(2011/07) July 2011

I never use powder on my son since the day he was born. Not good for babies to breathe in the powder particles. For those who will be attending Wong Boi Boi's class, she dun recommend too.


maelyn> hey i got ur email. u r welcome...i hv not decided whether wanna go to this geomencer yet. if u hv a better recommended geomencer, can u keep me informed?? thanks!

Lizzie> me in week 23 days 3. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i m taking ur bb's weight as a reference to mine coz i worried my bb will be too big [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning all!

Jan-ice, i am same week and day as u.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tomorrow going to visit gynae for my DS review and seeing my baby.. looking forward man!

Shop online yest. nite for princess clothing. Oshkosh & Caters Brand. DH saw it & stop mi cos he see mi having a long list & say. Buy so much will u bring baobei out everyday & is wasted. Must well spend on her diapers Milk powder. N there goes my shopping list to cut dwn..... ;(

suying> i also made an online purchase at Carters last night! hehe.. got 20% coupon off total bill now. quite worth it leh.. 1 romper only US$4! This is my 2nd batch liao.. both batches abt US$50+ each.. but quite worth it la..for so many items. What sizes do u get? I bought a mixture of 3m, 6m and 9m ones...agar agar :p

yaya> my bb just 1 day before yrs! yea cant wait for gynae appt too.. yaya, may have a chance to see u huh? hehe. i wanna go chin mee chin for breakfast again! thinking of the luncheon meat bun makes me drool liao..but always v quickly sold out one. Only manage to eat once so far..

Hello mommies,

Any of you have experience with fenugreek or have heard any good/bad reviews about fenugreek tablets? I've been hearing many stories about mommies not having enough breast milk and some say fenugreek help, some say no use....

Just wanna know what you all think before I make any purchase..............

EDD not till July but am so KS preparing myself jz in case.. as I wanna give the best for DS ^^

yaya/ ixoral.... ya buying on his back. end up today back to office continue shop online again ;)

i gg buy mixture too so dat bb can wear til grow up ;)


for my #1, I took fenugeek when he was 4-6 weeks old, cos he seemed to wan milk every 1.5-2 hrs and I tot supply not enuf. I took for 3 days, and duno if it happen to coincide with his colic or even cause it and he was even more cranky.

The side effect for me is my body has a sweet funny smell, even for the BM. Hub ask me to stop taking...

I thk if latching is correct and bb feeding well, the supply will establish in a day or 2. Drk more water/longan red date drk, rest more and ss should be ok.

Try to start pumping early if u thk bb only latch one side to let body know u need extra milk. initially, u wont see much BM gg into the pump.


i oledi buy lost count of rompers, socks n bibs...hahhaha...mainly 6m....a few on 3m nia...kekekeke...beside rompers, she already got those top n bottom as well...cos she gg to skool and teacher mentioned each day need 3sets of clothings....but guess i will bring 4sets for her, in case she dirty her clothes....

i oso left w those misc items to buy...guess those can get it anytime....so jus waiting days nearer, hv to start washing her clothes, napkin cloth n other stuffs!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ixoral, chin mee chin is where ah?? ur appointment 9+ right? me 10.. but i guess we are able to see each other...

by the way, whats ur nick in FB ah??? forget liao... jialat me..

Suying, buy some will do.. wait later bb outgrow faster than u think, then abit wasted liao.. i havent start buying any clothes for bb yet.. planning to buy 1 to 2 pcs onli....

i mean those outdoor ones lor..kekeke

Janice: my gynae says he's of very good weight...:p LOL but his tummy is round and cute ;D All cos of my appetite LOR but I have to cut down on carbs!

Lizzie, what you ate so far? breads, rice ah?

Yesterdae night when i was lying on bed to sleep, cant feel bb kicking ( usually she will kick)... makes me worry abit.. this morning when my hubby woke up, he go rub my tummy, causing 'earthquarke' motion to bb i guess. bb after that, kick me 3 times.. i guess bb is telling her daddy to stop disturbing my sleep!

but i more 'fan xin' at least can feel kicking!

suying> nurses in hospital recomment not to use baby powder nowadays.. as it won't help to stop them from sweating and in fact it cake up when it mixed with their sweat and make the skin worse..

I also never use powder on my boy since birth.. just apply baby lotion or baby moisturiser will do..


Thanks for sharing!

That's another new info for me. I didn't know fenugreek can cause that sort of effect....

Mmm...seems like it's true tt not everyone's body can take Fenugreek. I'm afraid mine can't either. So I guess the more natural way is always best to increase BM. Now I'm drinking fresh milk (I happen to like it) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and try to eat less preserved food. Heard about the green papaya + fish soup but not sure if it'll help either.

oic.. good for you!! talking about fruits.. i eat at most 2 serving only... i must really discpline myself to eat more...

wens> there is one easy and effective vegetable you can try after given birth.. that is the baby spinach (莧菜).. in malay the call it "bayam"..

I didn't know until I notice everytime after my family cook that soup.. as I love it.. I drink a lot and eat a lot of this spinach.. that night my milk will over flow..

and when I talk to some friends and colleauge.. esp malays.. they said that is a known BM incresing vegetable..

It is quite tasty and easy to get and prepare.. you can either fried with garlic or simple boil it in soup.. but if soup make sure you eat the spinach as well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but try not to take too much of this spinach before birth.. as some report said that might cause contraction.. as it increase blood circulation.. better play safe.. (I think increase blood circulation is why it help increase BM)

green papaya + fish soup also help.. I usually boil till the fish disapear and drink up all the soup.. fish is rich in protein..

chujie> nappy cream can use for back rashes??? tot is for pi pi onli??? any baby lotion can use??? lucky i havent buy the powder casing yet...hahahhaa..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the spinach can be taken during confinement??? that time during my DS, the sonographer chit-chat w me n ask me to prepare the papaya soup + fish during confinement...she did daily for her DIL n her DIL is like Dumex factory...got gd supply of BM....but i asked my col, she say it din really work out well on her... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Happy Friday all, long time no "see"! I just got back from a fantastic shopping trip in the States earlier this week. Did nothing but shop, eat, shop, eat for almost 2 weeks, really shiok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lucky baby has tons of clothes now, can't wait for him to be born so I can start dressing him up!

Baby seems to have put on quite a bit of weight from my last gynae visit, doctor says must be cos of the American portions I've been feeding him haha. Baby now 740g at 24 weeks 4 days which I thought was big till I read abt lizzie's 1KG baby (!!)--Lizzie, what have you been feeding your baby?? ;) Doc now sending me for glucose test to check if I have diabetes since baby now so big, dunno what she'd say abt Lizzie's baby haha!

Feimei, yaya... my sis in law drink fish+papaya also.. also dun really work well for her..guess it is individual ba?

feimei>> backside i refer to bum (pipi).. haha.. dictionary translate..

backside : The fleshy part of the human body that you sit on.. haha..

I use piegeon baby lotion and oil at the first month.. after that.. baby have some eczema.. so doc recomment to use aqueous cream.. we use it till now.. got lots of brands.. some use GV.. but they are more or less the same..

spinach can take in confinement but maybe better start from 3rd week la.. cuz some said cooling.. but you can also put some ginger in the soup to balance


yes, papaya fish soup is nice and effective. I thk u must eat well during confinement too.

All kids of fish are good, i rem my BM quite fishy smelling cos i ate sashimi....

Green papaya with fish soup works! The TMC handbook recommends to take 3 consecutive days, stop 2 days and take 3 consecutive days again. I took it for about 2 months and I have loads of supply! Partly also due to frequent latching and pumping after almost every latch.

yaya> I'm cindy chacha on fb. hee..my hb's surname is cha in case u wonder y :p Chin mee chin is the old and quite famous bakery next to holy family church. it looks v old school and not many seats inside..usually need to Q! but their kaya bun is super soft and their homemade bread pastries are v popular. I usually go there for breakfast at every gynae visit. hee. My appt is 9am! Just now i call the nurse to ask, how come everytime i go at 9, they are not open yet..is it supposed to be 930 or smthg. Then she apologetically told me by right Sat they open at 9, but sometimes they are late :X

All> so is it ok to start eating more papaya now? my current fruits consumption are just apples, oranges, guava and carrot juice. I really miss eating watermelon! If papaya is ok, then i will add papaya to my after-lunch fruit item..hee

oh ya i missed out strawberries. yes strawberries are good..they are rich in folic acid which is good for expecting mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh ya.. cindy... remember liao.. earlier u got post in FB.. but now, lesser hor?

i think u can pop by at 9+..i usually saw dr tan rushing in clinic at 9.30 onwards lor even through they open at 9...

Important to eat papayas that are ripe now. Do not consume papayas that are not thoroughly ripe as they can cause contractions.

thanks, chujie!!! will take note....

yaya> i oso think realli depend on individual lol...but no harm trying lol....

elch> oh...not taking it daily w/o fail??? mus have break in between one ahhh???

Lizzie: I do the urine test too each time I go to the gynae, the pee on the stick thing right? Glucose level there is ok but still got sent for the more detailed proper diabetes test just in case sigh... Yah I think you are gonna have one BIG baby, think you don't need to bother buying newborn sized clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Chujie! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can we get those green papayas in NTUC or Giant type of places..? Are they seasonal, is it jz me or I seldom see them in the fruit section..?

RE: Baby spinach

I like spinach and am so glad you told me this. I think it's a lot healthier to eat fresh veggie than tablets and they're yummy too! ^^

Elch >> Noted on the frequency. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So we can start taking it as soon as we give birth rite..?

Any suggestion for what type of fish is best to go with the green papaya..?

wens> I think you can get from NTUC.. the skin of the papaya are green too.. but quite seldom.. but also you can try to talk to the fruit stall in the wet market and ask them to keep for you..

as for fish.. my MIL bought 生魚.. but I think other fish are good too.. mainly not too silvery one as they said high in mercury..

hihi morning all mtbs

wow so many of u already start shopping(bb clothes eg)...me hv bought a pump and bean pillow...haha think will start to shop fr next mth onward...

rec a gift fr my 2nd sis (Fox bb)


yaya...ur hubby so cute...my bb also whenever his daddy put his hand on my tummy to feel he alway dun bother to kick...then yesterday he dad very angry and scold him...he immed kicking non stop...haha even this morning also kick n show his dad

is it feimei mentioning about avocado drink? feel like drinking it today...yum yum.

