(2011/07) July 2011

thanks elch..keeping my fingers crossed! Next week when we are in HK i hope he will eat watever we eat else it will be bread all the way for him.. at first when we plan to go Tokyo i m quite happy cos he loves japanese sushi rice + tamago n chawanmushi but when we were at melbourne last year, he ate nothing except milk, biscuit n bread cos he dislike sandwiches! Weird rite, bread n sandwiches wat are the diff???



Hahaha! My boy loves bread but he's not into sandwiches too! Think it's those raw vegetables. He's ok when I just pinch the bread off for him. He's not ok if I offer the whole sandwich to him.

Mummies with #2 or more,

Where do you plan to let your #2 sleeps? With #1 in the same room or in their own room?

Jazol> i will try not to think so much. my dh not in sg, talking to him in skype is like nothing to talk. its ok, i will try to do something tat will make me feel happy. thanks for ur concern.

elch: #1 will sleep with us and #2 wif my mum cos my mum is staying wif me and she wants me to rest more so she looks after #2 in the nite.

janice: no worries. we are here to comfort and share joy wif one another. cn rant ur frustrations or joy here. hehe...

Just wanna share a quote to all, especially to Janice:

"No matter what age you are, or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. Your life, because of who you are, has meaning."

Barbara de Angelis

pillow- hug hug.. we are all here for u and the rest... stay positive!

re baby's breech position- at how many weeks does baby need to be in this position alr?

sorry.. want to side track abit..

any malaysian moms can advice - > how much ang bao to give when attending chinese wedding in KL?



baby cannot be in breech by the time u r due... breech means head on top legs at the bottom... if baby in breech u definitely gotta go for c-sect...

if i m not wrong, bb shld be engaged w head at bottom by wk 38... correct me if i m wrong... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morn ladies

yipee..today work early..so at least can spend some time w #1 after wk..


My #1 sleeps in his own room since 3yrs old..so no issues when #2 comes along..most prob will let #2 sleep in my room until he is at least 1 yr old bah..shall see how..now still headache whether to buy a cot or just get a bed & ring fence all around...

my #1 definitely sleeping with us and #2 will train him to sleep on his own cot in his own room and will use the monitoring device to help me hear him crying..muahaha.

when #2 is abt 6 mths old, i will train #1 to sleep in his own room liao with Didi..

elch hehe my dylan is abt 6 mths younger than ur dylan..

#1 will probably sleep with my mum n i will take care of #2 not planned yet.. might go for XW's idea at times..

Zachmommy jia you slowly puff Zach up not well mah so alot of things dun wan ba.. my son also like tat.. hehe not a bad idea ur parents wanna help u fatten him up..

pls pray bb2 wun b breech so i can experience labour pain ...

Sleeping Arrangement:

My #1 sleeps in his own room since newborn but in Jan this year when he starts school he decided that he wants to sleep with hubby and I. Only last week did I manage to 'bribe' him to go back to his own room. Hope it lasts! I've got a room which acts like an entertainment room of sort so now we are thinking if we should let #2 have the room or squeeze her with the brother.

I'm also having headache as to whether to get a cot as I've given the old one away. Don't think will have her on a mattress with playyard since I've already got 6 playyards at home used by #1 currently. So many thinking to do!

xw- oh i ask my question wrongly..haahaa.i mean to ask by how many weeks must baby be in that head down position...since a few of u said ur baby is alr in that position..


My gynae don't encourage me to go for natural birth this time as I went through csect for #1. He says no point going through the risk and #2 might be big like #1 too.


I just confirm with my gynae last Friday. He said baby's head need to be head down position by 32 weeks. So, there is still alot of time to wait for baby to turn down..

Morning mummies! On mc today.. wat rotten luck. Dh jus got posted to Mumbai (of all places!!!) on sunday, and yesterday was the first day I took public transport to work.. and immediately kenna stomach flu virus.. once i reached home, threw up all the gastric juices and had the runs until nothing was left.. couldn't sleep the whole night cos i was having contractions tat were a minute apart!! I tot I was going into labour and super worried.. at 25w+ I dont think baby will survive.. and esp after reading abt Kelly Chan losing her twins I got all the more worried.. couldn't eat too (so no food for 20hours), cos all it takes is a sip of water for me to throw up everything again.. woke up at 4am to throw up gastric juices again.. Kept praying that baby will stay strong.. lucky dr woody checked n told me baby is safe.. mummy is not haha...

So Janice.. I am in quite a similar situation.. hubby not in singapore, falling ill, alone with nasty in laws.. I also wanted badly for a boy, and honestly I was disappointed for a couple of days when i knew it was a girl. My dad was so bias towards boys that he had a mistress outside and treated my step brother like a gem.. So we actually have very similar backgrounds.. But dont u think, its precisely the way we were mistreated, that all the more we should NOT be like our lousy parents and all the more we should love our daughters? Being alone now, I talk to baby everyday telling her that we xiang yi wei ming.. and she kicks me back softly to tell me she knows.. Brings tears to my eyes..

Everything happens for a reason, so we should thank god for this gift...

Having kind of soar throat and lost my voice after went to swim last Wednesday. Guess could be the pool water as husband got simiilar symptom.

Last night I can only wisper to my son.. and he kept asking me to speak louder.. and ask me what happen..

So I told him.. I can't speak louder because I lost my voice..

He replied me.. Mammy, I help you to find your voice, okie? so you can speak louder again..

I really laugh till can't stop.. (but without sound).. haha..

px> are you sure yours was contraction but not that baby is stretching? Maybe because your flu make you feel bad.. please do rest well and hope you will recovered soon..

Janice> px was right, as you experience bias through your parent, then you shouldn't continue this idea over your kid.. you want your parent to love you as well as a boy then you should love your daughter as well as a boy too.. I believe you will then be blessed with more..

Janice: good to hear you feel better. Keep it up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when u feel moody listen to muisc will help u calm down

Pinky rose: ytd my gynae told mi baby at 32 weeks will start to have it head down. When by 36 weeks the bb head is not down it will not down for the rest of the week. Then need to do c-sert

chujie> i know everyone says i am nuts.. if they are not contractions i dunno wat they are.. tummy harden for 30 secs.. until rock hard.. super pain i was dying.. then soften.. then harden again.. then soften.. I didnt sleep the whole night.. now on medication for the contractions..

px> I am not saying you are nuts.. I have never been through contraction myself even for my #1 as he was a planned c-sect..

No matter what, I do hope that you will get well soon.. maybe play some soft music for the little one and yourself to hear to relax..

Jazol> thanks thanks..i do let out all my emo here. haha.. i hope i can meet up wif some of e mummies as i feel appreicated for all e attention n advises n listening. heheee..

Lizzie> thanks for ur quotes..full of 'ink'. hehee..

Px2> omg did u see a doctor for ur gastric flu? can take any pills?? gastric flu is quite serious..

we can shake hands for our similar family background. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my bb gal has no response..dun know why.

px > how long will ur hb be at Mumbai?? anyway, must take good care cos now rainy season, viruses will be everywhere..now alone must take good care of urself n baby!

virus is everywhere.. i fell sick abt 3 wks ago thn it spread to everyone at home even my son oso hvg running nose.. so all must take care..

Pillow: Thanks. I'm sure yrs will be a healthy boy if u keep up yr high spirit. *Pat pat*

Zachmummy: Zach just recovered recently, so it takes time to build bk his appetite and eventually put on the pounds again. It's really nice of yr parents to offer to puff up Zach for u. I used to be very particular with what my boy's diet before he turned 1 year old. Subsequently, i let loose coz my HB and MIL always insist to let him try EVERYTHING. So now, this boy of mine eats almost everything, both healthy and unhealthy i.e:p

lizzie/chujie> yeah..making fun of you...hehee.

Jazol> yes i think e virus is back. i stayed at home e whole last weekend and still kena abit of flu. luckily after 1 cup of vit c, my flu is gone. virus r getting stronger n everywhere, gotta be really really careful.

elch my gyn knows i m dying to feel labour pain .. hehehe so he allowing me to try so long bb is not breeched .. hehehe i hope to b able to go thru natural ba.. 1% risk of e wound tearing.. i tink this bb girl might not b as big as my Dylan hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh Jan-ice u got many frenz here so take care k..

PX22 sounds so ke lian *sayang* also..

Cactusnah i still dun let my boy eat rubbish even though my in laws perpetually wants him to.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies to be !

Congrats on your upcoming bundle of joy !

Have you already bought a Diaper Bag for your baby ?

A diaper bag or nappy bag is a storage bag with many pocket-like spaces that is big enough to carry everything needed by someone taking care of a baby while taking a typical short outing.

These bags are not always designed expressly as a diaper bag, as any well-pocketed bag sized in between a child's school backpack and adult pro-camping backpack can be used for the purpose. Some are now being made with rigid handles and wheels so that someone can cart one around, allowing that person to hold the baby more firmly, complete more tasks (like opening a door, paying a cashier, or using a phone), and reduce lower back pain. My Child magazine suggests a brightly colored diaper bag is harder to lose and can help combat the "baby blues".

Diaper bags are generally small enough to fit on or under a stroller or buggy. There have been fashion trends against large bags, as mothers learn to reduce the number of necessities carried

I am a mother of a girl myself too, I was using a normal Naraya bag, until I get so frustrated trying to get my baby diaper and handkerchief out from the bag FAST but failed to do so, because the bag is either too cramped or messy. hence I decide to get a proper diaper bag.

if you are keen to explore a reasonable price diaper bag , pls drop by my BP thread taking in pre-order of famous brands Carter, Stork, Eddie Bauer and Ergobaby Diaper bag. various models from slingbag to shoulder bag to backpack. BP is only for 1 week only from 21-28 March. Shipment will arrive in early Apr.

Link per below :


cactus, me hor love to try new food n really hope zach will too. I dun mind my parents volunteering but that will means me not seeing him for 1 whole mth..i will die of heartache!! Me going BKK for 3 days this Thurs i alr 'bu se de'.. when i went taiwan last year for biz trip..cried all the way on the flight. at night oso cry.. :p

Chujie: Yr boy is so funny with his innocent remark. I was tickled by him too. Hee...

PX: U take gd care of yrself and try to take less oily stuff. Yr hb must be worried sick since he is not with u nw.

Wendy: I'm glad in a way that he is exposed to diff types of food though i always nag at my hb and MIL. Someone has to be nasty here right? Of course his staple food are healthy but he snacks on anything from donuts to yogurt and french fries. But of course he knows his limit, he knows i'll not allow heaty food when he is coughing. But the evil daddy will always try something funny behind my bk and offer him ice-cream and fried stuff when i look away. Two of them will 'bah kak' when i'm away. Just over the wkend, my boy asked his dad to quickly throw the ice cream into his mouth when he saw me walking into the kitchen. I sort of close one eye at times if it's within limit coz my 6 years old nephew who had strict diet rejects many food nw. He doesnt take bread and many other stuff and takes abt 1 hr plus to finish his meals. He is on the skinny side and my sis has to resort to bringing him to see TCM to 'open up' his appetite. Each time my nephew eats any fried food, he'll tend to fall sick easily. My sis is more lenient with her 2nd one and she readily accepts any food. So i see a great difference in both. I guess like what we always say, everything in moderation is fine.

Zachmummy: Hee...u're really attached to yr boy lei. Can really tell hw much u love yr boy, really like yr lover lei. Awww........

And yes, i saw how innovative u're with food and Zach is really one lucky boy. Try to hoax him to try out the food when he is less attentive. At least he gets to taste it before he even rejects anything. Be patient, i'm sure he'll appreciate yr skills eventually.

janice: you may want to try to eat little but break into more meals instead of full meals cos tis way will put on rather fast...i ate slightly more for #1 and i put on alot and very fast too...tis rd i din put on tat much as i am eating only 3 meals and in between snack abit... sometimes hv supper...

does any mummies feel that you hv stomach pain cos i am hvg it today and dun feel good...

zachmummy> another way you can try is to teach them funny way to eat food.. last time my boy don't really like beanspout.. then I teach him he can nibble the long beanspout from the tip to the end.. now he like eating beanspout and I also applied that to other long vegetable and even squid.. (you know.. after cut the squid to round ring.. i cut it open to long strip.. so he will also nibble in.. haha)

cactus> Thanks.. kids at this age really talk funny with their innocent mind.. the other time he ask me a question and I answer him "I have no idea".. but I stretch "idea" to "i-dear" (some accent)..

then he ask me.. "mammy.. why you have no your dear".. lol.. "i" replace by "your"

dear mommies, now i am at my 22weeks.... experiencing lower abdominal pain... I already bed rest for 3 days... but it doesnt seems to help.

my gynae said my ligament over stretched and due to too much activities during the weekend, and leading me to experiencing the worse....

i am experiencing acute pain when i let out gas or poo.... anyone can help? could it be appendicitis


Hubby asks me not to be hero and not try natural birth this time round...


If appendicitis, the pain will always be there, not just during passing gas or poo-ing. I know because I had acute appendicitis when I was 6/7 weeks preggy and had a surgery to remove it.

cactus, u r right.. we are attached to each other! even my parents oso cant stand us at times cos my son really glued to me from day to night.. haha..mabbe cos I took care of him myself since he was born and I latched him all the way till he is 10mth old.. the bond is there lor..

