(2011/08) Aug 2011

Any mothers diagnosed with PUPPP at the onset of second trimester? I m itching soooo soooo badly especially at night and the angry red welts are now all over my tummy and boobs  my gynae confirmed that I m suffering from PUPPP and prescribed steriod cream and antihistamines to relieve the itch.. Any other mothers in the same plight?


I am currently reading Mayo Clinic (guide to healthy pregnancy). Am following their week by week schedule religiously.

I have also read Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. It's a easy read about her own experience on constipation, farting, shitting while she is in labour,blah.

I have ordered "What to expect"...so should be receiving it within next 2 weeks.

babysee & Crystal

If the music makes you sleepy, play during bedtime. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Poor you!


You'll enjoy the book. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks but im not sure if they have time to see this forum. just thought of making appt with Dr Benjamin Tham. and it's my first pregnancy... I have doubt whether to choose male gynae or not.. because shy shy.

crystal> ya loh... I am planning to play when I'm about 5 mths... test test the music first and end up hb wana zzz... Was thinking is there a device where we can play CD for baby via headphone? Nowadays we play music via ipod le... but only mummy can hear.

Val lee> sounds bad... Did u apply any stretchmark creams prior to this? coz I heard some preg woman develop more sensitive skin during this period.

want to grumble a bit here.


dunno if i m too petty or too sensitive. feel that parents-in-law are not really concern over my preg. my mil dun really cook tonic or nutritious food for me. sometimes the food she prepared are not suitable for me. but she will say ok to eat a bit lah, everything should eat a bit so got nutrients... but i dun see there's nutrients in processed food, curry, or food which was leftover for few days.


as my parents have passed away, the more i feel that she should take care of me. but now i believe if i want tonic for my bb, i have to go and get it myself... not gg to depend on mil.


i m also firm to get a CL although she offered to help take care of bb. feel that it's good to have someone professional to cook healthy food for me during confinement and also to take good care of bb. but i m sure mil will stay with us when bb arrives. on one hand, i feel it's good to have extra hands ard. on the other hand, if the help offered is not useful, then what's the point?


kinda moody whenever i think of this....

babysee & cutie

yes, me feel much more thirsty lately also.. i tot it's to make up for the lack of water drinking in the past few months cos i couldn't stomach water and could only drink abit of ribena last time.. me now in my 13th week.. issit cos it's the "time of the pregnancy"?


Cheer up! There are all kinds of MILs out there, good ones, bad ones. When I was preggy with my #1, my MIL was only concerned with the baby in the tummy as well, she didn't care about my well-being. She actually spent hundreds on branded clothing for my baby. My hubby told her that it's pointless to buy expensive clothes for the baby as they outgrow it so quickly & told her it's better to use the money to buy tonics for me, to boost the health of baby & me. She dismissed his remarks & said that no need tonics, baby dress nicely more important. I wasn't upset, it just made me realise how shallow she is. If I want tonics, my hubby can get it for me, my mum can brew for me. Don't stress over such things. Hugs!

Patricia> let me give u some hugs k? *hugz hugz* rant here so that there's a channel for u to vent frustrations. I also have this feeling sometimes... Sometimes I wonder if it is becoz I am biase, I really crave for my mum's cooking, and only listen to her opinion. During my 1st tri, MIL cooked winter melon soup (isn't it well known too cooling?), pork with dark soya sauce (I puke) and fish. From day 1, I've NEVER touch her steam fish coz it has a strong fishy smell. Her rice is hard too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

When I wana hire confinement lady and hb kept assuring me that my MIL is good enough, it's only then I picked up the courage to tell him how I feel towards her cooking all these while!! it sucks... (opps sorry) Only then we proceed to get CL... I am also worried how she's gg to take care of my baby in future.

My frens always rec tonics and bird's nest from MIL/ mums... my MIL ordered a few RAW bird's nest from a malaysian colleague. outside, 1 liang cost around $100+ for clean BN, while sh got it at $20 / 1 liang. I was quite upset why am I getting the lower quality one... not that we did not give her money. Moreover, this is her 1st grandchild. Plus with her bad eyesight, can she manage plucking the feathers/dirt? I'm bad hor? buy for me still grumble?

She kept asking whether my MS is gone, so that she can cook the bird's nest and I won't puke the bird's nest after that!! Her logic make me pissed... When my MS haven kick in, before I was week 8, she kept saying "u are lucky... NO MS! I puke like hell last time" damn... u know some things are so pantang? the min she says, my MS visits me from that weekend and never recover coz she always ask "ur MS gone liao hor? u look good" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mei, tks for sharing. Your mil is also of 1 kind yah.

I jokingly told my hubby birdnest gd for bb's complexion, so hint him buy for me. Mil heard n said last time they dun take bird nest, skin also v gd.... Wonder if she is heartpain i ask hubby to buy.

N i cant avoid gg to her hse for dinner for 3 or 4 times per week... Sian...

Hubby asked me to cheer up else bb also become moody..


Oh, one more thing to add. During my confinement, my hubby bought lots of tonics for me, for my CL to cook for me. My MIL went to keep MY cordyceps in her bedroom. I was super angry man!!!


Glad that you got your way & got CL. It's always better for us to feel comfortable with the arrangements, rather than tolerate & keep our unhappiness to ourselves. Whatever it is, there's a limit to everything & one fine day, we'll just explode.

Hi babysee, think your mil quite similar to mine. Dun quite like her cooking... I dunno wat kind of fish she cooked... Worry got mecury content, somemore i dun like steam fish... I told hubby but didnt say her till too jialat, else hubby will b sandwich in between.

Ya loh, mil think i v healthy didnt vomit. When i suffer at home n in office, she cant see... Maybe tat is why she think i dun need tonic.

So i tell myself dun depend on anyone. Bb is inside me, it is my duty to take care of bb.

Hey mei, your mil's action is really jialat! How can she keep your stuff wheb it's meant for u. Somemore she is not the one who bought.

Hubby said if CL is here, mil can b here to learn to cook confinement meals in case next time she need to cook. I feel like i m paying CL to teach mil how to cook.

I think some MIL dun know how to love their DIL. I won't say I got a good MIL but I have a great FIL. My FIL is the one who wanted my MIL to make bird nest for me to drink but I told him not to cos I am still puking. If I puked the bird nest out, waste $$$.

At the end of the day, it is DIL who give birth to grand children for them leh. If they treat us well, maybe can give birth more. If they treat us like shit, maybe bring child back once a mth can le...kekeke I very notty horrr but my MIL is not the extreme type cos she herself also know I beri weak.


In the end my hubby went to take it back from her.


You are right. I always feel that MILs who doesn't know how to be nice to their DILs only have to lose. They only lose their son, not gain a daughter. & you are right, my MIL isn't very nice to me & she sees very little of my son.


You are not alone ok. I am also hiring a CL although I have a mum and MIL. I can't depend on my mum cos she is working. And I lagi cannot depend on MIL cos she is in her 70s.(plus she say she won't take care of our kids for us wor)

Every family will have all these problem one lah. I also got headache, must hire CL, must hire maid, must housing loans and housing bills. All need $$$$$. But I don't think so much le...just move with the flow. (use savings lor)

Hi pipi

U can read more about PUPPP here: http://www.babycenter.com/0_itchy-skin-during-pregnancy_9450.bc

It usually occurs in 1% of pregnant woman and in the 3rd trimester... Only relief is when the baby is delivered! I cannot imagine suffering the itch all the way for the next 26 weeks!! I m only at week 14 now.. Sob sob..

Hi babysee

I have been diligently applying clarins stretchmark oil and body lotion since I hit week 10 or 11 .. Avoided hot baths and now using cetaphil instead of regular shower foam so as not to irritate the skin further..

Sigh... Now to hope that the steroid cream cures the itch and rash soon... If this condition stays with me till delivery.. Wonder how to survive till then coz it's torturing! 

i saw many postings on MIL! whahahhahahaa

My MIL was nvr a good cook, so she wont volunteer to do confinement and ask us to use our own.

Mei> wah!! ur MIL superb... she think she's also having confinement? but glad that ur hb is supportive of u... some hb's are scared of MIL and keep mum only. Which I think make the situation worse.

Babysee, tat is a funny remark made on mei's mil. :p

Pipi, u gg to convert to part time, tat makes the budget even tighter rite?


you darn funny, when I read your post, I was laughing away.


I am requesting to work half day, for 3 days per week. Not sure if it will be approved. If it is not approved, then I will be taking no pay leave. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

haiz .. recently been discussing this topic with my hubby too about me wanting to engage a CL then MIL object and offered to help out. ( say no space for CL to stay, CL will keep on carrying bb so no good etc ....)

but then MIL already dont cook on normal days, how to expect her to whip put confinement food for me ???? right ...?

haiz ... too tired and no energy to argue with them, wait till i give then see how all 3 of us suffer.

Babysee> i would tink normal headphone may works, if not then jus play the music without earphone pluck in, Baby shld be able to hear the surrounding sound

Mummies, I will be biased toward my own mum too, preferred her cooking too.. cos MIL always put MSG in food.. then not as hygienic in handling food as my own mum..

Patricia/ Pipi> hee... glad to bring some smiles to u... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When my hb announced to ILs that we HAVE engaged a CL, I notice my MIL face changed a bit...coz her sister-in-law (mother of my hb' cousins) did confinement for all her daughter-in-laws. But she's a good cook loh! I love her food every new year. MIL asked why so exp and etc... I just say it's the normal and she'll be helping with the housework (which in fact I wasn't sure what CL is gg to do).. :p

rachel> no matter what, dun take the risk and suffer wor... coz confinement is the most impt time for a mother to recuperate and have the energy to take care of our babies. How about catering for confinement food? I heard there is day confinement lady too.

rachel: not true CL carries the baby.. those who are experience will tell u to carry lesser and they will nt carry bb as n when. More likely MIL doesnt like the existence of CL and worries that her son is paying for his pocket.

If MIL dont cook, maybe the other option is to get Confinement Catering. I m getting a CL for 28days and another 28days of Confinement Catering.

babysee> 2 mouths against 1 mouth .. I sure lose out one lo.

Some more hubby even told me to let his mother try this round. If she cannot make it, next baby then hire CL.. but then.. if anythig dont go smoothly, I am the one suffering lo.. duno how he think ..haiz ..

So sometimes I envy mtbs whose husbands have the courage to stand up and support their wife.

Carole >that's great!! could I have your contact for the confinement cathering?

I really don't want to starve during my confinement.

hi mummies,

I got a medela swing single breast pump to let go off at 50% discount. Its bought in Jan '11 but I gave up on bf-ing, thus have no more use for it. Do PM me for details.

Hello mtbs! I've not been logging in today until now. Wow so many posts i supposed all working mummies are back to work huh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Patricia: I read abt ur post abt ur mil n felt like giving u big hug too! Think i get how u feel cos my mil also cooks thing that not suitable to me. I dun blame her that much anyway her cooking isn't fantastic to me all along (same comment fr my DH, SIL and FIL) so well.. perhaps due to my bad MS n i started to get sick of her cooking even more - she will cook food ie clams, alot of prawns (her fave) wif curry leaf/chili padi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I wonder how come no fish since am in need of that for baby but WELL.. can't complain much lor

babysee: i also get that line alot fr my mil! she kept asking oh u looked ok ur ms is gone hor! and its so pantang stimes my ms gets better for a day or two then once that line pops my ms will come back, bad one! sigh so sianz i try to tell myself it must be my hormones that i feel frustrate abt her as before i was preggie i use to chat wif her n think she's cute in her blur way but now argh! cannot tolerate.. my DH asked me to ignore her but we live together wor how arh

Btw wanna ask abt the bird nest. My DH bought me those canned type from chinese med shop they sell it at abt $30/$40 kind. Are those good for us? I haven't really been taking cos ms came back thinking not to waste it. But like wad Pat said, wish to have help bb's complexion cos our gene's complexion not as good lor.. If really works i will ask DH to get more? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually it's true not to carry bb all the time... it might develop into a habit and bb will expect to be carried at the slightest possible :p

bb are smart lor... so we have to outsmart them! haha

milky: yes.. i dont carry my NBs as much. so tt they will get used to the beds etc. carrying... will let them hv habits. my gf kept carrying her bb. i was like. no way i m gng to be the slave. stop one min eyes big big.. cannt manz.. like tt sure mati.

My CL very pro bf-ing.. so she will always give what is there for NB. she also dont carry when bb is crying, but talking to NB to calm NB down. i like her style n she likes mine.. cos i no hue what she cooks and i still whack all her food. but i told her one thing.. dont ever make me Pig Trotter w vinegar.. a big big NONO for vinegar. whahahahah. One can give me all the Bitter, sour.. anything but no Vinegar! whahahhahahaa

carrying baby

is it really true that we should not carry baby all the time? I was reading the book "Bonding with your bump", it was said in the book that babies needs lots of security when they are just borned and they get the sense of security by being held by someone close.. so i tot should should carry baby often?


wow...so many rants that i wanna rant too...

my MIL is basically fine.. she's a good cook.. but the problem is that if she cooks special dishes, they are really nice.. but for her normal day to day dishes (which is what i normally eats), i can't really take it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] she likes to put alot of garlic and her food hygiene seems quite bad.. she's a very thrifty person and will cook leftovers and even spoilt food... and she always say can eat one.. i saw many times that her food is left outside, uncovered, throughout the whole night... so nice to be sharing my food with lizards and possibly cockroaches... argh...

she's a very nice lady but i really have some difficulty accepting her way of handling food.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i really don't know how to convey the hygiene issue to her cos she doesn't seem to find it as an issue.. and furthermore as i dun helpout with housework, i feel that i have even less say in the house (i'm currently living in her house)... how i wish i have a maid at home so i can tell her to do everything in the way i want it.. but i don't have any space for the maid to stay... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so i'm still tolerating

bellering> Hi-five... so finally, I asked my hb to do me a favour, ie to tell MIL NOT to mention anything abt MS if she does that again...very pantang one loh! if she want to cook bird's nest, then just cook, no need to ask me. hee.. he kept quiet.

actually my hb is not those 100% supportive of me and tend to side his parents. We quarrelled on 2nd day of CNY coz his side wants us to do visiting from cny eve to 3rd day of cny. I had to split half day on 2nd and 3rd day for my parents and am so upset that I grumbled to him... it's my first CNY with them and I have to tarhan the MS + car sickness... instead of showing empathy, he gave me blackface and said I am biased towards his parents... haiz...

my understanding is to start taking bird nest from 3rd tri...told MIL but she like cannot understand... coz I heard some elders say eat too much during 1st-2nd tri will cause phlegm.

hmm.. not so sure if bottled ones are good. But I think they are not as pure as those dried one.

Rachel> I doubt the CL is so hardworking and keep carrying the baby... hee.. think they'll prefer bb to be independent so that they can rest also! can can tell ur MIL that...

cac: carrying is warm. but doing too much of it.. u will know the affect later.... endless carrying and the moment u put down, NB will start to wail. then u will hv endless headache and no rest.

my MIL is like yours! Expired food.. can eat.. as long as not open... food opened damn long.. still can eat.. never rot lehz.. i wanna die. whahahaha.

I cook and i demand hygiene. i make sure i wash my hands while preparing.. or if happened to touch my hair, i sure to wash it all over again. I prepare all the food and i got system. always leaving tomato based stuff to the last.


yes u can bond with ur baby and carry bb but not all the time! Like i said, there are very smart, if they like to be carried all the time, then u will be so tired carrying bb non stop. even after they slp, u cannot put them down, have to carry still... mati liao lah.. u wont get to rest lor!


i love vinegar!!! i was just asking my mother if i can have the pig trotters vinegar NOW! hahahahaha... cant wait till after birth leh

miky: ya.. whahaha like my #1.. goshz.. she always kena carried by my mum.. she nt ard.. i first to MATI! 1am to 3am!!!! faintz. my #2 super good.. no carry. even nw sleeps by himself w sister and maid in same room

carole > yea! same kind of MIL! i like the way u handle your food... my mum is also very careful with hygiene... and ensure food are handled properly.. and if i tell my mum some things that she do is not hygiene, she will change.. but not my mil.. she believes in her own way and always say dirty eat dirty grow up... everyone also so healthy.. somemore i look quite weak in health.. so i got nothing to rebark her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] thou i seriously know hygiene doesn't mean will be weak in health...! last time i see her put raw egg in the open for afew hours! and worse, i saw her raw mince meat got green stuffs at the bottom of the bag and i told her spoil already.. but she say can eat la... just take out the green portion (that was before i was pregnant thou)...but ewww! so unhygenic! arghhhhh.... i'm abit worried what will happen to my baby next time.. have to eat all her unhygenic food...

wish i could live with my mum... but my hubby will not agree cos have to take care of my mil's face and feelings.. my mil is overall and nice lady.. so i also dun wanna hurt her.. so i'm clueless... seems like i have to tolerate.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i agree with that dirty eat and dirty grow.. but not on the food we prepare.

my hb will nvr side his mum for such things.. whahahahaha. even when i fought with his mum.. he did nt take a clear side to side her.. cos he know her too well.

Babysee, same here! I noticed she dun look quite happy when i wanted to get CL. Maybe she feels i hav no trust in her.

Bellering, we share the same situation. Taste bud change n i m starting to dislike the food. She will just dump all ingredients into the soup. She thinks scallop, red dates are gd. Her soup are almost the same every time. It's not those brew for hrs, so v blend. Seriously, i dunno if i should appreciate or not.

Bellering, my fren intro me to 老行家which sells birdnest concentrate. I m not sure the chinese characters are correct or not. I can go n dig out the website n send u.

haiz... after ranting here, feel guilty also... come to think of it, my MIL not that bad. She's quite nice generally and dint have high expectations from me. She's clean in housework (except cooking) DUH~ one thing abt her hygiene, she uses those normal soft sponge w/o the rough part.

Before that, I see her use those yellow and green (for tough stains) (something like 3M's) until the whole sponge got holes and whole sponge is black!! So I went to buy her new sponge, 3M somemore... she didnt use! instead, she buy another even cheaper versions without the sponge for tough stains... I suspect her dish detergent is very high class, coz they seldom use. ha... I often wonder how she does her normal washes as I have difficulty washing stains at her home. Am really afraid how she's gg to use those dishes for my bb next time. coz babies are vulnerable... adults can still take some germs but not kids.

for soup, it's always seaweed with beancurd and minced meat. Very tasteless [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Opps! did I just complain again? guilty guilty~

Wah, so many rants abt MILs, luckily my MIL didn't offer to do confinement for me, and I've already decided ti get CL.

Hey bbpotato, I'm also at MBFC leh! The food choices here v limited, so be prepared to bring food from home!


My boss managed to trsf me and my collegue to springleaf temporary. But still need to pack my stuff. Heng dun need to move over immediately, at least still can get to eat e gd food over @ TP.

Gonna miss TP.


This is your first CNY with your in-laws. I know the old traditional in-laws would prefer us to visit them on 1st day and go visiting with them on 2nd day. My in-laws don't visit relatives so I visit them on 1st day only. But before I visit them, I visit my parents first cos my parents stay like 1 street away from me. (it only make sense)

If you need to wash off stain from pots and pans, better to use those silver mesh with gif. But if your pan is delicate type (tefal) then use the 3M sponge/ or brown brush with dish washing liquid.


My MIL will insist I eat things hot. Example: She will only steam the fish for my husband and I are ready to have dinner. Then when my FIL is ready to eat, she will steam fish for him. (my in-laws dun have the eat together habit during normal daily meals so MIL will steam fish every time someone comes and eat).

But hor, my own mother who is working will just cook everything and leave it there for us to go and eat. Sometimes the dishes are cold, but we still eat with hot rice. I think that is why my health is so weak.

I guess some things my mum does better, some stuff my MIL does better. My husband also agrees.


what are the food choices at MBFC. I heard my company moving there late this yr or early next yr. That pl darn ulu. When I used to work at One Raffles Quay, I already KPKB! So hott and always got to da bao at Lau Pa Sat...sianz.


hehe all the rants about MIL

Well, I wanted CL for my no. 1, but PIL persuaded me to change my mind.. Wasnt that bad in the end.. but my MIL is the working type, so she cant really cook.. end up my FIL cooked all the food.. but they are really nice lah.. just different from my family

My mum also very particular about hygiene and super good cook.. so a bit not used lor

But this time, cos SIL also giving birth and they helping out.. I get a CL! hehe =)

Bellering: yah bird's nest can take from late 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester for good skin.. too early no use and cooling

PiPi: yeah Im a supporter of the What to Expect series.. have all of them but all passed to relatives le.. you can register online to their weekly newsletter which i go.. useful!


Another useful site to subscribe to:


