(2011/07) July 2011

hi all,

I am an end July mummy, has been in the forum but seldom comment cos this room is going very fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have gotten a confinement lady but my relative will need 1 in Oct. any recommendation that you all can help?


hello mummies~~~i'm back!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

update on ytd chk up jus in case those not in the FB group!!!

my gal....big gal lol....her wt is 2.3kg as of 32w5d yesterday....did the growth scan, everybody parts r fine jus that got a boom in her tummy size...abit on the bigger side...Hmmm~~~gynae worried she will go bigger n wan to induce me when reach 37wks or 38wks leh....but i hope she will come out naturally, i dun wan induce leh!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so hv been toking to her....next mth, can come out ler...have been toking to her to show me her face ytd n she really did....hahahahaa...her papa soo happy to see her face n said she sooo chubby.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] chubby no good leh...meaning FAT like her mummy!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyway, next appt will be in 2wks time lol...shld be seeing gynae for 2 or 3times more n i can pop lol....can't belief soooooo Fast!!!!

feimei...your checkup is the normal gynae checkup or detailed scan? sorry ah i was not in FB...my gynae also say my bb tummy big and i am seeing him this Sat...also around 32wks 6d...if induce means c-sect is it?

feimei> same as you, my bb gal is big although both her papa/mama not e big type. must be coz i always eat and sleep and sleep and eat.

wow..you are 2 weeks ahead of me so i guess you will popped in late june. why you didnt wanna induce? after induce, you can also give birth naturally right?? wats e side effect? i dun understand.

ST> Hmmmm~~~seem like bb tend to hv big tummy nowadays??? hahahaa...i think i drank gassy drink during the past two wks...but onli 2 cans, so far...will that cos her big tummy??? hahahahaha...becos i Never touch on gassy drink jus that past two wks....weather was Teriible....buay tahan...but i drank coke light which is 0 sugar lol...but still there's gas!!! >,<

no la...induce not c-sect...can be natural...just that on medication to make ur below open...then burst ur water bag...then can deliver lol....

janice> hahahaha....maybe fr gynae point of view is big becos gynae always 'enlarge' the size abit more but in actual fact after delivery, bb not that big de~~~

Janice>> Every baby turn different time, some even engage before 33 weeks.. like I said my last pregnancy my boy did not turn at all.. gynae said could be my placeta was really too low that block him from engaging..

ST>> Induce is not c-sect, c-sect is operation cut and take out baby.. induce is only using medicine to stimulate the contraction so that the mother can give birth, but some said more painful. I don't know cuz my 1st was c-sect

today bad day for me.. when entering PIE was jam today and I was a bit impatient, so inching too close and touch an uncle's car.. immediately his bumper crack.. now he checked the prices.. must change whole bumper although is only looks like a bit of crack.. he even check from my own workshop also same.. it cost $700.. woo woo.. can't be so impatient again next time..

feimei...i dun think gassy drink can make much difference coz u only drink 2 cans nia...for me i think i eat too much sweet food and also rice (i love carbo) so that's why my bb big. and doc say my sugar level abit high and to cut down on sugar.

chujie...hope you're ok...hmm...oh now i understand about induce le...to stimulate contraction sounds scary....

ST> i never on sweet stuffs onli the two cans of drinks...hahahaha...i dun realli eat alot of carbo but i like potatoes alot!!! hahahaha....my gal onli big on the tummy part leh...other body parts r ok from the scan....i did the growth scan ytd...similar to detailed scan but not every gynae practice the scan...it depend....it will chk if bb growing fine anot...

chujie> at times, i oso get very impatient...not sure if due to homones but i keep telling myself to cool down...dun get worked up....as long u n ur bb r safe...$$$ can earn back!!!

ST>> I am ok, but my pocket is not lor.. lol.. 破財擋災 la.. my own mistake anyway.. lucky the uncle not too demanding ..

I cannot go for induce as I had my first c-sect.. gynae said the medicine effect is stronger than natural contraction.. so not recommended for c-sect history mother..

she said if I do not have natural contraction till due date then I still have to go for c-sect..

so I really need to control my baby's size as she cannot be too big before due date.. she said my gal size still ok.. now 2.2kg at 33 weeks..

I really wish to experience labouring as I didn't last time.. feel kinda incomplete.. hehe

chujie> my gal is 2.3kg at 32w5d ytd n gynae consider her on the big side lol...thats y he say if grow bigger...then hv to induce before edd lol...he dun wan to risk me in pushing a big bb....

feimei>> potato is also carbo leh.. hehe..

so you 3 days different from me and baby only 0.1kg different la..

gynae said I am still ok.. anyway.. just wish we can all choose the way we want to deliver.. hehe.. actually I am a bit scare of natural also.. but just feel that should be part of pregnancy.. without it feel different.. hehe.. (as a mother but never experience labour pain.. hehe)


my #1 was induced at 40 wks cos no signs of labour.

just put med at v area, and after doc check dilation n waterbag burst, start of labour then is pain.

I can't rem how is the pain, but it comes in intervals of 5 mins, whole stomach v pain, i only "suffer" 20 mins n ask for Epidural, so end up, labour NO pain, haa...

kimifin>> you still have labour pain la.. at least for 20 minutes..

I cannot induce as gynae said the medicine effect might be too strong could risk to brust the c-sect scar..

As my 1st was c-sect.. I hv never experience any labour pain at all..

I always hear all my friend describe.. but not personal experience.. still can't imagine..

aiyo i think you all v brave leh...i also scared of pain...worse when i see the video at antenatal class...they show us diff types of birth...very scary...till now i also dunno whether to go natural or maybe juz c-sect on GA...

seems like diff docs have diff defination of big bb...i will report my bb weight here when i see doc on Sat...

by the way have anyone here got braxton hicks already? i am having it everyday...soem of my frens dun have it at all...

Hi mtbs,

I went for my checkup yday and I didn't know my gynae can do 3D scan too. But my baby's hands covered her face. So could not see leh.

baby's weight only 1.6 - 1.7kg at 31 wk. Doc said a bit small. So i'm kinda worried. Cannot eat durian now coz last time had fever after eating durians. Anyone knows what to eat can increase baby's weight ?

Wendy / Gyan,

tks for the input. I called up Radlink for the 4D scan and they are fully booked till end may. By that time, I'm already close to 33wks, wonder if still worth to try. What if the position not good? They will ask us to come back again ?


I don't know if mine is braxton or not but I felt tightening very early in the pregnancy. Then went for the fetal monitoring and doc detected contractions. He immediately put me on wkly injections plus meds to prevent preterm birth.

On off lately, I still feel tightening and like a bulging bump on my belly. Is that what you've been experiencing too ?

kim> heard that putting med in for induce, the pain will be more painful compare to natural contraction pain, is that so???

can ask for epi then go for induce??? hahahaha...

No time to post earlier and now the issues have moved on!

Jas > I am going with Dr Irene Chan as both you and another friend recommended her. More convenient also, just below Dr Tan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am hoping for a 1 July birth date too so Dr Tan will be busy that day if both of us give birth on that date! But I doubt my baby will be so good as to listen to my wishes....

Feimei > wow that's quite a big baby! Don't be so scared of having big baby, apparently easier to handle and stronger also. Baby fat can always be lost later on.

Btw my doctor said for natural delivery, the stomach size of the baby is not as important as the head size, as the stomach can be squashed. How to tell whether the baby can come out naturally easily is based on the baby's head size (which is bone and cannot be squashed) and your own pelvic/ hip size. My doc asked me for my shoe size and height--apparently that is usually related to your pelvic size, or something like that. So if you are tall and don't have small feet, you should be able to deliver a biggish baby naturally. Do you know the size of your baby's head?

rexxie yes mine also tightens then loosen...doc says its normal...anyway i went for antenatal class and she said some ppl got sensitive uterus...i think i am one of them coz even when i turn from left to right in bed, my stomach tightens...

coopie> hahahaha....thanks for ur assurance...!!! i asked abt my gal head size, gynae say ok size worrr...din say big or small....i m not tall....std: 164cm...i tink my foot size is big...size 38 or 39....hahahaha...

agreed that head cannot be squeezed through becos it's soft bone whereas tummy is fleshy....maybe filled with air, thats y becum big...hahahaha....soo can be squeezed!!! ur gynae logic oso make sense!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ST> Are you attending WBB's antenatal classes? Sounds familiar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rexxie > I also have tightening of the uterus every night. I googled also and it seems common, so don't worry! Thanks for the tip re Motherhood fair!

Feimei > I am similar sized as you, 166cm and feet size 38. Doctor said I should be ok to deliver biggish baby (provided the baby head isn't THAT big) so hopefully you will be ok too.

Do you get a printout of your scan results? Mine comes with an indication of the percentile range for each category, eg baby weight, head size, abdomen size, fetal length, etc. That's how I knew that my baby weight shrank from 80 percentile to 45 percentile in a few weeks, cos I stopped eating so much. Actually 45 percentile sounds scary, like baby undernourished like that, so I think it's good that your baby is healthy and big [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My hubby's now trying to get me to eat more so baby can go back to "normal" weight.

Fyi my baby was 1.96kg at week 32 3 days when considered 45 percentile, so you can try to gauge your own baby's percentile from there?

Hi Janice,

My sister says first delivery no difference, but after she had second natural birth, she herself feel slight diff. My hubby supports c-sect actually, he felt it is planned, and we can happily go hospital that day. Haha.. Rather than in the "urgent" mood.

Beside c-sect date, my shifu also count the baby name. I engaged engage Jing Zi Long. The place is at 64A Geylang Road, Lor 25A, S388252. You just need to call and he will ask for you and your hubby details like date of birth, name and then he will count the c-sect date. Once he counted in about 3days, he will call you to go down to collect the date and make payment. I think i pay $120. You can also call at telephone: +65 6741 7377 or send an email to: [email protected]. =)


I've the following items for sale. 

1. Babysafe sling (used only once) dark blue colour

2. Baby Bjorn carrier synergy (dark blue) seldom use

Selling both items for $300.

Interested can PM me. 

coopie> my baby was 1.96kg at 32 wks 6 days. Doc says baby is big! ask me to control diet already..

rexxie > thanks for info on baby fair..

coopie> my gal is 2.3kg @ 32w5d leh....bigger than urs...i dun get the report but gynae got say her tummy abit big lol....what is actually percentile stand for??? i glance fr the overall result, it stated 85% percentile....the lower the better???

haha.. seems like here lots of different gynae opinion..

myself: 2.2kg at 33wk, gynae said ok

for feimei: 2.3kg at 32w5d, gynae said big

for rexxie: 1.6 - 1.7kg at 31wk, gynae said small

for xinyue: 1.96kg at 32wks 6days, gynae said big

for coopie: 1.96kg at 32week 3 days, 45 percentile (did gynae said big or small or ok?)


i thk so, so those who dun induce, seem not to feel so much contractions like me. They still can bath and walk after waterbag burst/leak.

Hopefully this time I can also be natural, not induce but also no need to rush here and there.

The nice thing about natural birth is to see bb immediately he came out. The gynae put him on my chest and I was not prepared. Then also see how the nurses took care of bb and see his eyes already wandering around the room when the rest were so bz.

feimei>> I think around 50 percentile is ok. the percentile just indicate the weight over the average statistic (that mean they drawn the chart based on different baby's historical measurement).. so not lower the better.. too low mean too light.. very hard to handle after birth..

kimifin>> I go c-sect I also can see baby immediately.. cuz I only go for RA (regional) but not GA(General)..

RA is kind of like epidural but not exactly..

I was alert through the operation.. so they also show me baby immediately but I can't see how the nurse took care of baby la.. cuz i must lie down.. I even kiss my boy after he was born.. hehe.. very pinkish face

chujie > ya.. different gynae different opinion.. hmm.. why small babies are harder to handle after birth? if baby too heavy, also carry till hand ache, isnt that tougher for the parents??

chujie > for c-section (RA), can hubby be with u? if emergency c-section, can hubby also be with us?

xinyue>> c-sect(RA) husband can be there.. but gynae block the operation view from husband with a cloth.. so he can't really see the whole procedure..

emergency depends on hospital.. KKH definately not with husband.. I heard Thomson allow husband in still..

small baby very fragile.. hard to hold when bathing, etc.. some also tends to be a bit weak and don't drink too much milk.. but of course not too heavy too lah.. I heard best size is ard 2.8-3.2kg

kim> i oso dun wan to induce leh...wan everything takes by nature...hahahaa....

chujie> Ooooh No...my gal over wt lol... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] keep telling her...cannot grow too big...otherwise all nice nice clothes cannot wear....then everyone will say u Fat fat...hahahahaa...soo to physco her...not to eat too much inside... =P wat a bad mummy i m!!!

hmm my gynae didn't really say whether baby big or small, just said my baby is chubby (cos tummy above average) and if i continue at this rate, baby will be about 3.4kg at birth. but somehow when the chart came out, it showed that i was at 45 percentile.

hmm maybe ang moh chart? i recall now my gynae said previously that average weight for baby (should be singapore baby?) is 3.2kg.

feimei>> why you said your gal over wt? only 100g estimated heavier than mine.. mine is ok according gynae.. yours should be ok ah.. and I am so much shorter than you.. I am only 158cm..

If mine too big, gynae sure will tell me.. cuz she said I have c-sect history.. baby cannot too big.. if not she won't allow natural

i have been sick for the past week.. coughing non stop especially from evening onwards and this is keeping me up at night.. any remedy? seen the doc and finishing the meds today..

hihi all mtbs

very busy yesterday nv come in....

i also dun wnt to induce....hope everything will be natural...

1) waterbag break

2) contraction

3) ready for labour (hopefully within 6hr times)

hope i can stand the pain...really dun feel to take epidural

xinyue....r u feeling better...must take care...this period alot of ppl sick include my hubby 2...sad he hving cough, sore throat, running nose...this few days we slp diff rm...cos he said scare will pass to me

sunshinebb > thanks. me still the same.. cough is keeping me up at night.. argh. me still share same room as hubby. hope i dun pass the germs to him.

do load up on vit c to up the immune system and drink lots of water.. ^^

wendy> thanks for ur kind info. i think jing zi long is the famous one right. then he gives e almost similar names to every parents eg..start wif pei...i heard some of the mummies said abt this one b4, but i m not sure.

rexxie> me me, i started feeling stomach harden as if bb wanna come out and then loosen. i start experiences this in my 6 mths. i didnt really care, just tat feel painful/uncomfy at times.

xinyue>> I also sick for the past weeks..

actually was my son and husband first.. virus too strong.. finally passed on to me.. I also can't sleep well last night due to the bad cough .. then woke up whole night go toilet to release urine as well.. cuz once a bit accumulated, cough will leak.. very sian.. also hving block nose at the same time.. so can't breath with nose.. and breath with mouth make the cough worse..

chujie> still hv abt a mth to go leh....now she oledi 2.3kg ler...hmmmm~~~if she exceed 3.2kg...i will faint!!! hahahhahaa...tink i was oso v chubby when i was born...haiz~~~n the Fats w me till now.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] dun wan her be like me leh....

xinyue> weather is bad...take care n we hv less than two mths to unload...kekekeke...mus chiong ahhh~~~

