(2011/08) Aug 2011

Selemat Pagi all MTBS,


Hia you for your OSCAR, no worries.


Are you taking vitamins already? Maybe your body lack certain vit, that's why you are tired?

nitestar: I read lack of iron can cause tiredness.. u have enough?

But Im also so exhausted all the time now.. hope it will get better after 14 weeks!

sleeping on side

hi.. wanna check if anyone having problem sleeping on your side? ie: getting shoulder ache after sleeping whole nite on side.. wonder if there's anything to fix it?

good morning mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pipi, yes, there is less couple time after baby arrives [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] in fact, sometimes i still feel guilty when we go for movie date and put #1 in childcare... will rush rush pick up #1 early :p

i was pregnant with #1 6mths after my wedding... luckily, we went for 3 honeymoons :p didn't travel for 2 years as busy taking care of new born -- only found the courage to fly with #1(20mth) last dec... travelling with baby is a totally different story but it was fun *haha*

re: prenatal yoga

i checked with my yoga teacher and she only conducts the class on weekends @ JE home studio... for mtbs who r interested, pls pm me ur contact number and let's arrange for a trial class.

Good Morning mummies...

Partricia> for me, my facial lady did warn me not to do any massage before 4/5 mths (she was massage lady before) for bath, it's ok but not too hot as it will rise our temperature.

cac> I'm having problem sleeping already... sleep face up, my tail bone a bit pain. Sleep sideways, my shoulder ache. Dint have much problem before preg wor... I miss massage though...

I got my OSCAR results last nite, it is 1:1300. Doc says ok. Strangely, he gave me a referral letter to go any GP and do further blood test for Hep B, aids (by law) etc... Anyone had the same encounter? I wonder why it was not done at the clinic itself...

meeeee...... I am drinking mine now... I cannot tarhan....

My boss' fren, who is a gynae herself takes coffee too... so I think it's fine lah. Just note NOT to exceed 2 cups a day. 2 cups include other caffeine drinks - tea, coke


i tot sardine and banana is fine? i just had banana milk shake yest. :p

i heard only del monte banana no good...


ya.. i have been sleeping on my back recently cos sleeping on side is a problem to me.. (for the shoulders).. so i'm wondering if anything can solve this? eg: get a better support pillow or any other tried and tested good solution to prevent shoulder ache while sleeping on the side...

sus and babysee, if the ratio is above 300 -- then it is low risk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cac, i put a cushion behind my back -- so that i m not lying on my back and putting pressure on my shoulder -- do try it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cac> there's this support pillow, very long one for the mummy... Think it's selling at Kiddy Palace or Mothercare. Sorry cannot remember what's it called at all.

Total pillow on bed: 4

I usually sleep on my left side and right side, although more on left side. I also use a pillow to put b/w my legs when I sleep. And stole hubby's pillow to hug. (total: I get 3 pillows on the bed, hubby only got 1 pillow. Haha)

morning all.. I have passed my 1st trimester.. announced and uploaded my ultrascans in fb yesterday... hubby said my frens are more excited than I am.. lol...

I lost 3kg in my 1st trimester, my gynae is abit worried abt my weight loss and ask me to try to gain weight as I was already underweight b4 pregnancy.. I wish I can eat more also..

MS is not getting any better.. used to have the nausea feeling only, no puking.. but these few days, I puke water out... haiz... hate that feeling... tot in 2nd trimester MS shld be better...


really ah? my doc never weigh me leh.. but me also was underweight and have lost around 2 to 3 kg in the 1st trimster also.. me now trying very hard to stuff myself.... X_X


i haben travel round the world too... wanted to go japan this yr but i think can postpone it liao... yes once bb out, very troublesome to travel lah... diapers, clothes, milk powder... but my travel bug too strong so i travelled with #1 when she was abt 13-14months old.. the amount of barangs barangs i bring for her is so much more than hubby and me combined lor! hahaha but still worth it... u can check out my photo album on australia trip.. we went melbourne for abt 5days only as didnt want to stretch too long since 1st long journey out. Heng i went before all the floods started. can tell my gal enjoys herself too but i doubt she knows anything.


it's ok to have sardines lah.. i love the canned sardines leh.. my fav!


i'm taking tea/kopi daily still...but try to limit to 1-2 cups a day lah...

sleeping on the left is best

my gynae told me best to sleep on the left side, think nutrients will flow to bb.. something like that.. cant rem wat i read b4 already.

Babysee, where is the clinic ? maybe they dont hav laboratory so cant do blood testing ?

My bloodtest AND oscar was done in TMC.

OSCAR result is 1:12086 vr low risk

blood count is also okay...

mama> my gynae says I can go any GP. Hopefully can claim under company as medical this round. i always thought they can draw blood and send for lab testing... no need laboratory?

Babysee, my gynae said the blood test which i hav taken consists of all the tests which u mentioned, no need to go gp.

I also try to sleep on side but cant sleep well. Bodyache n also feel cramping pain at upper adominal in the middle of the night. Dunno if i twisted myself or wat.

My maternity pillow is my saviour. Helps me sleep better. My hubby bought it for me from Baby Avenue at Balestier.


Possible to travel with a kid, especially when the kid is older, then not so bad. I took a 16 hour flight to USA when my kid was 15 months old as my hubby was sent there for studies. & within that one year, we travelled a lot. Only thing was I brought a slow cooker along wherever I went so I can cook porridge for him. Now that he is much older, easier, can eat our food liao. Only thing is your travel has to be family friendly, no more romantic themed ones liao lah.

Had problem sleeping the whole night... gastric reflux, puke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i think this is the worst MS ytd.

Hey ladies,

can anyone advice issit ok to go hospital visit bcos am thinking of visting 1 close friend of mine when i am ard 14th week (2nd trimester)...hubby ask me not to go 1st cos recently i get sick easily so he afraid hospital visit not safe for me at this point of time.


Is there alot of things at Baby Ave? Cos my MIL stays ard there but I nvr go in before.

HR has finally permitted me to work half day from home. But my boss say that she will only allow for 1 semester (1 semester how many mths - 3?) and hope I can go back to work.


Baby Hyerstore got maternity clothes, and all the baby necessities? (cos I haven't prepare baby's room yet) Sorry I haven't gone out so abit like frog in well, ask so many qns.

cac: the nurse weigh me everytime I visit gynae.. I also trying to eat more... but bb just dun wan lor..

joyjoy: my father asked me not visit hospital cos of pantang-ness.. but I was in 1st trimester.. now I wanted to visit my uncle also... dunno still can or not... maybe if u wan to visit, wear a mask or sth to protect u from the germs?

Pipi: i thot this is ur first baby? no? anyway thanks for recommending i have enquired @ GPLS and they will priorities auntie Lai Chen for me according to the agent i spoke to this morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Another reason i decided to go for agency because i rem Carole got her CL thru agency aswell and happy with their recommendation, hopefully im as lucky too hehe

Ps. it came to my surprise tht pricing between GPLS and freelance CLs are not much diff nowadays, incl levy+ i still think they are reasonable with their quote


No worries, just ask me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby Hyperstore stocks strollers, car seats, cots, baby furniture & baby necessities. As for maternity clothes, I suggest brands like Dorothy Perkins & Spring Maternity. Or you can also shop online.



I personally buy maternity bottoms, tops I still wear my normal tops.


If anyone is interested in a 2nd hand one, I am letting go of mine. Bought in 2008 but it's been hardly used. PM me if you are interested. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

huisi> my buddy dunno i am preggie cos i never mention anything to her cos she just recovering from her op and now staying in the hospital doing her physiotherapy... Ok, maybe that's the only way lor wear mask to protect from germs.

haiz, another friend of mine also just passed away ytd so hubby represent me to attend the wake. I am v pantang cos this is my 1st pregnancy and been trying for 4 years too.

huisi/cac> hubby is worry sick for me too cos he say why i din put on weight, he thot i go on diet... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i told him i will eat when i have appetite and am taking multi-vit...

anyone start taking fish oil? I wana outsource coz my gynae's ones are too expensive...

I looked around and still have no clue what to look out for... what brand of fish oil are u mummies taking currently?

babysee > i started on fish oil already.. using natal care triplus that my gynae selling.. it's $30 for 30 pills... issit exp? how much is the one ur gynae is selling?

cac> the one my gynae selling is $68 for 30 pills.. so i decided to look around but am confused what to get wor. plus most fish oil require to take at least 2 capsules a day. yucks..

babysee > my doc ask me to take 1 capsule a day thou the box say take 1 to 2 capsule a day... so me just follow his advise


Natalcare Triplus (Conc fish oil, rich in omega-3 acids 625 mg (which provides DHA 312.5 mg, EPA 62.5 mg), arachidonic acid 18 mg, oleic acid 15 mg, d-α tocopherol 4 mg)

Neurogain® S ( 325mg DHA )


I am first time mom. At first I wanted to go thru GPLS then I see many of you get freelance and no one could give me feedback on GPLS...so I went to other forums to find out. It so happen that one lady just finished her confinement so I emailed her to enquire...then she recommended her freelance CL to me...

I am going to use the freelance CL...but if anything happens...I will call GPLS immediately to get a CL.


thanks for your update.I beri sad. Maybe I should write to aware and tell them to suggest waiving paying income tax for 10-15 yrs if we have X number of children. Confirm that will work!! Hee hee. My mum said that in the past the govt used to do it and ppl really have more than 1 children after that.


PiPi: Yes I think that will work! I guess the paternity leave thing requires a change of mindset and many men are not willing to 'sacrifice' their careers.

All the best for your CL! Mine also I got from friend's recommendation.. dunno will be good a not. How much you paying and angpow?

