(2011/07) July 2011


if it is tolerable go back to WCCA tomorrow and check with dr Ben tham. I had a huge scare on Monday morning.I saw red after my pee wipe so I headed down to WCCA and looked for sister Teo . As dr Cheng was on leave, I saw dr tham instead. Thankfully bb is well ....


I have been getting heatburns with lots of gas after my meals. Last nite my heartburn was pretty bad and I broke into cold sweat ;( ... Reduced my meal portions but it's not helping ..Now meal time makes me sick !!


hi MTBs,

Peanuts> saw quite a few mommys eating peanuts. read before that we should avoid peanuts during preg as it might cause allergy in our babies wo.

Sogo > NT scan is different from OSCAR. Gynea mentioned that OSCAR is more accurate and thus more exp. As for FA scan, its the detailed scan at wk 20. To confirm baby's gender and doesn't have cleft lips etc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alicia > i've a 10 month baby also. She's attending infant care as well. I can totally understand how u feel now. Stressed.... But look on the bright side. The siblings will be closer cos they're closer in age. can play together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alot of MTBs seemed to be unwell. Hope everyone will recover soon and enjoy this festive period. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

daylesford> heartburn is common due to our homonal changes. read an article on the website, hope it's helpful:

avoid soft drinks, caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits, spicy, fried n fatty food.

avoid drinking large quantities of fluids during meals.

try chewing gum aft eating. it stimulates yr saliva glands n saliva can help neutralize acid.

morning mummies...

im having off & on sharp pain/crump too. hopefully everything is fine as no discharge. touch wood. yest a bad nite for mi. stomach pain til i cry & unable to sleep from 12am - 2am. my precious toutureing mi. N my DH sleep til like pig. omg.... think im too emo ;(

wondering hw is modish... think she shld be resting nw. waiting for her updates. ;)

pillow... 4more days to go for yr test!!! rem update us & oso rem ask for mi can sis/dh allows to go in see the scanning ;) thanks in advance

Morning MTBs,

I know I have been MIA again. Been busy the past week plus sick. Finally settled my son in childcare and he seems happy there. Down with stomach flu again! Second time this month or maybe the virus did not clear the first round. There's no mediation for stomach flu only diarrhoea pills. Then, the vomitting part (which I thot was MS intially) increased to 2 to 3 times a day.

I went for my checkup yesterday and told my gynae that I was worried abt passing the virus to the baby. He said to try and take Vit C to build up my immune system. Hopefully baby wont be affected. My next checkup will be in 2 weeks time when I will clear my 1st trimester.

suying> oh dear... do take care. feel better now?

modish,mdmkhoo> how r u gals feeling today?

jerjer_kids> hvg stomach flu is bad, hvg it while u r pregnant, worse. try eat light soupy food n keep yourself hydrated. hope u feel better soon.

mummies who have been feeling under the weather lately: jia you! not long before crossing over 2nd trimester... better days ahead! xx

suying, u remind me again on the day before i go for scan. cos i very forgetful de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

modisch, how are u now?

morning to all mummies...

My baby EDD is on 3 July 2011.

Though is my #2, still feeling really excited.

My #1 is now 13 mths old.

Went for my OSCAR last saturday at the gynae. For #1, went to TMC cos my gynae equipment not that advanced yet. The measurements were done slightly different.

This time, the nose bridge is not part of the criteria.

Morning all!

Daylesford, I had very bad heartburn for a few weeks too and I got from my gynae this vegemed (can get from pharmacist too) and it helps. later when I get home, I will let you know the brand. Am on my way for my checkup and oscar.

Modisch/mdmkhoo, how are you gals?

Jerjer, hi! Stomach flu is really very xinku... Glad to hear you are better.

stylomilo: -hugs- i know its one thing to say 'Stay Positive' another to actually DO IT! But a friend of mine just went on Monday after a whole lot of anxiety and everything went well! I'm sure yours will too!

hmm, isit cuz we are crossing over to 2nd tri, so seems like everyone's feeling a bit more worse these few days...

been crying abit every day..abt work abt feeling unwell... thinking if im really so lousy/weak ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

is sharp pain a concern? if prolong, i also think better go see doc ba...

suying/modish/mdmkhoo> how are you gals doing?? i used to have bad stomach pain for hours (any kinds before, abdominal, left side, right side). but as long as i dun discharge...so dun think negatively.

stylomilo.... feeling better. but nw stomach pain agai ;( wat happen. could be bb expanding??? woli woli woli..... 2 more weeks to my appt. for Oscar.

think positive k.. jiayou ;)

pillow... noted yr msg. will remind ;)

tingie... i gt the same feeling as u ;( feeling very bad... crying too...

read the posting above....I was having abit of diarrhoea last wk and it lasted for 3-4 days, still thought how come suddenly I have it. I didnt know there is this pregnancy diahorrea thing.

Kacey: wow, i admire u too. Do u have help at night or u look after your bb yourself w hb? My 12 mth old gal is so clingy & active now. Very hard to rest....

who is Audrey Hiara Yap here? is she a mummy here? coz she added me on fb...

maybe i should go create a group for our thread. ;)

suying, I even cried while having lunch with my cousin on Monday when she asked how am I... . like cannot control , suddenly emo come then the tears will drop.. anywhere anytime. some pple may think 'really so cham meh'.. feel useless...

Janice: You definitely need a supportive hubby who will help u look after no. 1 I engage a PT maid every sat to do housework so my house work is just putting the clothes in washing machine. Plus at night look after my gal. Its tiring, feel like engaging a maid but hb dun want stranger in the house so now juz need to learn to cope with it....


Me a bad mummy, since my MS kicks in, i leave my 2.5yrs boy with my mum for the whole week, only bring back 1 or 2 days during weekends when hubby is around. Initially I bring him home daily. So sad.. i can't even call him tok on phone coz when he hears my voice he will "mummmmmy! sob sob.. mummmmmmy.. come here sit with me.. sob.." make my heart ache.. So only hubb calls back tok to him and i use another house phone listen his voice and teared quietly...

Feel so guilty towards him.. This festive season i've no celebration planning for him, unlike last year.. Hope i can be better in 2nd tri and energised to bring him home more often.

Household chores currently hubby took over mostly.. i only settle my own laundry.. Intend to engage domestic helper once a week to do toilet cleaning, mopping etc..

Hi all MTB,

I'm wondering if anyone has used and will be using babyplus? I'm thinking of using it for my #2 baby as i've got positive reviews from my friend. Any comments to share?

alicia > i guess i'm lucky cos my girl sleeps through the night when she's about a month old. She sleeps At ard 7.30pm. Cos she wakes up very early for school. So every evening i only get to be busy for ard 1 hour, from the time she's back from infant care to the time she sleeps. And usually if hubby is at home, he'll help out so its much much easier. As for household chores, i still do them but one at a time lo. Like if i mop the floor today, then tmrw i rest, the next day wash toilet. So not so xin ku. Hubby much more xin ku. He does the laundry, wash the dishes and baby's bottles and attend to my girl most of the time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my col told me it's good too, she gg to lend me when reach 18wks....u can only start using when u at 18wks onwards....u gg to buy??? quite ex leh...

Alicia> me also dislikes a stranger staying overnight at our place. like no privacy. sometimes wish got such maid whereby they only work from day to night and then go back to their own place. so how much is e PT maid? is she good? maybe next time i can consider hire the same one as yours?

BerryCarrot> wow, even me also feel heartache when he cries for mummmmy mummmy. but you hv no choice due to the baby. both also dearest to you. you can always make it up to him later. somemore he is spending some time wif his grandma. i think its good too. anyway bear wif it and it will be over soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei, i was thinking of purchasing online as it is cheaper but still will come out to about S$200 +-

My #1 was quite a difficult baby and thus i'm hoping this babyplus thing can benefit #2 lor so that i won't have a hard time. But then again, i can't be sure.

Hihi morning all mtbs...

back to work...sian

mdmkhoo/suying/modisch...how r u gal now...feeling better???


can add me in???? Thanks Babe


sunshinebb #1 EDD 21 July KKH Pro John Tee

wildchillies/feimei> i m also thinking of this but not now. wait till i hv done my oscar scan, blood test and gynae's confirmation, that everything is ok before i will consider getting it. is it just order online??? i m wondering does the inside material able to last for 9 mths? eg mth 5 is lesson A, mth 6 is lesson B. any idea?

hi all mummies, just saw the list feimei just posted. i m wondering how do you gals select your own gynae?? i havent seen mine yet even though i m thinking of dr jocelyn wong, but didnt see her in e list. i m quite worried tat her fee is not cheap plus heard waiting time is very long.

feimei > can help me update? Edd 22 july. Baby #2. Hospital TMC. Dr Joycelyn Wong. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wildchillies> i used babyplus for my #1. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my baby is a relatively easy going and easy to handle baby as compared to some of my friend's babies. My girl also have long attention span esp when watching tv! Lol. In terms of development, she's pretty fast also. At 10months plus now, she's ald taking some steady steps without help. I choose to believe that it's the effect from babyplus. Although it cannot be proven. However, when i went for pre-natal classes last time, the nurse commented that its not good to put music or loud sounds on our tummy as baby is inside enclosed 'water' thus the sound will amplify. However, i continue to use. Haha. Cos buy le ma. So far nv see any comments that babies are deaf after using it. As we cannot adjust the volume for baby plus, end up i put a layer of cloth to 'reduce' the volume. But the first thing my baby is born, i ask for a hearing test for her and her hearing is perfect. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'll continue to use it for my #2 but its with my colleague currently. Have yet to take back cos i haven announce that i'm preg again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kacey, thanks for sharing. Seems like most people i know who used babyplus has babies that are easy to handle and easy going.

Jan-ice, i'm not sure about the actual usage from month to month. Need to ask those experienced mummies.

tingie... ya lo... really anywhere anytime... so easy to get emo.

alicia... audrey is a mummies over here too ;)

berrycarrot... oh gosh... so sad. yr son really miss u. hope dat u can bring yr son back daily soon. take care k. lucky u gt yr DH to help up nw.

sunshine... dun be sianz la..... xmas coming ;) cheers.... mi nt gd lo... stomach pain/crump on & off. last nite worst... unable to sleep n cry. so emo....

