(2011/07) July 2011

audrey L: sitting and walking and standing is good! Helps to reduce swelling of feet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ST> ya agree. To be SAHM takes alot of courage.. imagine if DH loses his job?

I bought the 2nd largest size mattress at 170.. original price was 235.. my fren has been hunting for this since last aug so she say this is the best discount so far so I buy lor..

feimei> i also.. only know "big brother hao bu hao, lets go catch Ni qiu".... and this song very sweet sounding i think i will start screeching if i sing it hahahha

and tat si angmor.. i dont want a maclaren.. i also dont want a bjorn.. give me i also need to think how to use.. let alone sell me? I ask how much he say negotiable. smore in front office one. NB

elaine> u miscarried 3times??

px> kns...front-office ppl soo cheap-skate...mus sell, cannot offer to give meh...somemore they earn soo much...still got the cheek to reply u: neg... =.=" ask him go n sleep w snake!!!

dear all, just reach home after gg for my mthly gynae visit. everything is looking good. bb is 24w2d and weigh 884g. gynae said he wont be a big bb, so phew... hopefully dun hv to push hard. bb's has 'locked' nicely oredi. previously was breached. then i asked gynae whether will he turn again. gynae said norm once locked it wont turn... so bb pls dun turn ah...

pillow> good news, so u can enjoy ur pregnancy lol...i m oso into my 24wks...but appt onli next wed...by then will be 25wks+ lol...

hi ladies

hee..seems like all the mtbs are back in action cos last wk, the thread is rather slow..unlike today..

my bb enjoys watching the Detective Conen series..so whenever we r watching the dvd, he will start to move..also enjoy listening to pop music as well..hehehe

wanna share a funny incident

while walking & holding my #1's hand, i nearly slipped & fell..so i told him:"Luckily you were holding me, else i'll hv fall down". He replied:"Luckily you didn't pull me down" ..heheh..

feimei, it means bb's head is upwards (below breast) instead of turning down near the cervic. ya, at least bb is growing. however, i am still worried abt his kidney... hope everything will be ok once he is out. i gotta do diabetes test next visit cos my grandma has history of diabetes. sian.

px > i m saving $$ now so that i can resign next year! I missed Zach's milestones and I dont want to miss my #2.. i feel sad cos I m not the one that taught him ABC or 123..even worse when I cant teach him Mandarin.. argggh!! But hor i stayed home with him for 1 week last week I alr died 3/4 cos he was sick in the first place so abit cranky and picky with his food! Threw away so much food that he refuses to eat. Aish.. so i must really brush up my patience too but bringing him out n seeing him happy and talk abt it later on is really heart-warming!

I reckon i must have about $24K saved so that I can stay home for 1 year with expenses of $2K per mth for his school fees and our daily transportation. Of course daddy must give me $1K to go market..i tink #2 is FOC for 1st year cos will breastfeed and try not to use diaper but use cloth nappy..

After 1 year when zach enters Kindergarten will go back to workforce - by then sure suffer pay cut! but to give up on my financial freedom is really a big decision.. cos i came a long way to be where i m today. not easy.. i went through retrenchment, debts mounting etc etc..

My doc also mention that my bb head is down now, I tot it's too early to know bb position till later weeks?

Cos bb may still move ard mah.

zachmom> ya i fully understand wat u mean.. i also having internal struggles.. cos I am a very kiasi person i keep thinking wat ifs.. wat if someone falls really sick and needs alot of $ for operation + lost of income? wat if DH got axed? All the wat ifs made me held on to the job.. but the again like u said, we dont get to teach ABC and 123, we dont get to sing and potty train them or force them to eat their vegetables, so its quite hard.. plus if we leave the work force too long, everything tat we've built up will go down the drain and we have to start off low again.. tats y still dunno wat should i do.. haiz

ST> i bought the mattress n the dimpled infant pillow at the Expo fair.. i didnt really research but all my colleagues bought it and told me its the best in the market.. firm, breathable so less chances of suffocation, and can last for many years.. very good investment. and since 65bucks cheaper i jus bought lor. Its also sold in Taka, robinsons and kiddy palace but they say this expo fair cheapest..

I take my hat off for SAHM..really need a lot of patience & def not an easy role to be..but being able to witness your child's milestone is worthwhile..

I considered this option b4..but was instead, discouraged by my mum..hmm..but come to think abt it. I'm not those patience type either..


I used to be more free when my #1 was younger..managed to teach & gave him a gd foundation ..now, with work getting busier & more resp, i really worried tt i cant give the same to #2. Still will try to manage time & sqeeze in whatever time possible to bond & teach #2.

Btw, you dun intend to send Zach to presch? though its gd to hv quality time at home, i still feel tt its healthy for kids to be exposed to o kids as well. Just my tots though.

janice, after reading through your postings i feel that you are actually very lucky. maybe one really needs to go thru hardships before one learns how to appreciate what he/she is given. take me for eg, miscarried 2 yrs ago. though kinda unplanned (cos we were thinking to see whether we are so lucky, one time strike). nevertheless, happiness x last long. bb dun hv hb at 6weeks. i was upset. now i have my bunny son, but gynae told me one of his kidney is dilated. worst case, he may only hv 1 kidney, else he may need to go thru surgery at 6mths. if lucky, he can avoid all these. but do u know how worried i am? even though i hv a son, but if i can exchange good health for girl, i dun mind. i only want a healthy bb. writing this post now i also wanna cry liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but with all the encouragement of the mummies here, i know my son and me will pull through. no matter what, girl/boy or 1/2 kidney(s), he is still my child. so janice, be very grateful... read other people misfortunes, then u will realise how fortunate you are... hope you can walk thru this tog with us.

px > I m also a worried wart! But when i was with Zach the whole week n see how much weight he has lost and his picky eating habit, it really breaks my heart..like u said, he dun eat vege, not exposed to variety of food. Lunch n dinner is always porridge..how to introduce new food to him like that.. as modern mummy, i would like him to eat different food like baked fish, diff food/cuisine for lunch n dinner but he juz refuse! Even fruits oso he will not eat. Onie stick to apple day in n out..makes him a boring person but what to do, I tell my bbsitter, fell to deaf ear. she is good but i feel that my son is 'conservative'.

iv, zach is attending nursery now but onie 1/2 day. That's y i tot of spending the rest of the day with him next year, at least i can expose him to more things outside - wait till he goes to full day kindergarten then i will consider going back to workforce. Not so worried abt #2 cos if #1 is talkative n active, #2 naturally will follow n learn..keke


heheh..he meant it in jest cos he is always so sweet & loving towards me..

Another funny incident with #1

His teacher told us that he is her best student cum helper during the Meet the Parent session at his cc, so we praised him. He told us that he helped to massage his teachers as well so my hub said:" Then you must be her fave student". He replied:" Yep. That's why she gave u good report of me today" *faint*


Yup..looking at my #1 now, we also really glad that everything turned out well..in fact, i can share your anxiety then..as my #1 had cleft palate & we didn't even know as it was not detected even after chk up during birth. Only realised when we brought him for 1 mth chk up at polyclinic. thank our lucky stars for tt else he will hv speech limitations. He went for operation at only 5 mths old..really broke my heart then when i saw him came out of the operation room & he had diff feeding for the next few wks..thankfully, he recovered & in fact, speaking so fluently now..so always take heart & look on the positive side always. Though we are still hesistant whether this is a hereditary prob..& really hope #2 will be healthy & normal ..

pillow> not a christian but i always love the saying.. When god closes a window, he opens another door.. So although ur bunny has a bad kidney at the moment, it might recover? Or he might be an exceptional genius in everything else when he grows up, so god needs to be fair and take something away so tat he is not so perfect? Everything is fated so stay strong n positive..

i see...thanks, pillow/nana!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

iv, ur #1 realli Cute in his reply....mus hv warmed ur heart wif all his replies!!! :D

pillow> since ur boy is doing well now, dun keep bringing up the kidney issue...like wat u doing now, tink +ively and everything will be fine, like ST quoted in her thread: Mommy r the Angel to our lil ones...ur boy will be worried-Free becos he got an angel to welcome him and the Angel is U!!!

mummies, dun have to worry abt me. I have accepted liao. now all that i ask for is for the kidney to stop dilating. other stuff, wait till he is out then see. i am much much more better.

last sun seeing cactusnah's boy made me even more determind that my boy will be as healthy as him. cactusnah, i feel like pinching his rosy cheeks. he is so handsome and active. i love the way he said "hello" and "bye bye" loudly... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei, dun worry. i bring up the issue is to share with janice. hoping that it will make her feel better. i am really ok now, instead looking forward to seeing him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tks for the concern..

I happen to come across this thread looking for inspiration from all mtbs.. Would like to comment something after reading a post..

TO: Jan-ice (timberchampagne) - please remember you yourself is a female.. I'm sure u don't like others to be biased against u ESP ur closest.. Like all other mummies said healthy is the most impt.. n when they grow up, being healthy n be a useful person, being nice n filial to u, etc.. If without all this, what is gender?

Janice, u must know wat we said is not to be against u but hoping that u will come to ur senses that the baby u're carrying now n for the nxt 3 mths in u is a girl. Nothing can change this fact. N u need to be responsible towards this child until she is old enough to fend for herself. Giving the child to ur MIL to take care is ok as long as u fulfill duty as a mother to her. Mabbe u shuld talk to ur hb ASAP on this n resolve it. Ask him to find a job here in SG so that u hv emotional support.. Now job market is quite good so not diff to find a decent paying job. M sure u can go through these ok..

Janice, i hv a few words to say.. Just to knock sense into you... Do u knw that u are very LUCKY to be pregnant n blessed with a baby inside you??? Unlike others who tried umpteen times/yrs but in vain!! N its bcoz of gender issue that u can't accept, then u r really very selfish!! Without u n hubby this gifted baby will nt hv formed.. I knw u tried all those methods fr old tales.. Its nt neccesary will work for all

people.. If it really works, then everybody gets pregnant

already without any difficulty..then everybody will get gender

of their wish..

Think with a mature n positive mind... Some things are simply

beyond our control. The baby is our flesh n blood. Very

innocent like u when u were born yrs ago... Don't ever let yr

actions and thinking make u regret for the rest of yr life.

Xinyue: my Taiwan trip is very fun. Shop till my legs and backache.lol haven't post my goodie frm Taiwan for baby. Will update soon. Agree with what you say!

Today just check with my gynae about water birth. She told mi that TMC only let u soak in the tub but when u give birth must lie on the bed. But she told mi Mount A does water birth but need to pay additional $1000. As she tried before her patients will only soak in the water for 1 hrs in the end still lie on the bed.

But she said if want to have a success in water birth must have a doula. Which teach you and massage u during the whole process.

After hearing from my gynae think I will just go natural birth. I learn something frm my gynae today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow, so many mummies are comforting and encouraging me. i really appreciated all for your concern!! maybe i didnt go thru bad preg experiences and makes me unable to appreciate wat i hv now. honestly speaking, i m trying my very best to love her wholeheartedly. i m really trying but sometimes really care-less. if i m having a baby boy, things will be different.

initially when i heard e news of having a baby gal, i breakdown n wanna go for an abortion (i ask a gf where can hv it done). wat stops me is tat my dh said he will divorce me if i do it. in order to save my marriage, i keep this baby. i think i m having some sort of physcological mental block and makes me biases towards boys than gals.

its hard for me to overcome it, but i m trying my very best. pls dun worry...i just wanna share out my inner feelings n feel better. thank you so much for all the concern n love!!! i really really grateful for leading me all of your listening ears.

pillow4> omg, i m so sorry to hear this from you. makes me wanna tears..i m so so sorry to hv make you feel sad too. lets pray hard for e health of your baby. pls be strong.

J2010T> so isnt tat mummy needs to pay double since she has soak in e water for an hr? sounds like waterbirth is not as easy as shown in e video clip from youtube.

everyone *hugs* i tink everyone has their own stories to share.. we listen n encourage each other k..

we mus alwaz b grateful we are all well n can even use e forum to "write" to each other share stories and laugh at simple stuff..

Zachmommy Zach goin directly into N1 ah.. when? my boy cc 3 days sick 2 days liao.. my hubby thinks i spread my cough to him hate it when he starts this blame u for this n tat happening to our son.. i m fussy eater so my son also fussy my fault.. my son not well after i got well my fault! like i wan him to b sick sian.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wat kinda fruits did u intro Zach so far.. my Dylan big big fan of fruits almost all kinds.. now his fav is strawberry n bananas.. :p

Jan-ice take some time to overcome ur woes.. i m quite certain many yrs later u look back at this moment u wun regret u din anythin silly.. ur daughter will hug n sayang u when u realli need her.. i hav seen many many many examples so dun tink too much abt it.. mayb dun take any time to tink over this jus njoy ur pregnancy which u will miss subsequently.. once bb is out someone will eventually call u mummy u celebrate mother's day as a Mother.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elch dear i tink our sons hav e same name? urs is Dylan as well?

Wendy, I onie blame my hb for Zach being sick cos he's very weak n picky too. No vege or fruits n soup too..

Zach onie take apples.. Bought pear, strawberries, or any other fruits he'll reject turn away cry etc. Very vexing when giving him food.. U would tink he love food A after eating it but when u give him again weeks later he'll turn away.. Weird rite?

PD gave him Pediasure but all end up being poured away.. His weight was stagnant at 11kg n now dropped to 10kg.. Nearly same weight as my nephew..


maybe its because of your growing-up culture that makes you feel that boys are more precious and "worth more" than girls. have you gone through some mistreat badly before?

There's always two sides to a coin.. for eg, some ppl whom have been mistreat before will do the same or doubly return it to their next gen.. Another approach, i dont like to be mistreat as it hurts badly so i wont do this to others as well.. Its which way that you decide you wanna take.. But this is just my guess anyway.

I just wanted to say, nowadays modern women can be as smart and successful as men too.. and i am very glad your hb stopped you from doing that thing..

J2010T> yes today its another better day. thanks thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wendy> i do hope so.

kittiepp> i guess so. from my own family, i always see my parents biases towards my one and only bro. i do love n dote on my bro alot when he is younger. i was brought up by my aunt or grandma coz i m e twins and my mum cant handle both. although i n my mum has no conflicts, but i dun feel e closeness wif her. i just cant wait to move out asap now...impatient to wait for my new flat. i think my mum is getting old and having so much PMS now. so cranky at times. sigh! well its not easy to get along wif my dad too coz he has a 'hot' temper. this is why i desperately dun wish to hv my mil move in wif us if we got our hse. super sianz..


Haha! Yes our boy shares the same name Dylan! Such a coincidence! At what age should a child be in N1? My boy started this Jan and was placed straight in N1. He'll turns 3 this Oct.


Do you let Zach feed himself with the fruits? Or try to arrange them in a way that looks fun for him? Hubby and I are both not fussy eaters hence I'm lucky that Dylan too is not really fussy except for certain days when he's in a bad mood. You may want to give Zach some dates. They are very healthy! Dylan used to refuse them but recently started to like them. I gave it to him as a snack. The dates I got are Medjool Dates. Good for us preggy mums too.

elch, if the food is not too difficult to eat, like soup i usually let him eat on his own. Even fruits too..i cut them up and put in his fave Thomas & Frens bowl and he will eat it on his own. But if i give him strawberries, hv not offered him he alr told me Don't want strawberries.. sometimes saying that when i pay $$..terrible leh! N worse is each time ask me to buy Tic Tac and when i gave him 1, he said he dun want sweets.. ZZZZZZ

My mom says try to give him Appetone.. u tink can? Mabbe cos i m oso very picky when i was young and doctor prescribed me with soooo many vitamins etc so that I will eat! But with me being like that I do not want him to be that way too.. Very sian to see a skinny boy..cos i was a skinny girl till i started college..:p


Not sure if Appetone works as I've not tried but if it's ok for kids his age then you should give it a try and see if it works. Hopefully this is just a passing phase as Dylan went through such phase before too. Have you tried blending up fruits (e.g. 1 banana, some berries) with milk as a milkshake for him? I serve that as Dylan's breakfast at times.

Elch, never tried fruit juice at home cos I never buy other fruits other than apples after few incidents.. even outside juice (at Marche), he onie take apple.. APPLE BOY! :p

i need to be a more hardworking mom..haha else risk my parents driving down to SG n whisk him back to KL..my mom called me yest to threaten me, saying my son is getting thinner by days and they are heartbroken, said they will bring him back n fatten him up first before returning him to me again...muahaha


do you give quaker oats to ur son, if yes maybe can add fruits inside cos my son love it whn hv fruits.


tink you need to tok to someone about ur feeling esp to ur dh cos i am afraid that you may be suffering fm pre-natal depression which is very serious. try to look at the brighter side and tink positively is most impt.



Apple is actually very healthy. It's good that Zach takes them on regular basis. Apple is a very neutral fruit. Not cooling or heaty. Think he'll have a growth spurt soon in another 1-2 months time. I believe Dylan's going through a growth spurt this 1-2 weeks as he's been stuffing himself with lots of food.

