(2011/08) Aug 2011

Tomr I am going to the dentist, I hope I dun puke. Have you guys gone to see a dentist yet??

Talking about food, my mum has been so reptitive with her food choices that I am getting sianz. So today I went to surf a few food blogs and request her to cook the below stuff for me to eat this wk:

- Wanton Soup

- Pasta (I cook myself tomr)

- Tom Yum Soup

- Corn Soup

- Chicken Tomato Soup

- Steam tofu with minced meat and salted fish

(some inspiration for you guys too!!)


Bellering, can try lohongka.com/sg check out the birdnest.

Babysee, me too! Sometimes i feel guilty toking behind her back, but cant help...

Carole, i wont let my bb dirty eat dirty grow esp they so young n "fragile". So your hubby is on your side. Tat is gd. My hubby tries to hav win win situation.....

Pipi, i cancelled my dental appt coz i m afraid i might puke halfway through. Haha!

Tom yum soup! Crave for sour n spicy stuff!

I also love Tom yam! Yummy!

Bbpotato: wah so good! Stay there as long as u can and don't come here! Super ulu!

Pipi: MBFC has no food court! Only got din tai feng, toast box and some other restaurants. And it's just right behind ORQ, so food choices just as little, mostly ppl still go Lao pa sat. I dun like the food there, so always walk 15mins to go back raffles place eat.


But it's only temp, think by apr all will go over, dat's when our suffering actually start. Cos our office dun allow hot food or food with smell, so tapao-ing is definitely out unless sandwiches or sushi.

Haiz, dun really look forward to that.

Bbpotato: haiz nvm lah, after awhile you will get used to this ulu place. We always order food in when too lazy to go out. your office got pantry? If hv den order food in and eat lor, better than gg out. I can email u the various contacts once u move in.

I really wish govt will enhance the maternity package soon leh, I scared we will miss the new package if they announce in aug. Esp since my Edd Is in early aug, scully I give birth in end July, den even if they backdate to 1 aug I will also miss out.

Our thread moving really fast. ~_~

So busy with work and hubby's leg on cast. So, busy like bees.

Anyone has signed up for the KKH aqua fitness? Can count me in? how to sign up and pay? I have learnt aquaaero sometime back when i want to slim down at my gym, but oredi like 3 yrs never do it anymore. Keen to join if anyone of u confirm going. Will be fun.

I stay near Buangkok MRT, any mummies near there? We can "jio" to go swim at The Rivervale, coz i got a friend staying there, and she gave me 1 access card. So, I will go over to swim whenever i got time, but now hubby's leg on cast, didn't go since 1 month plus le. Pls Jio me together if anyone of u going, ok? I not yet finish read all your thread and create FB a/c also... aiyo, time pass so fast. Next Tues will be my oscar test, hope everything is ok.

hohoho just had tom yam soup today at the small eatery at far east yummy...


Can i have the contacts for the confinement food catering?? do they use msg for the food?? i told my MIL that i want to order catering but she was telling me that outside food no good got msg blah blah... but i am not used to her cooking style le..

Jes: I wonder if you claim your EDD in Aug, maybe they might also include you? Anyway we dont know how it will be this year.. lets just hope we're all included!

I just had a REALLY unpleasant phone call with my supposed-to-be confinement lady. Like i said, unpleasant! and hubby and i decided to cancel on her. So angry even after the call for half an hour now, sorry mummies i'll post detail later if my mood gets better but now gotta go for cool shower.

Totally moodless. Gotta start CL hunting all over again. ARGH [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sus: yeah, let's hope we are all included!

Bellering: cool down n relax! Don't let it affect ur mood ya? Nvm la, try to find another one lor, it's better for u to find out now than later in ur confinement!

Here's the confinement Catering which i booked for trial on 19th Feb


Below is a feature write-up of Happy Mums and Babies (Confinement services). It is published in MOTHERHOOD magazine Feb 2011. You can refer this to your friends from forum.

Her Contact is in our SECRET SOCIETY !!! lol

Hi Carole, bellering, sus, mommies,

Been a while since I posted. The thread is moving too fast, haha.

I am going for oscar on fri morning ... I remember reading that should eat sweets so baby be more active is it?

Must drink more water??

So all those who went, did u manage to get the potential gender yet? I am hoping no extra stuff sticking out, haha.

My MS still quite bad, further weight loss ... 4 kg Liao. Slow n steady one ... Fren says better than slimming or detox program we did the last time. Haha.

Shint: aiyoh... lose so much weight ah... I managed to put on 0.5 kg despite my MS..

I went for Oscar on Tues.. I guess I sat too long while waiting.. baby feel asleep and was in wrong position.. had to go walk and bounce around for 15 mins.. then come back baby awake and upright le.. then can scan =)

Shint, I am going for mine next week. MS is still quite bad too puke gastric juices. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Let us know if u're able to see gender. Guess e machine resolution must be good to see gender at such early stage?

Aiyah... Pre-Budget feedback exercise has closed. Didn't managed to put a "wishlist" up there. But i'm certainly glad that AWARE has spoken for us to introduce paternity leave for daddys!

Hope this year will have more $ , incentives, and bonuses for us all ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wow, this thread is moving so fast!

MIA for a while as MS was very bad during CNY -- puking almost every meal...

went for NT scan yesterday and result is good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but sonographer said cannot see the gender yet... last nite, made an annoucement in FB to my friends -- so happy to share the good news!

gynae asked me to start on natal careplus and multi-vitamins when my ms is better.... it is not getting any better -- but i decided to start today coz i m losing weight... hubby is very worried for me n bb... haiz, simply no appetite to eat anything [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re: exercise

i believe in exercising -- so will start long walks, swimming and yoga soon... my labour for #1 was 5 hours -- natural w/o epi... i dun feel much contraction pain until later stage of labour...

i m checking with my yoga teacher if she is still teaching yoga in her home studio @ JE... if yes, will jio more west mummies to join [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shint > so envy... I did not have any lost of weight despite the MS leh... super sad loh... if lose a few KG will comfort me that I didnt puke for nothing! haa...

For OSCAR, I was told to have the bladder full. the sonographer also told me cannot see gender yet...


I just had porridge with fish floss (made by my mum yest.) and I got a feeling that the fish floss is contaminated cos my tummy a little rumbling now.


Pass me some of your food contacts, then I can pass to my colleagues who may be moving to MBFC.


I got an email on aqua aerobics with brochure attachment. Maybe I try to ask Carole if she can upload to FB the brochure cos I dunno how to do it.

I am checking with doc if I can do aqua aerobics this mth end before I sign up cos I had spotting at wk5 prev and had discharge(something flowing out) once in a while. So better to get doc's approval.


Are you able to upload the brochure of various activities in KKH if I sent you the email? I have no idea how to upload to FB.


Just find another CL lah. I also scared the CL, who is highly recommended by a forumer turns out to be 'CL from hell'!! Then I will CRY!


you are like me, I barely put on 1 kg. But I am not sure about now...haven't weigh myself.

Jes: Yupyup don't wan to miss the enhanced benefits lor.. if we miss we must petition!

BabyDreamy: Hey me staying at coris.. u? just opposite rivervale.. looking for swimming kaki too!

shint/sus: yeah.. my fren told me can try to ask sonographer to predict gender but mine told me too early during my oscar.. so sad.

re carrying baby: i don't think there's such a thing as carrying baby too much. the carry-in-arms stage is very short. by the time they are 1 year old they are too heavy to fit nicely into both arms. with #1 i did my confinement alone and i put her in baby bjorn or sarong when i need to do housework cos if baby cant see us they would start to worry and cry. also because im at home alone and you know what they say about newborns and women who just deliver - they smell very sweet to the spirits so i prefer her to be with me rather than alone. and maybe also because i BF for a year, inevitably she end up being in my arms a lot. now that im expecting #2, i miss carrying her and the sweet baby smell. i will just kiss her when she's lying down.

re MIL: there's a saying that as long as you're a daughter-in-law, you'll never have a good mother-in-law. as long as you're a mother-in-law, you'll never have a good daughter-in-law. i try to be cautious with the way i treat my MIL esp if i'm going to have a son because one day his wife might treat me the same way. in general my MIL is okay. i told her i craved for salted fish and she got me the most expensive kind which is threadfin and even bought extra to ask me bring home and fry myself. i told her nvm just keep at her house, so when we come she can cook for me. she raised 4 kids so she was very prudent, i think mummies who are not so well-off can relate to that so maybe that's why she scrimps and always go JB to buy cheaper household items. i always supplement my hubby's allowance for them so they can live abit more comfortably.

my hubby is her first son so naturally she's clingy with him, which used to annoy me at first, but now i try to see the better side of things. never let your ego give you unneeded pressure - i already have enough of that with my personal issues. i wish my MIL would help me take care of #2, i think better than my other option of getting a maid. my mum is menopausal and she's got a foul mouth now so to minimise my outburts, better that i stay away from her.

@Patricia, my dentist didnt let me go do my regular dental check-up cos pregnant women got risk of miscarriage and your gums may bleed a lot because of hormonal changes.

hi hi,

oh ... so all too early ah?

where did u all go to scan ?

last time i went to KKH or NUH , can't remember but their machine quite good lo.

Tomorrow I am going to KKH. Anyone went there to scan ?

i ask the gynae there abt the OSCAR test and he said the one in KKH is even better than OSCAR wo ... din ask him what exactly was the difference.

Hope tomorrow can see dun have the extra something ... cos my 1st one I was told i got extra sticking out ... then boy. For #2, i cannpt remember if they managed to scan it.

mummies, yest i had a work CNY lo-hei lunch and for my prev pregnancy i didnt eat it because of the raw fish. but yest i was at a table full of starngers and i was representing my company (like host the table) so i couldn't not eat. at first ate a bit then the waitress pile more on my plate before i could say no. i think it should be okay right? im worried about the fish. and abalone is okay too?

Pipi: i hope i'm not scaring myself... i went to readon food poisoning n it says will affect fetus.. i think i get super paranoid as days go by.. trying to tell myself not to think too much.. haha

Anyone planning to go for prenatal massage? my facial lady told me to go after 4 months.. my hips, butt, shoulders n neck hurt badly.

My pre - pregnancy weight is 51kg.

I am now 46.8 kg and currently in my 14th week. Lost weight because of the MS all that.

Is there anything here I should be concern of ?

How much weight have you all mtbs gained or lost since pregnancy?


I want more subsidy for housing. Wanna move nearer to my #1's future primary school but housing so damn ex. More leave oso dun help .. i need more subsidy to buy house manz ....

Queenstown houses fetching $810K ... can imagine .. Bishan EA already $700+k.

r: pre-preg i was 54-55, now i'm 53kg. i thnk losing weight first tri is ok, 2nd n 3rd tri try to gain back.

shint: my side 4rm buangkok can fetch 500k now. i was looking to sell n move near my mil, but now i dont know if it's alright to sell and buy new hse when preggie.. anyone has experience?? some more if buy new plc i cant renov until delivery so i need a plc to stay too..

changni: i sold when i wasnt preggy, moved to a rented plc when i am preggy and also.. bought a house when i am preggy, & moving to new plc in MAY. :p

carole: ooh... r u pantang at all? i'm like in-between, want yet don't want. aiya i dono what i want to do.. maybe i jus need to sleep - i'm so sleeepy!

btw ladies anyone catching chingay tmr n sat? I'll be singing then :D


i cant wait to go for prenatel massage! i love massages! when can we go? i heard fr 16th week onwards.

i wish there will be paternity leave for at least 2 weeks. imagine we are left home w CL while hubby goes work whole day. then by e time he returns, also very tired le...


i gained about 3kg in first trimester.


i ate quite a bit of abalone during CNY. shld be ok lah. raw fish im not sure.


i did my oscar at TMC 4th floor. the sonagrapher said it was too early to tell gender. then my next appt is in 4 weeks' time. by then i hope gynae can tell me the gender. so curious!

Wow! This thread moves very fast! Didn't log in for a couple of days and so much things chatted!!

>>changni: "pei fu" you, still can perform Chingay!!

>>caramelle: i think raw fish is ok, but it must be very fresh and hygienically prepared.

I wish to try massage too, have been feeling stiff neck and back these few days...

coral: no choice cos i won the singing competition before i knew i was preggie... so now hav to go lor.. hehe but ok lah jus stand on float n sing only.


If ching gay is on TV, I will watch out for you.


Thank you for converting to JPEG for me.


The KKH classes are uploaded on FB secret society page. Actually KKH not bad, got all these...

Have you guys had your lunch? I just had steam fish, stir fried cai xin, and a bowl of fishball soup...Hope you guys have a fulfilling lunch!!!

pipi: yupyup on tv but only airing on sunday tho.. i hope i dun merlion then hahaaa then no need go esplanade see merlion..

i had mee soto at 930am then lor mee at 1130.. now i wanna vomit already.


My MotherInlaw was passed away before me and hubby married.

As CL, My mum was helping me 3months with my confinement for my #1 and will do the same with my #2 too.

But My fatherinlaw is kind enough, he cooked me bird nest once a month and gave my mum $2000 as angbao coz of helping me.


Yes Iam.. I lost 5kg in these 3 months but Gynae said Okie, slowly I will gain it back.


I couldn't stomach anything again. Went soup spoon, ordered the small bowl, and donate half bowl to my hb... Now I know why my hb's pants are getting tighter together with me! haa...

BeFabulouslyPositive> wow... I'll keep a lookout for u on TV.

