(2011/07) July 2011

suying> really? i dun experience wat u r experiencing now like your princess is making a big turn. not sure why my bb is quite quiet, will ask my gynae next wed. so anxious.

yaya> oh yeah my EDD is 19th july at TMC. yours lei?? btw the ultrasound shows my EDD is 15th july, making me so confused.

chinook> you went for a test called amniocentesis?? my hubby also a thalassemia minor, but i didnt go for this test. is it expensive?? how much and where you hv done it??

xinyue/feimei> actually those aunties are considered as old pple, so no choice. if they are not aunties, i will sure ask those youngsters to stand up. only do it if my traveling distance is far.

sunshinebb> oh no wonder your stomach is so obviously pointed. i can tell lor.


Yes Suying u hv our support...I alway think Hving a kid must give them whatever we can...food, clothes, education ect

U know just heard fr my pri sch friend... her bro wife give birth to a gal....his drive taxi...feel happy drive longer hr not happy sometime dun drive...like tht how to make end...then wife not working...even milk power also can't afford to buy....very jialat

In the train...one guy sitting immed cast my slping spell...doze off...is the lady give up her seat for me...shame on him

suying> you mean ur BIL and wife and ur MIL all staying together with you? you know i m having quite similar situation as you. my dh giving allowance to his mum, and his 3 cousins n a useless sister all staying wif his mum. now change, 2 cousins and (1 of the cousin's pregnant wife) all staying wif his mum. they did contribute $ to his mum but its so little. where got enough per month?? all rely on my dh's allowance. ..

i super not FU lor! wat is his mum doing? use his own son's $ to support others. somemore my dh not in sg, still give allowance.

mdmkhoo... indeed i have to face this kind of ppl. Fxxxx idiot them.

janice.... i think so maybe she is streching or maybe i say to princess i wan to beat her ass for making mi wolis. lollzzz.... oh gosh janice... y can yr MIL like dis. think & care for others instead of own son & u??????

sunshine.... driving taxi is tired. but for bb & family really no choice oso must fight for it ;) hope his situation getting better ;)

Thanks all for your support! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

suying: I'm already 21 weeks' pregnant. I'm in australia now and only found out about the thalassemia when my blood tests showed it, coz this pregnancy was an unplanned one. Then the hospital screwed up my subsequent blood test for thalassemia and it took a whole month before I knew I had to go for the amniocentesis, by then I was already 19 weeks' pregnant. Was quite unhappy with the delays but at least the baby is okay.

Jan-ice: If your blood tests didn't show that you have the symptoms of thalassemia, then you don't have to worry about it. It's only when both partners have thalassemia then a CVS or amniocentesis is done to check if the baby is at risk.

suying > ya lor... anything or anyway to chase them out? can ask hubby give them a talk mah coz if you going to have kids how can they take up the space so cramp...

suying> i dun mind her caring for others if she has the earning capability. she is very old, currently doing partime n earn peanuts. she soon will be quitting her job to rest. Yet she still cares for others....using my DH's $$$. this is something i m seriously very pissed off. its my DH's $ spent on others.

i talk to dh several times n his ans is "he shd give allowances to his mum". this is correct but i find tat she shd save up e $ for her old age rather than spent it on 'yang' those pple.

suying> anyway its been years she has been doing so. i just feeling 'bu fu' lor!

lucky part is she will be taking care of our baby when i go out to work. so we save up on e childcare or maid portion. i hated e part of having a maid staying in my hse, but i really like e part whereby there is a maid who can help me do stuff. heehee..anyway its not cheap hiring a maid in sg.

Morning mummies.. Gynae doing an emergency c-sect today..nurse said prob can't get to meet her Liao.. Sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ixoral, u are there ah.. i was at the carpark, about to drive off when received jenny call.. i am feeling disappointed lor! cos of not able to see bb today... sigh!

chinook.... ic... u stay in aust!! hw come they can cope up lo?? anyway... do take care well k ;)

mdmkhoo... no use lo. my hubby say him n he will talk back & tell my hubby u care for yrself la nw u gt kids la. he so yaya dat he is father of 2 knw hw to handle his kids better dan my hubby. shit him lo.... i can 100% proof dat my hubby is better dan him. N all of them nv respect my hubby as bro. in family wan. all r sucks ;)

janice.... i agree with u too. we have to bear wif it ;) may everyday is a better day for us. cheers ;)

ixoral.... oh.... so nurse nv update the status???

suying> I feel your BIL and his wife is rediculous..

Not working and blame you not help to look for job? how to help? you are working and he is free at home.. job fly to him ah.. some more play online game everyday.. if I were you.. I will cut the land line as well as internet.. or put password connection to only for selected PC and laptop.. so they can't just use your internet free and play game..

if he ask you to help him look for job next time.. throw the saturday recruitment paper to him.. and ask.. is that helpful..

no work still got a 1 yr old and a 2 month old? so horny ah.. can't stand this type of pple.. the way they are.. soon will hv #3.. scary

so your MIL is working but her son is not.. i pity your MIL somehow..

have my check up yesterday.. estimated date by last cycle is 25 wks and 3 days.. after measure the size.. foetus about 900 over gram.. so estimated date become about 25 wks and 5 days.. quite close..

gynae didn't complain about my weight for this preg (she complain alot when I have #1).. now gain slightly more than 5 kg..

But the girl still not turning (lying horizontal).. and my placenta also not really that high yet.. hope it will move up.. my son time I got no luck.. I do wish to go for natural this time leh..

chujie.... ya lo... blame mi. carzy rite. i & DH wanted to cut off my hm no. cos his wife mum & mum lover keep calling. look like thier house like dat. the thing is if i cancel my internet will be affected. so still thinking wat i can do.

ya damn horny... imgine his wife no menses everyday can see curry chicken on the neck at diff. place. scare ppl dunno they FCUKINg lo. plus nt shameless lei.... can jus go out like dis & worst is wear pyjamas go central or kopishop buy food. i mean nt house dwnstair type lo.

ya MIL working 2parttime job as cleaner in 2 diff bank. jus enough for her own use. i tell my MIL dun be stupid gv up job help look aft thier kids & if like dat will they apperciate & go find a job & gv u allowance. MIL agree wif wat i say ;)

chujie... yrs near to 1g same like lizzie... i cant wait for my next appt. dunno princess growing well anot too?? ya lets pray placenta will move up too cos mine is low oso. i really hope to go for natural instead ;)

janice... ixoral means... her gyne gt a emergency c-section for other patients/mummies. no woli ;) is jus dat her appt might be delay or postpone ;)

yaya> no la i got the nurse's call when i was in my lift on the way down. but hubby and i just decided to go for breakfast since already up liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

janice> ya suying is right. my gynae had to attend to an emergency case today so my appt w her got to postpone. u misunderstand le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Upon hearing it, so sad le. Sigh.. But no chOice. Am so looking forward to tdy..

ixoral/suying> oh i c..scare me to de*th.

chujie> u didnt gain much weight wat. i already put on 5 kg at week 20. not sure how much more i hv put on when comes to week 25.

suying/chujie> me cannot control on sweet stuff. sweet drinks or biscuits or ice-cream...hard to resist..so ended up dun really care, just eat/drink moderately but must hv at least once per day.

Jan-ice, suying: I'm in Australia for work while my hubby is studying. Unfortunately we are not Australian PRs so no childcare/family benefits for us here. Finances-wise will be quite challenging for us. Will be here for another 2-3 years I think, but really miss Singapore sometimes..

Chinook> ur coy is sg-based and sent u to australia?? my dh has been working in china, but coz of baby, he wanna come back to sg by this year. however its tough finding a job in sg from china. sigh sigh! for me, i m jobless coz i quit to join him and who knows ended up pregnant and heads back to sg. (not used to china life). so my dh cant quit w/o a job.

Jan-ice: I came here to look for work, was just accompanying my hubby when he accepted a scholarship to do his PhD in Australia. Luckily managed to find a full-time job here if not I don't know how we would cope. It must be tough being apart from hubby, it's good that he is planning to return to SG to be with you and bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chinook... oic... dan must take care ya ;)

janice... nt only them. there is FIL, MIL, BIL & wife plus 2kids, youngest bro & youngest sister & last the 2 of us.... big family rite.... so sianzz...

janice...dis is already my house ;(

jialak... at this hr i feel hungry.wat can i eat!! DH is nt around cant sleep too ;(

suying> u r so generous to let so many pple staying together wif u. e good part is u wont feel lonely...hehee..so they help to share wif ur household chores or some/part of e household costs??

i told my dh zilliom times tat i will never ever allow her only sis come stay wif us when we got our new flat. u know ....touchwood, if anything happen to his mum. they are staying in a rented flat. i fear of such day will come, so i better say it first b4 anything happens.

Hi all, was in and out the forum as cannot access to forum during office hour and now, have just apply for data plan for my phone.

I am into my 26 weeks and will be delivered in TMC. Suppose to be a July mtb but as bb is too big, will be delivering my bb in June. Hope to join the July forum.

I am still abit confuse about breastfeeding, anyone care to join?


Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



Natal Care Triplus (625mg) : Each box of 30 capsules at $28.00 (U.P. $32.10)




All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.

Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

Hi mummies, sorry to disturb. I have gave up breastfeeding and have the following for sale:

1) Medela mini elctric plus (preloved) - $100

2) Medela mini electric (preloved) - $60

3) Medela milk collection shell (new) - $25

4) Pigeon breastmilk storage bag (new) - $12

5) U shape nursing pillow (new) - $25

PM me if you are interested.

janice... i nt generous. is bo pian. hw i wish only mi & DH staying together only. so advise is better dun stay wif in laws. Unless u think they r gd & easy gg. ;)

suying: Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jan-ice: Yup he is Singaporean also, I was lucky that my boss knows his supervisor so was recommended for a job. Otherwise I think it wouldn't be so easy being a foreigner.

suying> next time i also will be bo pian coz my dh said if my MIL not staying wif us, then who will walk our daughter to e nearby school? -_-

chinook> pardon me for asking coz i hardly hear singaporean study until PHD one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] usually its china pple...pardon me for my frankness ya?

Its good staying in australia (overseas) other than china or india. i actually got a job offer to work in france b4 i found out i m preg. but e france side offer me local pay n their tax is horribly high. after deduction, i m earning much lesser than in sg. if e pay is high, i will consider gg there coz sg is getting bored after staying here for years. you get i mean?

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I am mummy from Sept 10. Have a brand new capella car seat for sale at $80. Collection at Jurong. Please email me @ [email protected] for deal. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

DOM Benedictine 1L Bottles


Pre-loved My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow


Pigeon Nipple Care Cream and Breast Shields


Winnie the Pooh Pants (Unisex) 1 pair


Safety 1st Deluxe Bath Cradle



Hi peeps, i have a Brand NEW Disney Car Seat to let go at 180/=...

- For 9-18kg

- Brand new

- Interested buyers are welcome to took a look

- Free Delivery within Sengkang/Hougang Area

- PM me if more details is required

Hi mummies

Are you considering doing some antenatal exercise during your pregnancy?

Prenatal yoga is an ideal choice, and you can start from the 2nd trimester onwards.

I'm a qualified instructor, previously working as a physiotherapist. My class includes gentle yoga postures, breathing practice and meditation. Excellent for strengthening and stretching the body in preparation for childbirth.

Email [email protected] for more details.

morning mummies! brand new week ahead..bz bz at work..

wendy> yes all these adverts are irritating! but i guess this kinda helps to reach out to the 'right' audience ba

hihi morning...all mtbs....monday blue again...even my boss gonna scolding fr me...haha

last night scold hubby 2...he must be very sad...yesterday was super hot...even i on the air-con also sweat...cos i slp earlier than hubby..he will alway come into the room to make sure i nv kick the blanket...so yesterday when he try to cover blanket 4 me...gonna scold...I said SO HOT STILL COVER N COVER...then i kick off the blanket...poor hubby scare i catch a cold but gonna scolding

i oso damn hot n sweaty these few days...really buay tahan...i did not on air-con cos hub jus recover fr flu...i jus feel like soaking myself in a pool of water....immed after bath...i sweat...feeling soo irritating....arrgghhh~~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope i can carry a ari-con my my back to cool down...nowadays...i dun cover blanket oso...even w air-con, i can go w/o blanket...hahahaha...

me also damn hot leh!! can sweat in aircon...

suying and jan- i read ur stories i pek chek leh.... suying,ur at therate ur bil and sil is,i think #3 soon alr...no shame.juz cut off the home line n internet. then u reappy internet,put password,dun tell them got internet.u use in ur room quietly.

chinook-how much is the check ups and delivery there at aus?


suying> get mobile broadband lol...but if ur hubby gg to play game then cannot lol...but for surfing net onli...get mobile broadband is good enuff....really buay tahan that two shamless parents!!! haiz~~~

