst and a fibroid again later... but if you really wan to seek a second opinion, I guessed thats no harm in doing so...

hi muffin,

i think if its juz 3 days medication...then sld be quite ok...if were to take for prolonged period, better to seek 2nd opinion...cos nifedipine is still considered a category c medication i think..

nay , guess i wont seeking , i trust him.

when will u next be seeing him? hope yr bb allows u to see the most important thing.. hehe

@kelly , yes think its cat C medication. for nefedipine he gave 2 weeks dosage .. i saw in 2010 thread that some ladies also took it but none took venderol.

bunnz: Oh thank you! Really didn't know that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

p00h: Yeah I drink that sometimes too. I guess we just stick to oranges? Haha. I just drank this Pokka Lemon & Calamansi juice this morning, was reading the ingredients list and they said 50mg of Vitamin C. Just nice!

Ahhh black carrot cake craving! And by the way, does anyone know whether it is alright to eat 'pei dan chok' aka Century Egg porridge? Read somewhere duck eggs are off limits..

@Muffin: I will be seeing him next monday evening..., Hope bb is cooperative then..., actually I suspect Dr Poon already can guess the gender just that he didnt say LOL...

blossomsBB - oh.. I dun have any contact. But I dun think got agency for baby sitter. Usually baby sitter is recommended by word of mouth. Maybe you ask around among friends and relatives.

muffin - i'm just wondering why ur gynae dun advise u in removing the polyp now. U mentioned is near ur V, so I assume is cervical polyp. Mine got removed immediately after discovering and back then, i was only in week 7. hmm.. i still feel that it is better to be without medication during pregnancy if possible. But this is all my own opinion lah.

1 more wk b4 i get to see baby.. hopefully this time round, baby is cooporative, able to see the gender.. really looking fw..

this morning i can feel baby move..

@blossom , yes i thi k he knows the gender.. but knowing him unless its confirm or when u ask .. then will he say.

@Pommes, gyne cant remove my polyp now as he feels that 24 weeks will be better wif my spotting. mine is located at the entrance of the V.

my medication is for cramps and spotting not the polyps.

yeh hv to agree the less medication the better it is [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

p00H, I am also seeing dr koh nex week,prob on mon or tue.hope to know my bb gender too. our edd is so close eh.

do u hav any intuition on bb gender? some says mummy feel v zun

@chine: I also agree that mummy intuition is very zhun..., I been having the feeling that my is a boi... LOL

@all mummies: Anyone have any good recommendations for babysitters in Hougang Area?

Muffin, my friend also delivered her kiddo under Dr Poon. We wanted to go to him cos super convenient (my mum's place is within the same carpark). But decided not to cos that time (when I had my #1) his u/s machine was quite old :p But he's nice and reassuring [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Muffin: You do not accept private message..., wanted to ask you something... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yea dr poon is a nice doc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i ll be returning to work either tomlo or friday.

boss may sound me out abt my up coming plans like the no paid he sugest hahaha. nope i prob wont opt for that.

Muffin, Pethidine is for short relief only. And cannot be used too near to delivery I think. Will cause baby to be drowsy.

My cousin survived with pethidine for all 3 natural deliveries of her kids. But her labour was short and fast. From waterbag burst/contractions till delivery, less than 3 hours. So can tahan. She still tell me, giving birth not very painful if you only think about having the baby in your arms at the end of it.

blossomBB u are not mad, for my first one i also did not take epidural, only use the laughing gas tat all, but the gas does not really help much.

i believe it all in ur mind, if in the first place u do not wan epidural u will not want it

gd day all...

suddenly had bad cramps after coming out from the kitchen preparing for dinner... baby must be protesting i stood too long in the kitchen ... :S

@simbaobao: wow, you prefer dinner very early.. I get cramps-like feeling these days too. I wonder if it's the round ligament pain as I have read in books?

It's a good day for me so far. Had a hearty breakfast, hb brought me for carrot cake which I had craved since Sunday and work seems ok. 2nd half to chiong all the work. Will be off-site for next 2 days. Hope everyone's doing well.

Gina: yeap am preparing 梅菜扣肉。。。with plain poriddge.. very lazy to cook so told hb.. tat's it.. he can go for supper during wrk tie...

@simbaobao wah, that's not very nutritious leh, best to eat more nutritious food for bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Simbaobao: Wow, ur hb got kou fu tonight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, has anyone heard anything about drinking too much milk. My hb's colleague told him to tell me not to drink too much milk. Got me worried about why he said that. Old wives' tale or medical fact?

daddysbao: mmm yeap bu usu dinner i won't take a big portion ... been tinking of it for weeks.. so decided to do it so that can eat it and kept some as "SOS" when i am lazy to go out..

Gina/Asura: haha he was like HUH only dat ar...


U can decide during labour whether u want epidural or not... it really depends on the length of labour. Laughing gas din help at all for me. I din try the pethedine. Did epidural cos i figured that i couldnt take it and it is better to take epidural than to land up assisted birth.

Asura, the gas din work for me too. My hubby said I was talking a lot of gibberish when using the gas.

And end up, I was spending more energy tolerating the pain... worried that end up no energy at the crucial time to PUSH!!!

Simbaobao, I love mei cai kou rou but my maid dunno how to cook and we can't get the vege at my place too... So end up, I always drive to Pasir Ris to tabao!!!

#2: hehe dunno eh.. outside buy one hor.. can neber satisfy me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Love home cooked ones.. alots of wrk.. so i will make more n kept it frozen so tat i can have it anytime...


Same here. I was alone lah... but can only feel high but still so uncomfortable. Never sleep the whole nite before and din eat breakfast (they refuse to give me food other than a cup of milo and 1 slice of plain toast). Was so worried that i might end up with Assisted birth or even C-sec so i surrendered and called for epidural. lol..

I think laughing gas only works for those who can give birth within 2 hrs.. lol... and pethedine works for those who can give birth within 4 hrs.. lol..

Anyway, was heng that i conserve my energy. The mummies before me mentioned like 2 or 3 push and baby is out. But for me, i push so many times, almost half hr. Gynae say i was in time after i give birth, she said she was contemplating to let me try for another 5 more mins than will use forceps.


Can share the recipe for me to try cooking it on my own? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gina, I think I got it frm mph or kino, can't rem which ;P but am sure kkh selling coz they juz had a new edition out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Koume, stop drinking redoxen shd be fine. The para did mentioned inly if taking throughout preg so dun worry yeah. My vit c is redoxen too, not taking it now but eating lots of fruits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muffin, just to share, I also removed a polyp frm vagina area during my last preg. Very safe n painless procedure, fast too, less than 10mins. But of coz, trust your gynae n wat he said/proposed. That way, more rest assured n 放心 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blossomsbb, pm will be sent auto to the email acc u signed up with, very easy but sometimes got abit of time delay from Pt of sending to Pt of receipt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


agar agar also can, just give me the items u use, i can figure from there.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I used to love my granny's mei cai kou rou but nowadays she dont cook anymore.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Worse, she dont tell me agar, she just tell me use mei cai, pork and sugar... diao..

Asura, I pushed 3 times only out le. Cos I conserved my energy. And tips from my cousins: BRING CHICKEN ESSENCE and some snacks.

So I was loading myself with chicken essence & light snacks so got energy to push.

Cos my gynae was telling me, we shall push effectively & efficiently so can reduce the need for forceps. And he was so encouraging [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So 3 big pushes and my boy was out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Quite good considering my small frame :D

sung , yep .. he is a veri caution doc and play safe so i can trust him.

blossombb, i hv got it![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Simbaobao, saw your blog [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The meicaikourou I like is a different kind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So far I find the one at Pasir Ris the best. Not too salty, pork is very tender and the spices smell is just right [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And, it's sold out very early. They sell it for lunch (start at 11am), but sold out by 12.30pm!!

